#tony padilla one shot
anna-lupin-black · 5 years
I know I don’t write/post Smut on this account, especially not one that doesn’t involve Harry Potter characters, but whilst watching 13 Reasons Why; my love for Tony Padilla has corrupted me
A Rare Exception - Tony Padilla X Female Reader
Tony’s best friend finds herself falling for him. Little does she know his one exception for loving women just so happens to be her.
Written for a friend
Warning: SMUT, F/M Smut, Dom/Sub undertones
A/N: I do not ever agree with LGBT Erasure, but I do also acknowledge that Sexuality is a Spectrum; and there are Gay Men who do fall in love with women, it doesn’t make them any less gay, just as there are straight people who can fall in love with someone of the same gender as them, it doesn’t make them any less straight. This was a request I was given and will not read any hate on the subject. Constructive criticism is always welcome as long is it’s meant with the best intentions.
“[Y/N], get in the car.”
I turn around from talking to my best friend Alex; a boy with blonde hair who’s dark roots are already showing after having bleached it merely a month beforehand. Alex is thin, with deep blue eyes and an easy enough going personality. We’ve been friends since I transfered to Liberty High last fall.
The voice came from my friend, Tony. If I were to say I didn’t find him attractive, I’d be a bigger liar than anyone in this school; and if you know anything about the students in Liberty High, you’d know that was saying something. Tony has beautiful olive toned skin, carmel brown eyes, stylishly messy brown hair, a body of a machanic; because he is one, and tattoos that make him even more interesting than he already is. His eyes show a maturity well beyond our years, and his calm and level head is always welcome in our hot headed friend group.
The downside, he’s gay... and I’m a chick. So, definitely not his type at all.
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“Tony, I’m supposed to go to the gym with Alex and Zach tonight... I told you that earlier when you asked if I had plans today?” I’ve been having a hard time being alone with Tony now that I’ve begun developing feelings for the Latino Machanic who stole my heart with how kind and selfless he is. We used to spend hours in his garage, I’d chat while he worked on cars for his Papá.
“We weren’t go-“ I elbow Alex in the ribs and shoot him a glare that plainly states for him to shut the hell up before I make him. It seems to work perfectly as he sighs and corrects himself by adding, “Oh, right. That was today, I must have forgot, brain damage and all.”
I roll my eyes as I turn back to Tony, “Ignore him, he’s an idiot.”
“Hey,” I shoot Alex another look and he just sighs.
“Where’s Dempsey?” Tony asks, pointedly.
I know my face shows a sudden look of uncertainty as I turn back to Alex, “Yeah... wh-where is Zach?”
Alex very obviously gives me the You Owe Me eyes before explaining, “He’s meeting us there.”
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Tony raises an eyebrow at us, and I think we would have gotten away with our story if Alex’s dad; a man who looks alarmingly like the man who plays Lucifer from that TV Series, Supernatural, hadn’t pulled up rolled the window down and asked, “Ready to go to your follow up with the Doctor, Kid.”
Alex shrugs an apology at me before getting in the front seat saying, “Yeah, Dad.”
“Hey, [Y/N]. Do you need a ride home, its on the way?”
“No, Sir. I’m taking [Y/N] home today.” Tony speaks up. I hadn’t noticed him getting out of his car abd jump at rhe proximity of his voice. He’s now stood right beside me.
Deputy Standall eyes me and Tony for a moment before asking, “You alright, [Y/N]?”
I glance at Tony trying to ignore the heat his body’s giving off before faking a smile for Alex’s dad and saying, “Yeah, Tony’s an old friend of mine, he helped fix my mom’s car when we first got to town. I’m good.”
“If your sure.?”
I nod, “I am, thank you though. Say hello to Mrs. standall for me.”
“Will do.”
When they drive off Tony let’s the silence drag on a minute too long before he speaks up, “So you lied to me?” I look up at him, and my stomach clenches painfully at the obvious look of hurt on his angular face.
“If you don’t want to spend time with me, tell me. Don’t fucking lie about it.” His voice is laced with the anger he keeps very well under wraps most of the time.
“It’s not that, it-“
“Then what is it? Because you’ve been avoiding me. Spending a lot of time with Standall, too.” He pulls a look of disgust before adding, “Unless you’ve been lying about that.”
“No, I really have been spending a lot of time with Alex and Zach at the gym, you can ask Caleb.” I will admit, I’d hoped that bringing up Tony’s boyfriend would soften his expression even if only a little, but it seems to harden his expression even more, his eyes turning icy.
“Caleb and I broke up. You’d have known that if you hadn’t been dodging me all month. Por el amor de Dios.”
“Tony... you know I don’t speak Spanish...”
He shoots me a glare so I close my mouth. “We’re supposed to be friends. I’ve been a good friend.”
“I know... you’ve been a great friend! I just- I’m sorry. About not being around as much. About Caleb... I’m sorry for it all.”
“Great. Fantastic.” He huffs out a breath.
“I’m... free now...” I say, hesitantly.
“What, no imaginary gym sessions anymore? You aren’t going to try and tell me that you and Dempsey are still supposed to meet at the gym?”
I give him an apologetic look and repeat, “I’m sorry I lied, Tony... I really am. “
“Get in the car, we can talk after we go to the diner.”
I give him a questioning look so he shrugs and says, “Primero comemos, luego hacemos todo lo demás.”
“Still don’t speak Spanish.” I mutter as we get into his cherry red mustang.
“First we eat, then we do everything else.” Tony explains, putting his keys into his car and starting it up before shifting his stick into drive and off we go.
“Oh...” I reply, lamely.
Once we finish eating, Tony clasps his hands in front if him and leans forward slightly onto the table between us and says, “So, are you going to tell me what’s been up with you?”
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I bite my lip, not really sure what to tell him.
I’ve fallen for you, but your gay so just ignore me?
I have a crush on you, but know you’d never feel the same, so it’s whatever?
Or how about; I love you, go ahead and run out of my life because I; of course, do not have a penis.
“Just talk to me, [Y/N].”
I shake my head a little, looking down at the pattern in the wood of the table between us, “I can’t...” I admit, softly. I’m not even sure he can hear me.
“Okay, I’ll talk. Do you know why I broke up with Caleb?” I glance at him briefly, seeing an almost vulnerability in his eyes before my sight is back on the very interesting wooden table. I shake my head, my throat becoming too dry to speak.
“It’s because in all my life of liking men. I’ve somehow developed feelings for a girl.”
That surprises me, and I look at him, knowing my eyes are wide as an owls. “Oh...” I respond, softly. My mind reeling.
“Do you want to know who she is?” He asks, pointedly.
I shake my head, “I’m pretty sure I’d rather not...”
“Why is that?” He asks, his tone giving nothing of what’s going on in his mind away.
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I look up at him, and realize I wasn’t imagining the vulnerable look in his eyes, the only sign he is slightly uncomfortable with this conversation.
“I guess I just don’t understand why you aren’t just telling her.”
“Cabrona.” He mutters and I sigh, frustrated.
“Cabrona what? I don’t know her,” I respond, my tone much harsher than I’d intended it to be.
I can’t help but feel the green monster we all know way too well as jealousy, Tony being attracted to someone else. A girl no less. Cabrona... she sounds French. I bet she has a perfect tan; one I’d never be able to manage. She’s probably as thin as a supermodel to top it off, bet she has blue eyes and her black hair that shines like only black hair can.
He smirks, a hint of humor now appearing in those nervous eyes, “Cabrona isn’t a girl’s name. I called you a dumbass. “
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I’m taken a back by that. “What? Why?” I ask, incredulously.
“Because at certain times you are as clueless as Clay.”
I go to respond, but find no response willingly coming to me. Instead I just stare at him, my mouth more open then I’d particularly like it to be. I probably looked like a dumbass at this time if I’m being honest with myself.
“Do I honestly have to spell it out for you?”
“No,” I lie, irritated. He’s treating me like he does Clay. And I do not approve of it.
“It’s you, Mujer Loca.”
“You did not just call me crazy- wait... what did you just say..?” I feel all the color in my body heating up my cheeks as I register more than the word Loca, the Spanish word for crazy; one of the only words I actually can understand.
“It’s you.” He’s looking into my eyes, and I’d assume he was confident and sure of himself as he confesses what he seems to feel the need too; but his eyes give his anxiety away, and it melts my heart.
I wish I could respond. Wish I knew how to respond. But my tongue seems to have tied itself inside of my mouth as my mid fogs over and slows the world around me down.
“It’s your turn.” He states, his calmness shattering slightly with the rush of his words.
“It’s... what..?”
“I told you my secret, now tell me why you’ve been avoiding me.”
“Oh...” is the only word I can manage.
After a minute of heavy silence, he runs his hand through his very perfect hair and says, “[Y/N], you’ve got to say something.”
“Right...” and all of a sudden, his confession catches up with me, and my heart has the audacity to soar inside of my chest, leaving my stomach to be filled with butterflies. A burst of confidence fills me for just enough time for me to be honest, “I’ve developed feelings for my gay best friend... and I never even entertained the possibility of you ever liking me back.”
A breathless smile spreads across his face, lighting his golden eyes up and actually helping him look his age. “You do?” He clarifies.
I nod, my confidence having been spent with my own confession, and now my heart is beating quick enough for me to wonder if having a mutual crush could give you a heart attack.
Tony and I are laying on my couch watching Supernatural on my television, my head is laid comfortably on his chest, listening to his heart beating steadily, my hands in his resting on the blanket covering the both of us.
“Why does Deputy Standall look like-“
“Lucifer? Thank you! I thought I’d be the only one who could see the uncanny resemblance!” I exclaim, turning to look Tony in the eyes... only as I move, I feel Tony tense under me. “Are you okay?” I ask, worriedly. “Did I hurt you? I told you I was too heavy to lay on you!”
He shakes his head, his eyes once again the only thing with any honest expression. Only, I can’t quite read them this time, he has a look in his eyes that have darkened and lightened at the exact same time, leaving a mesmerizing swirl within them. He merely shakes his head, obviously hiding something.
“What..?” I ask, hesitantly.
“Nothing,” he responds far too evenly.
