#tony padilla smut
trqelove · 2 years
thirteen reasons why!
my thirteen reasons why masterlist is below.
*: smut, $: angst, %: fluff, +: trigger warning
justin foley.
nothing yet!
jessica davis.
nothing yet!
zach dempsey.
nothing yet!
hannah baker.
nothing yet!
jeff atkins.
nothing yet!
alex standall.
nothing yet!
tony padilla.
nothing yet!
8 notes · View notes
anna-lupin-black · 5 years
I know I don’t write/post Smut on this account, especially not one that doesn’t involve Harry Potter characters, but whilst watching 13 Reasons Why; my love for Tony Padilla has corrupted me
A Rare Exception - Tony Padilla X Female Reader
Tony’s best friend finds herself falling for him. Little does she know his one exception for loving women just so happens to be her.
Written for a friend
Warning: SMUT, F/M Smut, Dom/Sub undertones
A/N: I do not ever agree with LGBT Erasure, but I do also acknowledge that Sexuality is a Spectrum; and there are Gay Men who do fall in love with women, it doesn’t make them any less gay, just as there are straight people who can fall in love with someone of the same gender as them, it doesn’t make them any less straight. This was a request I was given and will not read any hate on the subject. Constructive criticism is always welcome as long is it’s meant with the best intentions.
“[Y/N], get in the car.”
I turn around from talking to my best friend Alex; a boy with blonde hair who’s dark roots are already showing after having bleached it merely a month beforehand. Alex is thin, with deep blue eyes and an easy enough going personality. We’ve been friends since I transfered to Liberty High last fall.
The voice came from my friend, Tony. If I were to say I didn’t find him attractive, I’d be a bigger liar than anyone in this school; and if you know anything about the students in Liberty High, you’d know that was saying something. Tony has beautiful olive toned skin, carmel brown eyes, stylishly messy brown hair, a body of a machanic; because he is one, and tattoos that make him even more interesting than he already is. His eyes show a maturity well beyond our years, and his calm and level head is always welcome in our hot headed friend group.
The downside, he’s gay... and I’m a chick. So, definitely not his type at all.
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“Tony, I’m supposed to go to the gym with Alex and Zach tonight... I told you that earlier when you asked if I had plans today?” I’ve been having a hard time being alone with Tony now that I’ve begun developing feelings for the Latino Machanic who stole my heart with how kind and selfless he is. We used to spend hours in his garage, I’d chat while he worked on cars for his Papá.
“We weren’t go-“ I elbow Alex in the ribs and shoot him a glare that plainly states for him to shut the hell up before I make him. It seems to work perfectly as he sighs and corrects himself by adding, “Oh, right. That was today, I must have forgot, brain damage and all.”
I roll my eyes as I turn back to Tony, “Ignore him, he’s an idiot.”
“Hey,” I shoot Alex another look and he just sighs.
“Where’s Dempsey?” Tony asks, pointedly.
I know my face shows a sudden look of uncertainty as I turn back to Alex, “Yeah... wh-where is Zach?”
Alex very obviously gives me the You Owe Me eyes before explaining, “He’s meeting us there.”
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Tony raises an eyebrow at us, and I think we would have gotten away with our story if Alex’s dad; a man who looks alarmingly like the man who plays Lucifer from that TV Series, Supernatural, hadn’t pulled up rolled the window down and asked, “Ready to go to your follow up with the Doctor, Kid.”
Alex shrugs an apology at me before getting in the front seat saying, “Yeah, Dad.”
“Hey, [Y/N]. Do you need a ride home, its on the way?”
“No, Sir. I’m taking [Y/N] home today.” Tony speaks up. I hadn’t noticed him getting out of his car abd jump at rhe proximity of his voice. He’s now stood right beside me.
Deputy Standall eyes me and Tony for a moment before asking, “You alright, [Y/N]?”
I glance at Tony trying to ignore the heat his body’s giving off before faking a smile for Alex’s dad and saying, “Yeah, Tony’s an old friend of mine, he helped fix my mom’s car when we first got to town. I’m good.”
“If your sure.?”
I nod, “I am, thank you though. Say hello to Mrs. standall for me.”
“Will do.”
When they drive off Tony let’s the silence drag on a minute too long before he speaks up, “So you lied to me?” I look up at him, and my stomach clenches painfully at the obvious look of hurt on his angular face.
“If you don’t want to spend time with me, tell me. Don’t fucking lie about it.” His voice is laced with the anger he keeps very well under wraps most of the time.
“It’s not that, it-“
“Then what is it? Because you’ve been avoiding me. Spending a lot of time with Standall, too.” He pulls a look of disgust before adding, “Unless you’ve been lying about that.”
“No, I really have been spending a lot of time with Alex and Zach at the gym, you can ask Caleb.” I will admit, I’d hoped that bringing up Tony’s boyfriend would soften his expression even if only a little, but it seems to harden his expression even more, his eyes turning icy.
“Caleb and I broke up. You’d have known that if you hadn’t been dodging me all month. Por el amor de Dios.”
“Tony... you know I don’t speak Spanish...”
He shoots me a glare so I close my mouth. “We’re supposed to be friends. I’ve been a good friend.”
“I know... you’ve been a great friend! I just- I’m sorry. About not being around as much. About Caleb... I’m sorry for it all.”
“Great. Fantastic.” He huffs out a breath.
“I’m... free now...” I say, hesitantly.
“What, no imaginary gym sessions anymore? You aren’t going to try and tell me that you and Dempsey are still supposed to meet at the gym?”
I give him an apologetic look and repeat, “I’m sorry I lied, Tony... I really am. “
“Get in the car, we can talk after we go to the diner.”
I give him a questioning look so he shrugs and says, “Primero comemos, luego hacemos todo lo demás.”
“Still don’t speak Spanish.” I mutter as we get into his cherry red mustang.
“First we eat, then we do everything else.” Tony explains, putting his keys into his car and starting it up before shifting his stick into drive and off we go.
“Oh...” I reply, lamely.
Once we finish eating, Tony clasps his hands in front if him and leans forward slightly onto the table between us and says, “So, are you going to tell me what’s been up with you?”
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I bite my lip, not really sure what to tell him.
I’ve fallen for you, but your gay so just ignore me?
I have a crush on you, but know you’d never feel the same, so it’s whatever?
Or how about; I love you, go ahead and run out of my life because I; of course, do not have a penis.
“Just talk to me, [Y/N].”
I shake my head a little, looking down at the pattern in the wood of the table between us, “I can’t...” I admit, softly. I’m not even sure he can hear me.
“Okay, I’ll talk. Do you know why I broke up with Caleb?” I glance at him briefly, seeing an almost vulnerability in his eyes before my sight is back on the very interesting wooden table. I shake my head, my throat becoming too dry to speak.
“It’s because in all my life of liking men. I’ve somehow developed feelings for a girl.”
That surprises me, and I look at him, knowing my eyes are wide as an owls. “Oh...” I respond, softly. My mind reeling.
“Do you want to know who she is?” He asks, pointedly.
I shake my head, “I’m pretty sure I’d rather not...”
“Why is that?” He asks, his tone giving nothing of what’s going on in his mind away.
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I look up at him, and realize I wasn’t imagining the vulnerable look in his eyes, the only sign he is slightly uncomfortable with this conversation.
“I guess I just don’t understand why you aren’t just telling her.”
“Cabrona.” He mutters and I sigh, frustrated.
“Cabrona what? I don’t know her,” I respond, my tone much harsher than I’d intended it to be.
I can’t help but feel the green monster we all know way too well as jealousy, Tony being attracted to someone else. A girl no less. Cabrona... she sounds French. I bet she has a perfect tan; one I’d never be able to manage. She’s probably as thin as a supermodel to top it off, bet she has blue eyes and her black hair that shines like only black hair can.
He smirks, a hint of humor now appearing in those nervous eyes, “Cabrona isn’t a girl’s name. I called you a dumbass. “
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I’m taken a back by that. “What? Why?” I ask, incredulously.
“Because at certain times you are as clueless as Clay.”
I go to respond, but find no response willingly coming to me. Instead I just stare at him, my mouth more open then I’d particularly like it to be. I probably looked like a dumbass at this time if I’m being honest with myself.
“Do I honestly have to spell it out for you?”
“No,” I lie, irritated. He’s treating me like he does Clay. And I do not approve of it.
“It’s you, Mujer Loca.”
“You did not just call me crazy- wait... what did you just say..?” I feel all the color in my body heating up my cheeks as I register more than the word Loca, the Spanish word for crazy; one of the only words I actually can understand.
“It’s you.” He’s looking into my eyes, and I’d assume he was confident and sure of himself as he confesses what he seems to feel the need too; but his eyes give his anxiety away, and it melts my heart.
I wish I could respond. Wish I knew how to respond. But my tongue seems to have tied itself inside of my mouth as my mid fogs over and slows the world around me down.
“It’s your turn.” He states, his calmness shattering slightly with the rush of his words.
“It’s... what..?”
“I told you my secret, now tell me why you’ve been avoiding me.”
“Oh...” is the only word I can manage.
After a minute of heavy silence, he runs his hand through his very perfect hair and says, “[Y/N], you’ve got to say something.”
“Right...” and all of a sudden, his confession catches up with me, and my heart has the audacity to soar inside of my chest, leaving my stomach to be filled with butterflies. A burst of confidence fills me for just enough time for me to be honest, “I’ve developed feelings for my gay best friend... and I never even entertained the possibility of you ever liking me back.”
A breathless smile spreads across his face, lighting his golden eyes up and actually helping him look his age. “You do?” He clarifies.
I nod, my confidence having been spent with my own confession, and now my heart is beating quick enough for me to wonder if having a mutual crush could give you a heart attack.
Tony and I are laying on my couch watching Supernatural on my television, my head is laid comfortably on his chest, listening to his heart beating steadily, my hands in his resting on the blanket covering the both of us.
“Why does Deputy Standall look like-“
“Lucifer? Thank you! I thought I’d be the only one who could see the uncanny resemblance!” I exclaim, turning to look Tony in the eyes... only as I move, I feel Tony tense under me. “Are you okay?” I ask, worriedly. “Did I hurt you? I told you I was too heavy to lay on you!”
He shakes his head, his eyes once again the only thing with any honest expression. Only, I can’t quite read them this time, he has a look in his eyes that have darkened and lightened at the exact same time, leaving a mesmerizing swirl within them. He merely shakes his head, obviously hiding something.
“What..?” I ask, hesitantly.
“Nothing,” he responds far too evenly.
I cock my head to the side, not giving up. “If you need me to get up, I can.” I say, moving to get up, but he pulls me back to him, and it’s this action that allows me to feel something poking my lower back as I’m brought back to lying on top of my boyfriend. “Oh...” I accidentally let out with my realization.
“Hmm?” He says, trying to sound casual, but now I know otherwise.
“Oh, nothing.” I reply, my voice turning sickly sweet as I attempt to hide my smirk. This could be fun.
I give us a few moments, before I pretend to adjust my position to find a more comfortable one, making sure to pointedly rub against his hard on, purposely humming in comfort as I do so. I feel him stiffen once again underneath me, and even feel the slight movement of my hair indicating an outtake of breath being released from him.
“You okay?” I ask, as causally as I can while hiding my smirk.
“I’m fine, yeah.” Tony responds, his voice slightly gruffer than usual, and I have to work at hiding my accomplished giggle.
“Are you sure? You sound a bit... off?” I ask, trying to continue to sound as innocent as I can.
“Just watching the show.” Is his response.
I nod, and wait a few minutes before adjusting again, making sure to wiggle against his bulge a few times as I do so. I hear a soft groan that came right from his chest and I bite my lip to hide the smirk that is becoming increasingly hard to hide.
“Maldita sea, mujer.” He mutters under his breath as he puts his hands firmly on both of my sides, effectively stilling my movements.
“Tony, Love. I can’t understand you when you aren’t speaking English.”
He let’s out what I can only describe as a frustrated sigh, “Never mind.” He grunts.
I move, forcing my face into what I hope is a convincing concerned expression as I turn to face him, again making sure to brush against his hard on. “What’s wrong, Love?”
He eyes me a moment before an undeniable look of understanding appears on his face and I realize the gig is up. “Una tomadura de pelo.” He growls out, making my insides light up in a flame of arousal. As much as I want him to believe that it annoys me when he speaks Spanish; it’s all a lie. It’s honestly one of the more sexy things about him. But I would never let him know what it does to me, I’d never have a moments peace if he knew.
“I still don’t speak Spanish.”
“I called you a tease.” He responds, a fire lighting up behind his darkening brown eyes.
“I personally prefer the term Brat.” I respond with as much confidence as I can muster. We’ve never discussed sexual preferences, and if he isn’t into anything but vanilla, I could be sorry I said anything.
“Is that right?” He asks, darkly.
I feel my confidence dwindle as I can’t read his face, instead of responding I bite my lip and merely nod.
He smirks, and I feel my heart speeding up. “Naughty girl,” I feel my arousal increase at how deep and in control his voice seems to become as though a switch had been flipped. “What should I do with you, huh?”
I feel my ego and confidence build together at how accepting he seems to be, and it’s as though a dark weight had been lifted from me. “You could always fuck me?” I suggest, smirking at him mischieviously.
“Good things come to those who wait,” he replies, a look in his eyes that makes me melt.
“But waiting isn’t fun, ...Sir.” I test out the name hesitantly, but I see him swallow and close his eyes, when he opens them his eyes have turned predetory.
