aoyhfic-reblogs · 2 years
Sink or Swim [Billy Hargrove x Gender Neutral!reader] Ch. 2
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Summary: Working at the local Snack Shack at Hawkins Pool wasn’t your dream but it’s a decent summer job before college. It did come with a perk of being in proximity to the recent California transfer and resident asshole, Billy Hargrove. Having a nice view of the handsome blond was good enough, but when circumstances lead you to an encounter with Billy and then a chance to become friends, perhaps even more, you can’t stay away. Maybe Billy Hargrove isn’t such an asshole after all. [Canon with a variation]
Warnings: eventual mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol, sexual themes.
Word Count: 3.1k
Author’s Note: Soft Billy is my kryptonite and I make no apologies of how sweet he is in this chapter, okay?? I can’t get enough! I hope you’ll enjoy it. :D Please let me know in the comments what you think of this chapter!! I appreciate you!!
<<< Chapter One   Chapter Two    Chapter Three–Coming soon! 
Sink or Swim Masterlist
A strange but nice companionship grew between you and Billy when you both had closing shifts. Good tunes, some goofy moves, and the time passed pleasantly until you left for home. Somehow it evolved into you both requesting the later shifts, independently. 
One evening, you had the particularly enjoyable task of scraping dried gum off the bottom of the patio tables and chairs. The Snack Shack didn’t even sell gum. Who was bringing gum to the community pool? Disgusting. So there you were, ass parked on the pavement with a table on its side and a butterknife in hand. The rock music played on as you glanced over at Billy as he checked the pH levels of the pool water. Something about safe levels of chlorine, you weren’t really sure. 
Focused back on your task, you were surprised to hear a loud splash and looking over in time, you spotted Billy’s head breach the water. In two long strokes he reached the far end of the pool and proceeded to swim laps to the other side. The rhythmic splashes of his strokes accompanied the music as you continued scraping. So gross. Thankfully, you were wearing gloves. You might have taken a few short breaks to crane your neck and follow the easy flex and stretch of Billy’s hard-earned muscles. His golden, tanned skin moving through the water was a sight to behold. Glorious. 
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 2 years
New fic from my Stranger Things blog!! Follow me over there and tag list is open! Love you all!! ❤️❤️❤️
Sink or Swim [Billy Hargrove x GenderNeutral!reader] Ch. 1
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Summary: Working at the local Snack Shack at Hawkins Pool wasn’t your dream but it’s a decent summer job before college. It did come with a perk of being in proximity to the recent California transfer and resident asshole, Billy Hargrove. Having a nice view of the handsome blond was good enough, but when circumstances lead you to an encounter with Billy and then a chance to become friends, perhaps even more, you can’t stay away. Maybe Billy Hargrove isn’t such an asshole after all. [Canon with a variation]
Warnings: eventual mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol, sexual themes.
Word Count: 2.8k
Author’s Note: I’m so freaking excited to finally be sharing this story! Please let me know your thoughts! Reblogs and comments are much appreciated. :) I will also be adding each chapter to AO3 and Wattpad shortly after this posts, if you prefer to read over there. I’ll be posting under the username @avengerofyourheart​ , which is also my main blog here on tumblr. Love you!! 
Part One        Part Two>>> Coming soon!
Sink or Swim Series Masterlist
The first official encounter you had with Billy Hargrove was unexpected, brief and…surprisingly sweet. Every one after that seemed to be moronic (on your part) and…embarrassing. 
Getting a job at the Snack Shack at Hawkins Community Pool wasn’t your first choice, but it was just for the summer. In the fall, you were headed to college and would get to leave your small town behind. In the mean time, you would be selling junk food to your former classmates and their younger siblings every day. Awesome. 
Billy got a job as one of the lifeguards, which wasn’t much of a surprise. From what you could collect through gossip floating around the high school, the mullet-wearing, muscled, Camaro-driving asshole was a former surfer from California, so the position fit him. And despite confirmation of his prickly personality, you weren’t mad about the sight of Billy in nothing but a pair of red swim trunks, sunglasses, and a whistle around his neck. 
Hot damn.
