annalyssa21 · 7 years
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annalyssa21 · 7 years
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
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On the surface.
Standing still, what seems to be untouched, switch and strong, a beauty that has been carved through natures undoing. Never the same, but always standing upright. It’s beauty may be deceiving. To not know the limits it’s been pushed, and the extent of what it’s undergone. Its been shaped from the environment in which it lives. For years the forces around it, push, pry, and develop its core, its character, and cracks and breaks through its weakness. What changes? Can you truly see it? Are you aware of the undoing, the breakage, or are you only seeing the surface? Are you reflecting on just the bare minimum? 
Look deeper.
What can you see under the surface and are you willing to look? Life shapes all things in the light and dark. The suffering from being molded, sculpted, transformed, in nature is stronger than all other experiences. To be bent, broken, and formed into a new shape is better then whats merely seen on the surface. 
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
Distance Served It’s Justice
In the times of self doubt and self punishment, I learned that in this life you are not the only one to blame. I spent hours of each on of my days trying to fix a relationship that was never broken. I reflected upon who I was daily, in comparison to the man that I am so in love with. If something went wrong or upset me, I reflected, I passed judgement upon myself, and took 100% of the blame. I know what your thinking. why in God’s name would anyone do that? 
It wasn’t because I didn’t know who was at fault, it was because of the distance between us. And its because that distance, that I had to be my best possible person, I had to be the strength of us, and I had to fix the scraps, bruises, and dents repeatedly so that it could never crack, it could never possibly break. 
Now, before you go judging this unhealthy habit, I want you to consider something. What if you had the most healthy relationship, but it was just out of reach. You had to work a little harder because the person you loved was so far away. We share a high level of communication, commitment, long lasting love, and a feeling that forever still wasn’t long enough? So, now and then you brush off the little arguments and take blame so that they never fester into something more. You buff out the scratches so it doesn’t crack, it stay’s just as perfect as it always has been. Now, I didn’t do this because he was or is complacent to what was going on. He has always been frustrated with my need to share or take the blame. He is a man of self improvement and as always wanted to be a better man for me.
But why? You ask.
Well, In the past year of loving this man, I have never been so vulnerable. I have let my walls free fall to the ground, he has made me confident in who I am. He is something, and someone I never thought existed. So I try my best to always share the blame. It takes two people to tango. Im not perfect in this relationship and he has never asked me to change. With over a thousand miles between us, he has always taken me as I am. He has never wanted anything from me but my love. So with the little dents, and scratches to our perfect relationship, I have always wanted to share some of the blame. I have wanted to help improve us, to overcome obstacles, to grow strong together. To grow above and beyond for the man that asks so little of me.
But this time, It was his fault and I learned that if you wanted to maintain the beautiful, uplifting parts of us he needed to know that. When tough times come knocking at your door, and life throws wicked curve balls at your heart, reality slips away from you and the simple understandings of your life become un-comprehendible, you change. Without meaning, or purpose, you change. This time it was not me changing, it was him. It was time for me to be the anchor, to set sail towards our future with purpose, I couldn’t take the blame for this, but I could lead us through it. 
I could feel him everyday, building, placing stones, one-by-one, higher and higher around his sweet heart. I gave him time, hoping at some point he would see and understand that he shouldn’t be building this wall. He needed it to lean on, to guard him from pain. But I needed him to understand that, I myself was that wall, the rock he needed to stabilize himself. He couldn’t see. Each day I nudged his wall, I asked and pleaded patiently. 
Then, I let go of the blame.
I took a sludge hammer to the wall he was building and washed it away with the tears I had bottled up. The force of my hurt came through each and every stone and exploded it from the inside out. I finally understood that I was not always the one to blame, that in this life If I wanted us to stay strong, healthy, and forever in love, he wold have to change. He could no longer continue to build a wall around his hurting heart, but to let me help him mend it. 
Because if the wall was continually being built, I was either helping him place the rocks or slowly knocking them down. I couldn’t be apart of his self destruction, I had to be apart of his healing. 
