anna-lupin-black · 4 years
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Yeah Simon, keep telling yourself that.
Full illustrations
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Simon and Penny on the bleachers
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Baz Pitch on the pitch (haha. really funny.)
I actually tried to do background ;-; Also that's my first time drawing Penny (FINALLY), and I enjoyed it so much! (She’s so done with him x))
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anna-lupin-black · 4 years
not to be slutty or anything but i’d listen to your problems and run my fingers through your hair
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anna-lupin-black · 4 years
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Autistic + ADHD gang about foods they hate and foods they love
27K notes · View notes
anna-lupin-black · 4 years
My mom: You know you can tell us anything, right?
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888 notes · View notes
anna-lupin-black · 4 years
my mom says she’s not a hugger. but when i put my arms around her on a gloomy day or after bad news she’s the last to let go. my dad says he doesn’t want gifts on his birthday, but i see the way his face lights up when i get him a card with a nice message and a box full of chocolate anyway. he’s just a kid inside, still. it makes him giddy. my brother never says i love you. but when i tell him “i just need to finish the dishes before i vacuum!” he wordlessly goes to vacuum the entire house before i can, and if he sees me struggle with a wrapper or a jar or a bottle he mutters ‘c’mere’ and opens it for me without even sparing me a glance. the thing is, people love you quietly, and you love them quietly, and the air is buzzing with tiny but grand gestures & once you look for them, you find them everywhere. i think that’s really beautiful.
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anna-lupin-black · 4 years
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anna-lupin-black · 4 years
target audience of less than ten individuals
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anna-lupin-black · 4 years
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Rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman.
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anna-lupin-black · 4 years
The problem with "if you can't find the fanfic you want to read, write it" is that I have a very active imagination and am an avid day dreamer and just thinking about that potential fic is way easier than writing it ever will be.
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anna-lupin-black · 4 years
As a Transman who doesn't plan to fully medically transition and still wears makeup, the occasional dress and doesn't mind she/her pronouns I say absolutely! Be you, if you identify as female, identify as female. Don't let others dictate what that means for you
Is being a trans woman who doesn’t medically transition, keeps their birth name and is still fine with he/him pronouns possible?  If so let a girl know
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anna-lupin-black · 4 years
Imagine marrying someone and he asks you to roleplay but his idea of roleplay is teacher-schoolgirl or librarian-client or some other boring shit? Excuse me sir, you’ve married a CERTIFIED fan fiction reader. We ARE recreating an entire Mafia-AU including a kidnapping, an arraigned marriage, fight to the death, enemies to lovers slow burn >200 000 word script, and I need it acted out FLAWLESSLY. You have unleashed a MONSTER, you good sir, and you have no idea what you’re getting into.
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anna-lupin-black · 4 years
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13K notes · View notes
anna-lupin-black · 4 years
concept: you have a nightmare. instead of spending the night scared, i wake you up and make you hot chocolate. we settle into the couch in front of the tv, your head in my lap, your hand in my hand. halfway into a disney movie, i look over and you're asleep, relaxed, halo of tv light framing your face.
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anna-lupin-black · 4 years
Pros of chubby bf:
- soft
- nice hugs
- thigh pillows??????
Cons of chubby bf:
- none
Pros of skinny bf:
- fit in arms real nice
- your clothes are too big! adorable
Cons of skinny bf:
- none
Pros of muscled bf:
- probably works out and that’s hot
- can pick up! Stronk!
- bicep.
Cons of muscled bf:
- none
Pros of short bf:
- better angle for throat punching facists
- I can give piggyback rides
- can be picked up!
- very good at stealing clothes
Cons of short bf:
- none
Pros of a tall bf:
- can reach things!
- lean down for kisses
- curbstomp facists with ease
- good clothes to steal
Cons of tall bf:
- none
Pros of disabled bf:
- is own independent person
- often has very profound comments and/or a hilarious sense of humour but it’s ignored a lot
- unique lifestyle that works for him and he’s gonna live life to the fullest
- stronger than any damn marine
Cons of disabled bf:
- none
Pros of autistic bf:
- he stims when he’s happy
- tells you about his special interests
- super knowledgable about his favourite topics
Cons of autistic bf:
- none
(mlw nblw and wlw solidarity post here, mlnb nblnb and wlnb solidarity post here)
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anna-lupin-black · 4 years
Unpopular opinion : I fancast Daniel Radcliff as James Potter because Harry and James were supposed to look strikingly alike
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anna-lupin-black · 4 years
I know I don’t write/post Smut on this account, especially not one that doesn’t involve Harry Potter characters, but whilst watching 13 Reasons Why; my love for Tony Padilla has corrupted me
A Rare Exception - Tony Padilla X Female Reader
Tony’s best friend finds herself falling for him. Little does she know his one exception for loving women just so happens to be her.