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 3 years
Holiday Foe [Heist pt 4] (thief!Bucky x reader)
Characters: Bucky, reader, Rachel (ofc), Wanda, Tony Stark (mentioned) and a special guest. :D 
Summary: When a friend calls you in distress, you request Bucky’s expertise again to solve the problem. What you didn’t expect was to find a part of Bucky’s past to resurface and disrupt the life you’d built together. Can your relationship and foundation of trust hold up against this new challenge? And what does the future hold for you and Bucky? (art thief!Bucky AU)
Warnings: none, really. Tiny bit of angst and smidge of sexytimes. ;) 
Word Count: 8.6k
Author’s Note: I’m baaaaack!! Kinda. Ha! I’ve been working on some fics here and there but time and motivations are strange, untameable beasts. I’m so excited to share this new chapter! Please let me know your thoughts. I’ve missed you all. Thank you for your support and patience. :) 
<<<Holiday Fraud (pt 3)        Holiday Foe (pt 4)
Holiday Heist Series Masterlist
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I need your help, Y/N. 
I’m sorry, I didn’t know where else to turn. 
Please call as soon as you can. 
The first thing you saw upon checking your phone midway through your workday was a short string of texts from a friend that had you worried. Checking the time, you gave notice to your assistant that you’d be in the office, walked inside, and locked the door. 
That evening as you stepped out of a cab and up the steps to your New York brownstone’s front door, nervous flutters grew in your stomach. Hanging up your coat, you caught smells and sounds coming from the kitchen along with idle whistling, which made you smile even now. Those flutters were still frequent under normal circumstances now that you got to come home to James Buchanan Barnes, reformed art thief. 
Well. Mostly reformed. 
Following the sounds, you spotted him standing at the stovetop with his back to you, wearing those perfectly fitted trousers you loved and a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow. Swoon. He hadn’t heard you yet so you allowed yourself to linger in the doorway, enjoying the view. You loved to watch him moved about the kitchen, drying his hands and throwing a dish towel over his shoulder. He spotted you then and you stepped forward, meeting him half way. 
“Hey, gorgeous,” Bucky grinned, pressing a kiss to your lips with an arm wrapped around your waist. The other hand still held a spatula. 
“Hi,” you replied, returning the smile. 
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 3 years
It’s coming, it’s coming!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I’ve been working on this for quite a while and decided to just make the big push to finish. I’m sooo excited for this chapter!! I hope you will be too. 😁
I had fun making this mood board and decided to make a full Masterlist for this series!! What do you think??
Posting today at 6pm EST!! If you’ve been on my tag list in the past, you’ll get a notification. If you’d like to be added, let me know ASAP!! Or turn on notifications for this blog. I’ll share it here too. Less than two hours to go!!
I appreciate you all!! I’ve missed you!! ❤️
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Holiday Heist Masterlist (thief!Bucky x reader)
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Summary: When the art gallery you manage is robbed on Christmas Eve, you suspect the handsome stranger who flirted with you earlier in the day, but instead of involving the authorities, you take matters into your own hands with surprising consequences. 
Holiday Heist (Part One)
Holiday Favor (Part Two)
Holiday Fraud (Part Three)
Holiday Foe (Part Four) — coming today, Tuesday, Feb 22 at 6pm EST !!
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 4 years
A Book?!?! I sure hope so. 😅
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I’ve been pretty quiet on here as far as writing because alllll my energy has been going to a certain project.
I’m editing my first book! 🎉🙏🏻
Yup! 🥳 Some might remember my mentioning how in November 2019 I accomplished (aka “won”) National Novel Writing Month(NaNoWriMo) by writing 50,000 words in 30 days. Actually it was in 24 days cause I had to get it done before work tried to kill me with pies but whatever. 🙃 Anyway, I spent some time editing after the fact but didn’t really have specific goal or direction
Until the end of last year. (2020 🗑🔥)
Lost story short? I’m not working right now so with some encouragement I decided to use this time to edit and eventually self-publish my first novel! Ahhh!
Yeah. It’s exciting and terrifying.
And yes, I will share more moving forward but I’ve still got some editing and rewrites to do.
For context, the chart on the right is each chapter marked as I edited it cause it’s just more fun to color in a square once you’ve done it. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ On the left is my original goal of word count increase, which I will most definitely surpass. Pretty cool. Not sure where I will land on word count but I’m still obsessed with this story. 18 chapters edited so far! Ah! 🤓 I hid the details for now but I’ll let you know soon enough. 😉
You here in the tumblr fan fic community are some of the first people to know about this book (🤞🏻) because you’ve been so incredibly supportive and amazing to a budding writer like myself. I appreciate every single one of you who have read my stories, commented, messaged, liked, and interacted with me in any way and reading the words of others fueled me as well. I’ve loved this community and still love having this corner of the internet to fangirl about anything I want. You’re alll the best and having you here has meant the world.