Distance served its justice that day, it reminded me about the fairness we both must share to live a healthy and happy life together. My lesson was to stop being so hard on myself. We had to get through things together, we had to each personally take the blame for what we have done wrong. We must improve individually, to succeed together. That is the only way to buff out the scratches, the bruises, and the dents we created. It is the only way for us to stay 100% together during the tough times.
Distance served its justice.
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
Ancestral Intuition
The wisdom of ones intuition, the calling of ones mind, the deep and intimate connection felt, buried in the depths of ones inner most self. It flows through the bloodstream, it activates the core, it is the instinct, the healing, the sacred most power in anyone’s life. It will uncover the lies, betrayals, the fear that drowns everyone, the dark malicious fear people are running from. Intuition is the self healing and strength of  our survival to that fear, it speaks what the unconscious cannot. 
Intuition is the truest authenticity to each individual, it pushes through the weeds of self doubt and claims her forsaken path of truth.
What if we spent our whole lives wishing for a super power that actually lied within us? What if it was our omnibenevolent, our inner deity,what if the pure power has been there all  along?
Screaming to get out, waiting for us to embrace her claim on us and deliver us the truth we’ve always been searching for. The sleepless nights of uncertainty, the pain and sadness of not comprehending the unknown. The dark misunderstandings of a tethered heart. What if this benevolent power inside of us was all we should have been listening to. She our intuition, the guardian or our vulnerable, innocent souls. We’ve betrayed her, we let her down, and we fell into our own darkness.
Why haven’t we embraced the power and beauty that lies within us? The voice inside of us that we consistently deny, the voice we ingor to listen to others the voice, the pureness, the Omniscient f our minds, hearts, and soul,  We are a superior creatures, we are one with the earth beneath us, we should embrace ourselves and our entirety. Embrace not only the length of our inner truth, but the the width of it.
It is there within us, where our divinity and deepest power survives. It has been passed down to us, just like all things. As the the power passes down to us it cultivates our mind. It bares our strength and knowledge and it is our ancestral duty to embrace it, for it is our ancestral intuition. It is the hero we’ve been searching for. It is our freedom from our cage.
Embracing the beautiful voice deep in the trenches of our very mind and soul.There lives the power and unique life we’ve been craving.
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
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I breathe you in, I crave your vibrant colors, I want to be lost in your beauty so that I can find myself. Take me in and set me free. For I crave to be apart of your being
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
Don't just seek adventures, seek them with nature and you will find nothing but freedom. A sunset transformed into a breathe taking lightening show, why would you stay inside with such a beauty outside your door. Be with the wilderness
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
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Have you ever been lost in true beauty, magnified by one image?
The stars hiding in plain site giving beauty to a damaged world.
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
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She emits true beauty, I've characterized my life by moments, by moments that transcend immense beauty in my character, and develop and enhance my perception of the world and the people in it. This was one of those moments. I've interacted with many different types of people, I've respected, loved, hated, embraced, and let go of these people by choice. I've know what it's like to lose, gain, destroy, break, and cherish relationships. It's in these mistakes and fortunes that I've preserved myself being, it's in these experience that I've found my light, my true glow. It's because of these moments that I'm utterly myself, free, light-weight, and emitting an inner beauty, that I now know who to keep around and who to let go of. All relationships carry darkness and pain, but it's not the presence of them you should fear, it's when you notice the absence of your light, in you inner most thoughts and the depths of your soul that can barley hold a spark, it's when your light starts to vanish, that's when you know it's not right. That's when you let go. This was not one of those moments... In this moment, in every moment with this particular friend, I emit one of my brightest lights, her glow, her true beauty pulls it straight out of me. I grow, I'm challenged, I'm supported, and I'm truly loved. I embrace my inner being and fly free. I become endless wonder, and open minded, I listen and embrace patients, I embark upon self growth and reflection, I emit a strong, luminous light. She emits true beauty in all that she does and all that she encounters.
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
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A message to the wilderness: Thank you for letting me be apart of your beauty! Love, A soul deeply in tuned with you
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
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Capture true beauty in every waking moment, smile between every blink, show the world how truly unique it is. There is no greater happiness then freeing your soul in the wilderness.
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annalyssa21 · 8 years
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You are the depth of me
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