I’ve lived a bad life, sister
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been doing a low honor playthru, was very inspired.. low honor arthur interacting with npcs compared to high honor interests me very much. low honor, people apologize for being near him, hes that intimidating. idk its just cool
enjoy my low honor arthur
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hey, everybody go into your blog settings right now, go to Visibility, and click prevent third party sharing. Do it for all your blogs.
The fact tumblr is partnering with AI companies fucking blows but at least (at the very fucking least!) we can opt out.
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Dutch Gets Bamboozled
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Anon asked: The headcanons were incredible! You have skill! I’m not into men but your text made me wanna cuddle up with those sweet cowboys! 💕 Mayhaps I could request some Molly with Female!S/O? When I played through Rdr2 i saved up so much money during the gameplay i could have sponsored the Tahiti trip singlehandedly so I’d love a scenario where lady reader has tons saved up and scoops Molly from under Dutches nose and they escape together! You can write it how you like but i’d love Dutches reaction!
rdr2 masterlist
I am glad that I can make you want to cuddle soft cowboys lol and you have said something that is so damn relatable. Like c’mon Dutch- take my money Dutch- It was so painful to have all that money and not be able to get their asses in gear
Anyway, this buttered my biscuits. I hope I was able to get Molly’s character down but either way, I had so much fun writing this!
#Gotta steal Dutch’s woman
Originally published on January 12, 2020
Molly O’Shea x Female Reader
Warnings: Technical cheating of a relationship, fluff, Dutch gets bamboozled
Your blood is boiling. The scene you had just witnessed yet again is getting to you. The sweet angel you have grown to love had just tried yet again to vie for her current lover’s attention only for him to speak down on her. How the hell can Dutch ignore such a Goddess? He just left with Morgan and a few others for some “important” mission that he thinks will give him everything.
Molly O’Shea, the beautiful fiery woman just isn’t getting the attention and love she deserves. She deserves so much more, especially in this cursed, hot, and sweaty forsaken swamp that surrounds Shady Belle. In short, it’s making you angry.
Keep reading
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They are his dad ok
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On Top of Mount Hagen.
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and god said draw trelawny
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I love you, magic man
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Because I'm weak for soft Hosea, could we do something with a fatherly Hosea? Like the reader is really close to Hosea and he sees them as one of his own. He loses track of reader shortly after Blackwater, and once they're set up in Horseshoe overlook, Arthur runs into them near The Grislies. When they get back to camp, they are immediately bear hugged by Hosea. He says something like "I knew you'd make it out. You're a strong kid."
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Reader is somewhere between the ages of 16-18
The air was fresh and a bit chilly as you made your way down the forest trail. It was early morning near the Grizzlies, rays of sunlight peeking through the woods. It was calm and peaceful.
You pat your horses neck and it makes an appreciative noise.
Well, it's not really YOUR horse, but you lost your horse when you lost the gang near Blackwater and you needed a horse to get around, and when some rich asshole took a stop at the Strawberry hotel, you picked his pockets and took his Nokota from the hitching post.
Your current objective was to go to Valentine, find out what you can about the gangs location discreetly and get to them.
It's not like you can't hold your own, but you miss them. All of them. Most of all you miss Hosea.
He was always there for you, always made you feel safe. You could talk to him about anything and he'd listen.
You sigh, but a rustle from the distance pulls you from your thoughts and you're instantly on alert.
'I'm just out on the road.. nothing to worry about..' you remind yourself, but your hand is on your revolver, just incase.
You see someone in the distance, picking some type of plants from the ground.
They have weapons, and a horse. There's a deer stowed on the back of their horse, seems like a hunter.
As you get closer you recognize him and your eyes widen.
Arthur stands up straight and looks in your direction.
You hurry next to him and jump off your horse when you get to him.
"Well i'll be damned!"
He grabs you into a big hug.
"Arthur- I can't breathe!" You both laugh and he lets go, rustling your hair a bit.
"Where on earth have you been, I- Hosea's been real worried about you!"
