anotherdestiny · 3 years
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a logistical NIGHTMARE
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
be kinder to your past selves
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
I’m tired of Courfeyrac being “the annoying and loud one”
I can’t even explain it but he’s literally so charming and knows how to handle every single social interaction and you could spend days with him and never get tired and he reunites people and he treats everyone with respect
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
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Be serious
(Aka modern au version of this)
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
I have one very simple political belief and that is 'if there is a thing that a person will suffer or die without, then they should have it, and they shouldn't have to earn or deserve it'
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
Can you draw Grantaire painting or simply Grantaire?
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This is only interesting to me but back when I wrote les mis fics I had this AU I wanted to write where R drunkenly aquired a jar of gold paint, drank said paint and immediately drew an ethereally beautiful face (enjolras), then passed tf out. He woke to find that enjolras had stepped out of the painting and was psychically liked to R. From there it was a story of E forcing R to stop drinking alcohol and continue drinking paint. Basically, I just wanted to write a fic that was all about R drinking paint bc I have an odd sense of humor
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
Old drawings :/
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
did you know you can find chubby/fat people hot. did you know how infintalizing it is to refer to a grown ass person as “friend shaped.” did you know you should shut the fuck up if thats how you’re gonna refer to chubby/fat people .
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
Every time I get groceries I’m always appalled at how little you can get for like, $20. I was making banana pudding so I needed vanilla wafers but the brand name nilla wafers cost $4 a box. The minimum wage in my state is $7.25/hr. My friend put it really well when he said “imagine you work for an hour and someone hands you two boxes of nilla wafers and said ‘actually this is a bit more than what I owe you’”
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
the fact that I have to be in the “right headspace” to do even the simplest tasks. absolutely humiliating
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
musical!enj, looking at marius: i can fix him
musical!R, also looking at marius: i can make him worse
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
What kind of music do you think each of the Amis listen to? I'm especially excited to hear your head-canon for Bahorel because I feel like it wouldn't be something you'd expect a big burley man to enjoy.
Bahorel definitely listens to Debussy and ballet scores like Swan Lake or Sleeping Beauty. I’m making it canon.
Enjolras doesn’t listen to music because he prefers public radio, Combeferre listens to, like, symphonies and classic rock, Courfeyrac listens to EDM, Joly listens to movie scores, Bossuet listens to alt pop, Feuilly listens to folk music from literally anywhere, Jehan listens to screamo, and Grantaire listens to pretty much anything that tickles his fancy.
Grantaire definitely has a playlist of stuff that has every mood and genre imaginable, and he listens to it on shuffle. It’s music roulette.
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
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going thru phone pics and found this thing that was tacked up next to the toaster at my old job, if anyone needs some light toast eating reading material
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
some thoughts abt racism in this fandom
i do think this place has gotten somewhat better. i don’t see the particularly egregious examples of stereotyping as often as i once did here. but i think it’s still worth re-examining the racial headcanons that were, often, created and popularized by white creators and bloggers
we, and our thoughts, do not exist in a vacuum. we ALL are influenced by cultural biases, consciously or unconsciously, including stereotypes and other forms of racism.
consider some popular headcanons past and present—WHY are Bahorel and Éponine often headcanoned as Black? WHY is Courfeyrac often headcanoned as Latine? WHY is Grantaire, “ugly,” often BIPOC? WHY is Joly often headcanoned as East Asian? (Joly in particular has seen some of the most blatant racist stereotyping, ableism, and infantilization in the fandom. i literally do not know why.) etc.
“but it’s just how i headcanon them!” and you are not immune to propaganda. which is not to say that it’s inherently bad to headcanon those characters as such—just that if you do, consider re-examining WHY you do. ESPECIALLY if you are white.
is it at all possible that your headcanons for these characters and others are influenced by racist stereotypes?
if you determine that it is due to racism—acknowledge it. fix it. everyone has things to unlearn. everyone has been exposed to harmful ideas. examining implicit bias does not mean you are a bad person, it means you are growing.
make an effort to support BIPOC creators rather than just “diverse” casts created by white creators! (doesn’t have to be race related—just support our BIPOC creators!)
(white people: please do not start arguing about how your headcanons aren’t racist. just keep those thoughts inside your head please)
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
we need to have a serious talk about antisemitism in America. yesterday, there was a hostage situation in a synagogue in Texas, where a gunman took for people including a rabbi hostage. he wanted to have some guy released from prison. I forget who, but he was charged with 80 something years back in 2010. so what do you think this gunman does? does he contact the police or the president and demand the prisoner be released?
no. he tells the rabbi to call another rabbi in New York, and to have that rabbi release the prisoner. now, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that his plan was completely stupid. the rabbi in New York had no relation to with prisoner, the prison he was in, or even the justice system at all. so why did the gunman think that the new york rabbi would have the authority to release a random prisoner who was sentenced 12 years ago? one word. antisemitism
most antisemites have the insane belief that all Jews are secretly controlling the world, or the government, or the banks, or natural disasters, or... you get it. its entirely based on fake and antisemitic conspiracy theories, and it literally gets people killed. this gunman thought that a rabbi in New York had the authority and power and ability to release a prisoner who I'm pretty sure isn't even imprisoned in the state of New York (don't quote me on that though).
antisemitic conspiracy theories, even as jokes, literally get us Jews hurt or killed. those are your "lizard people". your "space lasers". your "new world order". your "George Soros money". all those insane baseless conspiracy theories, even as a joke, cause severe damage to Jews. because people will believe it.
I haven't seen any non-Jews talk about what happened yesterday. that's not surprising. very rarely will goyim care about Jews unless one of their close friends is Jewish. but it's still upsetting. there is still so much antisemitism and hate towards Jewish people in the world today.
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
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Ruby Bridges was the first black child to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana during the New Orleans school desegregation crisis in 1960.
This movie made me cry, I was so heart broken by how Ruby Bridges was treated! She was only 6, but was so strong. She is a very brave girl and she did not care what the white folks called her.
People are simply disgusting to minimize people by skin color!
Ruby you might not think you’re a hero… But to other people you are! You are A HERO and you are A PERSON WHO MADE AMERICA CHANGE!
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anotherdestiny · 3 years
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“ Le Cabuc, vanquished, no longer tried to struggle, and trembled in every limb.
Enjolras released him and drew out his watch.
‘Collect yourself,’ said he. ‘Think or pray. You have one minute.’
‘Mercy!’ murmured the murderer; then he dropped his head and stammered a few inarticulate oaths.
Enjolras never took his eyes off of him: he allowed a minute to pass, then he replaced his watch in his fob. That done, he grasped Le Cabuc by the hair, as the latter coiled himself into a ball at his knees and shrieked, and placed the muzzle of the pistol to his ear. Many of those intrepid men, who had so tranquilly entered upon the most terrible of adventures, turned aside their heads.
An explosion was heard, the assassin fell to the pavement face downwards.
Enjolras straightened himself up, and cast a convinced and severe glance around him. Then he spurned the corpse with his foot and said:—
‘Throw that outside.’
Vol.IV - Book.XII - Ch.VIII
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