Written for a friend
Warning: SMUT, F/M Smut, Dom/Sub undertones
A/N: I do not ever agree with LGBT Erasure, but I do also acknowledge that Sexuality is a Spectrum; and there are Gay Men who do fall in love with women, it doesn’t make them any less gay, just as there are straight people who can fall in love with someone of the same gender as them, it doesn’t make them any less straight. This was a request I was given and will not read any hate on the subject. Constructive criticism is always welcome as long is it’s meant with the best intentions.
“[Y/N], get in the car.”
I turn around from talking to my best friend Alex; a boy with blonde hair who’s dark roots are already showing after having bleached it merely a month beforehand. Alex is thin, with deep blue eyes and an easy enough going personality. We’ve been friends since I transfered to Liberty High last fall.
The voice came from my friend, Tony. If I were to say I didn’t find him attractive, I’d be a bigger liar than anyone in this school; and if you know anything about the students in Liberty High, you’d know that was saying something. Tony has beautiful olive toned skin, carmel brown eyes, stylishly messy brown hair, a body of a machanic; because he is one, and tattoos that make him even more interesting than he already is. His eyes show a maturity well beyond our years, and his calm and level head is always welcome in our hot headed friend group.
The downside, he’s gay... and I’m a chick. So, definitely not his type at all.
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“Tony, I’m supposed to go to the gym with Alex and Zach tonight... I told you that earlier when you asked if I had plans today?” I’ve been having a hard time being alone with Tony now that I’ve begun developing feelings for the Latino Machanic who stole my heart with how kind and selfless he is. We used to spend hours in his garage, I’d chat while he worked on cars for his Papá.
“We weren’t go-“ I elbow Alex in the ribs and shoot him a glare that plainly states for him to shut the hell up before I make him. It seems to work perfectly as he sighs and corrects himself by adding, “Oh, right. That was today, I must have forgot, brain damage and all.”
I roll my eyes as I turn back to Tony, “Ignore him, he’s an idiot.”
“Hey,” I shoot Alex another look and he just sighs.
“Where’s Dempsey?” Tony asks, pointedly.
I know my face shows a sudden look of uncertainty as I turn back to Alex, “Yeah... wh-where is Zach?”
Alex very obviously gives me the You Owe Me eyes before explaining, “He’s meeting us there.”
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Tony raises an eyebrow at us, and I think we would have gotten away with our story if Alex’s dad; a man who looks alarmingly like the man who plays Lucifer from that TV Series, Supernatural, hadn’t pulled up rolled the window down and asked, “Ready to go to your follow up with the Doctor, Kid.”
Alex shrugs an apology at me before getting in the front seat saying, “Yeah, Dad.”
“Hey, [Y/N]. Do you need a ride home, its on the way?”
“No, Sir. I’m taking [Y/N] home today.” Tony speaks up. I hadn’t noticed him getting out of his car abd jump at rhe proximity of his voice. He’s now stood right beside me.
Deputy Standall eyes me and Tony for a moment before asking, “You alright, [Y/N]?”
I glance at Tony trying to ignore the heat his body’s giving off before faking a smile for Alex’s dad and saying, “Yeah, Tony’s an old friend of mine, he helped fix my mom’s car when we first got to town. I’m good.”
“If your sure.?”
I nod, “I am, thank you though. Say hello to Mrs. standall for me.”
“Will do.”
When they drive off Tony let’s the silence drag on a minute too long before he speaks up, “So you lied to me?” I look up at him, and my stomach clenches painfully at the obvious look of hurt on his angular face.
“If you don’t want to spend time with me, tell me. Don’t fucking lie about it.” His voice is laced with the anger he keeps very well under wraps most of the time.
“It’s not that, it-“
“Then what is it? Because you’ve been avoiding me. Spending a lot of time with Standall, too.” He pulls a look of disgust before adding, “Unless you’ve been lying about that.”