I cock my head to the side, not giving up. “If you need me to get up, I can.” I say, moving to get up, but he pulls me back to him, and it’s this action that allows me to feel something poking my lower back as I’m brought back to lying on top of my boyfriend. “Oh...” I accidentally let out with my realization.
“Hmm?” He says, trying to sound casual, but now I know otherwise.
“Oh, nothing.” I reply, my voice turning sickly sweet as I attempt to hide my smirk. This could be fun.
I give us a few moments, before I pretend to adjust my position to find a more comfortable one, making sure to pointedly rub against his hard on, purposely humming in comfort as I do so. I feel him stiffen once again underneath me, and even feel the slight movement of my hair indicating an outtake of breath being released from him.
“You okay?” I ask, as causally as I can while hiding my smirk.
“I’m fine, yeah.” Tony responds, his voice slightly gruffer than usual, and I have to work at hiding my accomplished giggle.
“Are you sure? You sound a bit... off?” I ask, trying to continue to sound as innocent as I can.
“Just watching the show.” Is his response.
I nod, and wait a few minutes before adjusting again, making sure to wiggle against his bulge a few times as I do so. I hear a soft groan that came right from his chest and I bite my lip to hide the smirk that is becoming increasingly hard to hide.
“Maldita sea, mujer.” He mutters under his breath as he puts his hands firmly on both of my sides, effectively stilling my movements.
“Tony, Love. I can’t understand you when you aren’t speaking English.”
He let’s out what I can only describe as a frustrated sigh, “Never mind.” He grunts.
I move, forcing my face into what I hope is a convincing concerned expression as I turn to face him, again making sure to brush against his hard on. “What’s wrong, Love?”
He eyes me a moment before an undeniable look of understanding appears on his face and I realize the gig is up. “Una tomadura de pelo.” He growls out, making my insides light up in a flame of arousal. As much as I want him to believe that it annoys me when he speaks Spanish; it’s all a lie. It’s honestly one of the more sexy things about him. But I would never let him know what it does to me, I’d never have a moments peace if he knew.
“I still don’t speak Spanish.”
“I called you a tease.” He responds, a fire lighting up behind his darkening brown eyes.
“I personally prefer the term Brat.” I respond with as much confidence as I can muster. We’ve never discussed sexual preferences, and if he isn’t into anything but vanilla, I could be sorry I said anything.
“Is that right?” He asks, darkly.
I feel my confidence dwindle as I can’t read his face, instead of responding I bite my lip and merely nod.
He smirks, and I feel my heart speeding up. “Naughty girl,” I feel my arousal increase at how deep and in control his voice seems to become as though a switch had been flipped. “What should I do with you, huh?”
I feel my ego and confidence build together at how accepting he seems to be, and it’s as though a dark weight had been lifted from me. “You could always fuck me?” I suggest, smirking at him mischieviously.
“Good things come to those who wait,” he replies, a look in his eyes that makes me melt.
“But waiting isn’t fun, ...Sir.” I test out the name hesitantly, but I see him swallow and close his eyes, when he opens them his eyes have turned predetory.
“Primero comemos, luego hacemos todo lo demás.”
I whine, “But I’m not hungry for food, Tony.”
“Well I’m starving,” he responds, a knowing look in his deep eyes. “What time did you say your parents would be home?”
“Not till tomorrow..?” I respond, slowly.
“Good, let’s go to your room.”
I raise an eyebrow, “I thought you were hungry.” I chellenge.
“Oh, I am.” His words are said with conviction. I feel my cheeks heat up as I stand up and lead him up the stairs of my home to my bedroom.
He moves inside, and I’m a little nervous as his eyes take in my bedroom, moving over the band posters litering my walls, photographs I’ve taken from my old home, filled with the smiles of old friends, my family. Some sketches are left on my end table, and as I close my bedroom door behind us he has made his way across the wooden floor to look at the drawing I’ve been working on, as well as the sketches underneath it, the first few sketches of him that I’d given up on for numerous reasons.
He holds the one I’ve deemed worth continueing and says, “This is me.” It wasn’t a question.
I nod, looking at the sketch where I’d managed to capture his eyes and scruff almost perfectly, but am still struggling to perfect his hair correctly.
“It’s really good.”
I shake my head, laughing nervously, “No, I can’t quite get your hair right...”
He places the papers back onto my nightstand and sits on my pillowtop twin bed, bouncing a little as he does.
It’s now that I notice my nervs reflecting in his expressive eyes.
“We don’t have to do anything,” I tell him, gently.
His eyes meet mine, confusion now replacing the nervs. “Do you not want to?”
A small laugh escapes my lips, “How could I not want to?” I exclaim a little more enthusiastically than I’d planned.
“Then why..?”
I bite my lip, my own insecurities filling my head. I want to yell that I’m not a man. That I don’t have the parts he desires. That I am heavier than either of the exes I’ve seen him with. That he is way out of my league and that I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t want to have sex with me.
He pats my bed, “Come, talk to me.”
I move slowly towards my bed and hesitantly sit next to him, and he wraps a muscular arm around me, pulling me to him so that I can rest my head comfortably underneath his chin as he begins rubbing my back soothingly. “What’s wrong?” He asks, kindness and worry obvious in his tone.
“Can I ask you a question... without offending you?” I whisper.
“You can ask me anything,” I feel him place a soft kiss on top of my head.
“Are you sure you want to be with me?”
He pulls me away from him, making sure to look me in the eyes as he responds, “Why wouldn’t I want to be with you?”
“Because your gay...”
A small understanding smile plays across his lips, “I am. But I am also in love with this really kind girl. One who makes my heart skip a beat whenever she looks my way. One who makes me want to be the best version of myself. I have fallen completely in love with you. And that happens sometimes. And I am so honored that you love me as well. And if you want me as much as I want you, I would really enjoy the chance to make love to you.”
I feel how heavy this conversation has gotten, so I quickly try to lighten the mood, “That’s so cheesy.”
He chuckles softly, stooping to peck my lips, “Well I could have said I’d like to fuck your brains out, but I thought that’d ruin the mood.”
My stomach clenches at the huskiness of his voice, and once again his eyes swirl with a mix of darkness and light that has my mind fogging up. “I mean... I’m not apposed to option number two at all,” I tease, glad the mood is back to playfully flirtatious.
“Oh really?” He asks, moving so that I have to lean back into a laying position, as he hovers above me, one if his knees resting inbetween my thighs and the heat from his body wrapping around me.
“Maybe... or maybe you’re still hungry?”
He smirks, and leans down, his facial haur tickling my face as he kisses me deeply.
His lips move against mine quickly, and I respond enthusiastically. At a certain point his pulls my bottom lip between his teeth and bites down, causing a soft moan to leave my lips and give his tongue the chance to start a battle for dominance with my own.
I know I can’t win, and eventually I allow myself to melt into his dominance, earning a growl from his chest as me moves and starts littering kisses down my neck to my ear where he places a hot kiss right underneath it, a small whimper releasing itself from my mouth. I feel him smile against my skin right before he nips and then sucks a love mark into my skin, a moan making itself known from my lips.
He then moves his lips so I can feel his hot breath against my ear before he whispers seductively, “Not much of a tease now, Mi Amor.”
I feel my arousal increase at his words, but can’t let him win so easily. I bring my my hand down his back, move around his waist tracing his perfeft V-Line to his happy trail and then palm his impressive bulge over his jeans. I feel his hips flex and him twitch underneath my palm.
I only get the satisfaction for a moment before he bites my earlobe and as my eyes involuntarily close he grabs both my wrists in one of his hands and pulls them above my head. As I open my eyes in mild shock, I’m met with those mesmerizing eyes as he tuts at me, “I told you earlier, good things happen to those who wait.” He moves the knee between my legs so that it presses and rubs against my clothed pussy and my head falls back onto my pillows, the slight friction against my needing cunt isn’t enough, I need more. And he knows it.
“Eyes on me, Mi Amor.” I allow my eyes to flutter open as he lets my wrists free and sits up, and without breaking eye contact he unbuttons his shirt slowly, showing me the inked skin on his chest, one button at a time. I watch, breathless as he removes the shirt from his shoulders and allows me to admire his bare and muscular torso, from his prominant pecks, down to his V-Line, and then to the mouth watering happy trail that leads into to his jeans.
“May I?” He asks, gently, tugging at the end of my own top, and I nod my head; only to have him shake his, “I’m going to have to hear you say it, [Y/N].”
“Please, Tony.” I beg, softly; assuming that’s what he’s looking for.
He leans forward and gives me another mind blowing kiss, one that has me dizzy when he pulls away before repeating, “I need you to tell me that I can take off your shirt.”
I nod, “You can take my shirt off. You can take everything off.” My words sound rushed and breathy to my ears.
He smiles before his face returns to the stoic look of a man in control as he helps me sit up so he can pull my t-shirt over my head; exposing my cream colored bra underneath. I should have warn my nice black one. I would have if I were prepared for this to have happened.
“Can I?” He asks again, as one of his callased hands run along my brastrap.
“Yes.” I breathe, and he follows the string to my back, meeting his other hand at the clasp.
He starts pulling on it, but it isn’t long before I hear him mutter, “Mierda.” Under his breath.
“Can I help?” I ask, biting my lip as I take in his look of utter consintration. After a moment he sighs, and nods.
I smile and move my hands behind my back to unclasp my bra for him. He takes over gently pulling each strap down my arms individually. And once my chest is exposed to him; I hold my breath, closing my eyes. I don’t want to see his expression as the reality of my femininity is revealed to him.
“Hermosa.” It’s whispered, and like most of his Spanish vocab, I don’t understand the word; but I do hear the admiration in his voice and it allows me to relax again.
His hands softly, almost hesitantly lay themselves on my breasts. I sigh out softly. That’s when he pinches my nipples, and I can’t help the pleasured gasp from escaping my lips. And then I feel it, his mouth wrap itself around my left nipple, and suck, his tongue running over it. Another moan escapes without my permission.
He pleasures my breast with his mouth and then releases it, blowing cold air onto the wet nipple. He then switches to my right, giving it the same treatment.
Once he’s finished his intoxicating treatment of my breasts, he begins to leave a trail of kisses down my stomach, causing me to squirm underneath him, needing him to move faster, willing him to remove my jeans quicker.
