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Here's mine!
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What valentines did u get?
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berdly has been found dead in hometown
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More Sans and Alphys art YEAH!!!
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Best pals
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Probably won’t finish this sooo here ya go
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Idk anything about monopoly I just needed to think of a board game😭
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thinking about floweys sense of self and that one thing sans says… “the more you kill, the easier it becomes to distance yourself. the more you distance yourself, the less you will hurt. the more easily you can bring yourself to hurt others.” that line has Always stood out to me especially when thinking about flowey and how he is constantly distancing himself from everyone.
i think a lot about how asriel is a combination of his parents names,, yes its funny that asgore cant name BUT it also. says a lot about floweys relationships i think. at some point flowey chose to hide his identity and to call himself flowey. hes severing himself from his family internally by no longer being called a name that is so deeply tied to his parents and his past, and then choosing a name that is linked with his grief…. i keep seeing posts on how the golden flowers represent grief, with how asgore is surrounded in it and how flowey has basically become his grief. he pushes toriel and asgore away, not really because he Wants to but because he just cant. take it. its painful to think of the life he used to and could have had and the mistakes his parents made because of his absence.
he already seems to feel like he doesnt deserve to see his parents again as asriel…. he doesnt want to break their hearts but i think its also because he cant admit what hes become, especially not to his parents. but its interesting how he still doesnt really… sever his duties from himself as flowey?? hes not willing to admit hes asriel and what asriel has become but he Is willing to say hes still the prince and hes still charas best friend. he blames himself for their death and the hopelessness in the underground but he still wants to fix everything which i think is….. Very Interesting…. he has a very. warped view of himself i think,, he keeps saying he cant feel compassion and yet he still wants to free everyone and takes care of toriel…
he also doesnt seem to feel comfortable calling his parents mom and dad as flowey… its almost like. it makes everything too Real and he has to accept that he is still asriel. a lot of what hes experiencing is very accurate to how people feel when theyve been traumatized…. part of him exists before charas death, and then theres the part of him that exists after charas death. its extremely hard for him to still feel like hes asriel because in his mind, asriel feels VERY different from who he is now. its like hes looking back on asriel and thinking that couldnt Possibly Really Be Him because asriel never experienced everything flowey did, if that makes sense…. he has a huge separation in his identities as asriel and flowey and its too weird for him to say theyre the same guy.
its not until he is “asriel” again that he feels he can ask frisk to look after his mom and dad… his whole fight is really interesting to me cuz. everything about it spells out his regrets. he regrets he couldnt become the king everyone wanted and he regrets he couldnt have fulfilled the prophecy and freed everyone solely because he just couldnt bring himself to kill. so when given the chance, of course he’ll make himself look like all he had hoped to be when he grew up, even if he already feels like hes Grown Up according to the alarm clock dialogue… its also interesting that he only does this once he believes frisk is chara,, kind of like. hes proving to them that he hasnt messed everything up and that they both still have a chance to be Best Friends Forever…. he cant really admit to himself how lonely and sad he is until the very end of that fight when frisk shows him hes worthy of being saved
his self hatred is really what it all comes down to. he has so many regrets that he just cant let go of and feels like he has to take care of everyone cuz thats what the prince is supposed to do. he probably thinks something along the lines of “i dont deserve friends or mercy because im a Complete Failure” so he distances himself from everyone and refuses to believe he actually has worth and that his parents still love him…. oh flowey u have so many issues. but anyway its so important to him that frisk was willing to save him and refused to let him have his way. he really needed that slap in the face that people care about him, no matter how much he tries to distance himself to stop feeling so hurt. even trying to keep “chara” with him forever is a form of distancing himself. he doesnt trust that they would simply want to spend time with him so he feels he has to force them to stay with him forever to keep from being rejected from the one person he just cant let go of no matter how much he tries.
flowey is terrified of have his thoughts validated. sure, he may feel hes unworthy of love but imagine if toriel had found out what he did as flowey. given the way she reacts to asgore, i really doubt flowey has much faith that she’d forgive him. he just would Not be able to take that. he wants to be in control of how and when he gets hurt, which is pretty. standard for someone as traumatized as him. its nice to see that in the alarm clock dialogue hes finally starting to,, calm down a little bit…. hes not as closed off and hes willing to accept a matching gift from papyrus, even if hes still hiding from his parents and taking care of toriel only when she cant see it. hes starting to get a little better and hes learning to trust again!!
i think flowey is one of the best written characters regarding trauma and ptsd and grief,,, everything about him handles the way it feels extremely well from the way hes constantly on guard and how he feels some kind of separation within himself and how much he blames himself,,,, toby u are SO talented at writing i swear
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Deltarune Issue #1
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Thinking abt very early in the timeline Flowey using his new funny little time powers for stupid stuff like eating two slices of pie. He's like man I wish I could eat that slice again it was really good OH WAIT I CAN. He gets into trouble and he RESETs before his parents find out and feels like the smartest person in the whole wide world. We do not embrace the fact that before he got bored of everything, Flowey is just a ridiculously overpowered little kid. Let him have fun.
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‘Flowey is a complex character that can be better and a kid that needs help’ dialogue compilation
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alphys created flowey they could have the funniest ‘scientist and failed experiment’ friendship ever why does no one realize this
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sans and alphys are besties because short people need to band together in solidarity
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An interesting thing I've been thinking about lately: how does Asriel/Flowey feel about growing up?
He's actually quite eager to! Even if he can't determine the rate at which he grow, he's very eager to be seen as more grown-up/mature than his actual age suggests. It's not just a post-resets thing either; he's been like that all along.
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Now, growing up can mean many things but to a kid it mostly means enjoying the power and freedom that comes with being older. It also means more responsibilities, which Asriel doesn't shirk from. He likes having power. He likes being the one in charge. He knew, as crown prince, that he was supposed to grow up and become king, and that his people would look to him to free them. It makes him feel powerful and happy to be relied on.
Which is why I don't think Chara coerced him into the Plan—giving Monsters freedom had been his wish as much as it had been Chara's. It's much more likely that when he was having doubts, Chara tried to convince him that their goal was worth it.
But then, back to Asriel: this is also why I don't think he had a passive personality. Sure, in this particular Plan of theirs, Asriel played follower and supporter to Chara. But that's not a fair assessment of his temperament in general.
Keep in mind that he was heir to the throne, and his entire upbringing probably centered around preparing him for leadership. And how Toriel has pretty strict moral teachings and Asgore likes to emphasize that Chara is the future of monsters and humans, and very likely said that to Asriel a lot as well.
So, I really can't imagine Asriel as a very passive, submissive, and/or cowardly person. But I could see him as someone who thought he had a Great Purpose being born, and that is to save everyone (hence the Savior Complex). I could see him as being somewhat self-important, but not really in a malicious way (hey, another thing in common with Papyrus!). I could see him as enjoying leadership, and giving others directions, and feeling proud whenever people are counting on him. I could also see him as being really hard on himself to be worthy of such trust, to believe in himself that he has been worthy of that trust.
If he had had any other life, those traits might be quite harmless. But as we all know what happens after, they blew up spectacularly and turned into an ugly mix of Superiority-Inferiority Complex, survivor's guilt and self-loathing. It would also explain a lot of his personality as Flowey: the bossiness, the egotism, the "I am the prince of this world's future". It came from Asriel. It's always been just Asriel.
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You see how the town is curved like that?
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Yea like those edges for example. Kind of like its not 3d, but flat.
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Like paper.
Its not just a cool stylistic choice the houses are the papers that were on the floor 😭😭
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Flowey was in Green Day???
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What are you looking at?
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