“No, I really have been spending a lot of time with Alex and Zach at the gym, you can ask Caleb.” I will admit, I’d hoped that bringing up Tony’s boyfriend would soften his expression even if only a little, but it seems to harden his expression even more, his eyes turning icy.
“Caleb and I broke up. You’d have known that if you hadn’t been dodging me all month. Por el amor de Dios.”
“Tony... you know I don’t speak Spanish...”
He shoots me a glare so I close my mouth. “We’re supposed to be friends. I’ve been a good friend.”
“I know... you’ve been a great friend! I just- I’m sorry. About not being around as much. About Caleb... I’m sorry for it all.”
“Great. Fantastic.” He huffs out a breath.
“I’m... free now...” I say, hesitantly.
“What, no imaginary gym sessions anymore? You aren’t going to try and tell me that you and Dempsey are still supposed to meet at the gym?”
I give him an apologetic look and repeat, “I’m sorry I lied, Tony... I really am. “
“Get in the car, we can talk after we go to the diner.”
I give him a questioning look so he shrugs and says, “Primero comemos, luego hacemos todo lo demás.”
“Still don’t speak Spanish.” I mutter as we get into his cherry red mustang.
“First we eat, then we do everything else.” Tony explains, putting his keys into his car and starting it up before shifting his stick into drive and off we go.
“Oh...” I reply, lamely.
Once we finish eating, Tony clasps his hands in front if him and leans forward slightly onto the table between us and says, “So, are you going to tell me what’s been up with you?”
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I bite my lip, not really sure what to tell him.
I’ve fallen for you, but your gay so just ignore me?
I have a crush on you, but know you’d never feel the same, so it’s whatever?
Or how about; I love you, go ahead and run out of my life because I; of course, do not have a penis.
“Just talk to me, [Y/N].”
I shake my head a little, looking down at the pattern in the wood of the table between us, “I can’t...” I admit, softly. I’m not even sure he can hear me.
“Okay, I’ll talk. Do you know why I broke up with Caleb?” I glance at him briefly, seeing an almost vulnerability in his eyes before my sight is back on the very interesting wooden table. I shake my head, my throat becoming too dry to speak.
“It’s because in all my life of liking men. I’ve somehow developed feelings for a girl.”
That surprises me, and I look at him, knowing my eyes are wide as an owls. “Oh...” I respond, softly. My mind reeling.
“Do you want to know who she is?” He asks, pointedly.
I shake my head, “I’m pretty sure I’d rather not...”
“Why is that?” He asks, his tone giving nothing of what’s going on in his mind away.
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I look up at him, and realize I wasn’t imagining the vulnerable look in his eyes, the only sign he is slightly uncomfortable with this conversation.
“I guess I just don’t understand why you aren’t just telling her.”
“Cabrona.” He mutters and I sigh, frustrated.
“Cabrona what? I don’t know her,” I respond, my tone much harsher than I’d intended it to be.
I can’t help but feel the green monster we all know way too well as jealousy, Tony being attracted to someone else. A girl no less. Cabrona... she sounds French. I bet she has a perfect tan; one I’d never be able to manage. She’s probably as thin as a supermodel to top it off, bet she has blue eyes and her black hair that shines like only black hair can.
He smirks, a hint of humor now appearing in those nervous eyes, “Cabrona isn’t a girl’s name. I called you a dumbass. “
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I’m taken a back by that. “What? Why?” I ask, incredulously.
“Because at certain times you are as clueless as Clay.”
I go to respond, but find no response willingly coming to me. Instead I just stare at him, my mouth more open then I’d particularly like it to be. I probably looked like a dumbass at this time if I’m being honest with myself.
“Do I honestly have to spell it out for you?”
“No,” I lie, irritated. He’s treating me like he does Clay. And I do not approve of it.
“It’s you, Mujer Loca.”
“You did not just call me crazy- wait... what did you just say..?” I feel all the color in my body heating up my cheeks as I register more than the word Loca, the Spanish word for crazy; one of the only words I actually can understand.
“It’s you.” He’s looking into my eyes, and I’d assume he was confident and sure of himself as he confesses what he seems to feel the need too; but his eyes give his anxiety away, and it melts my heart.
I wish I could respond. Wish I knew how to respond. But my tongue seems to have tied itself inside of my mouth as my mid fogs over and slows the world around me down.