“If you don’t stop moving, I’ll start over.” His growl has my breath hitching, as does the nip to my hip bone. “Do you understand?” I nod, quickly. “Use your words.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes I understand.”
He stops his decent, and I whine. “There’s still one word missing from that sentence, Mi Amor.”
My breath hitches with a new wave of arousal. “Yes I understand, Sir.” I breathe out.
“Good girl, now keep still.” I nod, and he moves his lips to the opposite hip bone, mapping out his path with wet open mouthed kisses, taking his time to occasionally nip, or suck as he sees fit.
When he reaches the middle of my stomach he stops again and I whine, “I haven’t moved.”
“I know, your being so good for me. Now, can I take your jeans off?”
“Yes, please.” I beg.
He pops the button and even takes the time to unzip my pants. He taps my hip to have me raise my ass so he can pull my pants down without resistance. I listen immediately, letting him leak the skin tight jeans down my legs and I hear him throw them down somewhere in my room. My eyes are still closed as I allow him to undress me.
He tugs on my panties, asking once more, “Can I?”
“Please, please take them off.” I beg, desperately. I need him. I need him now.
He pulls them down at such a torturous speed that I have half a mine to rip them off myself.
Finally he has me completely undressed and I hear another zipper, when I open my eyes I see him peeling his own pants off, leaving him in black Calvin Klines.
He looks up at me, his eyes showing slight uncertainty as he speaks this time, “I’ve never... with a girl. I’ll need a little, direction.”
I smile at him, trying to keep my voice even as I ask, “Well what exactly do you have planned?”
He smirks before stating, “Well I’d like to get you off before actually fucking you. Get you nice and wet for me. Maybe even make you beg for me before I give you what you really want.”
It takes me a second to compose myself again, his words causing my thoughts to swarm. “Uh... well... if you’d just, uh... fuck.” I swear, before taking a deep breath. “My clit. Please rub my clit, Sir.” I beg, finding the words I’m searching for.
He nods, and his thumb comes into contact with my bundle of nerves before he creates a teasing pattern of rubbing figure eights onto my nerves, then as I’m just getting to the edge, slowing down and rubbing nice long circles around it.
After the fourth build up I huff out a disappointed groan into my left arm that I have draped over my face.
I hear his dark chuckle, “It isn’t so nice to be teased, is it?” I bite my lip once more, understanding his games.
A loud shocked moan leaves my lips as one of his long fingers are inserted inside of me and pulled out in a slow drag, before being plunged back in. “Use your words.” He demands.
“No. No it’s not.” I gasp out, another moan ripping itself out of me as he adds another finger to the mix, this one has his cold ring on his, and I can just barely feel it with every insertion. The feeling mixed with his thumb still rubbing figure eights against my clit has me gasping in between moans.
As I feel my orgasm building this time, my thighs begin to shake. “Hold it.” He demands, his voice like honey.
I shake my head, “I can’t.” I gasp out.
“You can and you will. 5.” My body begs for release as he continues his actions. “4.” The cold brush of his ring hits my clit just briefly. “3.” His figure eights quicken slightly. “2.” The tip of his middle finger brushes against my g-spot unexpectedly and I have to bite my knuckle to keep from screaming out. Every part of my concentration is being used not to let myself fall over the edge. “Come for me, Mi Amor.” His permission sets off my release, and I feel the tingles inside of me exploding around his fingers, pulsing around him as pleasure spreads throughout my body.
He continues as I come down from my high before pulling his fingers out and wiping them on his boxers.
He looks at me, and I can see the pride that he’s trying to hide shining through as he pulls off his boxers.
I swallow as I take in the sight of his generous size in all it’s thick and veiny glory.
He moves, so he’s once again hovering over me, placing a kiss to my lips that has me wanting more.
When he pulls away, he has me meet his eyes as he says, “May I?”
I nod, “Please. Please, Tony.”
He braces his weight in his left hand as he uses his right to position himself before slowly sinking into my heat, a moan falling from my lips as he pulls back.
When he sinks in again, his pace picks up, an amazing push and pull rhythm is found, and soon I’m moving my hips to meet him thrust for thrust, his groans of pleasure right next to my ear sounds like the best form of music I’ve ever heard. My moans filling the air just as freely.
Our bodies move like one as we build to our release. He moves his right hand back down and begins rubbing my clit once again, my hands grasping onto his shoulders for dear life.
“Eso es. Al igual que esa bebe.” His words fill my mind and bring me spiraling towards my release, even without understanding them. “Mierda. Si eso es. Eso es perfecto, Mi Amor.”
“I’m so close...” I gasp out mid moan.
“Cum for me. Vamos, Mi Amor. Let go for me.”
My body releases with an overwhelming euphoria. My eyes closing tight as I pulse around him. Waves of pleasure crashing around me.
After a moment, I feel him still above me, and a deep primal groan breaks its way out of his mouth before he buries his face into the crook of my neck, nibbling at the tender skin there.
After a moment, he rolls off of me, pulling me to his chest to bathe in the afterglow.
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imaginefan · 4 years
Your Rock
Tony Padilla X Reader!Platonic
Word Count: 743
Requested: Anon
Request: Going through a lot and Tony is your best friend and he helps you through everything in your tough times. You then find out he too is going through a rough time and are there for him but he doesn’t want you to worry about him. Reader doesn’t listen and stays by his side and helps him figure out everything with his family. (13 Reasons why one shot ) .
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You and Tony had been friends since you were kids, you weren't often seen together in school but outside of school you were almost never seen apart, he drove you to school and took you home. You would often bring him food and listen to him talk for hours about anything that was happening. Recently though you'd been going through some pretty harsh family issues yourself and you just seemed to drop fo the face of the earth, it was then that Tony decided that he needed to make sure that you were okay.
When the knock on your bedroom door sounded you frowned, everyone was supposed to be at school, who could be looking for you at this time, you got up and opened the door, your eyes widened when you saw Tony "What are you doing here?" You asked. "You've been a little different lately." He answered. "I just wanted to make sure that you were okay." He answered. "It looks like your not." He said softly as he stepped into the room and closed the door. "What's happening?" "It's nothing just some family stuff." You answered. "My parents are in a bad place is all." "They're arguing?" He asked. "A lot." You nodded. "I'm scared Tony, what if they break up then what?" "Then we'll work something out I promise you that." He smiled as he walked over to sit on the bed next to you. "This isn't your problem to fix," You said softly and he smiled. "You are my friend and I'll help you in any way that I can." He promised, he never broke that promise either whenever something happened he was there he was your rock and when your family was torn apart, you were left to choose which parent you wanted to stay with and that was your mother who decided to stay in California. Tony stuck with you for the whole thing and made sure that you never felt like you were alone.
It was a couple of years later when you were back on your feet and back to being your usual self you realised that was something going on with Tony, you went round to Tony's, you knocked on the door and waited Tony was the one that opened the door and you looked at him and smiled. "So what's going on?" You asked. "What?" He asked. "You remember when you came to my room and you knew that there was something was wrong and you told me that you were never going to leave, you promised that you were going to stand by me no matter what. Well now I'll stand by you no matter what, so tell me what's going on." You ordered and he took a small smile and stepped aside. The house was unusually quiet. "Where is everyone?" "They're not here." He answered. "They'll be back soon?" You asked as you looked at little Gracie in the livingroom. "They're not coming back... Not yet anyway." He answered and you looked at him and frowned. "What do you mean? What happened?" You asked. "ICE came... They were deported they left me and Gracie here because we were born here." He explained and you looked at the girl sitting in the living room, you were practically a part of this family they always treated you as such and you loved being in the house but when they all needed you, you weren't there. "I'm sorry." You apologised. "Why are you sorry you didn't call them." He muttered. "What are you going to do about Gracie?" You asked. "If you want I can help you look after her." "No, I think I'm going to send her down to live with my Uncle they'll be able to look after her." He explained. "Are you going with her?" You asked. "I don't know." He answered and you nodded. "That's okay, I'll stay if you want me to stay, we can talk more in the morning but for now we should just cook something for her and get her settled, we can make some calls tomorrow and get everything sorted out. Then once Gracie is sorted we'll find a way to get your family back here." You smiled. "We?" He asked. "You were my rock once and now I'll be yours. I'll be here even after you don't need me anymore." You informed him. "I have no intentions of leaving, you're stuck with me."
Requests and general question!
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falllliiing · 6 years
✧ryan and tony dating would include;
author's note; thank you so much for requesting this 'cause i've had so much fun writing it! oh, and tommorow it's my birthday so i'm thinking of witing a birthday special, just let me know what character would you like me to write about♡ and again english isn't my frist language so if you see any mistakes just let me know! i hope you enjoy it:-)
✧ryan writing poems about tony in his free time and hiding them from him
✧tony finding out about the poems and laughing at ryan for writing them
✧secretly loving every single one of the poems
✧dates at monet's
✧having sex in tony's car
✧ ryan being jealous cause tony spends so much time with clay
✧"ryan you know you're the most important to me"
✧"prove it"
✧ryan being the only person that can calm tony down
✧tony kissing ryans hands
✧long night drives
✧tony making song playlists that remind him of ryan
✧tony hating music that ryan likes
✧but still playing it for him
✧"tony i'm cold"
✧ "i'm not gonna give you my leather jack... ehh alright"
✧tony wanting to beat the shit out of monty for calling ryan a faggot
✧everybody ships them
✧they're like yin and yang
✧both of them would do everything for eachother
✧"i love you tony"
✧"i love you too ryan"
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writingandimagines · 4 years
I have a Jessica Davis x reader and a Millard x reader x Enoch in the works, I am also thinking of doing more 13 Reasons why posts if anyone has any suggestions/requests
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tayrae515imagines · 6 years
13 Reasons Why Ships
I’m bored and love doing ships. Send me in a blurb about yourself, what gender character you prefer, and maybe some description about what your ideal first date would be. (Not necessary for the actual ship but would be cute.)
Send that in and I’ll get you a ship 🚢
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psychedelic-rejects · 7 years
Something Different | Jeff Atkins x Reader
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Warning: smut
A/N: Dear Readers, I apologize for any delays of my writing- since I am moving houses it is quite difficult to focus on any stories at the moment, your patience is kindly noted. Thank you. xx
- The Egyptian cotton sheets felt like heaven against my bare skin, another heavenly feeling were his hands caressing my thigh as he kissed me with passion and pure love.