“Primero comemos, luego hacemos todo lo demás.”
I whine, “But I’m not hungry for food, Tony.”
“Well I’m starving,” he responds, a knowing look in his deep eyes. “What time did you say your parents would be home?”
“Not till tomorrow..?” I respond, slowly.
“Good, let’s go to your room.”
I raise an eyebrow, “I thought you were hungry.” I chellenge.
“Oh, I am.” His words are said with conviction. I feel my cheeks heat up as I stand up and lead him up the stairs of my home to my bedroom.
He moves inside, and I’m a little nervous as his eyes take in my bedroom, moving over the band posters litering my walls, photographs I’ve taken from my old home, filled with the smiles of old friends, my family. Some sketches are left on my end table, and as I close my bedroom door behind us he has made his way across the wooden floor to look at the drawing I’ve been working on, as well as the sketches underneath it, the first few sketches of him that I’d given up on for numerous reasons.
He holds the one I’ve deemed worth continueing and says, “This is me.” It wasn’t a question.
I nod, looking at the sketch where I’d managed to capture his eyes and scruff almost perfectly, but am still struggling to perfect his hair correctly.
“It’s really good.”
I shake my head, laughing nervously, “No, I can’t quite get your hair right...”
He places the papers back onto my nightstand and sits on my pillowtop twin bed, bouncing a little as he does.
It’s now that I notice my nervs reflecting in his expressive eyes.
“We don’t have to do anything,” I tell him, gently.
His eyes meet mine, confusion now replacing the nervs. “Do you not want to?”
A small laugh escapes my lips, “How could I not want to?” I exclaim a little more enthusiastically than I’d planned.
“Then why..?”
I bite my lip, my own insecurities filling my head. I want to yell that I’m not a man. That I don’t have the parts he desires. That I am heavier than either of the exes I’ve seen him with. That he is way out of my league and that I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t want to have sex with me.
He pats my bed, “Come, talk to me.”
I move slowly towards my bed and hesitantly sit next to him, and he wraps a muscular arm around me, pulling me to him so that I can rest my head comfortably underneath his chin as he begins rubbing my back soothingly. “What’s wrong?” He asks, kindness and worry obvious in his tone.
“Can I ask you a question... without offending you?” I whisper.
“You can ask me anything,” I feel him place a soft kiss on top of my head.
“Are you sure you want to be with me?”
He pulls me away from him, making sure to look me in the eyes as he responds, “Why wouldn’t I want to be with you?”
“Because your gay...”
A small understanding smile plays across his lips, “I am. But I am also in love with this really kind girl. One who makes my heart skip a beat whenever she looks my way. One who makes me want to be the best version of myself. I have fallen completely in love with you. And that happens sometimes. And I am so honored that you love me as well. And if you want me as much as I want you, I would really enjoy the chance to make love to you.”
I feel how heavy this conversation has gotten, so I quickly try to lighten the mood, “That’s so cheesy.”
He chuckles softly, stooping to peck my lips, “Well I could have said I’d like to fuck your brains out, but I thought that’d ruin the mood.”
My stomach clenches at the huskiness of his voice, and once again his eyes swirl with a mix of darkness and light that has my mind fogging up. “I mean... I’m not apposed to option number two at all,” I tease, glad the mood is back to playfully flirtatious.
“Oh really?” He asks, moving so that I have to lean back into a laying position, as he hovers above me, one if his knees resting inbetween my thighs and the heat from his body wrapping around me.
“Maybe... or maybe you’re still hungry?”
He smirks, and leans down, his facial haur tickling my face as he kisses me deeply.
His lips move against mine quickly, and I respond enthusiastically. At a certain point his pulls my bottom lip between his teeth and bites down, causing a soft moan to leave my lips and give his tongue the chance to start a battle for dominance with my own.
I know I can’t win, and eventually I allow myself to melt into his dominance, earning a growl from his chest as me moves and starts littering kisses down my neck to my ear where he places a hot kiss right underneath it, a small whimper releasing itself from my mouth. I feel him smile against my skin right before he nips and then sucks a love mark into my skin, a moan making itself known from my lips.
He then moves his lips so I can feel his hot breath against my ear before he whispers seductively, “Not much of a tease now, Mi Amor.”
I feel my arousal increase at his words, but can’t let him win so easily. I bring my my hand down his back, move around his waist tracing his perfeft V-Line to his happy trail and then palm his impressive bulge over his jeans. I feel his hips flex and him twitch underneath my palm.
I only get the satisfaction for a moment before he bites my earlobe and as my eyes involuntarily close he grabs both my wrists in one of his hands and pulls them above my head. As I open my eyes in mild shock, I’m met with those mesmerizing eyes as he tuts at me, “I told you earlier, good things happen to those who wait.” He moves the knee between my legs so that it presses and rubs against my clothed pussy and my head falls back onto my pillows, the slight friction against my needing cunt isn’t enough, I need more. And he knows it.
“Eyes on me, Mi Amor.” I allow my eyes to flutter open as he lets my wrists free and sits up, and without breaking eye contact he unbuttons his shirt slowly, showing me the inked skin on his chest, one button at a time. I watch, breathless as he removes the shirt from his shoulders and allows me to admire his bare and muscular torso, from his prominant pecks, down to his V-Line, and then to the mouth watering happy trail that leads into to his jeans.
“May I?” He asks, gently, tugging at the end of my own top, and I nod my head; only to have him shake his, “I’m going to have to hear you say it, [Y/N].”
“Please, Tony.” I beg, softly; assuming that’s what he’s looking for.
He leans forward and gives me another mind blowing kiss, one that has me dizzy when he pulls away before repeating, “I need you to tell me that I can take off your shirt.”
I nod, “You can take my shirt off. You can take everything off.” My words sound rushed and breathy to my ears.
He smiles before his face returns to the stoic look of a man in control as he helps me sit up so he can pull my t-shirt over my head; exposing my cream colored bra underneath. I should have warn my nice black one. I would have if I were prepared for this to have happened.
“Can I?” He asks again, as one of his callased hands run along my brastrap.
“Yes.” I breathe, and he follows the string to my back, meeting his other hand at the clasp.
He starts pulling on it, but it isn’t long before I hear him mutter, “Mierda.” Under his breath.
“Can I help?” I ask, biting my lip as I take in his look of utter consintration. After a moment he sighs, and nods.
I smile and move my hands behind my back to unclasp my bra for him. He takes over gently pulling each strap down my arms individually. And once my chest is exposed to him; I hold my breath, closing my eyes. I don’t want to see his expression as the reality of my femininity is revealed to him.
“Hermosa.” It’s whispered, and like most of his Spanish vocab, I don’t understand the word; but I do hear the admiration in his voice and it allows me to relax again.
His hands softly, almost hesitantly lay themselves on my breasts. I sigh out softly. That’s when he pinches my nipples, and I can’t help the pleasured gasp from escaping my lips. And then I feel it, his mouth wrap itself around my left nipple, and suck, his tongue running over it. Another moan escapes without my permission.
He pleasures my breast with his mouth and then releases it, blowing cold air onto the wet nipple. He then switches to my right, giving it the same treatment.
Once he’s finished his intoxicating treatment of my breasts, he begins to leave a trail of kisses down my stomach, causing me to squirm underneath him, needing him to move faster, willing him to remove my jeans quicker.
“If you don’t stop moving, I’ll start over.” His growl has my breath hitching, as does the nip to my hip bone. “Do you understand?” I nod, quickly. “Use your words.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes I understand.”
He stops his decent, and I whine. “There’s still one word missing from that sentence, Mi Amor.”
My breath hitches with a new wave of arousal. “Yes I understand, Sir.” I breathe out.
“Good girl, now keep still.” I nod, and he moves his lips to the opposite hip bone, mapping out his path with wet open mouthed kisses, taking his time to occasionally nip, or suck as he sees fit.
When he reaches the middle of my stomach he stops again and I whine, “I haven’t moved.”
“I know, your being so good for me. Now, can I take your jeans off?”
“Yes, please.” I beg.
He pops the button and even takes the time to unzip my pants. He taps my hip to have me raise my ass so he can pull my pants down without resistance. I listen immediately, letting him leak the skin tight jeans down my legs and I hear him throw them down somewhere in my room. My eyes are still closed as I allow him to undress me.
He tugs on my panties, asking once more, “Can I?”
“Please, please take them off.” I beg, desperately. I need him. I need him now.
He pulls them down at such a torturous speed that I have half a mine to rip them off myself.
Finally he has me completely undressed and I hear another zipper, when I open my eyes I see him peeling his own pants off, leaving him in black Calvin Klines.
He looks up at me, his eyes showing slight uncertainty as he speaks this time, “I’ve never... with a girl. I’ll need a little, direction.”
I smile at him, trying to keep my voice even as I ask, “Well what exactly do you have planned?”
He smirks before stating, “Well I’d like to get you off before actually fucking you. Get you nice and wet for me. Maybe even make you beg for me before I give you what you really want.”
It takes me a second to compose myself again, his words causing my thoughts to swarm. “Uh... well... if you’d just, uh... fuck.” I swear, before taking a deep breath. “My clit. Please rub my clit, Sir.” I beg, finding the words I’m searching for.
He nods, and his thumb comes into contact with my bundle of nerves before he creates a teasing pattern of rubbing figure eights onto my nerves, then as I’m just getting to the edge, slowing down and rubbing nice long circles around it.
After the fourth build up I huff out a disappointed groan into my left arm that I have draped over my face.
I hear his dark chuckle, “It isn’t so nice to be teased, is it?” I bite my lip once more, understanding his games.
A loud shocked moan leaves my lips as one of his long fingers are inserted inside of me and pulled out in a slow drag, before being plunged back in. “Use your words.” He demands.
“No. No it’s not.” I gasp out, another moan ripping itself out of me as he adds another finger to the mix, this one has his cold ring on his, and I can just barely feel it with every insertion. The feeling mixed with his thumb still rubbing figure eights against my clit has me gasping in between moans.
As I feel my orgasm building this time, my thighs begin to shake. “Hold it.” He demands, his voice like honey.
I shake my head, “I can’t.” I gasp out.
“You can and you will. 5.” My body begs for release as he continues his actions. “4.” The cold brush of his ring hits my clit just briefly. “3.” His figure eights quicken slightly. “2.” The tip of his middle finger brushes against my g-spot unexpectedly and I have to bite my knuckle to keep from screaming out. Every part of my concentration is being used not to let myself fall over the edge. “Come for me, Mi Amor.” His permission sets off my release, and I feel the tingles inside of me exploding around his fingers, pulsing around him as pleasure spreads throughout my body.
He continues as I come down from my high before pulling his fingers out and wiping them on his boxers.
He looks at me, and I can see the pride that he’s trying to hide shining through as he pulls off his boxers.
I swallow as I take in the sight of his generous size in all it’s thick and veiny glory.
He moves, so he’s once again hovering over me, placing a kiss to my lips that has me wanting more.
When he pulls away, he has me meet his eyes as he says, “May I?”
I nod, “Please. Please, Tony.”
He braces his weight in his left hand as he uses his right to position himself before slowly sinking into my heat, a moan falling from my lips as he pulls back.
When he sinks in again, his pace picks up, an amazing push and pull rhythm is found, and soon I’m moving my hips to meet him thrust for thrust, his groans of pleasure right next to my ear sounds like the best form of music I’ve ever heard. My moans filling the air just as freely.
Our bodies move like one as we build to our release. He moves his right hand back down and begins rubbing my clit once again, my hands grasping onto his shoulders for dear life.
“Eso es. Al igual que esa bebe.” His words fill my mind and bring me spiraling towards my release, even without understanding them. “Mierda. Si eso es. Eso es perfecto, Mi Amor.”
“I’m so close...” I gasp out mid moan.
“Cum for me. Vamos, Mi Amor. Let go for me.”
My body releases with an overwhelming euphoria. My eyes closing tight as I pulse around him. Waves of pleasure crashing around me.
After a moment, I feel him still above me, and a deep primal groan breaks its way out of his mouth before he buries his face into the crook of my neck, nibbling at the tender skin there.
After a moment, he rolls off of me, pulling me to his chest to bathe in the afterglow.
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tonys-red-mustang · 6 years
Fucking Tease: Tony Padilla Imagine (Smut - Female Reader)
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Request:  Can you do (Dios, si, Him saying super cute/hot things to you, and you love it even if you can’t understand if he whispers it in Spanish half the time, Scratching at his tattoos,) smut
Request: Are you still taking requests if so can you do Even as gentle as he is, Tony is super into giving you hickeys on and around your neck and Him saying super cute/hot things to you, and you love it even if you can’t understand if he whispers it in Spanish half the time smut with a female character
Request:  Hello if your still doing requests can you do one were a female character has been teasing Tony all day. Then Tony pulls her away or skips to give what she's been asking for *wink wink* smut
A/N: Not sure if this was the same person requesting the top two, but it’s pretty much the same imagine based off my smut headcanons. Out of my 12 current requests, seven are smut hahaha
God, Tony wanted nothing more than to just lead you up to his room, press you against the wall, kiss you and do unspeakable sins to you. He certainly wasn’t regretting your company after asking you to help fix up someone’s car, but he had a deadline. This transmission had to be replaced tonight for the business man. You were making it a little tough, though. 
“Gatito, grab me the 24 millie wrench,” he requested. You held up the silver tool, running the cool metal down his arm before setting it in his left hand. Tony gazed up at you, a small knowing smirk on his face. 
You smiled at him as he leaned down to the engine. “What?”