I adore you all. I’ll keep you updated. Wish me luck and good vibes if you can spare a bit. 🙏🏻
Love you!
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 4 years
Lovin’ Every Minute (Frank Castle x reader) [The Punisher]
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Characters: Frank Castle, reader, mentions of others.
Summary: Frank Castle wasn’t an easy man to love but that didn’t stop you. From the ranks of the military to following the newspapers reporting his crimes, you still loved him. Once you got a chance to protect him in the only way you knew how, you were never gonna let him go again. (Takes place after Daredevil season 2, before The Punisher) 
Warnings: Mentions of blood and death. Swearing. Sexy times bordering on smut?? idk. 
Word Count: 5.2k (including lyrics) 
Song Inspiration: “Lovin’ Every Minute of It” by Loverboy
A/N: I couldn’t stop myself. Seriously. Frank Castle has my heart and I’ve been binging Daredevil and Punisher for two weeks straight, mixed in with this song, It just had to happen. Please PLEASE let me know your thoughts. It’s been so long since I’ve been so jazzed about writing something. ANY feedback is adored and appreciated. Love you all! 
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Smoke filling the air began to disperse, but the smell of gunfire still lingered. Bodies littered the ground, your boots splattered and now sticky with blood. Replacing your Glock in it’s holster strapped to your thigh, the heat of the muzzle was still warm through your tactical pants from being recently fired. 
Casting your gaze over the gory scene in a wooded clearing, you spotted the only other person standing, his eyes meeting yours. With a slight tilt of his head, he walked toward tree line and you followed, wiping away a trickle of blood that had run down your cheek from a cut above your eye. 
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 5 years
You guys....I’m tired.
Seriously. I’m exhausted. I’m sick of seeing daily posts about stolen fan fiction. Writers begging readers to share their work and spend countless hours and days and weeks creating masterpieces only to get a handful of reblogs. And now this AO3 app bullshit. It’s maddening and exhausting. 
For those curious, my stories are still currently on AO3 and I’ve changed the settings to only allow registered users to see it. That seems to have taken my works off the “Fanfic Pocket App” or whatever. They were all there, though. It makes me sick that someone is profiting off my work without my knowledge. Some were saying it doesn’t bother them because it just links back to their AO3 and the app is free (maybe with in-app purchases? I don’t know). 
But I wanted to explain why it pisses me off. Do you all understand why free apps exist? Why people create an app and don’t charge for it? Out of the goodness of their hearts? Pff. Hardly. No, it’s because they get paid through ads. Advertisement on the free app makes them money. I saw at least one ad on the Fanfic Pocket App so yeah, they are making money from our stories without our knowledge or consent. It’s not okay. They wouldn’t have an app without our stories. And now they don’t have mine. 
I don’t blame everyone for being angry. I am. And I don’t blame you @beccaanne814​ (and probably others) for deleting your AO3. I’ve thought about it. I don’t know if I’ll keep my WattPad with all the theft still rampant over there. I’m starting to get apathetic about the whole thing, though. 
It may seem obvious to some and I haven’t made any official announcement until now, but basically, I’m stepping away from fan fiction as a writer indefinitely. I don’t have the time or energy and there is a lot in my life that is vying for my attention that’s more important. 
Currently, I’m considering a career change and huge lifestyle change within the next few months and I intend to put all my energy and time into it. I’m not going to stop writing. In fact, I plan to finish my novel and see what happens there. I think it’s pretty good and I intend to make it even better. Maybe then I’ll actually make some money for myself and not others. 
I’ll still be here on tumblr and my masterlist isn’t going anywhere. I’ve loved my time in the fanfic community. It’s not what it used to be, though, and I don’t think it ever will be. I appreciate every single one of you who have read and reblogged and enjoyed my stories. It means the world to me. 
I love you all. 
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 5 years
Holiday Fraud (Heist Pt 3) [thief!Bucky x reader]
Characters: reader, Bucky, Rachel (ofc), the Davenports (oc)
Summary: When you find yourself in a bind, you make a phone call you never hoped to make and ask Bucky for his help. As mischief grows, so do feelings and suddenly the man you always kept at arms length might be inching closer to your heart. But how can you believe the word of a thief? (Bucky AU)
Warnings: a bit of angst but mostly fluff!! :) 
Word Count: 8.3k
A/N: OKAY. I’m gonna try this again. My originally queued post for this fic legit disappeared so…yeah. Fingers crossed. I’m so excited to share this third chapter with you!! Quite a few people asked for more of Thief!Bucky so when this plot line came to mind, I finally made it happen. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts! I appreciate every single one of you! Love you!! :D 
Holiday Heist (Part 1)      Holiday Favor (Part 2) 
Full Masterlist
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This can’t be happening. 