He stood in front of me, bare back and bare chested- I couldn't help but admire every inch of his skin in sight, all of his figure and flaws that were perfection to me, his lips parted as he stared down at my body and I gazed upon him hungrily as I undressed him with my eyes.
I took in every detail to his appearance; his roughed up hair, his beautiful blue eyes that might seem brown certain times, his plumped up lips, his sharp jawline and not to even mention his bulking biceps and muscular physique but what really caught my full attention were his shorts that hung loosely around his torso whilst revealing his V line and the surface to his intimate part were slightly visible; I could tell he wasn't wearing boxers underneath his shorts.
"Are you going to sit there and gawk?" His voice deepening and he gained my attention as my eyes shifted from his crotch area to his eyes, those wonderful eyes. I bit my lip in response and I saw how his face turned from amused to lustful.
"You know what that does to me" he gestures over to my teeth gripping my bottom lip.
"I do." I cockily responded and repeated my action once more.
"Cocky huh?" He raises an eyebrow.
I felt his huge hands wrap around my ankle and he pulled me closer to his body only to flip me around so that my bare ass were in full sight to him.
"I'm giving you one chance to apologize for being cocky" his tone sounding serious.
Instead I just giggled at the fact that he was trying to be dominant. I felt a sting on my backside as the palm of his hands were met with my skin causing a loud clap to echo through our bedroom.
"Apologize" he spoke through gritted teeth. "Sorry Mr. Atkins."
I giggled in between those words, mostly because I felt a little awkward. "Now was that so hard?" He smirked and stood up once again but this time he walked away without another word.
So he's really gonna play hard to get? I will not cave although he's looking extremely hot. I must admit I am aroused by his sudden want to dominate but I will play the same game and see who wins.
"I will not touch you until you beg me to." He whispered in a deep tone which caused chills to run up and down my spine.
"I have never seen this side of you before but I must let you know that you are the one who needs to beg for it" a smirk tugged on my lips as we made eye contact for what felt like forever.
I've attempted to seduce him but it seems that I've been failing; I tried to touch his sweet spots but only to find him pulling away instead of giving in, I've tried grinding up against him but failed to get him to react and I've also tried to strip for him but it only strived him to play hard to get even more.
At this point I was very aroused and not in the mood for games anymore and so I gave him what he wanted.
I am lost; he's not playing fair.
"Please," I whisper.
"Please what?" His expression seemed calm.
"Touch me." My voice shaky.
"Where, baby?" He smirked He's extremely close, his scent was intoxicating as I reached to grab his hand but he seemed to have taken a step back from me.
"No, no" he chides
"What?" My eyes wide and alarmed
"No" he spoke those words once more
"Not at all?" The sound of longing could not be repressed from my voice.
All I earned from him was a smile and a faint chuckle. I took a step toward him, and he steps back, holding up his hands in defense, but his smile lingered on his plump lips.
"Shall we have dinner" he spoke up.
"Sure" I rolled my eyes and I know he noticed for the way his jaw clenched and released.
He had decided to cook for tonight because I was in no mood to do so. I watched as his biceps flexed with the flip of our steaks being cooked, I admired the sweat glistening and sliding down his abs and making their way down to the waist band of his shorts while the sweat stains the fabric, I watched him with intensive care as he chopped up the veggies and watching how his hands were skilled with any utensils or any object. I bit my lip in frustration to his rejection to fuck.
"What's for dessert after?" He asked whilst wiping away the bids of sweating gliding down his forehead and neck.
"Vanilla ice-cream.. like the way you are in bed" I muttered the last part under my breath and made it barely audible so I was the only one who could hear it but I was very wrong, seemed like he head my snide remark.
"Oh. Is that so?" He laughed a devilish laugh.
I have a feeling wrenching deep in the pit of my stomach that I will be paying for my comment later. We ate our dinner silently without a conversation, I was a bit upset with him but also I had nothing to say.
He broke our silence "Well?" He asks.
"Well what?" My lips parted to take slow breaths.
"Ready for dessert?" He smirked and I had an idea of what might happen.
"Indeed I am" I responded.
He took the carton of vanilla ice-cream and grabbed only one spoon as he gestured over to our shared bedroom. I made sure to grab the champagne as I followed behind him, my body bare, the only visible fabric held against my skin were my bra and laced underwear.
"What now?" I asked curious to know what he had planned in his vicious little mind.
I saw him lick his lips as he stepped closer toward me until his scent made its way into my nostrils, I loved his musty scent - was always a a turn on.
"Kiss me" I whisper
"Where?" He smiled
"You know where" I whimpered
I felt embarrassed to tell him the part I ached for him the most and all I could manage to do was point towards the apex of my thighs, and he had a wicked grin spread across his face.
"With pleasure" he smirked
I closed my eyes with absolute arousal as he kissed me and unleashed his talented tongue. I groaned and fist my hand into his smooth hair. He did not stop, I could feel his tongue circling around my clit, driving me completely insane. "Jeff, please," I begged- I know I caved and I begged him.
The feeling was overwhelming as I stood up, I felt my legs giving up to the feeling that tied up into my stomach- I know I was close and I don't think I would have the strength to cum whilst standing up.
"Please what?"
"Fuck me." I panted.
As soon as those words left my mouth, I noticed how his pupils had dilated and the lust was prominent in his eyes- I knew what was about to come. He did not stop his sweet , exquisite torture. I moaned very loud, as usual.
"Jeff. . . . Please" I begged once more. He stood up and gazed upon me and his lips glistened with the evidence of my extreme arousal.
"Undress me" he spoke as he wiped away my arousal.
I dropped to my knees and kneeled before him as I undid the button of his shorts and pulled down his zipper in one quick motion, I couldn't contain my eagerness as his shorts were sliding down his legs and he stepped out of them. I peeked up at him through my lashes and he was staring down at me. I grabbed his, now, free member and squeezed him tightly- pushing my hands up and down his shaft. He groans and tenses, and his breath hisses through gritted teeth. With care I brought my lips closer to his tip and gave it a soft kiss before letting him slide into my mouth and suck- hard. He tastes good.
"Mmm. . . Gently, baby." He grabs a fistful of my hair, and I push him deeper into my mouth, pressing my lips together as much as I can, sheathing my teeth as sucking hard. I peeked once more and noticed his head tossed back in pleasure, his breathing became uneven and his lips parted.
"Fuck," he hisses.
His godlike moan had an effect on me as I felt my arousal grow with every sound and profanities that escaped his lips. Soon enough my lips became to cramp up and so I stopped my actions and noticed how disappointed he seemed.
"Take off your bra," he orders.
I sit up and do as I am told- I am enjoying his dominant side today. I was pushed onto the bed as he spread my legs and stood up to gaze down at me, I paid attention to his every move- he licked his lips once again as he took the carton of ice-cream and the spoon in the other hand as he scrapped up some of the frozen vanilla milk and scooped it up as he brought it between my thighs and spread the ice-cream on my clit. The coldness felt awkward against my crotch but I shrugged it off.
"Pain can sometimes inflict pleasure" he smirked Scooping more of the ice-cream as he made dollops on each side of my nipples, I tossed my head back in pleasure as I felt him lick dessert off my body and I couldn't have felt more aroused in my entire life.
I brought the champagne up to my lips and gulped down a few as I watched him eat me. "I want you inside me" my voice shaky and cracking as I attempted to speak with the pleasure coursing throughout my body.
"Mmmm" he murmurs between eating me out.
He pulls away and hovers above me, my legs already spread. His eyes never left mine as he sinks inside me with a deliciously, yet torturing slow pace. I close my eyes, relishing the fullness. His pace was slow and yet he was slamming deep and rough inside me, my toes curled up in excitement that left me wanting more. I could feel every movement, I could feel his thickness and I could feel his every length as he buried himself inside of me. Instinctively tilting my pelvis to meet his, I groaned at the friction of him slamming against my clit, sending me to a whole other dimension. My fingers found their way to his silken unruly hair, and he moved slowly and roughly inside of me.
"God. . Faster, Jeff, faster." I let out in between moans. He gazes down at me in triumph as if he was waiting for those words to leave my lips as he kisses me hard and then really starts to move- a punishing and relentless pace that drove me over the edge and closer to my orgasm. The constant attention to my sweet spot had caused my clit to become sensitive and so with every thrust of his skin meeting my clit had sent me to climax. He sets a pounding rhythm as my legs tenses beneath him.
"You want to cum baby?" He gasps My response were heavy and loud moans that couldn't stop escaping my mouth.
"Cum on my dick baby" His words are my undoing, and I explode, amazingly, mind-numbingly, and he follows as he called out my name.
"Oh fuck Y/N!"
He collapses on top of me, his head buried in my neck as our breathing had started to even itself.
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champslando · 3 years
secret // Max Fewtrell
after so long here is finally MAX FEWTRELL ONE- SHOT
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Being Lando’s twin sister has his ups and downs. Like the ups are. You and Lando are extremely close. Like you are attach to the hip. So, you live with him. If you not with Lando you with Max. You always have fun. The days are never boring. You are friends with many drivers and celebs. The downs are you get followed by the paparazzi. So, everything you do is open for Lando to see. People expect you to be also famous for something. That you always supported your brother. That the always want to know about your dating life. Then the last down is the hardest. You have to keep some secrets from him because he made some rules.
Rule Number One: No secrets (got secrets)
Rule Number Two: Do not date Max (sorry, not sorry. LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN HIM)
Rule Number Three: Do not break the rules. (I did hahahahahahahahaha)
It was 12 o’clock in the night and there was thunder. You were never very keen on thunder. You despise thunder. That the one thing you never told Max. You and Max were cuddle on the couch. Lando was in the Netherlands to race. So, you and max had the weekend alone. You were watching 13 reasons why. You are not simping over Tony Padilla (ha sike you are). When a loud thunder was heard in the sky. With out knowing you held max arm thither. He looked at you, while your eyes where glued to the screen.