“It’s your turn.” He states, his calmness shattering slightly with the rush of his words.
“It’s... what..?”
“I told you my secret, now tell me why you’ve been avoiding me.”
“Oh...” is the only word I can manage.
After a minute of heavy silence, he runs his hand through his very perfect hair and says, “[Y/N], you’ve got to say something.”
“Right...” and all of a sudden, his confession catches up with me, and my heart has the audacity to soar inside of my chest, leaving my stomach to be filled with butterflies. A burst of confidence fills me for just enough time for me to be honest, “I’ve developed feelings for my gay best friend... and I never even entertained the possibility of you ever liking me back.”
A breathless smile spreads across his face, lighting his golden eyes up and actually helping him look his age. “You do?” He clarifies.
I nod, my confidence having been spent with my own confession, and now my heart is beating quick enough for me to wonder if having a mutual crush could give you a heart attack.
Tony and I are laying on my couch watching Supernatural on my television, my head is laid comfortably on his chest, listening to his heart beating steadily, my hands in his resting on the blanket covering the both of us.
“Why does Deputy Standall look like-“
“Lucifer? Thank you! I thought I’d be the only one who could see the uncanny resemblance!” I exclaim, turning to look Tony in the eyes... only as I move, I feel Tony tense under me. “Are you okay?” I ask, worriedly. “Did I hurt you? I told you I was too heavy to lay on you!”
He shakes his head, his eyes once again the only thing with any honest expression. Only, I can’t quite read them this time, he has a look in his eyes that have darkened and lightened at the exact same time, leaving a mesmerizing swirl within them. He merely shakes his head, obviously hiding something.
“What..?” I ask, hesitantly.
“Nothing,” he responds far too evenly.
I cock my head to the side, not giving up. “If you need me to get up, I can.” I say, moving to get up, but he pulls me back to him, and it’s this action that allows me to feel something poking my lower back as I’m brought back to lying on top of my boyfriend. “Oh...” I accidentally let out with my realization.
“Hmm?” He says, trying to sound casual, but now I know otherwise.
“Oh, nothing.” I reply, my voice turning sickly sweet as I attempt to hide my smirk. This could be fun.
I give us a few moments, before I pretend to adjust my position to find a more comfortable one, making sure to pointedly rub against his hard on, purposely humming in comfort as I do so. I feel him stiffen once again underneath me, and even feel the slight movement of my hair indicating an outtake of breath being released from him.
“You okay?” I ask, as causally as I can while hiding my smirk.
“I’m fine, yeah.” Tony responds, his voice slightly gruffer than usual, and I have to work at hiding my accomplished giggle.
“Are you sure? You sound a bit... off?” I ask, trying to continue to sound as innocent as I can.
“Just watching the show.” Is his response.
I nod, and wait a few minutes before adjusting again, making sure to wiggle against his bulge a few times as I do so. I hear a soft groan that came right from his chest and I bite my lip to hide the smirk that is becoming increasingly hard to hide.
“Maldita sea, mujer.” He mutters under his breath as he puts his hands firmly on both of my sides, effectively stilling my movements.
“Tony, Love. I can’t understand you when you aren’t speaking English.”
He let’s out what I can only describe as a frustrated sigh, “Never mind.” He grunts.
I move, forcing my face into what I hope is a convincing concerned expression as I turn to face him, again making sure to brush against his hard on. “What’s wrong, Love?”
He eyes me a moment before an undeniable look of understanding appears on his face and I realize the gig is up. “Una tomadura de pelo.” He growls out, making my insides light up in a flame of arousal. As much as I want him to believe that it annoys me when he speaks Spanish; it’s all a lie. It’s honestly one of the more sexy things about him. But I would never let him know what it does to me, I’d never have a moments peace if he knew.
“I still don’t speak Spanish.”
“I called you a tease.” He responds, a fire lighting up behind his darkening brown eyes.
“I personally prefer the term Brat.” I respond with as much confidence as I can muster. We’ve never discussed sexual preferences, and if he isn’t into anything but vanilla, I could be sorry I said anything.
“Is that right?” He asks, darkly.
I feel my confidence dwindle as I can’t read his face, instead of responding I bite my lip and merely nod.
He smirks, and I feel my heart speeding up. “Naughty girl,” I feel my arousal increase at how deep and in control his voice seems to become as though a switch had been flipped. “What should I do with you, huh?”