Stomach tying in knots and beginning to feel light-headed, you squeezed your eyes shut and then opened them, hoping to see a different headline in the newspaper before you. No such luck. Putting your head in your hands, you leaned both elbows on the desk, your focus blurring as the photo in the paper swam before you. 
A knock at your office door startled you, making you jump. You hurriedly slid the newspaper under a stack of papers and called out. 
“Come in.” 
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 5 years
Feel You Part 2(Enhanced!reader x Jefferson OUAT) [End]
Characters: reader, Jefferson, Grace (Paige), Carl Jensen (oc), Ruby, Regina, others mentioned. 
Summary: The life you live seems to be ideal with almost everything you could ever ask for. And yet…there’s something wrong, you know it in your gut. As the fissures in the facade of your perfect life begin to widen, hope shines through from an unexpected source. What happens when it all finally cracks wide open? (OUAT canon divergent)
Warnings: bit of angst, all the feels, and then fluff!!! :D 
Word Count: 6.6k
Song Inspiration: “Meet Me in the Woods” by Lord Huron
A/N: Here we are!! Part two!! And the conclusion to my first Jefferson story. Gah. It was so much fun jumping into this world. I may visit again, but we’ll have to see. I’d love to hear your thoughts! I adore you all!! Your feedback means the world to me. Thank you for your love and support. <3
<<<Part One   Part Two (End) 
Feel You Masterlist
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Storybrooke, Maine, USA
“Y/N. Y/N?” 
Brought out of the depths of your mind, you turned toward the voice in your doorway, seeing a face of concern. 
“Hm?” you distractedly replied.
“Goodness, I called your name a few times before you responded. Is everything alright?” the Vice Principal asked, stepping into your office. 
Becoming fully present, you shook your head quickly and turned in your office chair to focus on the woman before you. “I’m so sorry,” you uttered quickly. “I must have been lost in my thoughts. Is there something you needed?” 
Barbara eyed you a moment before sharing her original reason for visiting. “Staff meeting starts in 10 minutes.” 
“Oh. Right. Okay, thank you,” you said, trying to reassure her with a smile. 
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 5 years
Feel You Part 1 (Enhanced!reader x Jefferson OUAT)
Characters: reader, Jefferson, Grace, others mentioned. 
Summary: You had seen him around the village and knew some of his story, but after coming upon an interaction with the man and his daughter in the market, you felt compelled to help him. However, he may not want anything to do with you. Will your hidden ability help or hurt your chances of making him see a different path?” (OUAT canon divergent) 
Warnings: tiny bit of angst, but mostly none! 
Word Count: 6.4k
Song Inspiration: “Meet Me in the Woods” by Lord Huron
A/N: It’s here!! My first Jefferson story!! :D I’m so excited to share it with you. Thank you to all who have shown enthusiasm for this story and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have writing it! Special thanks to @beccaanne814​ for reading this over for me! Also, this story is canon divergent, meaning I’ve changed some of the events from the tv show. Please let me know your thoughts, I love to hear from you all! Thank you!! <3
Part One   Part Two (End)>>> Coming Thursday 31 Oct. at 3pm EST!! 
Feel You Masterlist
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“This was a brilliant idea,” you muttering sarcastically, untangling your skirt from yet another caught branch. “I’ll just follow him home and tell him… and I’ll just say…” 
Actually, you had no idea what you’d say. 
Huffing out a frustrated sigh, you rested a moment behind a tree, peeking out slightly to keep your target in sight. Luckily they were distracted by their own little game, his baritone chuckle and her tinkling giggle ringing through the forest. You considered abandoning your foolish task, but the ache in your chest urged you forward against your will. Taking another deep breath, you checked to see if the coast was clear before trekking onward through the brush and bramble. 
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 5 years
Coming tomorrow!!!! 😁 I will be reblogging part one here sometime but if you want to be tagged for first notification, send me an ask on my main account or respond to this post. Only a few hours left to go until I finish the post and put it in the queue! 😁
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Feel You (Enhanced!reader x Jefferson OUAT)
Summary: You had seen him around the village and knew some of his story, but after coming upon an interaction with the man and his daughter in the market, you felt compelled to help him. However, he may not want anything to do with you. Will your hidden ability help or hurt your chances of making him see a different path?” (OUAT canon divergent) 
Song Inspiration: “Meet Me in the Woods” by Lord Huron
Part One – Posting Monday, 28 October at 3pm EST!! 
