aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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Girl buried with a crown of ceramic flowers. Patras, 300-400 B.C. 
Can be seen at the Museum of Patras (Greece)
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
“HADES : “Tell them that you weren’t hungry, tell them you followed the pomegranates seeds because they tasted like blood, like love.””
— Pauline Albanese, The Closed Doors  (via lesgardenias)
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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Chronos, Franz Ignaz Gunther, 18th Century
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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Hellenistic drachma of the Epirote League, depicting the heads of Dodonian Zeus (crowned with an oak wreath) and Dione (or Hera). Artist unknown; ca. 233-168 BCE. Now in the Staatliche Münzsammlung, Munich. Photo credit: ArchaiOptix/Wikimedia Commons.
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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A woman, sometimes identified as a hetaira (courtesan), plays the double flute to entertain a reclining male symposiast. Interior of an Attic red-figure kylix (cup) in the manner of the Brygos Painter; ca. 480 BCE. Found at Chiusi, Italy; now in the Archaeological Museum of Chiusi. Photo credit: ArchaiOptix/Wikimedia Commons.
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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selene, greek goddess of the moon
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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Odysseus and the Sirens. Detail from an Attic red-figure stamnos, name-vase of the Siren Painter; ca. 480-470 BCE. From Vulci; now in the British Museum.
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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greek mythology god and goddesses: Demeter the goddess of the harvest and agriculture 
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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Greek mythology from A to Z:
[A] - Asteria (Ἀστερία) was the goddess of nocturnal oracles and shooting stars
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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Nike ”the goddess of victory” at Konstakademin in Stockholm
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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Goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and passion. Her main powers catered towards love and desire which allowed her to easily seduce any person of her choosing. She was the subject and model for the famous sculpture 'Venus de Milo'. Aphrodite was directly responsible for the Trojan war. She sided with the Trojans in the Trojan War because Paris and her son, the hero Aeneas, were Trojans. She also persuaded the god of war, Ares, to support Troy during the war. In book III of Homer's Iliad, it is told that Aphrodite eventually saves Paris when Menelaus is about to kill him.
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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Goddess of spring, flowers, death, life, vegetation, destruction and the Queen of the Underworld. She is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. She became the queen of the underworld through her abduction by Hades, the god of the underworld, with the approval of her father, Zeus. Her mother, Demeter, in her misery, became unconcerned with the harvest or the fruitfulness of the earth, so that widespread famine ensued but because Persephone had tasted of a handful of pomegranate seeds she was forced to forever spend a part of the year with her husband in the underworld. Her annual return to the earth in spring was marked by the flowering of the meadows and the sudden growth of the new grain. Her return to the underworld in winter, conversely, saw the dying down of plants and the halting of growth.
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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~ Pair of eyes. Period: Classical Date: 5th century B.C. or later Culture: Greek Medium: Bronze, marble, frit, quartz, obsidian.
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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Mythology meme:  AMPHITRITE — Greek goddess and queen of the sea.
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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Greek Mythology Meme // ᶠᶦᵛᵉ ᵗᶦᵗᵃⁿᵉˢˢ ⁽³/⁵⁾
Eos is the titan goddess of the dawn, who rose each morning from her home at the edge of the Oceanus.
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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Apollo and two Muses, by one of my favourite artists in the world, Pompeo Batoni.
Credit line: Wilanów Palace Museum, Photo: Z. Reszka. Source: Googleartsandculture
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aphrolux-archived · 3 years
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apollo & zephyrus | the victoria and albert museum, london
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