I was watching 13 reasons why, when a loud thunder was heard. You began to hold my arm tighter. So, the bad birch is scared of thunder. Aw that cute. I began to stroke you hear. “being scared of something. Isn’t a crime you know. Come closer. I will protect you from the thunder” I said.
“being scared of something. Isn’t a crime you know. Come closer. I will protect you from the thunder”’ Max said. “I’m scared of nothing’ I said back but a loud thunder came. Making me jump and came closer to him. he hugged me and I put my head in the crook of his neck. He began to rub his hands on my back. Making me forget about the storm and put my mind on his hands. It was so calm I fell asleep in his arms. Max turned the TV off and he also fell asleep with you in his arm.
~~~~~~ the next day ~~~~~~~~
You wake up by the light that shine through the window. You looked on the clock on the wall. It was 6:58. God dammit it’s too early. You try to fall asleep again in Max arms, but you can’t. because you can’t fall asleep again after the 100th time. You wiggle yourself out of his grip and stand up. Going towards the balcony. You put your hands on the railing and began to think.
Thinking about the secret you keep from Lando. The problem is it doesn’t matter when you tell Lando about you and Max. He would flip and be angry. It scares you very much, but you don’t want to break up with Max. He is your other you, the better you, he is your soulmate. If you have to keep this a secret for your whole life. Then so be it. You felt arms around you. Knowing it was Max’s arms. You put your head on his chest. While he pulls you closer and close your eyes again.
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daddydempseyy · 7 years
Dating Zach Dempsey Would Include :
Pairing : Zach x Reader Warnings : Cursing, mentions of smut. Posted On : 18.05.2017 
 Him giving you Bio lessons because you’re more of an arts person and science confuses the fuck outta you. 
“…and that’s what ribosomes are used for!” “Ribo-WHAT?”
You both studying English Literature together because he loves hear your voice while you read. He’d sneakily lie down in your lap while you’d play with his hair.
 “He is my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest.” “You’re the reason behind my smiles. You’re my everything. ” “Z, I was reading a line out of the book..” “I know.”
Being hella cheesy
 You introducing him to new writers and poets.
You’d write each other lil notes and leave it at each other’s lockers.
“you a dorky dork.” 
“But I’m your dork” 
 You wearing his varsity jacket EVERYWHERE.
You’d wear his jacket so much, that at times Justin would say “man, it’s like you’ve replaced Dempsey on the team. But s'okay, he throws like a girl anyway.”
Which would lead to Justin being smacked at the back of his head by Zach and you laughing uncontrollably.
 Walking hand in hand everywhere.
Being hella cheesy
 Being so cute it made people (and sometimes you two, too) cringe.
 PDA, loads and loads of PDA.
 Zach being a jealous bastard.
 Him getting all riled up when Monty or Bryce would try to make a move.
 “You know what my hands were made for, (Y/N)? To hold that 10/10 ass of yours.” “Watch your filthy mouth you lil’ shit. That’s my girl.” And then Ross beat up the crap outta Bryce because “nobody talks to my babygirl like that.”
 Rough sex
lots of sex in general
“Come here babygirl, let daddy make you feel good.”
Him being the Dominant and you on your knees everyfuckingtime.
Him making sure you get the best of the best
Him being like, the best boyfriend ever
Did I mention being hella cheesy?
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oopscupcake · 7 years
Can you write an imagine where you and Justin Foley have a movie night?
A/N: I’m so excited, this is my first ask! The beginning is quite angsty but within the course of the story it ends up being fluffy, hope you don’t mind.
It’d be nice if you let me know if you liked it :) 
Nothing else, enjoy!! 
“Mom please! I love you. I’m just trying to make you realise-”
“Shut the fuck up, you nasty bastard! Don’t you see you’re the one unwanted here? Even your mother despises you. C’mon babe, tell him”
Justin clenched his fists, trying to avoid the appetising temptation of leaving purple marks all over the hideous surface of the man’s face, as a reminder of how much he hated him. If he hadn’t beaten him already it was because he had the weak hope his mother would realise the piece of shit he really was, and if that meant ending up beaten up he would go through it all without any remorse.
Ignoring his teasing, he faced the miserable woman in front of him, eyes in the verge of tears and hopes lit up she would stand for him.
“You have school tomorrow, you should go to bed…”
That was all she said.
It was sad. It was sad deep in Justin’s heart it didn’t surprise him the fact that the woman who had given him life and was supposed to be always by his side, chose a stranger over him.
The first time she proved him how important he actually was to her, he buried himself into the covers and cried to sleep, refusing to believe the person who used to be his guardian angel, gradually changed her mind and gave it all to a man she had only known for a few months.
Eventually that sadness grew into a bitterness that was only calmed down with alcohol and visits to Bryce’s house, where hours of oblivion awaited him.
However, that wasn’t enough. The aftermath was even worse: he would always wake up to the realisation he was alone, not only physically at that moment but also during the whole course of his life. And not even all the alcohol in the world could fix that.
No one loved him.
That was until you came into his life.
The first thing he did the moment he left the hopeless scenario was searching for his phone. He needed to hear the voice of his only source of happiness and optimism towards the future. Whenever everything went wrong, spending time with you or even just sharing ‘I love you’s, through your late night telephonic conversations made him believe everything would be alright.
Following four tones without answer he understood you were already sleeping, after all, it was late. He was about to hang up when your voice filtered through the speaker.
“Justin?” He regretted having called immediately, interpreting the surprise in your voice as drowsiness. “Babe, did I wake you up? Sorry I was… I just… I just wanted to wish you a good night” he said, failing in his attempt of concealing the sadness in his voice.
You knew without any doubt that wasn’t the sole purpose of his call. After almost a year of going with him through thick and thin, you realised his alleged senseless calls were very far from being that. Tears and a cracking voice weren’t necessary anymore. Sometimes he just wanted to forget everything and fall deep in the sweet refugee you always offered him.
This was one of those times.
After a silence that felt like ages to him, you asked “Baby, do you wanna come over and stay for the night?”
He let out a silent sigh and a few tears rolled down his face through the curvature of his cheekbones. Sometimes the situation was greater than him, and he couldn’t cope with it alone. You knew him as much or even more than he knew himself and always managed to help him get over it.
“Really?” “Of course, my love. My parents are away for a week. We could cuddle and have a movie night. Whatever helps you the most” As your soft voice pronounced those words he asked the world what had he done to deserve such a kind soul.
“Thank you, thank you so much”
Justin didn’t take long to get to your house. You found his downcast figure at the other side of the threshold, beginn madly, without the use of words, any display of affection.
“Hi…” You couldn’t bare the sight in front of your eyes. You tugged his arm towards you and captured him in a tight embrace, his face landing on the crook of your neck. The long sigh that went out of his nostrils invaded the room, saying nothing and everything at the same time.
“I love you so much Y/N” He said, pulling away to cup the sides of you face and bring his lips into contact with yours, moving in a slow and gentle manner. “I love you too baby. Do you want to talk about it?” “No, just… let’s pretend nothing’s happened. I just want to forget about it and have a nice night with you” You nodded looking straight at his ocean blue eyes. In a swift motion he managed to fuse your bodies again in a tight hug.
You were already sat on your bed, laptop settled on your lap, searching for ‘Toy Story’, Justin’s favourite movie. Deep in that smug outside he showed around his jock friends, there was a really sweet and pure creature.
He stood right beside you, taking off his clothes and ending up just in a piece of black boxers. Believing he wasn’t looking, you took a peek of the nice sight of his naked torso.
 You felt your cheeks burn when he said “Like what you see, huh?” With a smirk he moved the laptop aside and hovered you, tickling your sides. “Just- Justin stop!” 
Your loud giggles combined with his made the situation one of those worth keeping dearly in memory. “I’ll stop when you tell me what had you paying so much attention to my stunning body” You squirmed under his touch “Okay, you want me to tell you?” “Yeah” he breathed out. Teasingly you travelled your hand from the tattoo settled on his collarbone all the way down to the hem of the unique piece of clothing covering him. The volume of his laughs lowered when you reached that spot. “This had me paying so much attention” 
He wasn’t expecting your next movement, and let out a high pitched “Ouch!” when you tugged at the trail of little hairs that disappeared right where the piece of fabric began. You burst out in laughter when he immediately pulled away and landed beside you “You’re naughty!” He pouted, trying to stop his chuckles from joining yours “That hurted” “That’s what happens when you try to play with me, baby boy” You patted at his bum for him to lift it up so you could unfold the sheets and cover with them “C’mon let me make it up to you cuddling, is that okay?” He gave you a fake reluctant look, before giving in and breaking the tiny space that separated your bodies, legs tangled and his head resting on your chest.
“Shit, I forgot to get some snacks. I’ll be right back” He said, motioning to get out of the bed. You were fast to stop him “It isn’t necessary. I’ve got some sweets in the drawer”
As he searched for them he found two movie tickets with the title of the movie you both watched at the Crestmont on your very first date. He brushed carefully its surface and smiled to himself.
“Baby, do you really keep candies in your nightstand?”
“That’s the drawer where I keep my dearest things” you said with a wink. That only made the joyful feeling at his chest increase. 
“What are you grinning at?”
“Nothing, I just love you so much”
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collectorscorner · 3 years
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UDON ENTERTAINMENT Daigo The Beast Umehara Fighting Gamers Volume 2 GN, $19.99
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kimhargreeves · 4 years
Problem-Tony Padilla
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Shit has these past months been lonely without the guys...i plug in my phone to my laptop and scrolled down to send some old pictures of us all to my own folder. There's many of us, there's one of me and Clay when we graduated out of middle school and one on the first day of high school and some of us in the park.
There's also some from Hannah where we are at the beach,one we took at the park while there were fireworks on the fourth of july and the last picture of us both was at the movie theatre.
I have many including Alex, Tyler, Sheri, Jessica, Zach and Tony.
God do I miss him so much.
It's been exactly 5 months since we've last seen or even talked to one another. 5 months since Alex shot himself in the head...5 months since Hannah's death...5 months since they pressed charges and they've done nothing...and 5 months since i've been dealing with my own personal problems.