Part Two (End) – Posting Thursday, 31 October. 
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 5 years
Teach your kids to respect animals!
Teach your kids to leave animals alone if they walk away!
Teach your kids to put down an animal if they are struggling to escape!
It’s not that hard to teach kids that animals are living things and not toys!
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 5 years
All Those Who Wander Epilogue (Bucky x reader AU)
Characters: Bucky, reader, Steve, Sam. 
Summary: After finding each other in Amsterdam, you and Bucky build a life together in your shared home city of New York City. What has happened since that fateful day and how do plans look for the future? 
Warnings: Some strong language.
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: This is it! The end. I’ve loved this story of travel and destiny and love and self discovery. I hope you have too. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Thank you to all who have supported me in this journey. I love you. 
<<<Part 7   Epilogue (End) 
All Those Who Wander Masterlist
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NYC, Spring 2016
“You’re going to have to trust me, Brandt. Hopping in a taxi and ‘hoping for the best’ is not a good practice in Turkey,” you explained patiently while pacing in your home office. 
Another excuse from a young, uninformed traveler. Hearing his reply, you rolled your eyes but did your best to sound pleasant through the phone.
“I understand that you and your friends want to throw caution to the wind and ‘do as the locals do’, but caution is actually there to keep you safe and make sure you return home in one piece.Your parents hired me to offer advice and guidance in situations such as this one and I…” 
He interrupted so you let him talk, only half listening.
Allowing the young Brandt to share his thoughts about the “totally awesome idea his bros had last night” (possibly while intoxicated), you took the opportunity to take a sip of your coffee, only finding the last dregs at the bottom. Letting out a sigh, you walked down the hall to the kitchen and put on a fresh pot of coffee before voicing what needed to be said to the teenager on the phone. 
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 5 years
All Those Who Wander Pt 7 (Bucky x reader AU)
Characters: Bucky, reader, Steve.
Summary: After a traumatic injury and honorable discharge from the military, Bucky Barnes finds himself wanting to travel and get lost in some of the most iconic cities of the world. One night he stumbles upon a girl who sparks something inside him and he finds himself following in her footsteps. How far will he go to find her and what will he discover about himself along the way?
Warnings: Some strong language.
Song Inspiration: “Amsterdam” by Gregory Alan Isakov
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: This is it!! The last chapter before the epilogue. Oh, my goodness, this fic has been a journey. Literally and figuratively. I love these characters and I have loved imagining their travels. I hope you’re excited to see where they end up. I appreciate all of you who have offered your support and love and comments. It means the world to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this chapter. I adore you all!! <3
<<<Part 6   Part 7   Epilogue >>> Coming Mon 30 Sept at 3pm EST!! 
All Those Who Wander Masterlist
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“Would you like to take a stroll through the city?” you offered, sounding hopeful.
Relieved, Bucky exhaled and met your eye with a smile. “I’d love to.”
As the pair of you exited the cafe, Bucky attempted to straighten the tie that was now loosening with how often he played with it. Seeing that you had noticed, he tried not to fidget. 
“May I?” you asked, gesturing toward the tie. 
Hesitating a moment, he then nodded and lifted his chin. Expecting you to do what he couldn’t—tighten the tie with both hands— he was surprised when instead you pulled the tie free from its knot and slipped it from the collar. Your nimble fingers lingered a fraction of a second on his shirt as you undid the top button and Bucky finally felt like he could breathe again. 
Holding the tie, you then seemed to realize the intimate nature of the act and looked apologetic. “I’m sorry, that was presumptuous of me. You looked very handsome in it and you still do without it, I just hate to see you uncomfortable for my sake. I can re-tie it if you want. Now or…later.” 
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 5 years
All Those Who Wander Pt 6 (Bucky x reader AU)
Characters: Bucky, reader, Steve.
Summary: After a traumatic injury and honorable discharge from the military, Bucky Barnes finds himself wanting to travel and get lost in some of the most iconic cities of the world. One night he stumbles upon a girl who sparks something inside him and he finds himself following in her footsteps. How far will he go to find her and what will he discover about himself along the way?
Warnings: Some strong language.