Tony simply shook his head with a small grin. You held onto a bottle of transmission fluid as you leaned against the front of the car, watching him work. He had his stained work shirt pulled halfway up his muscled forearms, something that somehow managed to make him look even hotter than usual.
Even at school today. Sitting in English class minding his own business, your boyfriend got the gift of you subtly running your fingernails down his sides, kissing and grazing your teeth against his wrist, trailing your hands up and down his thigh when nobody was watching. It was as if you were determined to let the whole school- and maybe even his family- a sight of him with a hard-on in his jeans. 
Tony turned to his desk to grab a few bolts. He asked for the grease on the floor behind you, and you gently handed it to him, resting your chin on his shoulder from behind. You looked up at him with a small smile, and he looked over at you out of the corner of his eye. He raised an eyebrow, greasing up the bolts.
You backed up again, leaning against the front of the open-hood car once more. You rested your palms on the bumper, watching Tony move around. He came back towards you, where you were conveniently in his way of reaching the transmission. He raised an eyebrow again as he moved closer to you. “You’re in my way,” he declared calmly.
“Am I?” You asked, looking around in mock confusion. Tony gave a brief cock of his eyebrows and an amused look of Fine as he moved up towards you. 
The boy leaned against you, his hips just barely fitting between your legs as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. He worked on putting the bolts back in place as he leaned against you.
You could smell oil in Tony’s shirt, you could smell his deodorant and hours-old cologne. You could feel his soft skin on your shoulder, his arm leaning against your stomach as he held onto the car, casually reaching for the transmission around you. You could feel a hard tent in his jeans rubbing against the inside of your thigh, moving slightly as he shifted to work on the car’s transmission. You bit down on your lip, leaning forward slightly to press against him more.Tony responded by pressing against you harder, one hand still on the bumper and one on the transmission. You leaned towards his neck, grazing your lips and teeth across, biting down gently. Tony let out a small silent sigh, pressing his hips against you harder. The bulge in his pants rubbed roughly against the bundle of nerves under your thin leggings, making you stifle a gasp. Shivers ran down your thighs as you pressed your hips harder against Tony’s. 
Your boyfriend suddenly turned and walked away, seemingly losing interest. However, you could still see that rather large tent in his jeans as he turned around again to pick up his transmission fluid. 
“Tony,” a loud voice called from the entrance to Tony’s garage shop. “You almost done with that? Mister Rendon needs it by eight!”
Tony turned back to his desk, trying to avoid his father seeing the hard-on he had. “Si, papá!”
“Good.” The entrance door shut again, signalling the man’s leaving. 
Tony picked up a screwdriver and transmission fluid, turning back to you. He approached you close enough for you to smell the watermelon gum on his breath from earlier. He looked you straight in the eyes, almost whispering as he spoke. “If you can behave for twenty minutes, Gatito, I can promise you that you won’t regret it.”
You crossed your arms playfully, still leaning against the car. “And if I can’t?”
“Well,” Tony shrugged, making a face as if he was entertaining the thought. “I guess you won’t be getting anything from me after, then.”
You made an expression that almost resembled a pout before you moved out of Tony’s way. He leaned over the front of the car, giving you a rather nice view of his ass as you hopped up to sit on his desk. 
It had to have been at least ten or fifteen minutes before Tony stood back up and closed the hood of the car. You swung your legs back and forth underneath you as you watched him, waiting for him to be finished. Tony began organizing his tools in his drawers before coming closer to you. He looked up at you with a small mix between a smirk and a smile as you still sat on his desk. Smiling, you leaned over to gently press your lips against his.
Tony kissed you back, his left hand against the side of your face gently as his fingertips brushed across your jawline. You leaned farther against him, slowly trailing your fingers down his chest. His old work shirt was thin and frayed and rough, but you could still feel his muscled tense chest. His stomach twitched as your hands ran down his abdomen and rested on his belt.
“Ah,” he stopped you, leaning back. “I said twenty minutes. And it has been,” Tony stared down at his watch, a playful and teasing smile on his face. “Sixteen and a half.”
You opened your mouth in silent protest, crossing your arms. “Not fair! You finished the car!”
“Ah, yes,” Tony nodded, stepping away to put away his transmission fluid and wheel lever. “But I said twenty minutes. So you have to wait for three more.”
You huffed playfully, swinging your legs and pouting. He was going to tease you like you’d done to him all day. You were hoping you could have made him frustrated enough to finish working quickly so he could go fuck you until you couldn’t speak. 
“Tony,” you whined, dragging out his name as he quite obviously only found busy work to do.
The boy turned with a small smile, standing in front of you with one hand on each side of your hips on the desk. “What, are you a little now?”
You stared at him with crossed arms as if to say Really?
Tony smiled and chuckled at you, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. “I’m only kidding, Gatito.”
“Mhm,” you hummed stubbornly, wanting to keep teasing him like you had before- with many more opportunities now that you were alone. But then as Tony said, you ‘wouldn’t get anything from him.’ Instead you sighed and kept your arms crossed.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Tony leaned on the desk more, still standing directly in front of you with his arms on each side of you. “I had to deal with this bullshit all day from you,” he laughed, his wild messy hair getting in his face. “I think twenty minutes is fair enough for you to have to wait.”
You still kept your arms crossed as you looked Tony in the eyes. As you gazed down slightly, you could still see the rather painful-looking hard-on in his pants. Looking back up at Tony’s face, his messy hair gave him his sinful after-sex look, making you want him to fuck you more. You slowly leaned forward, watching him look down at your lips. Your half-open eyes shut gently as you leaned forward against him more, his lips moving gently against yours. He held both of his hands to the sides of your face, gently pulling you closer to him as he stood up straighter. 
Tony’s lips slowly began moving down, trailing his teeth across your jawline and sucking on the side of your neck as your nerves tingled. You bit down on your bottom lip harshly as Tony bit and sucked on the sensitive part of your neck, tingles and shivers going down your spine. “Fuck, Tony,” you exhaled in a whisper.
The Latino boy against you hummed against your neck, biting and sucking hard enough to leave a mark on your skin. One of your hands rested in his hair, and the other gently pulled him up my brushing up on his jawline. You pressed your lips against his again, and you could feel his warm lips kissing you more roughly this time. His hands moved around your back, pulling you up by your hips. He lifted you off the desk and held you in his arms, hands on your ass as he continued roughly moving his lips against yours. God, that working out and the boxing lessons were definitely working wonders for him.
Tony seemed to effortlessly turn, still not disconnecting from your lips. Your breathing was shallow and ragged as you leaned against him in his arms. You felt yourself leaning back as Tony bent forward, lying you down on the hood of the car with him between your thighs. You kept one hand in Tony’s messy, thick, soft hair, gently pulling on it as he moved his hips against you in slow circles. He bit down gently on your bottom lip, pulling on it as you did the same to him. 
You pulled your hand from his hair, lifting your other off the hood of the car to trail your fingertips down his chest. You moved your smaller hands over his belt buckle, opening it and unbuttoning his jeans with a quiet snap. After pulling down the zipper of his dark jeans, his black Calvin Klein boxers were the only thing holding back his hard-on. 
“No,” Tony mumbled. “There is no way in hell I’m fucking you on a client’s car.” The boy chuckled, moving his lips off of yours. He stood up a little straighter, his hair even messier, his eyes and lips darker. You still lied with your back against the cold metal, your chest rising and falling dramatically with each ragged breath as you watched the incredibly attractive boy on top of you stand up taller. 
You followed Tony up, still leaning against the bumper of the car as you came face-to-face with him again. “We could head upstairs to my room.”
You bit down on your lip, nodding. “Won’t we have to make it past your parents, though?” You asked softly, barely audible.
“It’s more my brothers I’m worried about,” he declared quietly with a chuckle.
You grinned, standing up and laughing silently at Tony as he tried to conceal his problem while zipping up his pants. He buckled his belt, leading you out of his garage. 
You followed Tony through his house, a place you had been many times. His father had just recently gotten home from work, when he had asked Tony if he was almost done with the car. Tony’s mother was in the kitchen cutting up foods. Tony held gently onto your hand as he lead you almost past the kitchen with a passing comment of “Hey, mama.”
“Tony! Did you finish Senor Rendon’s car? I didn’t know (Y/N) was here,” the woman said in her thick Mexican accent.
“She was helping me with the car, it’s all finished, Senor Rendon can pick it up any time.”
Mrs. Padilla nodded, smiling at you. “It’s very nice to see you, querida.”
“You, too, Mrs. Padilla,” you nodded with a small smile. Although you loved Tony’s mother as your own, you just wanted to get upstairs with Tony.
The woman’s mouth went wide. “Oh, Dios! What is that, querida?” Mrs. Padilla pointed. You realized she was pointing to the side of your neck. You put your hand there, feeling the sensitive nerves. Tony had to have left a hickey. You looked at your boyfriend with a look of Really, Tony? 
Tony could only look at you with a slightly apologetic smile. “Oh, Tony Mateo Padilla! You better be nice to your novia! This is a very nice girl, you better not be contaminating her with any of these marks, you are no puta hombre! I am sure she will not appreciate it!”
“Yes, mama,” Tony nodded, no longer seeming as the tough, short, leather-jacket wearing guy he was. He only nodded and agreed with his mother.
“Now, (Y/N), would you like to stay for dinner, chica? I’m making chicken tinga tostatidas.”
“Ah, I would love to if I have time, ma’am, Tony and I have a, uh, project to work on for Mister Porter.”
“All right, then go on, you two,” the woman shook her head.
Tony and you nodded, finally getting to head up towards his room. Tony let you inside first, then locked the door behind him. You were greeted by him gently pushing your shoulders until you were against the wall. He pressed his lips against yours, gently at first until he turned rougher again. You took handfuls of his shirt, pulling him towards you as you moved your lips against each other’s. Tony’s teeth grazed across your bottom lip, pulling gently on it. 
Tony’s hands were on your sides, running up and down your skin over your shirt. Your hands pulled him closer, pulling tighter on Tony’s work shirt. Putting his hands on your shoulders, Tony turned you, leaning you against the edge of his mattress. You disconnected your lips from his to sit up on his bed and gently pull him forwards by his shirt. Tony climbed up onto his bed with you, unbuttoning his shirt as he went. You pulled your own shirt off, then leaned back on Tony’s bed. Tony hovered over you, on his hands and knees, leaning forward against you until you were completely flat on your back on his bed. 
You rested your hands on the sides of Tony’s neck, pressing your lips roughly against his again. Tony moved his hands around your sides, gently taking the clasp of your bra between your back and the bed. He pulled away just enough to look you in the eyes, giving you the opportunity to protest as he slowly took off the fabric. You brought your hands to Tony’s face, kissing him again and pressing your body further against his. Tony gently pressed your hips down against the bed. 
“Tony,” you breathed out airily as the boy on top began kissing and biting and sucking down to your collarbone. Your nerves tingled and sent small waves of pleasure down your spine, making you trail your shaking fingernails down his bare chest. Tony’s chest and stomach twitched against your hands before you brought them down to his belt. Unbuckling Tony’s belt again, you pulled on his jeans until they were even lower on his muscled hips. You grazed your fingernails down the traces of the V-line on Tony’s hips, pressing against his perfect caramel-coloured skin harder as he pressed his hands against your breasts.
Tony pulled his hands briefly off of you to remove his pants, tossing them to his floor. He bit down on your collarbone, making your breath hitch as your nail scratched against the skin on Tony’s hips.Tony pressed his lips and teeth roughly all over your skin, and you pushed your hips up against him more. “Tony,” you whined out softly. 
“What’s wrong, Gatito?” The boy looked down at you, a small smirk on his face.
“Tony,” you breathed out airily, “Please.”
“Please what?” Tony chuckled, pressing his lips gently to the side of yur neck where a hickey was. “Please stop?”
“No,” you whined, “Just... Fuck me, Tony.”
“Well, all you had to do was ask,” he laughed softly, holding your face in his hands and kissing you roughly. 
You whined against Tony’s lips, running your hands down his toned chest. “I’ve been trying all day... Fuck me, please,” you whined out quietly.
Tony made a soft and deep growl against your neck, resting his hands over the hem of your leggings. You pulled them off, leaving you both in only your underwear. Tony trailed his calloused and soft hands down your sensitive stomach, only to stop at your panties. You brushed your hips up, trying to only get more friction against him. You felt Tony smile against your neck as he traced circles around your pelvis, teasing you. He soon brought two of his practiced fingers right over your clit through the fabric, giving you some of the long-needed attention.
As Tony began moving his fingers around in circles over you, you could feel waves of pleasure coursing from your stomach through your back. Your thighs and hips shook against Tony’s as he kept his hand on your clit over your underwear. Your breath becoming even more shallow, you reached down to the thick hem of Tony’s boxers. Your hand dipped down under the cloth, brushing against his member. moving your hand in a more focused motion, you felt Tony push his hand against you harder, and his teeth bit down on your neck. Your breath hitched, and Tony ran his teeth against your neck. Your entire body was shaking with the pleasure Tony was almost teasing you with. 
As you pushed your hips up, Tony took his hand off of you before reaching down into your panties. He pulled them off, tossing them on the floor with your other clothes. He began carefully moving down, down farther, leaving bite marks and kisses. Your back arched up towards him, your hand leaving his boxers as he moved farther down. Tony held your thighs in each hand, pressing a rough kiss to your hip. His teeth grazed against the skin on your hip, and you brought your hips up, wanting more of him. Tony gave a gentle grin against your hip, holding your thighs slightly harder.