My problems will never go away. Mom got a boyfriend and decided to leave with him out of town without even saying goodbye to her own daughter, Dad hasn't been working and has decided to drink everyday and bring his many girlfriends to the house. Since i don't want to see or hear them i would occasionally leave the house and spend my days around town not to mention that i would often sleep at a motel nearby.
Now it's been time to work my ass off in work, there's no more home cooked meals or taking care of myself psychically. I went to school without caring how I dressed or looked anymore. I took the day off and with Jessica we headed to the hair salon since she told me to at least look presentable once, so i chopped off my now long hair that grew over the past months and went back to my shoulder length hair.
Jessica even surprised me with new clothes, some where from hers which she doesnt wear anymore. I never hung out with her that much after all of the Hannah Baker incident but we've become closer so we have each others backs now.
So now i've been living with her and sleep in the same room as her, i was grateful for her and her parents for even bothering with me.
"So..have you spoken to him?" she asks with a smile on her face once she sets her text books aside.
"To who?"
"You're guy."
I give her a confused look and she rolls her eyes "Tony." i stare at her and shake my head to the sides, "No i-i haven't spoken to him."
"You do know he's still at school."
"I know." i simply respond and she huffs.
"Come on I see the day you look at him, what even happened between you two?"
I sit down on the bed with her and play with my hands "It's a long story,Jess."
"Why did you even break up? I thought he was gay?'
"He is...well was..he's bi."
"Alright thanks for clearing that up, but seriously you looked so happy around him."
I smile remembering every second we spent together, we would drive around in his car, he would call his brothers whenever someone threatened me and just all those nights we used to spend at our special place. Jessica placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled "Please talk to him okay.." i nod my head and we spent that afternoon talking about me and Tony.
Alright (Y/N) calm down you can do this. I keep repeating in my head as I walk through the crowds of teenagers i spotted Tony up ahead. I shout his name and he stops and looks back to me he seems a bit annoyed and I was begin to second guess myself.
"What do you want?" i can tell he's trying his best to not sound irritated which is failing. He looks around the school parking lot not daring to look at me.
"Tony can we talk?"
"Now's not a good time."
He turned around ready to leave till I grabbed the sleeve of his leather jacket "Please?" i beg and wait for his answer. Tony just nodded and I let go of him and followed him to his car, he drove us to the place we used to hang out.
We arrived within a few minutes and sat there in silent till I spoke since he was gripping onto the steering wheel tightly. "I'm s-sorry for lying to you..i should've told you sooner." he scoffs and exits the car and I follow him.
"Stop being such an asshole Tony!"
He glares and turns to look at me, "I'm being an asshole? How about you (Y/N) huh? You fucking lied about everything, it hurts to think about it-'
"You think you're the only one still hurting?! fuck Tony it was our baby!" i cry and place my right hand on my stomach where my baby once was. "It hasn't been easy and will never be! that was our baby...it's because of me that i lost it..maybe if i werent so stupid-"
"It's not your fault."
"It is! I never told you this but Bryce raped me after I told you the news..i lost the baby cause of him.. I want nothing more than to be a mother someday but i'm afraid i'll become like my own, i've been on my own for these past months, mom left with her boyfriend, dad hooks up with girls and invite them over to their activities so i started to live at the motel till Jessica let me stay with her..i even considered selling my body for money cause i needed it that much."
"(Y/N)..i'm sorry i never knew about all those things, shit,why didnt you tell me?"
"Cause you were lost..you were dating that guy then disappeared for a couple of days and avoided me in the hallways."
"I missed you a lot you know?"
Tony came closer and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head while stroking my back, "I did too sorry for not being there when you needed me to, I don't want you to end up like her." i sniffed and rested my head on his chest.
"Let's stay a couple of more minutes here and then i'll treat you to lunch." i smiled against his chest and nodded my head. "I would love that."
"Also I need your help with something." he said looking back to me and i gave him a questioning look "We're gonna find Justin Folley."
Tony,Clay and I skipped school along with Alex who decided to stay in court with Jessica but we decided to go and find Justin. We went to a homeless shelter and there was no sign of him till a girl told us where she last saw him. We went to a place where a couple of skaters hang out and we thought Justin was there skating but a guy had on his varsity jacket and Tony being so angry and irritated today beat him up and wouldn't stop cursing to where he was.
It scared me to see this rebellious side to him but felt safe to know that he was willing to do all this for a guy he barely talked to, he would even do all this for me if something bad happened. He took a hold of my hand once he best the guy one last time and Clay ran following us. Tony drove around a couple of blocks when I gasped and saw Justin on the street "Stop the car!" i shouted and Tony hit the brakes.
"There he is" the three of us jumped out of the car.
"Hey!" Clay shouted and this made Justin look up at us and he got nervous? scared? He began to run away from us and I ran towards him along with Clay. Tony ran back to his car to meet us on the other side and to block Justin's exit.
"Stop running away from us you idiot! We're here here to help you." Clay grabbed a hold of him and this time there was no turning back for him.
"Get in the fucking car you three!" Tony shouted.
I ran to the passengers seat and Clay pushed Justin in and we drove off.
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imaginefan · 7 years
How Do You Feel?
Clay Jensen X Reader Tony Padilla X Reader 
Word Count: 379
Requested: Anon
Request: Can you write one where Tony is your best friend and he knows you have a crush on Clay? So he tries to get you to tell him how you feel and set you guys up on a date which he does and it all works out.
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You and Tony were friends because your parents were friends, you guys pretty much grew up together and even though Tony didn't know it you were one of the only people that knew he was gay, you knew that because there were a few people that had come up to you to ask you if you were dating him. You had your eyes on someone else though you liked Clay, you had met him because of Tony but you had seen him around school and you thought that he was cute. Tony was one of those people that wanted to help you with your crush but you really didn't feel like you needed it, you didn't even know how he knew because you hadn't told him. "(Y/N)!" Tony called as you were about to walk into the library, you turned and waited for him to catch up.
"Hi what's up?" You asked. "Nothing just thought I sit with you instead of study alone," Tony answered and you smiled. "Oh cool." You nodded, you walked in and found a table to sit at. "I need to ask you a question," Tony said. "Shoot." You smiled opening one of your textbooks and your notebook. "What are you doing on Saturday?" He asked. "Nothing." You answered. "Oh cool, you wanna go see a movie?" He asked. "Is this another double date thing?" You asked. "Sort of," Tony answered looking through his textbook. "With who?" You asked. "I'm going with Ryan," Tony answered. "That is not what I meant." You mumbled. "What?" Tony asked looking up at you. "Who am I going with?" You asked. "I'm not sure yet," Tony answered and you squinted at him in disbelief but you decided that it wasn't worth pushing the situation.
On Saturday you walked out of the house and waved at Tony and Ryan before climbing into the back of the car where you saw Clay. "So this is why you wouldn't tell me." You glared at Tony. "What?" Clay asked. "Oh no, um... I hate you." You glared at Tony "I like you." You looked at Clay. "Oh well I like you too," Clay smiled. "Huh? This may work out." You winked and Clay continued to smile being a cute as you remembered.
Requests and general question!
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chesirehn · 7 years
Rayas de Tigre
Tony Padilla x Clay Jensen
Words: 1,845 or something lol
A/N: I know I´m not the greatest writer but I needed to do this :)
Clay has observed that there is a really scary beast crawling in the well-formed body of his dear friend –Skye has told him more than once that it is pretty normal if you live in the kind of place that the latino boy does, however the light eyed boy knows that there is something underneath-. (Maybe is his anxiety talking but Clay can’t control the overwhelming feeling of worry that pokes his ribs every single time he sees Tony absentmindedly rubbing his side.)
The thing that has been bothering him was the tanned skin of the mustang boy. His skin is smooth in almost every single place, yet, at the bottom of his back, there are some rough edges where his scars lay. And Clay has always wanted to touch them. (Always as in “a month ago”)
Not in a sexual or romantic way, of course not. They had been friends since forever, or what Clay thought it was forever.
He just simply felt like tracing those rough lines and pressing hard the tips of his fingers to make them go away, nothing else.
At first it wasn’t so hard to bear, he was too occupied by Hannah and her tapes to take notice or care about those evident marks, however when he finally snapped out of the horrific tapes, the knot in his throat unconsciously tightened whenever he had the chance to gaze at the back of his mate. (Brad noticed how Clay gulped and stood as far from the latino as he could manage after a few days, fortunately he had the decency to question what was wrong before punching him in a “brotherly” way on the left arm and “calming” him saying he had Tony protected from everything. That didn’t help.)
Clay wanted to offer him comfort like he didn’t do with Hannah –Skye insisted that he was having a hero complex-, even when he knew his faded marks weren’t the type of scars that leave a depressing memory... That they were brave edges that stood still in his skin, like tiger stripes.
Nevertheless, one day he asked, too tempted to stop the tingle in the pit of his stomach and wanting to help himself by hearing the own badass words of the Padilla. It was one September afternoon, three months after the tapes were released from his grip. When they were sitting in his bedroom, one at either side of the four small walls of Clays room.
"Tony. Can I see them?" He simply spluttered. And Tony, who merely blinked in astonishment, raised a confused eyebrow seconds later.
"See what?" Something about the confusion on Tony’s face seemed to cause amusement in Clay’s chest, probably because for the first time in his life, he wasn’t the one being lost in a conversation with him.
"The scars." Clay didn’t know for sure why he was so desperate of seeing them, but he was, so the pale boy didn’t back away. No matter how awkward he would make the situation. “Can I see them?” He asked again, cocking his head a tiny bit to the side, like a pleading puppy.
Tony kept gazing at him, searching for something that could tell him the true intentions his friend was silently hiding away from him. However, when he didn’t find anything to prove he was making a mistake by being so open with the light eyed bloke, and was only capable of seeing a big wave of stormy concern, he nodded.
The latino with tanned skin stood up, getting rid of his black jacket in a quick move. Then, with another encouraging look from Clay, Tony decided it was okay to lift up his cotton black shirt and throw it to the floor next to his feet.
“So…now…now what?” The smaller of the two asked stammering, waiting for another petition. Raising his eyes to meet the blue-ish pupils of the anxious guy in front of him.
“You have more?”
