anti-fem-baby · 6 years
This is fucking stupid, one I'd like to see the peer researched study of porn, two wether you like it or not porn is freedom of speech and freedom of expression as long as no one's being hurt and everyone's consenting adults I don't give two shits what you do, three if it was for regulation of porn I'd be all for that, STD testing backround checks the who deal, four these are people jobs a ton of really kind awesome people do/did porn like syrencove she's a YouTuber too and has talked about her experience in porn she shot everything shes done herself and the negitive experience she did have was not from porn itself it's from the industry that's not regulated which again I'm all for. This post is I'll informed.
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anti-fem-baby · 6 years
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@setheverman I almost thought this was you bro
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anti-fem-baby · 6 years
Wow gang violence is getting pretty serious these days
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anti-fem-baby · 6 years
I'm a huge fan of 40k, you do realize those are the new plastic models coming out not a concept?, And the. Breastplates is just there style they are covered head to toe in armor there tits aren't popping out. So what is your real actual problem with it huh? If anything your nitpicking 40k is pretty amazing man.
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GW does a female character that looks like a grizzled female warrior.
Could this be the turning point
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anti-fem-baby · 6 years
No no no those are fucking spickets and are horrorifying and aweful I was remodeling my dad's old house and went under it threw the side panel after we bug bombed the shit out of it to get all the installation and those mother fuckers were in the last piece all hudled together and fell on top of me in the tinyiest of crawlspaces I hit my head and craweled out like a bat out of hell on fire worst shit ever burn them with napalm.
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anti-fem-baby · 6 years
Freind it's a joke holy shit
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anti-fem-baby · 6 years
It was money given to him by the states government because they thought it would attract people and the tax money would be repayed quickly easy enough to say that didn't happen
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He also is having difficulties in finding people to work in his carnival.  In less than ten years this too will end up like Jim and Tammy Bakker’s Heritage USA, a rotting religious attraction. 
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anti-fem-baby · 6 years
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This adorable little robot is designed to make sure its photosynthesising passenger is well taken care of. It moves towards brighter light if it needs, or hides in the shade to keep cool. When in the light, it rotates to make sure the plant gets plenty of light. It even likes to play with humans.
Oh, and apparently, it gets antsy when it’s thirsty.
The robot is actually an art project called “Sharing Human Technology with Plants” by a roboticist named Sun Tianqi. It’s made from a modified version of a Vincross HEXA robot, and in his own words, it’s purpose is “to explore the relationship between living beings and robots.”
I don’t care if it’s silly. I want one.
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anti-fem-baby · 6 years
“i can’t do that because of my religious beliefs”
“you can’t do that because of my religious beliefs”
not okay
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anti-fem-baby · 7 years
Fuck man they got roasted and all the cute couple selfies damn this made my day!
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They win!
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anti-fem-baby · 7 years
Freind being trans means you have gender dysphoria that literally is how doctors describe the mental illness and there treatment is transitioning. Your the one that has the stigma for mental illness having a mental illness isn't a problem you self diagnosing yourself as trans when you haven't even seen a doctor is the problem and no I don't want to make transitioning free for everyone I want it to be covered for people who have the actual mental illness because that's there treatment. People who are like hey you know what being a girl instead of a guy is a great idea, that's those people's choice not people with dysphoria, and no I'm not gonna block you a have a thicker skin then you might think.
the assumption that “you need dysphoria to be trans” necessitates that you have an actual fucking disorder to identify as transgender, and equates just the act of being transgender as “someone with an identity disorder”
dysphoria is horrible. being transgender isn’t.
equating the two buys into the cishet narrative that LGBTQ+ people need to be suffering in order to be valid, and it discriminates against trans people who don’t have access to medical care and/or can’t afford or have treatment for other reasons, and of course the people who experience gender euphoria or non-physical dysphoria
being trans isn’t a disorder. you’re more than dysphoria.
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anti-fem-baby · 7 years
Freind you're not a doctor you don't get to decide if being trans is a mental illiness it is, that's literally what it is exploring your gender identity is one thing but discrediting trans as a mental disorder does way more harm then good that means it's scene as a purely chosmetic surgery so all the trans people relying on insurance to pay for the treatment for there MENTAL ILLNESS is how they can afford it but as soon as you make trans a non illness you strip that all away and leave them to stay the way they are not happy and even more depressed because they can't afford the hormones or surgery because it's no longer classified as a illness.
the assumption that “you need dysphoria to be trans” necessitates that you have an actual fucking disorder to identify as transgender, and equates just the act of being transgender as “someone with an identity disorder”
dysphoria is horrible. being transgender isn’t.
equating the two buys into the cishet narrative that LGBTQ+ people need to be suffering in order to be valid, and it discriminates against trans people who don’t have access to medical care and/or can’t afford or have treatment for other reasons, and of course the people who experience gender euphoria or non-physical dysphoria
being trans isn’t a disorder. you’re more than dysphoria.
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anti-fem-baby · 7 years
Do you anti against equality between men and woman or just against radfems?
I'm all for equality I'm anti the radical feminist which seems to be growing more and more, but I understand that there are issues that both men and women face and instead of saying our issues matter more then yours let's bring all the issues to light and work together. But if someone from either side says some B's I'll say something.
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anti-fem-baby · 7 years
I can say I met him that's all I wanted since I was at work lol
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Guess who met the fucking onion boy at work today! @tooiconic
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anti-fem-baby · 7 years
Sadly I could not i like to make money and my job allows that lol
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Guess who met the fucking onion boy at work today! @tooiconic
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anti-fem-baby · 7 years
I understand but I don't think he'd make a scene in a store
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Guess who met the fucking onion boy at work today! @tooiconic
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anti-fem-baby · 7 years
Dude I was at work it was a trade off, I got to meet the most hated person on the internet I consider that a win in my book
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Guess who met the fucking onion boy at work today! @tooiconic
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