Pleasure surged through you as the flat of Tony’s tongue hit your clit. Your breath hitched as your thighs shook, brushing against Tony harder. He moved his tongue roughly in circles on you. You let out an airy whine, holding back loud moans and groans as the good feelings rushed up your spine. One hand held onto Tony’s blankets, the other going to his hair. Your chest rose and fell dramatically as Tony’s tongue brought electrical tingles up your hips. You pulled on his hair, trying to be gentle and almost failing as your vision went spotted with the pleasure.
“To-Tony,” you whined out softly, biting down on your bottom lip hard enough it almost bled. “Fu-Fuck, please.”
Tony moved his tongue harder against you, letting off a hum that sent vibrations against your nerves. Your breath caught in your throat again, forcing a quiet whine out. You could feel one of Tony’s hands leave your thigh, draping your leg over his shoulder as his free hand went to his chin. He began slowly slipping one of his muscled fingers in you, still sending you close to the edge with his tongue. Your mouth fell open, silent airy screams coming from the breath in your throat. Tony dipped two fingers of his free hand into you, moving them in and out in rhythm with his tongue on your clit, sending you into pleasurable waves of bliss. 
“Fuck, Tony,” you whined out, letting out a choked moan as you began failing to stay quiet. He began moving faster and rougher on you, and your hips bucked up against him. You pulled on his hair and his blankets harder, but Tony seemed unfazed by it. Your entire body was shaking with the pleasure, and you couldn’t focus on anything but Tony’s tongue and fingers on you, his hand gripping your thigh, his soft hair in your hand, his chest between your knees.
Your vision was going darker now, you half-shut lids letting your eyes roll nearly to the back of your head. Tony pressed his tongue  against you harder, his fingers in you rougher- hitting just that right spot and making your throat force out a squeaky moan. You could feel your stomach twisting and twitching, only needing more of Tony to be released. You bit down harshly on your lip, brushing your hips against him again. Tony didn’t back down, still moving his tongue in rough circles.
Your mind went blank, and your entire body shook. The twisting tension in your lower stomach let go, sending extreme waves of pleasure across your entire body. Tony pulled his fingers from you, kissing your lower hip with a small smile like a kid who was proud for doing something as bad as stealing candy.
Your chest still rising and falling dramatically with each breath, one of your hands stayed in Tony’s messy and tangled hair as he crawled back up towards you. He pressed his lips against your jawline, grazing his teeth against it before kissing you. He held his hands to your sides, holding your body against his tightly as you kissed him back. 
You leaned up, pushing Tony back. He took the sign and moved to his side, rolling to his back. You straddled the boy, now making it your turn on top. You bit and kissed down his neck, feeling him let out a sigh as he held you closer to him with his hands on your hips. You kissed and grazed your teeth on the skin under his star tattoos, sucking on the skin as he let off a gentle groan at the sensitivity. Your hands moved down his chest, nails gently grazing his skin and sending tingles across his hips and stomach.
“Mierda, Gatito,” he groaned out, gripping your hips tighter, pulling you tighter to his. You slowly rolled your hips down against his, giving friction against the rather large tent in his boxers. Tony moved his hips up to meet yours tighter, his breath becoming more shallow like yours. You pulled on the hem of his boxers, and he helped you to remove them and toss them away. His member stood up at you, against your hips as you rolled them down against him. Your thighs tightened more as you brushed your hips roughly against him, hands on his chest as you bit down on his collarbone.
Tony let out a soft groan, holding you tighter on top of him. “Maldita burla,” he muttered under his breath, rolling his hips up.
You let off a quiet laugh, grinning against the sensitive skin on Tony’s neck. “I still don’t speak Spanish,” you mumbled against him.”
Tony sat up, moving his hands to your back to pull you forward. You were brought only a couple inches away from his dark eyes, staring into you as he pulled you closer to his heated body. “It means you’re a fucking tease, Gatito,” he said quietly.
You grinned against Tony’s lips as he kissed you, bringing one hand into your hair. He pulled on it only gently, and you moved your hand down to his hips. You grazed your nails across his stomach again before gently wrapping your hands around his dick. You began slowly moving your hand up and down slowly, teasing him. You pulled your hand off to gently push Tony back on the bed.
Tony’s chest rose and fell slowly as he watched you, hands on your thighs on each side of his hips. You lifted yourself up, hands still on Tony’s chest as you began slowly moving down on him. You were still wet and stretched out from Tony’s hot actions on you, but you still certainly felt him being pushed inside you. The boy pulled his head back, chin towards the ceiling as he let out a soft groan, holding your thighs tightly as you lowered down onto him. 
It hurt more as you finally lowered yourself to his hips, even though this certainly was not your first time. You fell forward on Tony, beginning to roll your hips up and down, scratching at his chest. Tony moved his hands from your thighs to your ass, helping you quickly move up and down. You could feel Tony pushing on you from inside, the stabbing almost-painful pleasure made you keep moving, your shallow breathing falling on his chest. Your hands clawed and scratched the top of his chest, making small white lines in the coloured skin of the tattoos on the right side of his chest. The floral pattern on his skin stretched and moved as he did and as you pulled on him. He continuously brought his hips up to meet yours, snapping up to hit against the inside of your thighs. Your legs cramped up, but it was starting to feel to good to stop.
Tony grabbed harshly and roughly at your ass, encouraging you to keep going. He had his head thrown back on the pillows, mumbling quiet incoherent things in Spanish and groaning as you whined, moans being pulled quietly from your throat.
Tony brought his head forward, rolling you over until he was on top again. You had your legs wrapped around his thighs, and he leaned on his elbows on each side of your head. Tony pressed a gentle kiss to your lips as he began rolling and snapping his hips quickly and fluidly against yours. Tony began hitting just that right spot, making your breath hitch loudly. You held onto his forearms on both sides of your head, digging your nails in. You brought your hips up to meet his with each movement as your nails dragged across the cross tattoos on his muscled forearms. 
Tony draped his head down, lips slightly fallen open as he kept moving his hips against yours. His breathing was shallow and ragged, the top of his hair in your face, and his lips beginning to fall against your collarbone. “Dios, Gatito... Dios, si... Joder, te sientes tan bien, Gatito.” His voice was airy and deep.
“Fuck, Tony,” you whined, barely able to speak. Your breath was caught in your throat as waves of pleasure started from your stomach and moved up your spine in surges. The only noises you could make were the choked and soft whines and moans from your mouth.
You dragged your nails harder down Tony’s forearms before latching onto his shoulder blades, scratching down his back as amazing pleasure shook through your entire body. You could feel yourself being pushed to the edge again, and leaving marks on Tony. 
Tony groaned and said something else quiet you didn’t catch. Sweat ran down both of your bodies. Tony bit down on your collarbone, muffling a loud groan. You bit your bottom lip and whined as you felt that pleasurable twisting in your lower stomach again. “Fuck, Tony... Please.... Fuck, Please, yes, God,” you squeaked out with a small squeak.
You started feeling that coiling pleasure in your stomach start to become undone, slowly at first, and then all at once. You couldn’t help but let off a loud moan from your throat as you went blind with pleasure, your entire body arching flush with Tony’s. You dug your nails into his shoulder blades more, the pleasure of the good warm waves overtaking your body. You could feel Tony quickly pull out of you, pushing your hips gently down before warm liquid splashed on your stomach. 
“Fuck,” you squeaked out, your spotted vision slowly coming back as you were reduced to only spazzed-out trembles and heavy breathing. Tony fell to his elbows and knees again, leaning right over you. You could feel his breath heavy and deep on your cheek as you were finally able to start calming down. Sweat still came down your body, heated and shaky still. 
Tony took a short moment to breathe before reaching with a shaky hand to his nightstand. Still trembling and barely able to move, your boyfriend pulled out tissues from a tissue box, then moved them to your stomach to help clean up the mess he’d made. 
“Of course you have tissues in your nightstand,” you joked softly between pants. Tony turned to throw the dirty tissues in the small waste bin near his bed. He leaned down until he was on his side next to you, his sweaty arms around you gently. “You probably have lotion in there, too, huh?”
Tony gazed down at you, his eyes still darker and his hair still tangled from your pulling. You could just barely see the edge of red scratch marks on his shoulders from you. He chuckled, shaking his head. 
“You love me,” you said softly, resting your head on his chest with a small exhausted smile.
Tony chuckled again, pressing is lips very gently to yours in a soft kiss. “You’re lucky I do, Gatito. You’re a fucking tease.”
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nctloveclub · 7 years
protective || tony padilla
prompt: I like to request a 13rw tony imagine where y/n and tony are best friends since forever then in school in career day . Tony and y/n bicker about college but as best friends then tony agreed to go to college . Then when they were done with that y/n see’s Hannah getting bullied by Bryce ,Justin ect . Then y/n defends Hannah by making sarcastic /offensive comments about the guys and tony stans close by her just in case if they try something on y/n and so then they did and tony protects them both x
warnings: swearing
a/n: im so sorry i take so long to write these
"This is gonna suck." Tony spoke as the the two of you walked into the gymnasium. It was full of tables with representatives from several colleges. "C'mon it can't be that bad. College is much better than high school. I think." You spoke, nearly dragging Tony inside. "I don't need to go to college!" He says, and you pout. "You're my best friend, if anything you'll be stuck with me. If you don't go, I won't." Tony sighs, "no Y/N, you deserve to go to college." You shrug in response, "Exactly. You deserve to go as well. Don't waste your opportunity, it's now or never." You speak.
You hear Tony sigh in defeat. "Fine, I'll go to college. You and me against the world." Tony laughs and you laugh with him. You spent your time, walking around and talking about different colleges that have good classes in both of your majors. The two of you haven't chose a college yet but you had time. The both of you left the gymnasium and you spotted your friend Hannah.
You started to approach her then you saw a group of guys walking towards her, the group being Justin, Bryce, Zach and others from the basketball team. You huff in annoyance and walk over the Hannah, Tony not aware that you walked off. You start to hear them speak but you're too full of anger and annoyance that you don't know what they're saying. "Are they bothering you Hannah?" You ask Hannah, interrupting Justin speaking. Before Hannah could reply Justin speaks up, "this doesn't involve you Y/L/N."
You bring your hand to your heart, mocking a hurt expression. "Damn that hurts and I thought that one day we could be friends." You say in a sarcastic tone. You hear Hannah trying to stop her laughter. "But seriously, why shouldn't this include me? Hannah is my friend. Unlike you jackasses, I'm a decent person." You speak loudly but not too loud that would cause a scene.
At this point, Tony stood a reasonable distance away from the encounter, he knew that you would probably get yourself into some trouble. So he wanted to be close by to try and prevent anything from happening. This would annoy you sometimes but you knew he was doing it for your own good and you were appreciated it.
The group of teenagers seem taken aback from your insult, a small smirk appearing on your face. "C'mon Y/N, Hannah isn't your friend, you're just pitying her because of after all that happened this year." Bryce spoke up. Now you were taken aback. "I can't believe you have the fucking nerve to say that Walker. I know that you're the cause of all the horrible things happening to her." You said sternly. You see Bryce walk towards you fast, his hand coming up but you see Tony jump between you.
"That's enough!" Tony yells. You look up to see Justin and Zach hold Bryce back and let out a small breath of relief. They drag Bryce away and Tony then turns to face you. "Why would you do that Y/N? He was so close to hurting you." Tony spoke. You shrug, "I don't know, I was trying to defend myself and Hannah but I knew something was gonna happen the second I walked over there. I don't care if something happened to me, but at least I defended my friend in the process." You explained and Tony sighs, bringing you into a hug.
"Sorry Tony. For causing trouble." You spoke, and Tony laughs. "I accept your apology. Now let's stop moping around, we got colleges to apply for."
this was fun to write tbh, hope you enjoy!! requests are closed since im trying to catch up and finish them. feedback is appreciated!!
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afanofeverthing · 4 years
Justin deserved nothing but the world :(
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sophiewritesworld · 5 years
A Kiss To Change It All (Part 33) - Montgomery de la Cruz
Pairing: Montgomery x Reader
Warning: Mention of abuse
Word count: 3K
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The spreading purple and blue across the jock's abdomen were deepening as time went by. It hurt him to move or even breathe, whenever he did, it shot him a sharp pain making him groan and stop any movement. You wondered if some of his ribs were cracked but again you didn't want to ask as he just settled on your couch after you insisted that he should eat if he wanted to get rid of that hangover.
You sat next to him, one hand holding the filed plate, the other feeding the injured boy. When he told you that he could eat on his own, you stepped back and observed him struggle to lift the fork to his mouth but he resigned way before he could even have a bite of the food as his side hurt him even more. "You were saying, Cruz?" He just rolled his eyes at you as a response. The next step was getting him back to your room. Walking was hard but walking up the stairs was even harder as you had to stop every other step, allowing the pain to calm before you continued until you reached your room. You didn't have the time to react that he just crashed on your bed and instantly regretted his dumb move. "Suffer in silence while I get you something to wear." Your back was to him while you were searching through the many pieces of clothing he left when you were still together so you couldn't see the sudden blush creeping up his cheeks. The number of flannels and hoodies that belonged to him sitting in your closet overthrew your actual clothes but after just a few minutes you managed to find a pair of sweatpants and boxers.
"I can get dressed on my own, don't worry." From the look you shot him, he knew he had to get you more than just this. "It's embarrassing."