“I have a big one on the back of…my right knee too…” He muttered a little unsure of what was he exactly doing stripping his clothes off in front of his best friend, but not finding any reasonable reason to back away he stood there, merely frowning. Because, after all, he wasn’t doing anything wrong, the person who was staring at him so openly was Clay. He was just following the instructions of the other bloke. “You want to…Umm?”
“Yeah.” Tony soundly swallowed when Clay choked out in an almost excited sigh. And thanks to that soundless intake of breathe coming from a quite handsome bloke, Tony tried to remember all the bad things he had done in his life at the same moment he desperately told himself that the thing he was doing wasn’t entirely okay but couldn’t insult his relationship with Brad in any possible way. Because, again, Clay was the one instructing him.
Tony kicked his boots to the right, not caring about doing it properly. “Wait a minute, man.” Seconds later, his fingers traced the edges of the tight black jeans he was wearing before forcing the button and zipper out of his way. Without gazing up, his hands worked clumsily to finally get his jeans on the floor of Clay’s bedroom. He knew Clay wasn´t contemplating doing anything disturbing to his body and even knowing, he felt the skin of his neck and cheeks heating up. Why was he getting so worked up? It wasn’t like him to get flustered. Yet again, Clay has always been an exception. “What do you wanted to see, Clay?”
Searching for a hint of amusement in the lack of expression of his pale friend, Tony raised his arms at the sides with a smirk. That only managed to let him freely feel the penetrating blue gaze of his friend roaming around his almost completely naked body in a desperate try of finding something. His heart was pumping too hard inside his chest, so Tony opted to observe the nice ceiling of Clay’s house. (In an uncomfortable attempt of not getting hard, as in…hard.)
And it worked for about three minutes, till he felt soft cool fingers sliding trough his spine. He succeeded to stay in place without jumping away like a scared cat for more than he expected to.
“Humm, Clay, personal space?” He muttered in a soft voice, one that couldn’t really sound threatening in any possible way. Tony was a softy when it came to Clay. He groaned silently, rolling his eyes to himself. “I mean…The one on my shoulder still stings so…don’t be too harsh… you hear me?” Then two pair on fingers pressed the same point he told him not to and Tony scrunched up his nose, why couldn’t he never listen to him?
“Hey, it hurts!” He gasped the moment Clay pushed even more. “Are you a sadistic moron or what?!” Before he had the chance to turn around poke his fool on the stomach for being a brat, strong warm arms closed around his neck and a tender cheek got pressed to the right side of his head.
Clay inhaled sharply, letting the manly aroma of his friend embrace him with calm. “I needed to see them, Tony.” He finally muttered with a terse stern voice that shamelessly showed Tony how much he cared.
Making sure he would remember the warm breathes of Clay brushing his jaw, Tony closed his eyes with an egoistic smile, he was so happy and yet so guilty about being approached in such a gentle way. “And?”
“They are tiger stripes, Tony.” A muffled sob made the latino guy shiver in horror and instinctively curl his back so he could touch the more of Clay´s body, to comfort without requiring to get out of his embrace. “Tiger stripes.” He repeated with a louder cry, closing his fists and letting the tanned boy how the knuckles of his Clay turned a lighter tone. If he continued doing it, Clay was going to make his tender hands bleed, Tony couldn’t afford seeing him like that.
“Yeah Clay, they are tiger stripes…” His hands covered the ones of his friend, caressing de top of them to make them less tense and when it seemed to not work, Tony put his rough lips on his wrist. “Stop hurting yourself.”
“They are tiger stripes, I promise. None of them are like Sky´s or Hannah´s…” He finally got to turn around when the desperation of taking his lanky friend into his arm got the best of him. Tony secured the waist of the crying boy and let Clay´s face hide in the crook of his neck. “I’m not going to leave you.”
“Now look at me, Clay.” With another sob, the pale bloke with bright blue teary eyes stared right at him.
“Skye said it too, but I can’t…Skye once did that witchcraft thing and read that you were hurt…And I’m a skeptic but…but…It´s you…”
“Maldita bruja…” Tony said harshly in Spanish raising an eyebrow, not getting why the witch would comment in a personal theme. They were tiger stripes after he decided they weren’t there because he was a coward who couldn’t do more than hurting others but because he was alive to protect his family…His family and Clay. “Hablare más tarde con ella, no tienes por qué preocuparte, Clay.”
“Tony, I don’t know what the hell are you saying…” He chuckled with glistening tears streaming down to his neck while he watched Tony with a hint of amusement. Clay didn’t know how, but his latino… friend…always knew how to make him feel better, even when he wasn’t trying to.
“I’m saying I’m gonna burn the witch but first I’m gonna...” Tony stated roughly, nevertheless the tone went softer till it turned into silence.
“What are you going to do?” Innocent Clay smiled up to his friend, moving his big hands to the back of the tanned boy. The caramel colored skin of Tony felt too great in his hands to let go in any near moment.
“Want me to show you?” Tony flirted cheekily, not minding being almost naked, not minding how quickly Clay recovered thanks to him and only thinking how pretty those pouty pink lips soaked in salty tears called him, begged for him.
“Then get closer, you idiot, and don’t start with your height jokes.”
“Height jokes? Since when I have joked about your tiny self?” He muttered with a grin plastered on his boyish face. Tony snorted loudly. “Yet I believe I have an idea of what do you want to do…”
Awkward Clay stumbled to the front a little, getting his face as near as he could to Tony´s. “Do you? Really?” With false surprise, Tony pecked his lips quickly. “Bueno, yo quiero hacer más que besarte pero supongo que tendré que conformarme, ¿o no?” (Well, I want to do more than kissing you, but I suppose I will conform with this, or not?) Tony told the confused Clay sheepishly.
“Seriously, you need to teach me some Spanish I feel lost every time you talk in that manly tone with marked r´s”
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justauthoring · 5 years
Left All Alone (2/?)
Prompt: Could you please do a Justin Foley imagine where his sister got kicked out after he left so she’s been staying with Bryce because she doesn’t know about the tapes and he’s always been there for her and Justin and in the school fight scene, Bryce makes a comment about her which causes Justin to lose it? X
A/N: And the winner of the poll is Scott Reed!! Thank you to all who participated and I hope you even the series :) At this point, i’m not sure how long it’ll be because I don’t really know where i’m gonna take it lol. But, I can’t see more than like ten parts.
Please don’t plagiarize my work!
Word Count: 2,037
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In hindsight, you were glad you left. 
Maybe running from your feelings hadn’t been the best choice. Maybe, just confronting them would’ve been easier. But seeing Justin, after all this time, just there, standing there like he hasn’t been missing for months... it left you with a sick feeling. One you weren’t ready to face.
And, if you had stayed, you knew now you would’ve been caught between crossfires. Why your brother hated Bryce so much, you’ll never understand. The two had once been brothers, closer than possibly even you and Justin. It was why you came to Bryce in the first place, because your brother had trusted him so much. Even if, towards the end, things had seemed odd between the two, you thought it would always be that way.
But given the rumors floating around the hall, talk of some big fight right here in the middle of the school, Bryce and Justin being the ones to start it; you figured that was no longer the case.
Bryce had told you not to listen to the gossip that seemed to spread around the school like a plague. That it was all just lies and you were better off just sticking close to him, and ignoring what anybody else had to say. But this was near damn impossible to ignore, and for once, nobody seemed afraid to whisper it around you. It was opposite of what usually happened when you walked down the halls and everyone, other than Bryce’s own friends, ignored you. Practically shunned you.
Even now you still didn’t understand why.
If you’d been there for that fight, you would’ve had to choose between your brother and Bryce. And in this moment, you weren’t sure who you’d choose.
“Hey, Y/N.”
Turning, brows furrowing, you blink at the sight of Bryce rushing towards you, a familiar looking man following behind him. Then, it clicked; his lawyer. Something must be happening with the trial.
Once Bryce reaches you, he leans in closer, not necessarily trying to keep the conversation from the ears of his lawyer but to give the both of you just a little bit of privacy. You let him do so, only half-consciously noticing the way his hand falls on your wrist, glancing around the both of you once before letting his eyes meet yours own once more. “I won’t be able to drive you home, Monty will.”
You ignore his words, eyes falling on his lawyer; “is something happening with the trial?”
“Yeah,” Bryce nods nonchalantly, “but it’s fine. I’ll see you when I--”
Then, you cut him off, voice small. “Maybe I could come with you?”
There’s a moment of pause, Bryce just blinking at you. You knew it was a stupid question to ask, given that Bryce had never let you come to one of the trail meetings before. It was worth the shot, though, you figured. Though, given the expression that crosses his features, you already know the answer before he even says it. “Y/N, I think it’s best you just go home.”
You decide to fight it, even just a little. “Why?” You question, brows furrowing. “I mean, I still don’t even know what the trials are about. Not a lot anyway. Noticing the shift in his expression, you add, quickly; “and i’d like to be there to support you.”
“Justin’ll be there.”
You pause, confused; “has he been before?”
Bryce grimaces then, “yeah. When he first came back.”
You then take a step back, pulling your hand from his as your lips part; “he’s been back for a while? ...And you never told me?”
Bryce briefly glances at his lawyer, “you weren’t ready.”
Scoffing, you cross your arms over your chest. “I--”
“Bryce,” his lawyer calls, interrupting the both of you. One glance at him and you can tell he’s irritated by having to wait. “We should really get going. The trial starts in just a half hour.”
Glancing back at you, Bryce frowns; “wait for Monty, okay? He’ll drive you home.”
You give him a short nod, not bothering to put anymore effort in your response. Then, with one last glance your way, Bryce walks off, leaving you there in the hallway. You hesitate, staying rooted in your spot, mind wandering. How could it not? Not only was your brother back from being missing for like six months, it turns out he’s been back for longer then you’d thought and you’d had no idea. Not to mention, there’s something suspicious about Bryce’s case that’s been bothering you for a while.
But you won’t push it because you don’t want to be homeless. And, besides, you don’t want to anger Bryce. Ever.
The sound of a door opening pulls you from your thoughts. You blink, raising your chin only to see Clay Jensen, Tony Padilla and... Justin Foley exit the classroom just a little to your right. The same class Bryce had left a little while ago. Detention’s class. 
They, more specifically Justin, notice you right away.