Song Inspiration: “Amsterdam” by Gregory Alan Isakov
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: Will he or won’t he??? We’re about to find out if Bucky will show up in Amsterdam!! That’s one of my dream cities that I hope to visit. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this chapter! Thank you for all your comments and support! I adore you all! <3
<<<Part 5   Part 6   Part 7>>> Coming Mon 26 Sept. at 3pm EST!! 
All Those Who Wander Masterlist
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Amsterdam, May 2014
Tugging at his starched collar for the tenth time in a minute, Bucky took another deep breath and stared up at the supposed street names that just looked like a jumble of letters to him. Dutch was definitely a new challenge. Looking down at the piece of paper in his hands, he tried to decipher the directions given by the man at the hostel where he was staying.
Two rights and a left…
He tried to commit the directions to memory, hoping to look a little less lost and tourist-like. Although he was definitely both those things. Bucky stuffed the paper in his pocket and straightened his tie the best he could. He debated back and forth as he dressed for this…date? Meeting? Something. Tie or no tie? It had been much too long since he had worn anything other than jeans and a threadbare t-shirt with a jacket over the top. Constant travel helped to simplify a person’s life, especially when it came to wardrobe.
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 5 years
All Those Who Wander Pt 5 (Bucky x reader AU)
Characters: Bucky, reader, Steve.
Summary: After a traumatic injury and honorable discharge from the military, Bucky Barnes finds himself wanting to travel and get lost in some of the most iconic cities of the world. One night he stumbles upon a girl who sparks something inside him and he finds himself following in her footsteps. How far will he go to find her and what will he discover about himself along the way?
Warnings: Some strong language.
Song Inspiration: “She Lit A Fire” by Lord Huron
Word Count: 2k
A/N: IT’S HAPPENING Y’ALL EVERYBODY FREAK OUT!!!!! Please let me know your thoughts!! I adore you all!! <3
<<<Part 4   Part 5   Part 6>>> Coming Mon. 16 Sept, 3pm EST!! 
All Those Who Wander Masterlist
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April 17, 2014 
Dear Steve,
Greetings from a northbound train somewhere in England! Also, high five to my past self for springing for a “quiet” car cause I needed it. There was a loud group at my hostel last night and even in my single room, I could hear them drunken singing through the wall ALL. NIGHT. LONG. I finally ducked my head out and must’ve given that “murder glare” that you told me I have cause they finally quieted down. Little shits. 
Anyway. Sorry about the early call this morning, but in my defense it was even earlier for me and I hadn’t had my coffee yet. I can’t even tell time while uncaffeinated. It was good to talk to you, pal. I know, I waited too long between calls. I’ll try to be better about that. If I ever actually mailed these letters then the gaps between wouldn’t be so bad. Failure on my part. Glad to hear that you’re doing well, though. And congrats on the promotion! Captain Rogers does have a certain ring to it. We’ll have to properly celebrate when I see you. A couple more months to go.
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aoyhfic-reblogs · 5 years
All Those Who Wander Pt 4 (Bucky x reader AU)
Characters: Bucky, reader, Steve.
Summary: After a traumatic injury and honorable discharge from the military, Bucky Barnes finds himself wanting to travel and get lost in some of the most iconic cities of the world. One night he stumbles upon a girl who sparks something inside him and he finds himself following in her footsteps. How far will he go to find her and what will he discover about himself along the way?
Warnings: Some strong language.
Song Inspiration: “She Lit A Fire” by Lord Huron
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Y’all ready for some London adventures?? :D I freaking miss this city so much, ugh. I’ve been there on two separate trips and there will definitely be more. How do you think Bucky will enjoy the city? Have you ever been? Where do you think Bucky will head next? I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts on this chapter! 
<<<Part Three   Part Four    Part Five>>> Coming Mon. 9 Sept at 3pm EST!!
All Those Who Wander Masterlist
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April 13, 2014
Hey Stevie,
You know, you’d think that I’d understand a lot more of the language in a country where they speak English, but…not so much. I mean, England is great and London is an amazing city, but damn. The words may be in English, but they don’t mean the same thing. I asked about a sweater in a shop and the guy called it a jumper? Huh? And don’t get me started on chips. Fish and chips taste amazing, but the fried potatoes next to the fish are FRIES, man! Not chips! Also served with mashed peas, cause why not, England? And apparently, chips are “crisps”. My head hurts. 
I’m joking, Steve, I’m actually having a great time. The train arrived at Kings Cross Station and after studying the map for the “Tube” aka subway, I…actually tried it. You believe that? And you know what? 
It wasn’t bad at all. 
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