Your lips stretched into a smile. Gripping the edge of the towel, you stepped in front of him. "Nothing I haven't seen before, Monty." It made him laugh and he eventually relaxed a little bit as you worked on getting him dressed as quickly as you could, making sure to keep your eyes focused elsewhere. Sure, it was awkward for both of you to suddenly get back to this level of intimacy but you didn't have many options in front of you. Silence fell between you when you were both seated on your bed, shoulder to shoulder. Taking a deep breath, you dared to ask the burning question on your tongue since you picked him up. "What happened?" You wanted to take it back immediately when Montgomery just shook his head and looked away hiding his silent tears from your sad gaze. It made your heart shatter in your chest. You reached for his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, rubbing the back of it with your thumb. It spread a comforting feeling through his tired body.
"I don't wanna talk about it please." Montgomery shifted so his head was resting on your shoulder and his arm was resting around your waist. You kissed the top of his head an answer and brought your hand to stroke his arm. It didn't take him long to fall back asleep, moving his head so it rested against your chest. You couldn't' move anywhere. The truth was you didn't want to be anywhere else but right next to him, giving him the comfort he needed. Each time he moved, his hold around your waist tightened, his breath brushing your skin through the thin fabric of your T-shirt. Your eyes wandered on his bruised skin, wondering what Montgomery did wrong this time for his father -if you could call him a father- to lose it on him this way. It had never been this worse. The many times he showed up after your parents went to sleep, his face was beaten up, nothing too serious but enough to make you worry about him. When you would be cleaning his cuts, Montgomery would crack a joke or start kissing you to lighten the mood, telling you that it wasn't as bad as it looked like. This time there was just silence to deal with the situation.
You couldn't say how long you stayed like that but it was dark outside when he shifted against you, hiding his face in your neck. "Rise and shine, Monty." You giggled when his breath tickled your skin. "Come on Monty."
"Yeah right, play it dumb, Cruz."
"I really don't know what you're talking about." Montgomery knew you to perfection. Your weaknesses, soft spots... He never took any interest in getting to know any girl before you and the fact that he memorized every single detail about you, almost scared him. He flipped on his back, slowly landing on the mattress. He didn't want to deal with any pain. "Reminds me of something." He blurted when you turned the bedside lamp on. It made you smile. Of course, you remembered that first time you properly spent time together, not afraid that anyone might catch you. Again when you were about to speak your phone started ringing. You internally cursed whoever it was before you picked up and quickly handed it to Montgomery whispering a 'Scott' before you got out of the room. It made you sick how whenever you wanted to apologize for what you said the other day, someone would always find a way to cut you off as if you weren't meant to say a word about that.
Montgomery stood by the door, observing you as you paced inside the kitchen, mumbling nonsense and biting your nails as you did. He quickly wrapped up the conversation with his teammate when he felt the sudden discomfort it brought. You didn't notice him so he walked over to you, grabbing your wrist and made you turn around so you were facing him. "You hungry? I'll get dinner ready for us." You tried to free yourself from his hold but it only got tighter. "What?"
"What is it?"
You shook your head. "Nothing."
"Do you really think you can fool me this way? What is it?" You sighed and told him everything in one go, not even allowing yourself to catch your breath which wasn't the greatest idea since he barely understood what you said. "Hey, hey, calm down. Breathe... Now slowly tell me what's going on." You told him you wanted to apologize for a while but whenever you tried there was someone who interrupted you and it was getting on your nerves. "(Y/N/N) what do you want to apologize about?"
"The crap I said the other day."
The tone you used and the small pout on your lips made him chuckle. He backed up and leaned against the kitchen counter. You didn't understand what was so funny in what you just said. "C'mere." He held you close to him with his good arm, a smile still playing on his lips. "You had every right to get mad at me."
"I was a bitch to you, Monty. I wasn't thinking and I said shit I didn't mean..."
"Then you weren't a bitch." He smiled and kissed your cheek. "I shoul..."
Once more, someone interrupts you by ringing the doorbell. You closed your eyes, inhaling loudly before you started walking towards the door. You stopped midway, right before you exited the kitchen and turned to look at Montgomery. "Please visit me in jail if I murder whoever it is." To your surprise, Jeff was standing behind the door with his million-dollar smile and a huge bag of food in one hand. Shit. You completely forgot to let him know that Montgomery was there. "Hey, handsome!"
"Is it normal that Monty answers your phone or did I miss something?" He shot with a wink and made his way inside greeting your ex-boyfriend while setting the food on the table. It took you a solid minute to realize that he somehow knew that Montgomery was in your house and he wasn't mad you didn't tell him. But how did he know? You closed the door and followed him in the kitchen. The two were already deep into a conversation or something like 'Go to the doctor' - 'I am fine' thing. You stood there until your best friend noticed you about to speak. "Before you ask, I called like ten minutes ago and he picked up."
You shot a glare to Montgomery who just smiled awkwardly. Jeff had a look at the situation himself, he couldn't blame you for having Montgomery around and not telling him. He never told you that his teammate crashed at his place from time to time before you saw him yourself. After dinner, you gave another round of painkillers to Montgomery and cleared up the table. Jeff wasn't so comfortable with the fact that he didn't see a doctor and still reminded you that you should convince him to go to the ER. "You have your ways with him, it could be worse than it looks like, sweetheart."
"It's Monty we're talking about. You know how stubborn he is."
Jeff nodded. "Try. At least."
"I can't promise anything." After you closed the door, you went to sit by his side on the couch, your hand automatically went to play with his short hair. "Jeff is right, we should probably g..." You couldn't finish that he was kissing you. What? He was kissing you, ignoring the pain and the fact that you took a few seconds before you kissed him back. "What was that for?" You asked once you pulled away from him.
"My way of apologizing to you for being a total jerk in front of everyone. Not just at Bryce's." He felt terrible for what he did to you that he couldn't even look at you while talking.
"You could have used words, Cruz." You said with a smile.
He shook his head and looked up to meet your eyes. "You know I'm no good with words. But yeah I'm sorry for putting in such position and not giving you any chance to talk that night."
"Do I have a chance to speak now?" He nodded and shifted so he could look at you properly. You took a deep breath before you spoke. "Part of what I wanted to say was an apology for being a bitch but it's not just that... Actually, I... I don't remember even thinking of an apology... I..." You paused, seeking for words which you found after a minute. You went on telling him how you found out the texts your mother sent him by accident and how she didn't even try to deny what she did. You told him that you were lost and you felt guilty for losing it on him the way you did. "Why you didn't tell me anything, Monty?"
"Cause I still wanted to see you every day." A punch straight in your feelings. Right about what you needed to make your heart ache again and tears quickly fill your eyes but smile at the sweetness of the words. "I've never cared about a girl as much as I care about you, that's why I didn't want to lose you completely even if you hated me after what I said."
"I could never hate you." Even when you tried, you failed. It was nearly impossible for you to feel anything but love towards him, despite everything that he said or did. You tried telling yourself that a girl's first love was unforgettable and over time you were going to move on, get to know and love someone else but your mind couldn't picture you with anybody else. Not a soul could give you what Montgomery gave you. No one could ever replace him.
You kept on talking, letting out of your hearts whatever you had to say to the other. He told you how much it was painful for him to see you cry and not be able to do anything for it. The few times you were on your own with him, he confessed that he couldn't help himself and wanted to tell you everything so you would be back to your old happy self that he liked so much but again, he remembered what your mother told him and had to hold himself. Everything reminded him of you. "You drive me crazy."
"Is that a good thing?" You asked sheepishly.
"A very good thing, princess."
According to romantic movies, you were supposed to make out and cuddle on the couch until you both fall asleep right where you were but it wasn't the case for you mainly because Montgomery was injured and you wanted to take things a little slower this time, if he allowed you to do so, of course. After you both made it back to your room, you took the wise decision to call your father and let him know that Montgomery was staying with you. You certainly didn't want him to come back home and find him shirtless hanging in his house. "Are you okay with this? ... Thanks, dad." Your father was aware of Montgomery's family issues and you didn't need to say anything for him to understand that something happened between him and his father. He simply added that you should stay safe before you ended the call. "Oh my God, dad, this embarrassing!"
"He gave you the talk?" Montgomery asked when you tossed your phone away, cheeks red in embarrassment.
Nodding, you just proceeded to help him settle back in your bed. "In nine months of relationship with you, he never did." Seeing the growing grin on his face, you immediately reacted. "Oh hell no, Cruz, nothing will happen tonight."
"Why noooot?" He whined. You could swear you were dealing with a five-year-old throwing a tantrum over the candy he didn't get. Only he wasn't far from being a five-year-old and you were the candy he didn't get.
"Because last time I checked, you were still dating Kimberly."
"You jealous?"
Rolling your eyes at him, you made your way to your side of the bed. "Is this even a question to ask, of course, I am! So nothing until you sort this out." He sighed and dropped his head on the pillow. You sure were something hard to handle but he liked it. He liked the fact that you wouldn't give up easily on him, no matter how hard he tried. "You know, she isn't a bad person."
"Who are you talking about?"
"Kimberly, dumbass."
"Why are you saying this?"
You were in the dark, getting just enough light to distinguish your silhouettes, laying next to each other. You couldn't sleep, neither could he. "Because she came to talk to me the other day." You shifted to lay on your side. "She surprised me, you know."
"Because she is smarter than you think she is. You know, she told me you were secretly checking on me."
The only sound of your voice let him know that you were smiling. "Is this creepy?"
"Not at all."
Then silence again. A comfortable silence this time. You thought he fell asleep because he didn't react or move since you stopped talking but he was mentally preparing himself to tell you what happened the night before. He took a deep breath and spoke. It caught you off guard. You weren't expecting him to do so, not after you managed to lighten the mood between you.
Montgomery had a few drinks with the boys before he headed back to his place. He was buzzed, not drunk, so when he entered his house, he didn't quite remember that his father was in town and left his baseball bat and bag downstairs. He never did but the exhaustion and the alcohol took upon his mind. He was about to head to the bathroom when he remembered and quickly but silently when to get his belongings before his father saw them.
It was too late.
Mr de la Cruz was standing by the front door, holding the bat in his hands. He was angry. "What did I say about you stuff, son?" Slowly, he walked towards the terrified jock, swinging the bat as he got closer to him.
"I am sorry, I..." Montgomery's voice was barely audible. He wished he could just disappear right at that moment.
"I forgot it."
"Oh, you forgot?" Monty just nodded and looked down at his shoes, already apprehending what would happen next.
He didn't need to into any details for you to understand what happened. You could only imagine him not being able to fight back. "I was eight when he used it one me for the first time." He cleared his throat, steadying his trembling voice before he continues. The simple thought of an eight-year-old boy getting a beating by his own father sent shivers down your spine. How could he do such a thing? "From that day, I never leave anything behind when he is home but yesterday... I was tired and I wasn't thinking..."
"Shhhh, it's over now, Monty." You moved closer to him, resting your hand on his chest and kissing his cheek. His mind was replaying the scene which made his heart beat faster and faster inside his chest. He could almost feel the pain all over again but the warmth of your skin against his and your soft voice brought him back to reality. "You're safe here."
That night, you found it hard to fall asleep after what Montgomery confessed. Sure you knew his father had a temper and often lost it on his only son but you never imagined he could go crazy like this. Montgomery de la Cruz, the one labeled as number one bully at Liberty, was a broken boy abused by his own father.
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TAGS: @pllfanatic @namelesslosers @rororo06
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britishvamps · 6 years
The Kissing Booth
Prompts: None Fandom: 13 Reasons Why Member: Scott Reed Warnings: Swearing Word Count: 1162
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It was that time of the year, Valentine’s Day. And this year instead of doing Dollar Valentine like the past few years, the school decided to do some fundraising and as one of the cheerleaders, you guys offered to do a kissing booth. With everything going on about the trail of Hannah’s parents and the school, people thought it would be a fun way of giving some kind of happiness back into the high school.
Being a romantic, and unfortunately a cheerleader, you offered to help out with the fundraiser, not knowing that meant being one of the girls being used as the receivers of a kiss on the kissing booth. It had been around half an hour and you and the other 2 girls beside you had kissed roughly 25 people with a steady stream of guys in line to kiss the three of you.
Taking a small break, you couldn’t shake the feeling of someone watching you. “(Y/N), how are the kisses? Anyone seem worth your time?” Chloe asked, walking up to the three of you as you took a sip of your iced tea, rolling your eyes. “God no, all horrible, except maybe Derek from my English class.” You spoke, walking over to your bag to grab your phone. “Well, maybe you’ll find the one.” She said, walking back to wherever she came from as it was time to go back to your standing places in the booth. As you went back, someone you really didn’t want to see came up. “Fuck off Montgomery.” You sighed, rolling your eyes as you shuddered under the eyes of an unknown person. “C’mon (Y/N/N), this is for charity after all.” He smirked, leaning in closer as you felt his hot breath on the side of your face. Sighing, you leant forward and gave him what you thought would be a quick peck but he took your face in his hands, keeping your lips locked to his for another few seconds before you literally had to push him off of you.
“Sorry babe, got a little carried away.” He said, feigning a look of guilt as he tried to hide his smirk before walking away from the booth. As he sauntered away, you could feel a pair of eyes on you but as you looked around, you couldn’t work out where it was coming from. After another hour or so of bad kisses and you had around 15 minutes left, you had given up on hoping that the one you really wanted to get a kiss from would appear.
