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The End.
3 months ago I was set this challenge by my friend Emma, I am delighted to say I have succeeded in this task and have blogged about every single day of my summer. I have had good days, bad days and amazing days. To anyone that has taken the time to read my blog, thank you and I hope you enjoyed what you read. Also thanks to my followers and to anyone that sent me messages on this. It means a lot.
That's all from me :)
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August 29th 2011
ohohoh last day of summer, kind of... Back to school tomorrow for a whole two hours! Really not looking forward to going back! If I don't get decent teachers, I am fucked. Honestly I wonder if half the teachers in my school are actually qualified. Enough about school though. Today was really good. I went shopping in Nutgrove with mah family and bought school stuff, ooh exciting. I got a new hoody and make up though so all is good. After shopping I went to Ciara's gaff. Eva, Charlotte and Hazel were there too. We watched White Chicks and chatted. They all left at 7 but I stayed til 9 cos I live in Ciara's house. We watched a programme Ciara recorded ages ago 'McFly's greatest videos' I screamed and danced a lot. 
Good end to the summer.
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August 28th 2011
Laziest day ever! I've been reading this book I got off my parents all day, it's pretty rubbish but I feel bad if I don't read it. It's good enough but it's very dragged out and I already know what is going to happen in the end and I'm not even half way finished the book. In other news McFly announced they are going on a 27 date tour. Wow 27 dates surely one of those dates will be in Ireland? NO! All in the bloody UK. I am gutted they aren't playing over here. They haven't been in Ireland since April and probably won't play here til next year. Life would be so much easier if I lived in the UK. I found my old Spice Girl's CD whilst I was cleaning my room today. I may be listening to it on repeat...
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August 27th 2011
Today started off very blah. I lazed around the house for most of the morning, wasting precious time as usual. The add for the Britney concert was on the radio about a billion times today, I have been contemplating weather I should go or not. It's so expensive and she supposedly isn't very good live, but still it's Britney. I was supposed to go to town today with Ciara and Charlotte but wasn't in the best mood. I watched the Oxegen highlights on TV, Two Door Cinema Club were my favourites. While I was lazing around watching telly Ciara and Charlotte surprisingly called over. They also brought me flowers to cheer me up, aw. We had chats at my house then I went over to Ciara's for a while. Ended the day with a sing along in Ciara's car.
Good day. 
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August 26th 2011
Woke up ridiculously late, but just in time to see my parents off to Cork for Noels funeral. I sat in my room all morning, listening to Radio Active and just thinking. Absolutely gutted I wasn' allowed go to Cork for Noels funeral, I really wanted to say goodbye to him properly. Didn't sleep til 4am. Been thinking too much. 
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August 25th 2011
It was my sister's 11th birthday today. She had a big party with all her friends and family. My aunty was talking to me about school books and said my cousin who just finished her last year in school, said she had books for me. I left my sisters party for a little while and headed up to my cousins house. I got so many books and notes of my cousin. We walked over to the shops and looked around for a while but she had to work so dropped me home earlier then I hoped. She has changed so much. She is so mature and sarcastic now, its awful. She doesn't even remember any of our private jokes. I went home to the bad news that my sister decided to let her friends stay the night. It really wasn't the best idea to have a load of annoying pre-teens over just one day after Noel died. Didn't sleep til 6am. Exhausted.
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August 24th 2011
R.I.P Uncle Noel. Gone but never forgotten <3. Tough day.
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August 23rd 2011
oh well today was um... well lets see. 
I was planning on spending the day with my friend but she kinda went off with this guy and didn't get back to my house til after 9pm... but lets forget about that, shall we? 
Today I ~argued~ with Emma over which one of us deserved to win a mug that Liam from One Direction drank out of. Mmm manufactured boy band saliva. I went on a walk and called to my Nanny's house but she wasn't home, so I just strolled around aimlessly listening to my iPod. I also heard Florence & the Machines latest single 'What The Water Gave Me' which is amazing. I got curry for dinner and shared it with a stray ginger cat. That evening I watched the Rose of Tralee with my mam, basically it is like a beauty pageant but set in Ireland. It was terribly cheesy and boring but I watch it with my mum every year so I couldn't not watch it.
Ended the night chatting to Emma about Big Time Rush.
