#rose of tralee
nerdtrash-iteration · 1 month
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Ah yes, the Rose of Tralee, my favourite anime
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ninjasofl0v3 · 1 year
qrow getting really possessive of ruby when he finds out she’s been sleeping with other men after he receives a text from clover with a video attached—of him fucking ruby real good with a caption about how great a fuck qrow’s cute little niece is.
🦋 content! : incest — niece / uncle. rough sex. misogyny. slut shaming. noncon elements. dubcon. age gap. forced anal.
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oh, qrow is furious. not that he'd ever said to ruby that they would be exclusive — god knows he wasn't when he went on missions & fucked whatever needy hole he comes across wishing it was ruby's — but he damn well didn't expect to see that needy pink pussy stretched around clover's thick cock while she mewls & whines & leaks slick all over it. see his thick fingers toy with her clit as he laughs, practically mocking qrow smh.
the shit eating grin on clover's face when he comes to atlas, seeing ruby practically hanging off his arm while clover chats up all of her team has qrow seeing red. he barely manages a hi before dragging ruby away.
qrow dragging ruby to the bed by her hair & practically throwing her on it, ignoring the protests she gives before ripping apart her stockings to see she's not even wearing panties anymore. such a slut.
that was clover's idea because he knows it'll piss qrow off even more 💖 & he totally goes back to his apartment & touches himself imagining just how much qrow is going to ruin that little pussy. maybe he'll even watch the video again & remember how she gushed on him.
qrow's not gonna stop until he makes ruby cry, pushing her down onto the bed & making her slutty little cunt take every inch of him, he doesn't care if it's too fast or too hard. she can take it, he knows she can & this is a punishment for being a whore. ruby tries her best to take it, knowing that this was part of the end goal she expected from when clover sent the video but even she can't help when a few tears slip out & qrow kisses them away. it only makes him harder.
eventually he just clamps his hand over her mouth & slips out of her cunt to fuck into her ass instead, hissing at her to shut up when she struggles & whines that it hurts. "what, you didn't give this one up to him? this one still for dear ol' uncle qrow?" it hurts so good & so bad & ruby's mind has gone dizzy from how much her cunt feels empty & her ass feels full & how badly she wants to cum.
qrow won't let her though. he'll leave all three of her holes leaking white — rolling his eyes when ruby begs him not to inside her pussy as if she doesn't love it — & her clit still remains untouched & aching, the denial leaving her positively dizzy. they'll fall asleep like that, qrow's arm looped around her waist possessively & his soft cock still inside her ass. maybe he'll feel kinder when he wakes up 💖
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dirjoh-blog · 1 year
My Interview with Maria Walsh-Member of European Parliament.
Maria Walsh is an Irish MEP for the Midlands-North-West. She is a member of Fine Gael and her European Parliament is the EPP Group. Maria is a member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT), and the Delegation for Relations with the United States (D-US). She is also a substitute on the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home…
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stairnaheireann · 1 year
#OTD in Irish History | 25 August:
1645 – Edward Worcester, Earl of Glamorgan; aristocrat and inventor, is sent to Ireland to raise troops for the king, and makes two secret treaties with the confederates on this date and on 20 December. 1764 – Birth of James Hope. He was a United Irishmen leader who fought in the 1798 and 1803 rebellions against British rule in Ireland. He was born in Templepatrick, Co Antrim, to a Presbyterian…
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“All I want is the wind in my hair -- To face the fear, but not feel scared...”
🌹 HPHM Cardverse developed by @ariparri​​ // learn more about Abraxan Derby here! 🌹
Abraxan Derby was a sport both native to and most popular in the Land of Clubs. This didn’t mean, however, that it didn’t have its fans elsewhere. Even in the Country of Spades, where street cars were pulled by mechanical creatures rather than flesh and blood ones, there were those who loved the freedom that the white winged horses represented. One of those such Spades was the young woman who would eventually become the Queen of Hearts -- Carewyn Cromwell.