There’s a moment of still silence, no one moves, but Clay seems eager to rush off; in the direction Bryce had gone actually. Yet, he seems to know enough not to rush Justin as your brother simply just stares back at you, lips parted, eyes wide, uncertainty in his gaze. Your jaw clenches instinctively, trying to keep yourself composed, not to let him see how actually hurt you were by what he’d done. Besides, he probably could guess it all on his own anyways.
Then, with one brief glance back at Clay and Tony, Justin takes a step towards you. “Y/N--”
You step back from him, shaking your head. “Don’t.” Is all you can manage, voice pitching in distress as you bow your head, not willing to let yourself meet his gaze. You just had so much pent up anger and rage inside of you, towards Justin and you weren’t sure what you’d do if he didn’t walk away now. 
Who was he to stand there, looking all victimized, without some sort of explanation? An explanation as to why he left you, there.
“Y/N,” Justin calls again, voice more pleading. He holds his hands out before him, reaching for you. “Y/N, just listen to me--”
“I don’t want to hear it.” You swallow thickly, gathering all the courage you have to raise your chin and meet your brother’s gaze head-on, unwavering. You square your shoulders, clenching your jaw. “I just don’t.”
“I-I can explain,” Justin rushes, desperate for you to understand. “I’ll ex-explain everything, from the beginning. But... But, you have to get out of that house.”
It’s then you pause, stunned. “Excuse me?”
“You can’t be in there. You can’t... I mean, Bryce? It’s not safe for you there, Y/N--”
“Just, just shut up!” You interrupt, voice harsh. Narrowing your eyes, you shake your head at Justin. “I don’t want to hear it,” you say simply, shoulders falling with disbelief. “I don’t want to hear anything. Especially not from the brother who abandoned me.” Never letting your eyes leave his own, you let out a breath of relief when you hear the door open again and Monty and a few other of Bryce’s friends step out. “Now, if you excuse me, i’ll be going now.”
You glare at Justin one final time before shoving past him, not bothering to glance at either Clay or Tony on the way and instead head straight for Monty. Along the way, you catch brief sight of Scott Reed, another one of Bryce’s friends, leaving the detention room.
Briefly your eyes meet, you offer a small smile. He returns the same to you.
Monty’s attention turns to you as you fall next to him, “hey.”
“Hey,” Monty nods simply, eyes wandering on Justin for a moment before turning to you, “ready to go?”
Clenching your jaw, you nod.
Swallowing thickly, you raise your head as Bryce steps into your room. Or really, it was the guest bedroom that Bryce and his mother had been nice enough to let you occupy for the last few months. Anything you really had, had been from Bryce.
“How was the trial?”
“Good,” Bryce nods, shrugging nonchalantly as he takes a sip of the drink already poured in his hand. “Chloe was testifying against me.”
Taking a seat next to you on your bed, arms brushing against one anothers momentarily, Bryce shrugs off your question; “doesn’t matter.” He says simply, turning to meet your gaze. You can tell by his hazy gaze and heavy-lidded stare, he’s already a little drunk. Tipsy for sure.
You feel your heart sink; that can only mean one thing.
You set down your homework in front of you, leaning on your left arm, the one closest to Bryce and sigh. “It must though,” you say softly, keeping your gaze downwards, hesitant, unsure. “I mean, she is your girlfriend after all. Testifying against you, that must hurt.” Testifying against him for what, you didn’t know. You wish you did.
Bryce moves to take another sip of his drink; “in the end she stayed loyal to me, that’s all that matters.”
Your shoulders fall at another failed attempt at trying to figure out just a little bit more about this case. Briefly, your eyes fall to your cellphone laid on your night-table. Your cellphone that had a tab open of those tapes Hannah Baker had left behind that had been posted online. Your cellphone that had been tempting you for days now.
You were just scared of what you’d find out and what Bryce would do if he found out you had.
“Hey,” Bryce mumbles, voice low. You feel the tip of his fingers fall under your chin, guiding your gaze towards his own as he leans forward. For a moment, your eyes flicker to his lips before returning to his eyes, swallowing thickly. “You okay?”
“Just a long day,” you whisper, already knowing he knew what you meant by that without having to explain it. It was pretty obvious.
Bryce, however, smirks slightly at your words, leaning towards you as his hand now moves lower. He sets his hand on your bare thigh, only a pair of pajama shorts on, rubbing softly at the skin as his lips become only inches apart from your own. He reeks of whiskey, but your hands are frozen by your side, un-moving. “I think I might know how to cheer you up.”
His lips are on yours in the next second, without warning. You freeze, but only briefly as this isn’t something you’re exactly unaccustomed to. By now, it was only like routine.
Chloe testified against me today.
Freezing, you set your hand against Bryce’s chest, pushing him back. “But, Chloe...”
“It’s fine,” Bryce brushes off, moving his hand to your waist and tugging you forward. It’s quite harsh, you stumbling over yourself before Bryce sets either of his hands on your hips and helps guide you where he wants you. Before you know it, you find yourself straddling his lap, hands held out before yourself unsure as Bryce presses kiss against the length of your neck. Between kisses he manages to mumble; “it’s never been a problem before,” and then, he pulls back, grinning up at you. “Besides, you owe me remember?”
I didn’t know where else to go...
You can stay for as long as you need, Y/N.
We’ll find someway for you to repay the favor.
You didn’t want to be homeless.
With a simple nod, you let Bryce pull your shirt over your head, leaving you in just your shorts and a sports bra. You don’t fight him as he leans forward, gripping your hips hard, sucking aggressively against your neck, a small moan leaving your lips as he does so.
And even though you don’t fight him, even though your body responds to him, you feel disgusting. Shameful.
Those tapes... the trial... Bryce’s secrecy...
But you don’t want to be homeless.
Just as Bryce moves to take off your bra, the sound of distant voices interrupts the silence. It’s enough to catch Bryce’s attention, as well as yours, given that it doesn’t just sound like someone passing by. The voices don’t fade, if anything, they grow closer, and both of your heads snap towards the window.
Suddenly, Bryce is pushing you off of him, rushing towards the window.
“Who is it?” You question, moving to pull on your shirt again.
Bryce doesn’t answer, instead, he waits a moment, just peeking through his blinds before turning without a word and walking out of the room. Your eyes follow his figure, greatly confused, before fixing your shirt, pushing yourself up to your feet and moving towards the window.
Your eyes widen when you see what Bryce had.
Part 3?
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tobemexxx · 5 years
Thoughts on Thirteen Reasons Why Season 3
I just binged it all in one sitting and I have a lot of opinions on everything I just witnessed...
Let start off with:
- TYLER. Literally everything about Tyler. The transformation of this character was so amazing to watch. I cried like a little bitch when he told Clay the truth abd also when he has that photo gallery in Monet's. I love him. No one can say anything about him. I will fight you.
- Surprisingly...... CLAY. The past two seasons I had nothing but negative things to say about him. I absolutely HATED clay in season one and two. He was annoying, pretentious, controlling, obsessive, obnoxious...just overall terrible. BUT. This season he was refreshingly enjoyable to watch. Like I get he was going through some deep shit with Hannah but it was nice to see him a bit more free and happy this season. There were points where he reverted to that annoyingly stubborn clay from the past but for the most parts I really loved his scenes and wanted more of it. I'm actually shook.
- ANI. I'm literally shocked that there's so much hate for this character. I mean I get it. She's shitty and hypocritical..she slept with Bryce for fucks sake and tried to say that Jessica did. I get that. And it's terrible. But I enjoyed the new perspective she brought into the show. I thought she and Clay were really cute together (much cuter that he and Hannah imo) and overall she served her purpose. The writer's created this character to explore Bryce in a different way. Truly honestly Bryce can choke but it was interesting to watch. But ultimately I found ani cool funny spunky and overall an enjoyable addition to the show
- JUSTIN. I can objectively say that his scenes with Clay were really cute and I love their brotherhood but personally I was never a fan of Justin's character. Especially in season 2. I just hate the addiction storyline. It's never interesting and I hate that it followed over into season 3 and it was so choppy and inconsistent.
- JESSICA. I just felt like her story dragged for a while. She had one too many rousing speeches and it got tiring quick. I can appreciate her message but I felt like time could have been better spent than multiple scenes that are literally the same as the last. This is not to say I don't like her or anything. I know I'll probably get a lot of hate for saying this but also liking Ani but it's my opinion and if you don't agree that's cool.
- ALEX STANDALL WAS ROBBED OF AN ACTUAL FUCKING STORYLINE. If the writer's think making him the jilted lover was creative and original they need several seats. It was annoying just watching him only ever just yell at Jessica and getting angry. Like. Give me more Alex and his family. Give my Alex struggling to recover. He wanted a gun. Okay. For what? He was barely even screentime. Did he feel guilty for killing Bryce? Or did he feel guilty that Clay was taking the fall? Where was the angst with his character? I don't want any of this behind the scenes bullshit. Give him actually screentime!!
- This might seem random but I ABSOLUTELY HATED THE EDITING!! I hated the transitions of the colored past to the desaturated present. Like,, this is not How to Get Away With Murder. There were better and much more creative ways to indicated time jumps and this stupid color this actually annoyed me. It looked like a snapchat filter. I did not enjoy it. Also, this show seems like it's having an identity crisis. Why were there so many strange and different shots this season? I liked them but it seems so out of place considering they never done so in the previous seasons.
- That annoying ass chick from Jessica's club. Ughh
Overall, I really enjoyed this season even though I don't think it even knew what it was doing. I feel like there was many many storyline going on that everything just seemed muddled snd confusing for a while. Sometimes less is more and I'm 1000% certain that way more people would enjoy the show if it simply focused on the characters abd not a convoluted murder mystery that really wasn't important to anybody. I forgot to add this above but TONY PADILLA OWNS THIS ASS. I absolutely loved him and would die for him. He is just.....*chef's kiss*
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inkimagines-blog · 7 years
please don’t ask me for imagines/ships/one-shots with any gay/lesbian character (ex: alec lightwood, maggie sawyer, or tony padilla) if you are a straight female or a straight male (if i get anything wrong with the gender/sexuality, someone plead correct me). it’s erasing the character’s identity and i don’t want to take away from what little representation LGBTQ+ people get in tv!
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