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August 22nd 2011
Today was my evil sister's 15th birthday. She was completely spoiled and my parents bought her a Blackberry and so many other presents. The annoying and horrible thing was that she couldn't even say thanks to my parents and complained about the colour of the Blackberry they got her. My family called over for her birthday so I spent the day chatting to them. Got good news today that my cousin got a place in D.I.T. Can't believe she is going to college, we used to be so close now we barely talk. She is always so busy these days, working, shopping, clubbing. Only a few years ago we were having sleepovers in her house and mattress sliding down the stairs. Aw well suppose everyone has to grow up someday.
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August 21st 2011
Bad points of today:
-Wisdom tooth pain ALL day.
-Stressing about going into 5th year.
-Family fights.
Good points of today:
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August 20th 2011.
I made plans with my friends to go out for my birthday today, but they didn't exactly go according to plan. Some of my friends were away, others were working, others were ahem... tired. After re arranging plans about 100 times we settled on going to Liffey Valley. I headed to Liffey Valley and met up with Ciara, Donna and Eva. We went to see The Inbetweeners. The problem was I hadn't seen any of the t.v series so was completely clueless about what we were going to see, but I trusted my friends opinions. The movie was the best! honestly I was crying laughing for most of it. Really glad I didn't go against what my friends said and went to see it. Great night with great people. 
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August 19th 2011.
So today me, Ciara and Claire and Niamh went on a bit of an adventure. Well basically we hoped on the Luas to radio stations in Dublin cos One Direction were in town. Spent about an hour looking for the radio station then finally found FM104. Waited outside for a few hours and had chats with the fangirls. Me and Ciara abandoned my sisters for an hour so we could go town and buy Claire a marker. We also went to Starbucks, Burker King and a few other shops. When we got back to the radio station war had broken out! About 20 more girls turned up and the fans that had been there all day were pissed. A bit of fangirl arguing happened between the 1D fans until a black bus drove up, ooh the excitement! So the group of 30-40 teenage fangirls erupted into screams and starting attacking their way through the mob up to the front to catch a glimpse of the band. I kept my fangirlness under control for about 10seconds then Niall got out of the bus and I may have screamed... A little. What the fans didn't know was that the bodyguards would be giant douches and wouldn't let the small group get pictures, autographs, nothing. The group of fans stood squished up against the doors to FM104 whilst me and Ciara sat on a ledge on an empty un-used office building near where the bus was parked. What we didn't realise was that One Direction and the bodyguards were using the pathway beside us as their ~escape route~. So after a while they walked out the doors and long story short Niall Horan was about 5cm away from me. He also smiled at me, who was still chilling on the ledge after the bodyguard rushed passed. After me going into fangirl shock I quickly moved up off the ledge and went to find my sisters. Found them, in a right state! puffy eyes, tears streaming down their cheeks, red faces. I asked them what was wrong, their reply? I 'TOUCHED LOUIS TOMLINSONS HAND!' 'LIAM PAYNE HELD MY HAND' yeah so they were happy tears. Phew. Headed home on the Luas with two very happy fangirls, okay 3 including me. A day in the life of a one direction fangirl was pretty exciting.
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August 18th 2011.
ITS MY BIRTHDAY! So this morning I woke up ridiculously early at 7am? Got so many presents: •new phone. •femme fatale deluxe edition- Britney. •tourist history CD- TDCC. •Oliver and Company DVD. •Chicago DVD. •Two books. Yay reading. •Glee Season 2 boxset. •€100. oh hey I'm rich. I had no plans for the day surprise surprise. My 'friends' weren't bothered hanging out with me. Except Ciara who was awesome and surprised me with cake and a new notebook aw. So me and Ciara chilled in mine for a while then she left. Lots of my family called over with cards and money. I visited my Grandad too. Had cake with my family that night and had a good laugh with my aunties, cousins, nanny, parents and sister. Got a birthday tweet off Stephen Byrne off The Rumour Room. Also got so many happy birthday messages from everyone. Also got new Kat Loves Logan pics off Emma, which are hilarious. Chatted to Dina on msn cos she's in Italy so we can't ring each other. Good birthday. 17 years old, should really start to do something useful with my life.
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August 17th 2011
~sick day~ •slept for most of the day. •took cough medicine, flu medicine, antibiotics, pain killers, cough tablets. yay medicine. •good chats on twitter. •watched supercity videos on YouTube. •supermarket sweep theme song was stuck in my head all day. •chatted about my life so far with my Mam and Nanny. ITS MY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! and I have a flu -_-
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August 16th 2011.
Today I sneezed 30 times in 1 hour. I have a flu. And it's my birthday in two days. Great.
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