From the time she was a little girl, Carewyn had always been enamored with the idea of flight. She found peace looking out from the highest height she could whenever she most wanted to be alone, and her older brother Jacob -- who worked for the Jack of Spades, Duncan Ashe -- used to love treating Carewyn to rides in the royal zeppelin whenever he could wrangle it. The young redhead’s love of flight also extended to winged horses. Although growing up in a rather poor home had made it so she couldn’t afford to travel and thus had only ever learned how to ride mechanical horses, Carewyn loved the thought of one day riding a real horse, especially an Abraxan. She got her chance, surprisingly enough, the day that the Country of Spades’ university hosted an Abraxan Derby competition.
The Land of Clubs and the Country of Spades shared a border, and it couldn’t have been more stark. As soon as one left the perimeter of the trees of the Clubs’ northernmost forest, they would be immediately greeted by a wide-open, industrial landscape decked with high-rise buildings made of iron and glass. It was only this forest and these buildings that separated the grounds of the Land and Country’s respective universities...and it was to hopefully foster good relations between these two schools that this competition was held.
Carewyn herself wasn’t attending university yet -- she was still only a lass of fifteen, though a very capable one. She’d more than made an impression at the court of Spades, after all the times she’d gone to visit Jacob and his “boss,” the Jack of Spades. Some even suspected that the hard-to-please Ace of Spades wished to enlist Carewyn to work for her in some not-too-distant future, though Carewyn didn’t show any particular enthusiasm for the idea. Instead Carewyn chose to work as a shopgirl part-time, so as to help financially support her family. As soon as she was done with her classes, she’d immediately dash out to catch the trolley, putting on her best shoes and her nicest pair of gloves while riding to the general store, and then she’d quickly fix her short ponytail and give herself a quick look-over in the shop windows she passed on her way over. Once she’d arrived, she’d immediately get to work behind the counter, bustling about to help the store owner with his customers and setting out on foot to deliver packages of goods across town.
This day in particular, at the end of her shift, the store owner sent Carewyn southward to deliver some packages to the university dean’s house. It was an address Carewyn was used to visiting -- the dean had a wife and several daughters, all of whom he loved to spoil with gifts, so him ordering stylish new dresses, jewelry, and shoes was a regular occurrence. Carewyn tried not to feel too jealous when she saw the pretty pearl drop earrings one of the dean’s daughters took out of the smallest of the boxes: the only earrings Carewyn had been able to afford were the rusted, clumsily-carved, flower-shaped studs she was wearing now.
Once Carewyn had finished her final delivery, she set off on foot back uptown so she could take the streetcar home. Her way was halted, though, by the commotion in the streets.
During the first round of the university’s Abraxan Derby, a particularly nasty foul had resulted in one of the Land of Clubs’ horses getting badly spooked by  some firecrackers in the Spades’ side of the stands and its rider getting thrown off his horse as it took off into the air. This very same Abraxan ended up just as spooked, however, when it flew right into the path of a zeppelin, weaved down right into the path of a very loud construction site, and then finally zipped right into the very loud incoming traffic of several dozen streetcars.
Alarmed by the sight of the poor, panicking creature, Carewyn pushed her way through the bewildered, wary bystanders, fearlessly rushing up toward the winged horse. Although truthfully she hadn’t known how to calm a real, living horse any better than anyone else around did, Carewyn tried her best, speaking to the white steed as calmly as she could.
“Easy now,” she whispered, taking off her black lace gloves as she approached, “easy...”
The horse flapped its wide wings as if to ward her and everyone else off, but Carewyn nonetheless stood her ground. Several law enforcement officers tried to intervene, whether by urging Carewyn “out of harm’s way” or to grab the horse’s reins, but their loud voices only served to make the Abraxan more nervous.
“Stay back!” Carewyn hissed at them under her breath.
She turned back to the Abraxan, keeping eye contact with him as she kept a respectful distance. The creature was not going to let any of them get any closer, even if they did want to help -- that much was obvious.
Carewyn racked her brain, trying to think of what to do. She had to calm the poor thing down...
The red-haired shopgirl took a very careful step forward. The Abraxan padded the ground anxiously, its eyes locked on her. Not entirely sure what made her do it, Carewyn offered the horse as brave of a smile as she could and started to sing to him.
“The pale moon was rising above the green mountain...
The sun was declining beneath the blue sea
When I strayed with my love to the pure crystal fountain
That stands in the beautiful Vale of Tralee...