At the end of it all, you and the other girls had made your way to where your bags where and you walked off to the parking lot to get in your car when you heard some pained groans from a few feet away. “Hello?” You called out, walking towards the sound warily. As you passed a familiar car, you saw Montgomery with a black eye and some cuts on his face as he was holding his bloody nose as he leant against the car whilst sat on the floor. “Oh my days, Monty what the he-” You were cut off by him as he stood up and tried to brush past you to get to the drivers side of his car. “Hold on, what happened to your face Montgomery?” You said, forcing him to a stop as you grabbed some tissues out of your rucksack. But as you tried to place them on his bloody nose, he roughly pushed you away, getting back in his car and started it up causing you to quickly move away just in time to turn to see an also beaten and bruised Scott as he limped over to his car, trying to go unnoticed. “Scott!” You shouted, rushing towards him in hopes he would actually let you help. “What the hell happened to the two of you? Or are you also going to drive away and nearly kill me as well?” You fumed, grabbing his bicep to turn him to face you.
“It’s nothing (Y/N), just a disagreement.” He said, brushing your hand away from his arm as the last few remaining students dispersed around the parking lot or walked home. “Scott I’m not stupid, you guys are like brothers a small argument couldn’t have made the both of your faces look like you’ve been mauled.” You scoffed, handing him some tissues to wipe off the dried blood on his face and hands. “(Y/N)...” He sighed, rolling his shoulder as he looked away from you, staring the distance before looking back at you. “It’s nothing, ju- just forget about it, okay? Go home.” He spoke faintly, moving towards his car. That was the final straw. “Okay, now you listen to me carefully Scott Reed, I don’t two shits about whether Montgomery was hurt, but if you guys are fighting then it must be serious. Now, we’re going to try this again. Why did you guys fight?” You said, grabbing his arm once again seeing his face contour into one of anger and exasperation. “Okay, you wanna know why I punched Monty? Because of you, okay! He chose to kiss you of all people despite knowing I liked you! And then when he came towards us, he spoke about bringing you to the Clubhouse, okay. A- and I just snapped.” He shouted, walking you back into the hood of his car, trapping you between his body and the hood. At the end of his speech, the silence between the two of you was almost deadly as the two of you stared at each other for a few minutes.
“Yo-you like me?” You stuttered out, looking up at Scott for a second before you dodged eye contact and stared behind him at the school building. He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck as he nodded at you. “Like a lot. I mean it took so much restraint for me to not get in that line and kiss you.” He sighed, fiddling with his Letterman jacket zipper. “So why didn’t you?” You asked, looking up at him quizzically. “Because I didn’t want our kiss to be just another random kiss. I wanted it to be better than the ones you got at the school’s shitty fundraiser.” He said, placing his hand on your cheek as he leant closer to you. “Then do it.” You said, moving closer to close the gap between the two of you, pressing your lips to his. The kiss lasted for a while, the both of you not moving as his hands cuffed your face and yours rested on his hips before he pulled away, both of you smiling. “Well, this will be a fun first kiss story.” He laughed, placing another quick peck on your lips before continuing, “This isn’t how I wanted to ask but do you want to go out tomorrow night?” A smile appeared on his face as you nodded, pulling him back in for another kiss.
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new-to-this123 · 6 years
Are You Jealous?
As per requested
Could you please do jealous Monty smut with lots of dirty talk and daddy kink
This is my first smut. so i apologize if it aint that good. lol
Monty X Reader
warning: Smut, swearing
word count: 1945
You and Monty had been sleeping together for close to a year. You werent dating, because neither one of you liked labels, just sleeping together and doing everything a couple does. You would hold hands at school, kiss, make out, sit on his lap. Literally everything couples did you did.
You had arrived early to school to finish a school project worth 50% of your final grade. Every time you tried to do it after school, monty wouldn't let you. He would kiss your neck and run his hands down your body and tease you until you gave in to him and you'd end up having sex.
“You're here early” you turn around to see Jeff and Clay.
“I could say the same for you! Don't you guys usually tutor at lunch time?” you replied
“Trying something new” Clay said sarcastically.
“Oh are you still trying to get him with hannah? Because shes in the Mr. P. English class. I was just there with her.” you replied smiling
“Yes i am, now clay go! Your damsel awaits your arrival!” Jeff said pushing clay.
Clay walked away, looking back at You and jeff shaking his head.
You and jeff had been friends since the beginning of school. You had met in Kindergarten and it started a friendship everyone wanted.
You both decided to sit on the ground, at the floor of your locker to talk. You had your head resting on his shoulder laughing and joking around, talking about baseball, leah, monty.
You didn't see monty and the other jocks walk in the school until you heard Justin yell from across the hall.
“Get a damn room Atkins”
You both separated each from each other, standing up laughing. The boys came up to you guys. Usually monty kisses you. Not today. He stood there looking at you, with a look in his eyes you'd never seen before. You grabbed his hand and walked a few lockers over.
“Whats up? Why are you being a grouch?” You asked
“Um i wasn't the one intertwined with my “best friend”” he replied doing air quotations on the best friend.
“We were talking about him and Leah. and either way jeff is like a brother to me. Never been with him and i don't want to either.”
“Mmhmm” was all that came out of montys mouth.
“Oh my god! Are you…..jealous?” you asked in a half serious half joking manner.
“You know what” monty started before leaning down pushing you against the locker holding your waist, whispering
“I think you need to be punished like the naughty girl you've been”
You bit your lip looking at monty with your most innocent face, whispering while sliding your hand up his leg to stop on his half hard penis.
“Mmm I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean to be naughty.”
Monty pushed up against you more then he already was. He kissed you neck and you let out a moan.
“Let's go we’re going to your place” monty said grabbing your hand leading you toward his car.
You sat in the jeep, looked at monty
“I want you to tell me what you're going to do to me daddy” you said in a seductive voice biting your lip.
“Nope, naughty girls don't get to know.” monty said with a smirk placing his hand on your thigh squeezing hard, turning you on.
“But daddy, i didn't try to be naughty. I'll be a good girl for you” you said putting the tip of your index finger in your mouth, to tease monty some more.
“Oh baby girl just wait till i get you in your room” he said moving his up your thigh to touch your heat through your pants. You let out a moan.
Monty had made it to your house in record time. You both got out the jeep, and monty ran over to your side and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He hand his hands on your ass, kissing your neck.
“Babe lets take this inside, i don't need the neighbors telling my parents we were fucking in the front yard” you said between moans
Monty smacked your ass looking at you.
“That's daddy to you baby girl”
He walked up to your front door still holding you. Your parents never locked their doors. He opened it, and walked up to your room kissing your neck, leaving a trail of hickeys.
“Im gonna fuck you so good babygirl” monty said dominantly as he put you on the ground sitting on your bed.
You stood there just biting your bottom lip, knowing when he was in this mood, you did not move unless he told you too. Monty looked at you, running his eyes from the top to bottom, with a smik on his face.
“What?” you said as he caught you off guard
“I said Strip NOW”
You were gonna make it long and slow. You started slowly taking off your shirt. Creeping it up slowly. You got it over your head. Monty grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him. Kissing your stomach and the trail between your breast.
“I did not say you could be a tease.” monty said unhooking your bra.
“Mmmm i'm gonna have to punish you some more” he said grabbing both your boobs with his hands. He sucked the tip of one nipple, pulled away and blew gently on it. You let out a moan.
“Fuck me daddy, please fuck me” you begged
“Haha my babygirl is eager. But no” monty said standing up pushing you n the bed. He laid on top of you, placing a hand on either side of your head to keep himself up. He kissed your lips
“I'm punishing you, for being a tease.” he leaned in, very close to your lips ‘This goes my way.”
With that he stood up, and looked at your half naked body. He slowly moved closer. He brought his hands to the button on your jeans, unbuttoning  them and pulling them down painfully slow.
Still in your underwear, Monty ran his hands over your heat.
“Mmm Babygirl you’re already wet, and i havent done anything”
You just looked at him, your eyes begging him to fuck you.
He looked at you and smirked as he moved his hands to the band of your thong, pulling it off you.
He lowered himself, onto his knees, grabbing your legs, pulling you closer to the edge of the bed. He placed your legs on his shoulders. He squeezed your thighs and kissed them roughly. Your hand went to his hair as he sucked and gave you hickeys on your thighs. Monty pulled away at your touch. “No no babygirl, no touching” Monty looked at you.
“ oh but daddy i have to touch you”  you replied
“Hmm looks like i'm gonna have to change things up then.” monty walked over to your closet adn grabbed the tie he left at your place the first time he tied you up.
You saw him turn around with the ties and you got so excited. You loved it when he tied you up.
You walked over to you, tied your hands together before tying them to the headboard.
“ now you'll listen better” monty smirked, climbed on the bed, and lifted both your legs over his shoulders again.
“ i can see your wetness babygirl. You're so naughty. You enjoy being tied up”
“Only if its you daddy” you said in a low voice.
Monty kissed down your stomach stopping when he reach your sweet spot. He looked at you in the eyes and said
“ No cumming”
He licked your heat a few times causing you to moan.
“ mm you taste to good babygirl.” He circled his tongue around your clit before gently biting it.
“ omg daddy” you moaned which caused monty to smile and start sucking on your clit flicking his tongue over it.
You could feel your high building up. He slid a finger inside of you which caused you to almost scream with pleasure.
“ please daddy, can i cum?”
“No babygirl” he moaned between licks and sucks.
He inserted another finger in you causing you moan even louder and push your hips up he kept your pearl in his mouth and fingered you until he sensed your wall getting tighter. He pulled his face away from in between you. He got off the bed. You followed him with your eyes.
Monty took his shirt off, followed by his jeans and boxers. Monty saw you look at him
“You want daddys hard cock in you babygirl?” monty ask getting on the bed.
“ yes daddy” you replied with an innocent face as monty placed himself between your legs.
“ Remember, no cumming baby girl” as Monty said that he placed his hard cock at the opening of your very wet, and wanting pussy. Monty, wanting to be a tease, slowly pushed the tip of his dick inside you, pulling out and doing it again and again.
“Please daddy! Fuck me” you asked your hands still tied above your head
“Mmm babygirl i make the rules. But your begging is so fucking hot” He leaned down and kissed your lips. You kept kissing, you were moving your hips hoping to get his hard cock inside you. With one hard thrust Montys full length was in you. Your head flung back and your hips raised up as you let out a loud moan.
Monty was slowly thrusting in and out of you.
“Oh my god babygirl your so tight”
Monty kept thrusting in and out slowly. Driving you insane.
“Faster daddy” you moaned
Montys face lit up at those words. He took both your legs put them on his shoulders,  He placed a hand on your neck gently choking you, and picked up the pace. He was now pounding his hard on inside you. He was hitting your gpot with every thrust. He kept the same fast paced, never slowed down. You were a moaning mess. You felt your high building up
“Oh my god daddy dont stop” you moaned loudly
“Your wish is my command babygirl” monty replied smile on his face, pounding yu harder and faster.
He could feel your walls getting tighter around his hard on. He smirked bringing his down from your neck to you clit and rubbed it hard.
“Oh daddy can i cum? Please can i cum daddy” you begged
“Not yet babygirl” he replied fucking you harder and rubbing your
“ please daddy. Please daddy let me cum”
Monty just shook his head no as he smirked. He loved it when you begged. He also loved making you wait to your breaking point before letting you cum.
Monty could feel his high building on. He rubbed your clit harder and faster and never slowed his fast rough pace fucking you.
“DAAADDDDY PLEASE” you sreamed not sure you could contain your high any longer.
“Cum babygirl”
You let yourself go.  Monty didn't stop pounding you, he kept going. Thrusting his cock in and out of you, rubbing your clit. You could feel monty finishing in you. He reached up, untied your hands and layed himself on top of you.
“ i love you Y/N” you wrapped your arms around him, surprised at what he had just said
“ i love you too monty”
Monty lifted his head up off your chest and looked you in the eyes
“Be mine? Like my girlfriend” monty asked catching you off guard
“ of course” you replied kissing him.
You both curled up under the blankets intertwined in each other and fell asleep.
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visforvengeance · 6 years
Alex dating a Canadian!Reader would include...
Ahhhhh boy. I love Alex so fucking much. If you didn’t notice, I do write for 13 reasons why. Obviously I will not write for Monty, Bryce, or Marcus. I also don’t know shit about Canadians! I hope I’m not stereotyping, so I’m gonna use google. I’m sorry in advance lmao.
Alright, motherfuckers.
Alex is a sweet boy, who has obviously been through a lot of shit
He loves his little Canadian girlfriend
Since you’re from canada, he’s very curious about everything
“Do you guys seriously say ‘eh’ a lot?”
“No, you dingus. It’s used to illicit a response.”
“Ah okay”
Literal facepalm x5
“You guys’ milk comes in...jugs?”
“Yeah, why?”
“And you guys call us weird. Fucking losers”
He’s confused but that was hilarious
“So was it winter in summer there?”
“No. It was still summer in summer. Just very brutal winters.”
He’s been lied to his whole life, leave him be
“Sorry” “sorry” “I’m not going to say sorry again, alex” “why not” “sigh, that’s not how it works”
I’m disappointed. We don’t have coffee crisps.
I literally cannot think of anything else.
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Season 2 13rw coming on May 18th
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Hello lovelies!
I know I haven't been active for a long time, but expect new imagines/headcanons when the new season arrives!
See ya then xoxo
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xxfanficnationxx · 6 years
Wow, it’s been a while
I don’t know if any of you have noticed or not. I’ve been gone for quite a while. But I’m back. I think... I don’t know how I could have left you guys. And I want to thank everyone for still being committed. So I’d like to announce that I’m going to try to start over and introduce even more fandoms into my blog. If you have any suggestions or burning questions my inbox is open.