You tell him of your unfortunate adventure from Blackwater all the way up to the Grizzlies as you get on your horses and head for Horseshoe Overlook.
He in turn tells you about Colter, saving Sean from bounty hunters and busting Micah from Jail.
You snort at the last one, and wonder, if you hadn't stolen that fellers horse you might have run into Lenny and Micah.
"Who's out there?" John calls out to the two of you.
"It's me! And look who I found!" Arthur motions to you following behind. You wave at John.
"Look what the cat dragged in!" He grins, and waves back.
You and Arthur hitch your horses, but before Arthur can get any words out, you're gone. He chuckles and picks up the deer from his horse.
You look around the small campsite saying hello to the people that pass you, politely dodging conversations in your search for Hosea. You see him over at the edge of the camp, talking to Dutch.
You wait until their conversation is over to call out to him.
He turns to you with a tired look, but his eyes brighten and a smile appears on his face.
You run to him and he catches you in a tight hug.
"I knew you'd be okay! Knew you'd make it out! You're a strong kid, too smart for your own good!" Despite his old age, he squeezes the life out of you but you don't complain.
When you finally let go, you flash him a grin.
"You wanna hear how I got to the Grizzlies?"
"Indeed I do," you two walk to table and you're already deep in your story, you don't even notice when Pearson brings you a bowl of stew or the small crowd thats gathered around to hear your incredible adventure.
The twinkle you see in Hoseas eyes tells you that he knows you might be embellishing a bit.
When everyone has dispersed and said their 'hello's', 'welcome back's' and 'goodnights' to you, Hosea puts a hand on your shoulder and gives you a smile that warms your heart.
"Come on now, go get some rest, you're going on a job with Javier first thing in the morning", he gives a chuckle when you groan.
"I'm proud of you (name)", he gives you one last bear hug and you smile at him before making your way to your bedroll.
"Another party?" Dutch asks when Hosea turns to him. Hosea grins and nods.
I hope you like it!
I'm still growing as a writer (i'm more into drawing) but I find myself enjoying writing these little stories and headcanons so if you guys wanna request more i'll try and write some, even though my life is a bit hectic right now 😅
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Hey if your requests are open, could I get a Hosea?
Hey! I'd love to write some Hosea for you (Though it may be a bit ooc 😅) Could I get some more info on what you'd like? Reactions, headcanons about something, a oneshot (if a oneshot then what about and what genre!) gimme some more to work with and i'll get right on it!
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Can we do an angsty death thing like earlier? But with Charles, Arthur and John? The one with the reader saves their life but at the cost of their own pretty please 🙏
Trigger warnings: Death and blood
Gif credit: @lysitheavon
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The panic in your voice is evident, as you see one of Colms boys raise his shotgun to Charles' back.
You jump on the guy without hesitation, wrestling him for the gun.
Charles turns just in time to see you stab the man in the neck and in retaliation the man pulling the trigger, the weapon unfortunately pointed at your abdomen.
You both fell on the ground, the O'Driscoll choking on his blood and you curling to your side, your arm holding your stomach where the shotgun blast was fired.
Charles is by your side, all concern for his surroundings gone as he cradles you in his arms.
"You fool!"
He's not angry. He's scared.
He presses a hand on your stomach but it does little to stop the blood.
You laugh weakly.
"You should be more careful~" you smile at him.
His eyes dart around for anything that might help but you hold his arm, steadying him.
You reach up your hand, caressing his cheek.
It seemed for a second like you were going to say something but the words die in your throat and the light fades in your eyes as Charles holds you.
• Charles is easier to anger after that.
• He snaps at the other camp members quicker if they push him, Micah especially
• He blames Dutch, partly.
• If Dutch hadn't done a sloppy job of planning, you might still be alive.
• When the O'Driscolls attack Shady Belle, Charles fights with a fury that the rest of the gang hasn't seen.
• The O'Driscolls killed Sadies husband and took you from him and now poor Kieran is gone as well.
• When Dutch comes up with the plan to rob the Saint Denis bank, he wants to argue.
• When he distracts the guards at the docks he thinks of you and your bravery.