She was lovely and fair as the rose of the summer,
Yet ‘twas not her beauty alone that won me --
Oh no, ‘twas the truth in her eyes ever dawning
That made me love Mary, the Rose of Tralee...”
It was a modest, old-fashioned melody -- a folk song, full of admiration. And perhaps because of the sweetness of Carewyn’s voice and the smile that made her voice and eyes sparkle, it held the Abraxan’s attention, making it focus on her enough that it slowly settled down. Finally Carewyn was able to get close enough to touch it, but she moved slowly, holding her hand out in mid-air a foot or so away from its nose for the horse to smell. At last the Abraxan blustered softly through its teeth and bridged the gap between them, bringing its soft, velvety nose up to her hand. Carewyn’s eyes shone like stars as she brought both of her hands gently along its snout and stroked its neck.
“Oh, you are beautiful, aren’t you?” she whispered. Trailing a hand along its back and wing made her wistful in a way she could hardly explain. “You poor, sweet creature...it must be so much louder here than you’re used to. It’s no wonder you’re so frightened...”
Carewyn looked up.
The crowd parted for a young dark-haired man only about a year so older than Carewyn to pass through. He was dressed all in loose-fitting, breezy green, and something similarly bright white walked alongside him. The young man’s Abraxan’s wings were folded up at its side as he led it through the crowd toward Carewyn.
“I’m afraid the stables and woods back home are remarkably quiet, in comparison to your city,” he said calmly.
His black eyes ran over Carewyn’s hands up onto the horse’s face and then back onto her with interest.
“...I must thank you for restoring some peace to her spirit.”
Carewyn blinked at the young man in surprise.
“...She’s yours, then,” she surmised.
“My teammate’s, yes,” said the green-dressed man.
Before he could say anything else, however, the traffic in the street seemed to reawaken. It seemed that now that the Abraxan wasn’t flying around like crazy, all of those people who’d been on their commute home or to work had lost their patience.
“Oi, can you take it outta here?!”
“Get outta the way, will ya?!”
“Move it already!”
The Abraxan started to neigh restlessly at the blaring horns and clanging bells, and Carewyn hurriedly tried to calm it by stroking its mane.
“You horrid people!” she scolded them. “Don’t you see you’re making it worse?”
“Clearly they don’t,” the man said very coolly.
Bringing a tanned hand through his own horse’s mane, he quickly leapt up onto its back and took hold of the reins.
“Can you ride, miss?”
Carewyn was taken aback. “...I know how to ride a horse, yes.”
A mechanical one, at least.
“Well, then,” the man said, undaunted, “best be off.”
With this, he took off into the air.
Carewyn glanced at the white Abraxan at her side and then up at the green-dressed man flying just over her.
Well, it really was the best way to get this poor thing back where she belonged, Carewyn supposed.
Despite her slight misgivings, she climbed up onto the winged horse’s back. Taking hold of its reins, she then took a deep breath.
“Let’s go, girl,” she whispered in the Abraxan’s ear.
She flicked the reins. The Abraxan reared back, its wings fully extended, making Carewyn’s heart slam against her ribcage as she clutched its neck harness for support -- and then, just as abruptly, the horse had taken off, soaring up into the air.
It was stunning. Oh, Heavens above, was it a thrill! To be so weightless and so above it all -- it was like pure, exhilarating freedom was coursing through her veins with the heat of hot iron!
Carewyn felt her face flushing with joy -- she felt like a child, uncaring that her hair had come loose of its usual ribbon or that it was flapping loose in her face. She didn’t care how she looked in that moment, or what anyone might say. In this moment, here -- she’d never been happier, in her memory.
The green-dressed man flew up alongside her, his soft black eyes and large white smile rather bright as he considered her.
“Your course is worth several rubies,” he said.
Carewyn glanced up at him questioningly.
“You are a very skilled rider,” he clarified himself. “You’d be an admirable opponent, or ally, were you to fly in the derby.”
Carewyn shook her head modestly. “Thank you...but I’ve only ever ridden mechanical horses, prior to today. I’m hardly experienced enough.”
“But does your inexperience not make your talent all the more remarkable?” the young man challenged her. “You bonded with your steed with nothing but heart and instinct, rather than tried-and-true knowledge or experience.”
