applebyss-snakybite · 14 days
Here's more of that Sonic fate swap AU of mine. Is swaped Fate au a good abreviation for this? (I really need to come up with a title for this au, yikes)
Nevertheless, since I started things wrong with the villains as an introduction, I'm going to present the main hero: Amy Rose. Amy Rose swapped with Sonic. Now, I know there's a lot of concepts like that with her, but here's my take on it. I've decided to do the character explanation in a way more similar to a fanfiction, I think it makes it more fun to read than just me rambling. And, I think I'm going to write it a little bit as if it was a comic series... you'll see. I hope you'll enjoy this format (if you're even interested) because I think I want to stick with it :
PART 1: Amy Rose
When Amy was a young hedgehog, she was so energetic that her parents bought her a big squeaky hammer so she could have something to spend her energy on, while also allowing them to have a moment of peace from her. Amy really wanted her parents to buy her that hammer, and she ended up loving that hammer to an almost obsessive amount. She practiced several fighting techniques with it to the point that squeaky hammer became more than just a toy. Despite becoming so skilled with the squeaky hammer, she had yet to practice fighting with a real hammer. Nonetheless, fighting and sports became her passion. Once she reached the age of twelve, she became more independent and would explore the hills around her small village by herself.
That was when she encountered her first big conflict she ever needed to face by herself. She found two meanies who were bullying a six years old rabbit girl: Cream. Amy didn't know why they were bullying her, but she fought off the bullies, and Cream is forever thankful for her help. Cream has a creative mind, and she likes to tinker. She has a strong relationship with Chao that help her gather the resources for her art project and also help with the tinkering itself. When she saw Amy fight off the bullies with her toy hammer, she was inspired to build her a better, no, a real one with the help of the Chao. Amy's new hammer was made of wood, painted a pink and yellow, and was far more solid, thus dangerous. Amy and Cream became best friends after this event.
Amy was certain she was going to live the rest of her life in the village she was born in. It wouldn't have minded her if only there were any interesting boys around. It wasn't because she was tomboy-ish that it meant she wasn't interested in finding a lover. She would share her dreams about building a family to Cream, and the two would play house together with the Chao on a daily basis in Cream's secret Chao Garden. Taking care of Cream and the Chao quickly became Amy's favourite thing to do, and the two of them promised to always be there for each other. Cream said she was going to follow Amy wherever she would go. Cream became Amy's little sister at that point, and no one could separate them.
However, one day, the whole world turned around and completely changed the course of Amy's life. On another normal visit to Cream's secret Chao Garden. She noticed Cream at the entrance of it, panicking. The Chao had disappeared, and before she could say more, someone suddenly appeared from seemingly nowhere and kidnapped her. They were swift and fast. But, despite how agile they were, Amy wouldn't back down: her first adventure began here.
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But, what or who could be that dark blur that caught Cream?
More will be told in the next part. :>
(Oh gosh, I told myself I wasn't going to do fanfictions on there.... well, each part is planned to be a rather short story without much dialogues, so that's fine.)
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applebyss-snakybite · 16 days
Heya! I have this Sonic AU that I made a few years ago. (Back when I was, like, 12-13?) I've never shared it because I held myself from posting anything online until I was eighteen, but I thought I might as well share it now. If some people get interested in it, that'd be a plus for me because I love drawing stuff from this AU.
It's not a very original AU. It's a swap AU. But, the characters stay more or less the same... It's more of a Swap Fate AU. I may have a tough time explaining it, but I'll do my best. I'll use my favourite two as an example:
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Shadow and Eggman are swapped. Eggman is NOT the ultimate lifeform. He's still a genius scientist. However, Shadow is the villain, and Eggman is more of an anti-hero. Shadow did not have a friend like Maria at his side and only remembered the worst lessons he got from Gerald Robotnik. Gerald became crazy and wanted to get rid of humanity. Thus, Shadow wanted to pursue the crazed wish of his mentor by trying to take over the world. He has all his ultimate lifeform abilities, but he does value the use of weapons more than over his power. Because he's greedy and egocentric in this AU, he thinks he doesn't need to do physical efforts that much because of his high IQ (lower than Eggman, but still high) and his status as the ultimate life form. So, if he had a boss battle, he would teleport around and stop in place to shoot with one of his handmade guns, and that would be the moment to attack him.
Eggman (he goes by Robotnik in this, but he can still be nicknamed Eggman, idc) was living on the ARK. He was friends with the commander GUN (he doesn't have an official name, why? He's not part of GUN in this AU, sooo... I need to find him a name) and Maria. However, the creation of Shadow ruined his life (because then the Ark got destroyed, the way it did in canon). He doesn't really blame Shadow for what happened (he blames Gerald and Black doom more), and he would tolerate Shadow if only the latter had not chosen the path of evil. Also, Eggman is edgy because he lost his best friend in the destruction of the Ark. He saw everything crumbling in front of him and was traumatized because of that.