I feel my ego and confidence build together at how accepting he seems to be, and it’s as though a dark weight had been lifted from me. “You could always fuck me?” I suggest, smirking at him mischieviously.
“Good things come to those who wait,” he replies, a look in his eyes that makes me melt.
“But waiting isn’t fun, ...Sir.” I test out the name hesitantly, but I see him swallow and close his eyes, when he opens them his eyes have turned predetory.
“Primero comemos, luego hacemos todo lo demás.”
I whine, “But I’m not hungry for food, Tony.”
“Well I’m starving,” he responds, a knowing look in his deep eyes. “What time did you say your parents would be home?”
“Not till tomorrow..?” I respond, slowly.
“Good, let’s go to your room.”
I raise an eyebrow, “I thought you were hungry.” I chellenge.
“Oh, I am.” His words are said with conviction. I feel my cheeks heat up as I stand up and lead him up the stairs of my home to my bedroom.
He moves inside, and I’m a little nervous as his eyes take in my bedroom, moving over the band posters litering my walls, photographs I’ve taken from my old home, filled with the smiles of old friends, my family. Some sketches are left on my end table, and as I close my bedroom door behind us he has made his way across the wooden floor to look at the drawing I’ve been working on, as well as the sketches underneath it, the first few sketches of him that I’d given up on for numerous reasons.
He holds the one I’ve deemed worth continueing and says, “This is me.” It wasn’t a question.
I nod, looking at the sketch where I’d managed to capture his eyes and scruff almost perfectly, but am still struggling to perfect his hair correctly.
“It’s really good.”
I shake my head, laughing nervously, “No, I can’t quite get your hair right...”
He places the papers back onto my nightstand and sits on my pillowtop twin bed, bouncing a little as he does.
It’s now that I notice my nervs reflecting in his expressive eyes.
“We don’t have to do anything,” I tell him, gently.
His eyes meet mine, confusion now replacing the nervs. “Do you not want to?”
A small laugh escapes my lips, “How could I not want to?” I exclaim a little more enthusiastically than I’d planned.
“Then why..?”
I bite my lip, my own insecurities filling my head. I want to yell that I’m not a man. That I don’t have the parts he desires. That I am heavier than either of the exes I’ve seen him with. That he is way out of my league and that I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t want to have sex with me.
He pats my bed, “Come, talk to me.”
I move slowly towards my bed and hesitantly sit next to him, and he wraps a muscular arm around me, pulling me to him so that I can rest my head comfortably underneath his chin as he begins rubbing my back soothingly. “What’s wrong?” He asks, kindness and worry obvious in his tone.
“Can I ask you a question... without offending you?” I whisper.
“You can ask me anything,” I feel him place a soft kiss on top of my head.
“Are you sure you want to be with me?”
He pulls me away from him, making sure to look me in the eyes as he responds, “Why wouldn’t I want to be with you?”
“Because your gay...”
A small understanding smile plays across his lips, “I am. But I am also in love with this really kind girl. One who makes my heart skip a beat whenever she looks my way. One who makes me want to be the best version of myself. I have fallen completely in love with you. And that happens sometimes. And I am so honored that you love me as well. And if you want me as much as I want you, I would really enjoy the chance to make love to you.”
I feel how heavy this conversation has gotten, so I quickly try to lighten the mood, “That’s so cheesy.”
He chuckles softly, stooping to peck my lips, “Well I could have said I’d like to fuck your brains out, but I thought that’d ruin the mood.”
My stomach clenches at the huskiness of his voice, and once again his eyes swirl with a mix of darkness and light that has my mind fogging up. “I mean... I’m not apposed to option number two at all,” I tease, glad the mood is back to playfully flirtatious.
“Oh really?” He asks, moving so that I have to lean back into a laying position, as he hovers above me, one if his knees resting inbetween my thighs and the heat from his body wrapping around me.
“Maybe... or maybe you’re still hungry?”
He smirks, and leans down, his facial haur tickling my face as he kisses me deeply.
His lips move against mine quickly, and I respond enthusiastically. At a certain point his pulls my bottom lip between his teeth and bites down, causing a soft moan to leave my lips and give his tongue the chance to start a battle for dominance with my own.