“Yes, but if people were relying on me to help them succeed, I wouldn’t want them to choose me just with their hearts,” Carewyn said very firmly. “I’d want them to know I was the best choice, that I’d be the best I could be -- be everything they need me to be, and then some -- and that I’d do the best I could for them, too.”
The green-dressed man cocked his eyebrows. “It seems your standards for yourself are even higher than your flight trajectory.”
He soared around her in several graceful loops, his hands not even touching the reins. Carewyn watched him with admiration despite herself -- he was a very, very talented rider.
“Urge her up with a light tug to the reins,” the green-dressed man encouraged her. “Then lean to one side, pressing your foot up against her flank.”
Carewyn did so, and soon she was soaring up and over him. Her face brightened with a smile, and the green-dressed man grinned at her as they weaved back and forth.
“What’s your name?” he asked her.
“Carewyn!” she cried over the wind. “Cromwell!”
He swept right up alongside her, their horses’ wings brushing up against each other’s.
“I am Orion!” he answered as he passed.
Orion came up and over Carewyn, completely upside down, before charging ahead.
“Are you a performer, Carewyn Cromwell?” he called back over his shoulder.
Carewyn flicked her reins, determined to catch up.
“No! I’m a shopgirl at Pique’s General Store. And a student -- though I hope to work in law someday -- ”
She came right up alongside him, so close that their shoulders touched.
“And what of you, Orion?” she asked him. “Are you a professional Abraxan Derby player? Or do you hope to be?”
Orion beamed. “I wish to fly free. That is all I dream and wish.”
Carewyn felt her smile widen, both empathetic and charmed despite herself.
“And to win your matches, I would think,” she said a bit more coolly.
“That wouldn’t hurt,” Orion said amusedly.
For the next half-hour, Carewyn rode alongside Orion, perfectly matching his speed even as he weaved up over and around her. At several points she even overtook him, dodging and soaring like a shooting star around him. Orion’s black eyes sparkled brightly as they flew together -- as brightly as Carewyn’s own blue eyes were, if any outside observer were to have taken notice.
At last, the two made it to the university, to where the rest of the Derby players were waiting. The next match was set to begin, and the Land of Clubs had been a little tense about how long their captain had been gone. Orion, however, soothed their concerns with relative ease, his smile and aura remarkably calm.
“A rider without his steed is akin to a shooting star pinned to the earth. Although yes, one could shine brightly while stationary, that star would lament being so locked in place, unable to fly across the sky.”
His eyes flitted over to Carewyn brushing her loose hair out of her face as she disembarked. As she did, she reacted with surprise as her hands ran over her ears and a flash of faint resignation rippled over her face.
Orion approached her, and Carewyn immediately put on a smile as she faced him.
“Well...” she said slowly, “I suppose I’d best be getting on. I hope your match goes well...with how good of a flier you are, I’m sure you’ll be brilliant...”
“You’re welcome to stay and watch,” Orion invited her.
Carewyn’s smile softened. “Thank you...but my brother will be getting off work soon -- he’ll be worried, if I’m not home when he gets there...”
She curled her loose hair behind her ears. Orion noted immediately that she was only wearing one flowery earring made out of crudely-shaped steel.
“Did you lose your earring?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Carewyn said offhandedly. “I suppose it must’ve come off, while I was riding. But it’s all right -- I’ll save up for a new pair.”
She extended a hand to Orion. He looked down at it, before gently taking and shaking it.
“My team and I owe you a debt, Carewyn Cromwell,” said Orion. “Thank you.”
“Nonsense!” huffed Carewyn. “Why, I only did what anyone would’ve done, in my place...”
She brought a gentle hand along the back of the Abraxan she’d ridden, and the winged mare brought her nose up to Carewyn’s cheek with an affectionate murr.
“Perhaps,” said Orion, “but you were ultimately the only one who did it.”
He inclined his head to her, his black eyes glinting with a touch of mischief as he smiled.
“I lament that we probably won’t meet again, unless by chance. But perhaps if you were to become a performer, as I supposed you might be, you might have more reason to travel to the Land of Clubs.”
Carewyn beamed. “Or maybe once I graduate university and have made my own way in the world, I’ll have more chance to go where I want. Then I can visit you, just as well as you can visit me.”
Orion’s eyes sparkled. “May we both chase that freedom.”