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tonys-red-mustang · 6 years
So today I woke up at almost noon to see I had gotten to over 200 followers, which means I gained a little over 50 overnight. Now, two hours later, literally the only semi-productive thing I have done today is write a 4,800 word Tony Padilla smut
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psychedelic-rejects · 7 years
Something Different | Jeff Atkins x Reader
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Warning: smut
A/N: Dear Readers, I apologize for any delays of my writing- since I am moving houses it is quite difficult to focus on any stories at the moment, your patience is kindly noted. Thank you. xx
- The Egyptian cotton sheets felt like heaven against my bare skin, another heavenly feeling were his hands caressing my thigh as he kissed me with passion and pure love.
He stood in front of me, bare back and bare chested- I couldn't help but admire every inch of his skin in sight, all of his figure and flaws that were perfection to me, his lips parted as he stared down at my body and I gazed upon him hungrily as I undressed him with my eyes.
I took in every detail to his appearance; his roughed up hair, his beautiful blue eyes that might seem brown certain times, his plumped up lips, his sharp jawline and not to even mention his bulking biceps and muscular physique but what really caught my full attention were his shorts that hung loosely around his torso whilst revealing his V line and the surface to his intimate part were slightly visible; I could tell he wasn't wearing boxers underneath his shorts.
"Are you going to sit there and gawk?" His voice deepening and he gained my attention as my eyes shifted from his crotch area to his eyes, those wonderful eyes. I bit my lip in response and I saw how his face turned from amused to lustful.
"You know what that does to me" he gestures over to my teeth gripping my bottom lip.
"I do." I cockily responded and repeated my action once more.
"Cocky huh?" He raises an eyebrow.
I felt his huge hands wrap around my ankle and he pulled me closer to his body only to flip me around so that my bare ass were in full sight to him.
"I'm giving you one chance to apologize for being cocky" his tone sounding serious.
Instead I just giggled at the fact that he was trying to be dominant. I felt a sting on my backside as the palm of his hands were met with my skin causing a loud clap to echo through our bedroom.
"Apologize" he spoke through gritted teeth. "Sorry Mr. Atkins."
I giggled in between those words, mostly because I felt a little awkward. "Now was that so hard?" He smirked and stood up once again but this time he walked away without another word.
So he's really gonna play hard to get? I will not cave although he's looking extremely hot. I must admit I am aroused by his sudden want to dominate but I will play the same game and see who wins.
"I will not touch you until you beg me to." He whispered in a deep tone which caused chills to run up and down my spine.
"I have never seen this side of you before but I must let you know that you are the one who needs to beg for it" a smirk tugged on my lips as we made eye contact for what felt like forever.
I've attempted to seduce him but it seems that I've been failing; I tried to touch his sweet spots but only to find him pulling away instead of giving in, I've tried grinding up against him but failed to get him to react and I've also tried to strip for him but it only strived him to play hard to get even more.
At this point I was very aroused and not in the mood for games anymore and so I gave him what he wanted.
I am lost; he's not playing fair.
"Please," I whisper.
"Please what?" His expression seemed calm.
"Touch me." My voice shaky.
"Where, baby?" He smirked He's extremely close, his scent was intoxicating as I reached to grab his hand but he seemed to have taken a step back from me.
"No, no" he chides
"What?" My eyes wide and alarmed
"No" he spoke those words once more
"Not at all?" The sound of longing could not be repressed from my voice.
All I earned from him was a smile and a faint chuckle. I took a step toward him, and he steps back, holding up his hands in defense, but his smile lingered on his plump lips.
"Shall we have dinner" he spoke up.
"Sure" I rolled my eyes and I know he noticed for the way his jaw clenched and released.
He had decided to cook for tonight because I was in no mood to do so. I watched as his biceps flexed with the flip of our steaks being cooked, I admired the sweat glistening and sliding down his abs and making their way down to the waist band of his shorts while the sweat stains the fabric, I watched him with intensive care as he chopped up the veggies and watching how his hands were skilled with any utensils or any object. I bit my lip in frustration to his rejection to fuck.
"What's for dessert after?" He asked whilst wiping away the bids of sweating gliding down his forehead and neck.
"Vanilla ice-cream.. like the way you are in bed" I muttered the last part under my breath and made it barely audible so I was the only one who could hear it but I was very wrong, seemed like he head my snide remark.
"Oh. Is that so?" He laughed a devilish laugh.
I have a feeling wrenching deep in the pit of my stomach that I will be paying for my comment later. We ate our dinner silently without a conversation, I was a bit upset with him but also I had nothing to say.
He broke our silence "Well?" He asks.
"Well what?" My lips parted to take slow breaths.
"Ready for dessert?" He smirked and I had an idea of what might happen.
"Indeed I am" I responded.
He took the carton of vanilla ice-cream and grabbed only one spoon as he gestured over to our shared bedroom. I made sure to grab the champagne as I followed behind him, my body bare, the only visible fabric held against my skin were my bra and laced underwear.
"What now?" I asked curious to know what he had planned in his vicious little mind.
I saw him lick his lips as he stepped closer toward me until his scent made its way into my nostrils, I loved his musty scent - was always a a turn on.
"Kiss me" I whisper
"Where?" He smiled
"You know where" I whimpered
I felt embarrassed to tell him the part I ached for him the most and all I could manage to do was point towards the apex of my thighs, and he had a wicked grin spread across his face.
"With pleasure" he smirked
I closed my eyes with absolute arousal as he kissed me and unleashed his talented tongue. I groaned and fist my hand into his smooth hair. He did not stop, I could feel his tongue circling around my clit, driving me completely insane. "Jeff, please," I begged- I know I caved and I begged him.
The feeling was overwhelming as I stood up, I felt my legs giving up to the feeling that tied up into my stomach- I know I was close and I don't think I would have the strength to cum whilst standing up.
"Please what?"
"Fuck me." I panted.
As soon as those words left my mouth, I noticed how his pupils had dilated and the lust was prominent in his eyes- I knew what was about to come. He did not stop his sweet , exquisite torture. I moaned very loud, as usual.
"Jeff. . . . Please" I begged once more. He stood up and gazed upon me and his lips glistened with the evidence of my extreme arousal.
"Undress me" he spoke as he wiped away my arousal.
I dropped to my knees and kneeled before him as I undid the button of his shorts and pulled down his zipper in one quick motion, I couldn't contain my eagerness as his shorts were sliding down his legs and he stepped out of them. I peeked up at him through my lashes and he was staring down at me. I grabbed his, now, free member and squeezed him tightly- pushing my hands up and down his shaft. He groans and tenses, and his breath hisses through gritted teeth. With care I brought my lips closer to his tip and gave it a soft kiss before letting him slide into my mouth and suck- hard. He tastes good.
"Mmm. . . Gently, baby." He grabs a fistful of my hair, and I push him deeper into my mouth, pressing my lips together as much as I can, sheathing my teeth as sucking hard. I peeked once more and noticed his head tossed back in pleasure, his breathing became uneven and his lips parted.
"Fuck," he hisses.
His godlike moan had an effect on me as I felt my arousal grow with every sound and profanities that escaped his lips. Soon enough my lips became to cramp up and so I stopped my actions and noticed how disappointed he seemed.
"Take off your bra," he orders.
I sit up and do as I am told- I am enjoying his dominant side today. I was pushed onto the bed as he spread my legs and stood up to gaze down at me, I paid attention to his every move- he licked his lips once again as he took the carton of ice-cream and the spoon in the other hand as he scrapped up some of the frozen vanilla milk and scooped it up as he brought it between my thighs and spread the ice-cream on my clit. The coldness felt awkward against my crotch but I shrugged it off.
"Pain can sometimes inflict pleasure" he smirked Scooping more of the ice-cream as he made dollops on each side of my nipples, I tossed my head back in pleasure as I felt him lick dessert off my body and I couldn't have felt more aroused in my entire life.
I brought the champagne up to my lips and gulped down a few as I watched him eat me. "I want you inside me" my voice shaky and cracking as I attempted to speak with the pleasure coursing throughout my body.
"Mmmm" he murmurs between eating me out.
He pulls away and hovers above me, my legs already spread. His eyes never left mine as he sinks inside me with a deliciously, yet torturing slow pace. I close my eyes, relishing the fullness. His pace was slow and yet he was slamming deep and rough inside me, my toes curled up in excitement that left me wanting more. I could feel every movement, I could feel his thickness and I could feel his every length as he buried himself inside of me. Instinctively tilting my pelvis to meet his, I groaned at the friction of him slamming against my clit, sending me to a whole other dimension. My fingers found their way to his silken unruly hair, and he moved slowly and roughly inside of me.
"God. . Faster, Jeff, faster." I let out in between moans. He gazes down at me in triumph as if he was waiting for those words to leave my lips as he kisses me hard and then really starts to move- a punishing and relentless pace that drove me over the edge and closer to my orgasm. The constant attention to my sweet spot had caused my clit to become sensitive and so with every thrust of his skin meeting my clit had sent me to climax. He sets a pounding rhythm as my legs tenses beneath him.
"You want to cum baby?" He gasps My response were heavy and loud moans that couldn't stop escaping my mouth.
"Cum on my dick baby" His words are my undoing, and I explode, amazingly, mind-numbingly, and he follows as he called out my name.
"Oh fuck Y/N!"
He collapses on top of me, his head buried in my neck as our breathing had started to even itself.
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afanofeverthing · 4 years
Tony's father: "We're gonna be fine."
Tony: "The shop is your dream."
Tony's father: "Listen to me. That shop... was never my dream. You... You are my dream. Why do we do everything? So that you can have a better life than we did. This is your better life, m'hijo. Don't fuck up my dream."
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sophiewritesworld · 5 years
A Kiss To Change It All (Part 32) - Montgomery de la Cruz
Pairing: Montgomery x Reader; Jeff x Best Friend!Reader
Warning: Mention of injuries, underage drinking, some solid dose of fluff because it was about freaking time.
Word count: 2.2k
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You didn't sleep well. To be quite honest, you didn't sleep at all despite being tired and you almost threw your phone across the room when the alarm went off as you flipped on your back for what seemed like the billionth time in a few hours, kicking away the sheets as you suddenly felt annoyed by the white fabric covering you. Kimberly's words kept repeating in your head no matter how hard you tried to think about something else and when you closed your eyes, it got worse as you visualized her sad smile and the way she looked at you as if she was envying you. Groaning, you dragged yourself out of bed and managed to get ready before Jeff showed up. The ride was silent until your best friend dared to ask you if you were going to do anything about what Kimberly said. A long sigh escaped your lips before you spoke. "What do you want me to do? He won't listen to me."
"Jeff, please. I humiliated myself in front of his whole squad, I'm not doing this again." The conversation went dead after this. Jeff couldn't push you to do anything against your will and he was certainly not going to do anything by himself because this would piss you off even more. You apologized for being rude after just a second. "I know you want what's best for me but for now, but for now I just want to stop thinking about him."
That's what you did despite your whole morning classes being a total nightmare. Not a question teachers asked you were able to answer and when you weren't asked anything, you found yourself dozing off until the bell rang. Everyone noticed your behavior, Montgomery included. You felt dizzy and sick as you walked out of your last morning class after everyone left not wanting to drag the attention back on you after you managed to stop being the main subject of the weird looks and whispers, only today you had the unfortunate idea of both skipping breakfast and not taking your pills so you were dealing with the consequences. You took small steps and leaned against the wall as you made your way to the cafeteria but the floor felt suddenly soft under your feet as if you were walking on a soft mattress. Nausea you were ignoring for hours crept from your abdomen making your dizziness worse until you lost your balance even when you stopped walking. You anticipated the moment your head would hit the floor but it didn't. "I got you, (Y/N/N). I got you." The exhaustion and sickness didn't allow you to push Montgomery away. You didn't want to anyway. He led you to the nearest classroom and made you sit as he knelt before you, concern and worry filling his eyes.
"Don't ask if I'm okay, I'm not and it's obvious." You mumbled and made him chuckle. His warm hand found its way to your pale cheek, brushing away some loose strands falling in front of your eyes.
"I wasn't." Then it was silence for long minutes. A comfortable silence during which you stared at each other, his hand still resting on your cheek spreading warmth through your cold body. It made you feel better without him even trying. "I should probably get Jeff here." Montgomery blurted out as he got on his feet and started walking away, breaking the comfort that settled between you for once after such a long time.
You frowned and quickly got a hold of his hand before he was out of reach, gripping it as tightly as you could and pulling him backward. "No need to worry him, I'll be fine just give me a minute." Grabbing a chair with his free hand, he sat facing you, rubbing mindlessly the back of your hand with his thumb.
"Listen, I..." You said at the same time. "You go first... No, you do..." The synchronization of your words made the two of you laugh uncontrollably.
Silence fell again between you after a minute. You opened your mouth to speak but you were harshly cut off by Kevin Porter who showed up always right in time. "Hey lovebirds, out!" He stood by the opened door until you were both out, Montgomery carefully holding you close to him. "You okay miss (Y/L/N)?"
"She isn't feeling well."
Porter frowned and approached you, resting a hand on your shoulder. "Do you need me to call your parents?"
"No need for this. I just need to eat something and I'll be alright. Thank you."