I know I can’t win, and eventually I allow myself to melt into his dominance, earning a growl from his chest as me moves and starts littering kisses down my neck to my ear where he places a hot kiss right underneath it, a small whimper releasing itself from my mouth. I feel him smile against my skin right before he nips and then sucks a love mark into my skin, a moan making itself known from my lips.
He then moves his lips so I can feel his hot breath against my ear before he whispers seductively, “Not much of a tease now, Mi Amor.”
I feel my arousal increase at his words, but can’t let him win so easily. I bring my my hand down his back, move around his waist tracing his perfeft V-Line to his happy trail and then palm his impressive bulge over his jeans. I feel his hips flex and him twitch underneath my palm.
I only get the satisfaction for a moment before he bites my earlobe and as my eyes involuntarily close he grabs both my wrists in one of his hands and pulls them above my head. As I open my eyes in mild shock, I’m met with those mesmerizing eyes as he tuts at me, “I told you earlier, good things happen to those who wait.” He moves the knee between my legs so that it presses and rubs against my clothed pussy and my head falls back onto my pillows, the slight friction against my needing cunt isn’t enough, I need more. And he knows it.
“Eyes on me, Mi Amor.” I allow my eyes to flutter open as he lets my wrists free and sits up, and without breaking eye contact he unbuttons his shirt slowly, showing me the inked skin on his chest, one button at a time. I watch, breathless as he removes the shirt from his shoulders and allows me to admire his bare and muscular torso, from his prominant pecks, down to his V-Line, and then to the mouth watering happy trail that leads into to his jeans.
“May I?” He asks, gently, tugging at the end of my own top, and I nod my head; only to have him shake his, “I’m going to have to hear you say it, [Y/N].”
“Please, Tony.” I beg, softly; assuming that’s what he’s looking for.
He leans forward and gives me another mind blowing kiss, one that has me dizzy when he pulls away before repeating, “I need you to tell me that I can take off your shirt.”
I nod, “You can take my shirt off. You can take everything off.” My words sound rushed and breathy to my ears.
He smiles before his face returns to the stoic look of a man in control as he helps me sit up so he can pull my t-shirt over my head; exposing my cream colored bra underneath. I should have warn my nice black one. I would have if I were prepared for this to have happened.
“Can I?” He asks again, as one of his callased hands run along my brastrap.
“Yes.” I breathe, and he follows the string to my back, meeting his other hand at the clasp.
He starts pulling on it, but it isn’t long before I hear him mutter, “Mierda.” Under his breath.
“Can I help?” I ask, biting my lip as I take in his look of utter consintration. After a moment he sighs, and nods.
I smile and move my hands behind my back to unclasp my bra for him. He takes over gently pulling each strap down my arms individually. And once my chest is exposed to him; I hold my breath, closing my eyes. I don’t want to see his expression as the reality of my femininity is revealed to him.
“Hermosa.” It’s whispered, and like most of his Spanish vocab, I don’t understand the word; but I do hear the admiration in his voice and it allows me to relax again.
His hands softly, almost hesitantly lay themselves on my breasts. I sigh out softly. That’s when he pinches my nipples, and I can’t help the pleasured gasp from escaping my lips. And then I feel it, his mouth wrap itself around my left nipple, and suck, his tongue running over it. Another moan escapes without my permission.
He pleasures my breast with his mouth and then releases it, blowing cold air onto the wet nipple. He then switches to my right, giving it the same treatment.
Once he’s finished his intoxicating treatment of my breasts, he begins to leave a trail of kisses down my stomach, causing me to squirm underneath him, needing him to move faster, willing him to remove my jeans quicker.
“If you don’t stop moving, I’ll start over.” His growl has my breath hitching, as does the nip to my hip bone. “Do you understand?” I nod, quickly. “Use your words.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes I understand.”
He stops his decent, and I whine. “There’s still one word missing from that sentence, Mi Amor.”
My breath hitches with a new wave of arousal. “Yes I understand, Sir.” I breathe out.
“Good girl, now keep still.” I nod, and he moves his lips to the opposite hip bone, mapping out his path with wet open mouthed kisses, taking his time to occasionally nip, or suck as he sees fit.
When he reaches the middle of my stomach he stops again and I whine, “I haven’t moved.”
“I know, your being so good for me. Now, can I take your jeans off?”
“Yes, please.” I beg.