By the following night, Orion had already departed back to the Land of Clubs. That next week, though, Carewyn was startled to receive a tiny package in the mail, addressed from the Land of Clubs. Inside was a pair of sparkling emerald green earrings shaped like clubs and a very short note --
I hope these are a suitable replacement for the one you lost. As much as your talent in flying is worthy of rubies, I thought the stone of intuition better suited your aura. If nothing else, a green clover seems good company for the Rose of Tralee.
I sincerely hope our paths will cross again.
Orion Amari
Carewyn wore those earrings nearly every day from then on, taking exquisite care of them all the while. She even wore them after she moved to the Kingdom of Hearts and -- not long later -- became their Queen. By that point, Orion had likewise become King of Clubs: a role that Carewyn knew very well Orion would’ve likely never chosen for himself, however much he felt an obligation to his people, country, and allies to care and provide for them.
As much as the two royals had to perform on protocol, though, they still always enjoyed whenever they had the chance to collide again. At least then, for part of that time, they could chat, banter, and confide like ordinary people...as friends would...free of their duty and obligations, if only for just a little while.
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brotherdusk · 1 year
the rose of tralee does not belong in the 21st century but it is admittedly sort of based of them to platform two autistic women this year
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tomgawronski · 1 year
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How do you like this statue? It's nice. Isn't it?
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halfagod · 3 months
thinking about an irish jb au
jaime is an obnoxiously rich south dubliner (possibly a former leinster rugby player) and brienne is a culchie from the aran islands (and a gaeilgeoir!) who just moved to the big smoke and has no idea how the luas works. they have some kind of meet cute where he pays for her fare on dublin bus or something bc she didn’t know you need to have exact change and she doesn’t have a leap card yet, but he’s so obnoxious about it that she’s more annoyed than grateful. they keep bumping into each other and he ends up kinda taking her under his wing (in an annoying way) bc she’s not really adjusting to dublin life and is very homesick, and they form a weird friendship. instead of wench he calls her culchie. maybe he is a bit of a sugar daddy to her bc her job doesn’t pay very well and the cost of living in dublin is crazy. but then she finds out he has a bad history with her beloved boss catelyn from up north (derry??) and their relationship sours. turns out he accidentally hit catelyn’s son bran with his bmw in clontarf bc he was speeding trying to get cersei to a charity gala that she was late for and bran ended up with a leg injury that lost him his spot on the wintertown under-12 hurling team and means he might never hurl again. but brienne forgives him when instead of a bear he rescues her from a giant seagull in st stephen’s green who is trying to steal her chicken fillet roll. he confesses he hates his posh south dublin life and that his family are all terrible people (tywin and cersei are both prominent members of fine gael and also landlords.) cers is also married to bobby b who is taoiseach. jaime ends up scandalising his family by moving to the aran islands with brienne and they live happily ever after with their donkey called podrick. unfortunately selwyn hates him though bc selwyn is a grumpy fisherman who only speaks irish and jaime’s irish is terrible so brienne makes him do duolingo every day until they can hold a conversation. selwyn insists on calling jaime séimí which he hates bc it makes him sound like an old man. also, cersei is a former rose of tralee and she’s beefing with the pope
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willtheweaver · 7 months
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klausie · 11 months
im thr rose of tralee this year
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afterthefeast · 1 month
do we think at our big age of 2024 we’ve moved beyond the rose of tralee just a little
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orangepanic · 2 years
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Way to make me cry.
"In His Shadow" by the-rose-of-tralee
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ninjasofl0v3 · 1 year
rotating that clover/ruby/qrow post in my mind like a rotisserie chicken. absolutely obsessed.
🦋 content! : incest — niece / uncle. rough sex. age gap.
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no like qrow is just deadly possessive over her & clover likes her just enough that qrow knows it's not just to piss him off & that makes him even more furious.
the hatefucking ruby gets & the bruises left on her only intensify when clover watches qrow fuck her, touching himself while he does ✨
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niceinchnails · 11 months
im thr rose of tralee this year
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sraithpics · 1 year
Watching The Rose of Tralee for the first time in I think a decade.
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cowboyc0rps3 · 7 months
you’re beautiful, like the rose of tralee 🫶🏼
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