• When Arthur and the others return from Guarma, Charles is back to being himself.
• He still mourns you everyday, but he knows you'd want him to heal and though he feels responisble for your death, he slowly learns to remember the happy moments between the two of you.
Gif credit: @fyeaharthurmorgan
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"Shh-" you raised your hand to quiet Arthur who was in the middle of a story about his younger days in the gang.
He stops immediately and his hand drops to his holster.
You look around your little campsite, the shadows blending together in the darkness of the night, the only sound you hear is the crackling of the campfire. You cant even hear any animals around.
Something is wrong.
You can barely finish that thought when five men, bounty hunters, rush at you and Arthur from the surrounding bushes. You hear shots behind you, but you have no time to look.
Your hand finds your revolver and you point it at the nearest bounty hunter, firing your gun.
The bullet catches him in the jaw and you shoot him again. You move on to your next target who rushes at you and you both fall on the ground with a thud that takes the wind from you.
You manage to catch him in the gut with your knife and you roll him off of you, getting to your feet.
Your eyes fly to Arthur who has his back turned to one of the hunters as he fights with another.
Before you know it your feet are moving and you manage to push Arthur away just before the man fires his rifle.
Arthur turns and shoots the man through his eye and he falls to the ground.
He turns to you, ready to scold you for your reckless move, but the words don't come out when he sees you on the ground, a puddle of blood forming under you.
• He takes your body back to camp in silence.
• He insists on burying you himself and carves an eagle on the wood they use for your headstone.
• He takes flowers to your grave everyday from that day forward
• His notebook is filled with drawings of you and apologies of not being fast enough and not being good enough to save you
• He never loses his guard again, blaming himself for your death
• He can barely sleep. Images of you on the ground and the fear that if shuts his eyes for a second too long, someone else in camp might suffer the same fate
• In his final moments he thinks of your smile
Gif credit: @prairiemule
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Hosea was shot.
You could barely process that Hosea was really gone when you heard voices.
Someone was talking.
You couldn't be sure.
Your ears were ringing and everything was going too fast and too slow at the same time.
Someone grabbed your arm and you locked eyes with John.
He was yelling.
"-ve to get out of here! Are you listening?"
You blinked.
We have to get out of here.
You nodded and he started pulling you towards the big hole in the banks wall. When did that get there?
Something doesn't feel right and you turn just in time to see one of the bastards that were shooting at you.
He grabbed onto Johns shoulder and pulled him back.
You punch him in the face before he can put John onto the ground and feel his nose breaking under your fist.
You push him to the ground and turn to John, telling him to run. It was your fault you two had fallen behind.
You feel a burning hot pain in your side and your ears are ringing again.
Your side is wet with blood but before you can blink the end of a rifle hits you in your temple and your vision goes blurry.
Vaguely you feel yourself getting pushed to the ground and your hand being handcuffed behind your back.
You see John fighting off your attackers before he too gets knocked on the ground.
The rest is a blur of feeling sick and your heartbeat deafening you.
John is talking to you, telling you you'll be alright, that Dutch is gonna be back for you too.
You lean into Johns shoulder in the back of the carriage taking you to Sisika Penitentiary.
You never make it over there.
• John puts all his grief and anger into working the fields at Sisika.
• When Arthur and Sadie finally arrive to rescue him, he keeps quiet most of the journey.
• He's furious at Dutch for not coming sooner, though he knows you were beyond saving.
• His heart aches when he tells little Jack that you won't be coming back.
• When he hears Micah talking about you he attacks him without hesitation.
• It takes Charles and Arthur a while to pull him off of him
• "Keep their name out of your god damn mouth!"
• His grief wrecks him but he stays strong for Jack and Abigail, and he knows that you would hate to see him like this.
Hey! I hope this was atleast halfway decent and close to what you wanted :D Thank you SO much for requesting this and thank you to the amazing blogs for letting me borrow your gifs!