He pops the button and even takes the time to unzip my pants. He taps my hip to have me raise my ass so he can pull my pants down without resistance. I listen immediately, letting him leak the skin tight jeans down my legs and I hear him throw them down somewhere in my room. My eyes are still closed as I allow him to undress me.
He tugs on my panties, asking once more, “Can I?”
“Please, please take them off.” I beg, desperately. I need him. I need him now.
He pulls them down at such a torturous speed that I have half a mine to rip them off myself.
Finally he has me completely undressed and I hear another zipper, when I open my eyes I see him peeling his own pants off, leaving him in black Calvin Klines.
He looks up at me, his eyes showing slight uncertainty as he speaks this time, “I’ve never... with a girl. I’ll need a little, direction.”
I smile at him, trying to keep my voice even as I ask, “Well what exactly do you have planned?”
He smirks before stating, “Well I’d like to get you off before actually fucking you. Get you nice and wet for me. Maybe even make you beg for me before I give you what you really want.”
It takes me a second to compose myself again, his words causing my thoughts to swarm. “Uh... well... if you’d just, uh... fuck.” I swear, before taking a deep breath. “My clit. Please rub my clit, Sir.” I beg, finding the words I’m searching for.
He nods, and his thumb comes into contact with my bundle of nerves before he creates a teasing pattern of rubbing figure eights onto my nerves, then as I’m just getting to the edge, slowing down and rubbing nice long circles around it.
After the fourth build up I huff out a disappointed groan into my left arm that I have draped over my face.
I hear his dark chuckle, “It isn’t so nice to be teased, is it?” I bite my lip once more, understanding his games.
A loud shocked moan leaves my lips as one of his long fingers are inserted inside of me and pulled out in a slow drag, before being plunged back in. “Use your words.” He demands.
“No. No it’s not.” I gasp out, another moan ripping itself out of me as he adds another finger to the mix, this one has his cold ring on his, and I can just barely feel it with every insertion. The feeling mixed with his thumb still rubbing figure eights against my clit has me gasping in between moans.
As I feel my orgasm building this time, my thighs begin to shake. “Hold it.” He demands, his voice like honey.
I shake my head, “I can’t.” I gasp out.
���You can and you will. 5.” My body begs for release as he continues his actions. “4.” The cold brush of his ring hits my clit just briefly. “3.” His figure eights quicken slightly. “2.” The tip of his middle finger brushes against my g-spot unexpectedly and I have to bite my knuckle to keep from screaming out. Every part of my concentration is being used not to let myself fall over the edge. “Come for me, Mi Amor.” His permission sets off my release, and I feel the tingles inside of me exploding around his fingers, pulsing around him as pleasure spreads throughout my body.
He continues as I come down from my high before pulling his fingers out and wiping them on his boxers.
He looks at me, and I can see the pride that he’s trying to hide shining through as he pulls off his boxers.
I swallow as I take in the sight of his generous size in all it’s thick and veiny glory.
He moves, so he’s once again hovering over me, placing a kiss to my lips that has me wanting more.
When he pulls away, he has me meet his eyes as he says, “May I?”
I nod, “Please. Please, Tony.”
He braces his weight in his left hand as he uses his right to position himself before slowly sinking into my heat, a moan falling from my lips as he pulls back.
When he sinks in again, his pace picks up, an amazing push and pull rhythm is found, and soon I’m moving my hips to meet him thrust for thrust, his groans of pleasure right next to my ear sounds like the best form of music I’ve ever heard. My moans filling the air just as freely.
Our bodies move like one as we build to our release. He moves his right hand back down and begins rubbing my clit once again, my hands grasping onto his shoulders for dear life.
“Eso es. Al igual que esa bebe.” His words fill my mind and bring me spiraling towards my release, even without understanding them. “Mierda. Si eso es. Eso es perfecto, Mi Amor.”
“I’m so close...” I gasp out mid moan.
“Cum for me. Vamos, Mi Amor. Let go for me.”
My body releases with an overwhelming euphoria. My eyes closing tight as I pulse around him. Waves of pleasure crashing around me.
After a moment, I feel him still above me, and a deep primal groan breaks its way out of his mouth before he buries his face into the crook of my neck, nibbling at the tender skin there.
After a moment, he rolls off of me, pulling me to his chest to bathe in the afterglow.
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anna-lupin-black · 5 years
Remus’ Schedule
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Based on The Grinch Who Stole Christmas 
((OOC: i had so much fun making this one))
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