With a forced smile, you started walking away, stumbling a little bit before Montgomery held out his arm for you to lean against which you gladly accepted. He was careful not to walk too fast, kept glancing at you until you reached the crowded room. From the far back of it, Justin saw you entering the cafeteria and mentioned it to Jeff who jumped from his seat and rushed towards you. "Sweetheart, what happened?" You just sighed, gripping tightly Monty's arm so he didn't say anything.
"She wasn't feeling well." You dipped your fingernails deep in his forearm earning a low groan from the jock before he spoke again. "Now she is fine. Right?" He shot you a shy smile before freeing himself from your hold and leaving you with your best friend.
"I'm fine, Jeff. I haven't eaten this morning." Jeff didn't leave you until you had finished the sandwich he brought you. He was worried about you having to head back home on your own after class since he had to stay to practice for tonight's game. The boys had to beg coach Rick to let him play and when he saw how much your best friend improved since he got back, the coach didn't have much choice than to let him play. "I'll text you when I'm home, don't worry about me, Jeffereykins." Which you did right before you stepped in the shower, washing the sickness and exhaustion from your body. The hot water helped you relax enough so you drifted to sleep, a much-deserved nap before you headed back to Liberty.
There was a decent crowd forming when you arrived by the field by which the cheerleaders were rehearsing. You glared at Sheri when your eyes met as you walked past them to get yourself a seat. Clay showed up right before the game started, headphones resting around his neck. He seemed nervous as he bounced his leg up and down, eyeing the students surrounding you. "Are you okay?" You asked.
He gave you a small smile and nodded. "Yeah... Hum... Do you know where Tony is?"
"Haven't seen him in a few days." Your interaction went dead after this as he looked away, still searching for Tony.
The game started with a warm row of applause and dance from the cheerleaders to Jeff. You loudly cheered for him and you were the first one to congratulate him after Liberty won. "Did this for you, sweetheart."
"And I am so proud of you." You were cut off by the boys who wanted to celebrate with their teammate. You just stepped back and watched your best friend laughing with his friends. "What the..." You mumbled as you felt someone drag you away from the crowd. "You are determined to give me a heart attack someday, Cruz!"
"Sorry." He smirked. "How do you feel?"
"Much better." You paused. "Thanks for this morning... even though you sold me right away to Jeff!" You pushed him playfully. "Snitch." Before he could speak, Bryce and some other jocks showed up, bringing you a feeling of discomfort right away. You excused yourself and quickly made your way to where your best friend was.
"So you and Monty..." Jeff climbed next to you in bed, observing how your cheeks went from normal to bright red in a matter of seconds. There was no celebration tonight, everyone was too exhausted or had plans to do anything so after the boys were done, you headed home with your best friend. Your father instructed that Jeff should stay with you as he is gone on a business trip for the weekend. "Have you talked?" You shook your head and dropped it on the pillow, sighing heavily.
No matter when you found yourself alone with him, there was always someone to interrupt you before you could go any further in your conversation. You were starting to think that whatever you had to say to each other wasn't meant to be said. "Have you set your alarm for tomorrow?" Jeff has an important medical appointment the next morning so after he checked his phone one last time, you both went to sleep. After you dropped him by his place, you drove back to your house and to your surprise, Scott, one of Montgomery's friends, was sitting by the front porch. "Scott, hi..."
"I need your help, (Y/N)" You shot him a concerned look so he spoke again. "Monty is in trouble. You're only one he will listen to."
Scott gave you directions to where Montgomery spent the night. A remote place outside of town. You had never been there nor he had told you about it. There was nothing but broken walls, some tags and empty bottles and cans on the ground as you walked and made your way deeper in the place. You spotted him seated on the ground, holding a beer with both hands. According to Scott, he spent the night drinking so you weren't surprised to see him completely wasted. You got closer to him, that was when you noticed his bruised and bloody face. The moment he noticed you, he stumbled to stand up, catching his balance on the tagged wall behind him "(Y/N/N)..."
"Hey." You gave him a smile as you stepped closer to him, resting your hands on his sides to prevent him from falling. He looked down at your hands, surprised by your gesture. He was way too drunk to get anything that made sense out of his mouth even when he tried to. "Let's get you home."
"No..." Montgomery groaned and pushed away your hands, crashing on the wall behind as he lost the support you were giving him. "Dad... He..." You could have guessed sooner that his father was behind his beat-up face. The way his face turned into a terrified expression, you understood that this time was worse than the previous ones.
"I meant my home, Monty." He shook his head and tried to walk away but almost fell on the ground when he tripped on his backpack. This time it was your turn to catch him before he hit the ground even though your strength almost gave up on you since he was way heavier than you were. "You don't want me worried about you, uh?" You got worried though. A lot more than you ever did when you had finally managed to convince him to go home with you and got him to take a shower. You helped him take off his clothes regardless of how hard he tried to do it himself. The horror went up a few notches when you saw the large bruise covering his right side and when you made him stand under the hot water, you saw a few more on his back and shoulders. He never had injuries like those before. At least not while you were together. The shower didn't do anything regarding the amount of alcohol he had in his system so once out of the bathroom, you made him lay on your bed and hoped that a solid hour or so of sleep would make its effects. 
"Fuck..." Montgomery couldn't remember anything of what happened between the moment he started drinking to the moment he opened his eyes in your bedroom. At first, he thought he was dreaming but the sharp pain that shot from his side confirmed that he wasn't. You were nowhere to be seen. He managed to get up, gripping his side with one hand and the towel hanging on his hips with the other as he walked out of your room and down the stairs. 
"Jesus, you weren't supposed to get out of bed." You dropped whatever you had in your hands and rushed to help him sit on the nearest chair. "Dumb question but how do you feel?"
"Like shit." 
You sat a glass of water and some painkillers in front of him which he downed in a second. You waited for a moment before you got closer to him, resting your hands on both sides of his face, as you leaned to press a warm kiss on his forehead. "I'm here for you, Monty. I'll always be." He let go of his injured side and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you as close to him as he could. He had told you many times before that you were the angel in his life and despite him being surrounded by a lot of friends, you were the only who truly cared about his well-being. You made him feel loved and wanted, that was something he never found in anybody else. Maybe the reason why he could never move on and always found himself dragged wherever you were. 
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TAGS: @pllfanatic @namelesslosers
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b-utlers · 7 years
the breakup // montgomery de la cruz
summary: montgomery de la cruz, a well-known student in liberty high. he hung with the popular crowd, got into very many fights and was seen with a different girl every week. long story short, he was a total dick. well, that was the case until she came into his life.
word count: 1562 words
a/n: this is based off the song the break up by lany which i have been listening to for weeks. i’ve been having a lot of monty feels lately too so i was inspired to write this. i put a lot of effort into this, i hope you guys like it. also, i recommend listening to the song while reading
you can listen to the song here
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Jumping heart to heart, and it’s starting to wear me down “He’s a total dick” is my reputation around town
“Alright, I’ll see you around babe.” Monty winked at the blonde. He couldn’t even recall her name. But there he was, leading her on, making her think there was something between them. She was simply a good fuck, a girl he hooked up with last night.
“I’ll see you around babe,” A voice mocked from behind. Monty turned around and found a snickering Bryce. “Damn Monty, who was that?”
“Hey man,” He scratched the back of his neck. “I don’t even remember her name.”
“You’re a fucking playboy. That’s what you are!” Bryce howled, giving him a pat on the back.
They got a pretty face, but they got a pretty empty head And I want to stick around but damn I’m bored
Monty was currently on a date with the blonde from last week. He asked her out just so he could get out of the house during the weekend. Although deep inside, he was hoping that maybe, just maybe, his brain would flip a switch and view her as more than a something he could play with. Love perhaps. Monty was human; all he wanted was to find love like everyone else.
“What do you think, Monty?” The blonde asked.
He quickly snapped out of his thoughts. “Um no?” He answered, not even having the slightest clue of what she was talking about.
“You’re not even listening to me! I asked if you preferred pizza or salad.” She huffed in irritation. He shrugged in response, obviously not having a care in the world.
“I’m getting out of here. Call me when you actually want to listen to me.” She stood up from the booth and sashayed away. He sighed and leaned back on his seat.
He made up his mind. He definitely did not like her. Sure, she was drop dead gorgeous and her attitude was somewhat tolerable but it just wasn’t working out for him.
Monty looked around the place and spotted a girl. He identified her as Y/N Y/L/N; he knew she went to Liberty High as well. He watched her carefully, she seemed to be enjoying her meal, shoveling curly fries into her mouth and he weirdly found that cute. Then and there, the switch he oh-so-wanted to flip… actually flipped. He was inexplicably drawn to her.
“Here goes nothing.” He mumbled to himself and before heading over to her table.
How the hell do you stay in love You’re at dinner looking down playing with your knife and fork
Friday was date night for Y/N and Monty. She felt like their relationship lacked something lately so she wanted it to be perfect, already planning it a week before. She was going to cook his favorite meal and then catch a movie at The Crestmont after.
An hour passed and there was still no sign of him. Y/N sighed in frustration. The food was getting cold and they were already twenty minutes late to the movie. She grabbed her phone from the counter and sent him a quick text.
where are you? you said you’d be here at 6
No response.
Just as she was about to press call, Monty walked through the door.
“Hey babe,” He walked over to her giving her a peck on the cheek. “The food looks great.”
Y/N glared daggers at him. “Where were you? I was starting to get worried!”
“Relax. I was with Justin and Zach. We went to grab some beers after school.” He responded nonchalantly.
Anger coursed through her veins. “You blew me off for them? We had plans, de la Cruz.” She detached herself from his grip and headed for the door.
Another day, another argument. He was sick of it. “You’re always breathing down my neck, Y/N!” Monty bellowed from behind her.
Arguments weren’t new to their relationship. Y/N and Monty would argue every once in a while but recently it became more frequent. He complained on how she bitched about his actions all the time and how he felt like he wasn’t doing anything right. In her defense, she was just looking out for him. She didn’t want him to get hurt. More importantly, she was afraid of him going back to his old ways.
She stopped in her tracks and faced him. “Since when is it such a crime to look out for my boyfriend?”
“You call that looking out for me?” He gave her a sharp look and chuckled angrily. “It’s called being a-”
“Listen Monty,” She cut him off, voice stern. “I don’t want to hear it.” He opened his mouth to say something but shut it just as fast.
Y/N stared at the floor as minutes of agonizing silence passed. She could feel the heavy tension and she hated it. She couldn’t help but think this was going to be the end of their relationship. The thought of that possibility made her physically sick. She couldn’t lose him. She loved this boy with her all, she couldn’t give him up just like that.
Monty tugged at the ends of his hair and sighed. “I don’t want this anymore, Y/N. I want to be alone.“
Y/N felt like everything was crashing down on her. She swallowed hard, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill. “Fine,” She seethed. “Just leave.”
You think you wanna be alone Just wait until you’re crying on the shower floor It hits you in the chest, ‘bout every day you’re done Cause once you let it go you better know its gone
Monty tried to contact Y/N at least a few times after that night. She didn’t bother returning any of his calls or texts. He tried talking to her at school but she did a good job at avoiding him. She was absolutely dejected and she hated it. She hated how broken she was.
“Y/N, wait up!” Zach jogged over, stopping in front of her.
She bit her lip in unease. “This better be important. I’m almost late for class.”
“Well, uh listen, you gotta talk to Monty,” She scoffed at his words before letting him continue. “You guys need to sort this out. He hasn’t been doing well lately.”
She snapped at the mention of Monty. “And you think I am? Sorry to be rude but I see that this conversation isn’t important. I should get going.” She stormed away leaving Zach dumbfounded.
Just like Y/N, Monty was drowning in the ocean of heartbreak and regret. He felt broken too. He was always over at Bryce’s, getting drunk and wallowing in sadness. When he threw those last words at her that night, he immediately regretted it. All the anger and pain from their arguments the past few days, got to him and he took it out on her. It was all in the heat of the moment. He didn’t just want her back, he needed her back, but he knew that was near to impossible.
It’s never the same, uh, yeah, after the breakup It’s never the same, love, don’t try to make up
Monty stepped out of the car and headed towards the front door of Y/N’s house. It’s been almost three weeks since their break up and Y/N finally agreed to his request of talking things out.
To say he was nervous was an understatement. He ran his hands through his hair, trying to calm himself down before ringing the doorbell. A few seconds passed before the door opened, revealing Y/N. He stared at her in awe. She looked better than ever, its almost as if his absence hadn’t affected her. In fact, she looked happier.
“You can, uh, come in.” She mumbled awkwardly before opening the door fully, letting him in.
He took a seat on the end of the couch and Y/N walked over and sat on the other end, she wanted to be as far away as possible from him.
“Y/N,” He looked at her, sincerity evident in his eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. I shouldn’t have blown you off for Justin and Zach when it was our special day. For fuck’s sake, what was I thinking? I would pick my girlfriend over anything else. I should have been there. I’m sorry for ignoring all your effort and making you feel unimportant. I was so insensitive to your feelings. Y/N, letting you go was my biggest mistake. Please let me make it up to you, take me back.”
“Ex girlfriend,” She corrected rather harshly. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose before speaking again. “I had a lot of time to think about us and honestly, Monty, you’re right. I don’t think this will work out. Plus, I’m not gonna allow myself to be treated like shit again.” He could feel his heart shatter as she spoke.
She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry but I think breaking up is for the best.” He simply nodded at her, too upset to come up with a response.
They stood at the doorway, saying their goodbyes. He looked at her for the last time and in that moment, it dawned upon him, that he, Montgomery de la Cruz had lost the girl he loved for good.
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