I hope to grow as a writer and artist and keep posting stuff like this on this blog :)
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hey idk if i sent this already or if i just thought about sending this but if you have the time i'd love some reactions from Micah, Kieran and Bill for a male s/o that saves their life! (but dies in the process cause we sad out here) angst ofc. big fan of your stuff so far, keep up the good work Mrs. Smith 🐝
Dear, sweet, anon, Ily (It still astonishes me that some of y’all really will indulge me with the Mrs. Smith name. Making my heart all happy)
Anyway, here you go, Hon! I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Angst and death
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Micah Bell-
Since this man isn’t the type to hold a relationship, having a male significant other would mean you meant the world to him
Your death most likely would’ve been saving him from something stupid he was doing
Going out for a drink and he starts a fight? Probably
Going out to try and bring some peace but really just starts a fight? Perhaps
Just assume you saved his life as a consequence from one of his stupid behaviors
If you were with him, you knew the risks, and you most definitely died happy knowing that you protected him
On the other hand, Micah will be crushed
He won’t show it at the camp, he’ll act like your death means nothing to him and may even vile your name
However, if someone else talks shit about you he will start a fight with them
I imagine that your brave death would be his breaking point and there would be absolutely no return or salvation for him
He would be more withdrawn from camp than he usually is and more vicious towards other people
I do think he would avoid your grave at all costs and try to ignore the connection you guys had, the life you lived
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Kieran Duffy-
This poor sweet male would absolutely be devastated
He already thinks his life isn’t worth that much even if he doesn’t want to die but you, his loving partner, sacrificing yourself for him?
The image of your death would forever be burned into his mind
All the blood seeping from your body and yet you still kept that charming smile on your face
He would be so depressed and honestly, I can see him ending up like Sadie, minus the whole I’ll murder everyone attitude
No, he would toughen the heck up after a long hell-like trip through grief
Though your death may make him tougher, he will also visit your grave constantly
Surprisingly Arthur (or Mary-Beth) would have to be the one to drag him away
One of them would have to give a speech like this “Y’know he wouldn’t want you living like this. He would want you thriving.”
It will take him a forever but eventually, he’ll listen to their words and realize that his grief his holding him back, that you wouldn’t want him to be stuck in this constant state of sadness all the time
He will eventually move on, but he will never-ever forget you and your brave sacrifice
The next partner he has, they will know all about you, and even if not having known you, will be so grateful that you were that selfless for Kieran
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Bill Williamson-
Okay so with Bill I do think he is gay or at least bisexual in the game from how many times they hint at it. So with that, he wouldn’t be “out” since he seems to be almost nervous about it even though the gang hints at knowing already
With that said, your relationship with him would have been a secret (we all know that the gang would know of it but wouldn’t say anything for Bill’s wishes)
And your death?
He would be pissed at first, swearing at your reckless and stupid behavior
He thinks your life is more valuable than his so he would be so, so, angry before of course going for the bottle like he usually does
He’s the one who will be quick to anger when your name is mentioned but also will be the most normal compared to the other two
He doesn’t bring you up at all unless someone else is remembering the past around the campfire
He mourns your death but not overly, though it is obvious it affects him by how much drinking he does
And every time he closes his eyes or goes to sleep he sees you or wakes up from the way you died, saving him, probably from something that could’ve been prevented
Thinking about you and your death pains him but eventually, he will just start to remember the good times and drink in your name
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im working on the last request i got but in the meanwhile here's my new pfp
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If you're still doing requests, maybe a John? (Also your art is so good and everytime i see it i go !!!💕💕👌🔥 you're such a lovely artist)
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Holy shit im sorry it took me so long to do this! (and the other request in my drafts, i'm getting to it!)
John is surprisingly hard to draw and i'm still not sure if I captured any likeness!
Aand thank you for the kind words I tear up everytime I came back to this I'm so glad you like my stuff 😭
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Can you please draw Sean. Thank you
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Irish MacIreland!
This one is more painterly than sketchy (also i overworked the face and got lazy with everything else :p)
Thank you for the request! 👀
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Are you taking requests still?
Yes i am!
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Since you’re taking requests, how about Dutch?
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Ah, I love this old bastard 🌹
Thank you for this request and I hope you like it!
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