Shadow is not traumatized by the downfall of the ARK because, unlike in canon, Shadow was not allowed to just wander into the ARK and didn't have the opportunity to become friends with Maria: Gerald was overprotective of him, and Shadow quickly grew more attached to him and his ideology more than anyone else. He considers him like his father. He didn't have the time to discover proper love and empathy because Gerald wasn't exactly the best father figure... However, he learned a lot about science with him because, as the ultimate life form, he has an excellent IQ that rivals with Eggman. He does have a bit of Gerald genes inside of him because, of course, Gerald wanted to make his creation extremely intelligent just like him.
Now that I've written all of this, I believe fate swap could fit as the main idea of this AU. The characters changed places because their backstory got altered and brought them in a different position. Their brains did not change. Their experiences did... I guess just random swap AU works, too.
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applebyss-snakybite · 17 days
Random comic: Modern Eggman's minion duo VS Dr Robotnik's (from the Adventure of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon) minion duo choices of drinks. And Classic Eggman (aka: best Eggman) have the most common sense of them all.
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The sheer absurdity of that cartoon, I swear... The old Sonic cartoons are such a trip, but the best part by far is the Sonic says. Sonic doing PSAs is just... so fitting. It's one of the few times in cartoons that it doesn't feel ooc. Still, the anti-booze, the anti-cigarette, and the prevention of xxx abuse PSAs are still so... marking, uncanny? They make me feel something, that's for sure.
Also, Orbot and Cubot are my favourite robots, and you can not change my mind.
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applebyss-snakybite · 18 days
Part 8 of Mobianification of Fire Emblem Fates character. Aka: FE fates: Mobian AU...
Actually, no, the seven previous part was all I had for the time being. Thanks for passing by! Here's a drawing of Laslow and Odin from this au on the way out, because I love those two stylish birds.
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applebyss-snakybite · 22 days
Part 7 of Mobianification of Fire Emblem Fates character. Aka: FE fates: Mobian AU
If you don't know the Fire Emblem Fates characters/never played the game(s), you can see them as Sonic ocs HEAVILY inspired by the characters.
It's time for the Nohrian royals' retainers.
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First, we got Laslow the Swan (because of how the swan is majestic and Laslow is a dancer) and Peri the Mouse (because cute little thing that likes to be in the kitchen). They serve Xander.
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Then we got Severa, I mean, Selena the Dove (her mother was a flying unit who is pure and perfect... wait, I'm having dejà vue here...) and Beruka the Snake (she's a sneaky assassin who's tolerant to poison. Snakes are slithery little things, and some are venomous.) They serve Camilla.
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Next, there's Odin Dark the Parrot (because he talks... a lot) and Niles the Porcupine (he compares himself with a porcupine in the game... so here he is). They serve Leo.
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Finally, there's Arthur the Eagle (America) and Effie the Elephant (she's extremely strong and resistant, and she's like that in gameplay and in her character). They serve Elise. Arthur is a bit different in art style because I wanted to make him look like a character that would come right out of the old Sonic cartoons or old American cartoon in general. The base fire emblem character is, in itself, a character heavily inspired by American super-hero comics, and even his artstyle feels weird in comparison with other characters from the same game.
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applebyss-snakybite · 22 days
Part 6 of Mobianification of Fire Emblem Fates character. Aka: FE fates: Mobian AU
If you don't know the Fire Emblem Fates characters/never played the game(s), you can see them as Sonic ocs HEAVILY inspired by the characters.
Next, we got the retainers of the Hoshidian family. Each with a little drawing of their interaction with the royal they serve.
So, first, we got Saizo the chameleon and Kagero the scorpion. They serve Ryoma. Saizo is the brother of Kaze. Thus, they are the same species, and Kagero is a scorpion because of the fe fates ninja skill of poison strike and her tendency of ending up drawing creepy things every time she does art. (This drawing seems a bit more rushed than the others. Still, we can see their traits. For example, Saizo lost his tail, and Kagero has a bow behind her head.)
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Next, there's Azama the Porcupine (because of his spiky haircut) and Setsuna the Tapir. They serve Hinoka. Setsuna is a tapir because of this animal symbolism with dreams, and Setsuna main traits are that she daydreams to the point that she's elsewhere completely.
Then, there's Hinata the shiba and Oboro the Squirrel. They serve Takumi. Hinata is often overexcited and is very loyal to Takumi (almost like his lap dog), and the shiba inu is a japanese dog breed and is very energetic in nature. I wanted something cute for Oboro and give her something with a bushy tail since she likes taking care of her and the others' hairs. She's also a tailor, so she's very meticulous, and squirrels are resourceful and meticulous creatures.
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Finally, we got Subaki the Dove and Hana the Shiba. They serve Sakura. Hana is a shiba as, just like Hinata, is a samurai with brown hair, extremely loyal to their lord, and energetic. (And I ship 'em.) Subaki is a dove because he is (or at least, he thinks) perfect and pure. And, he's a flying unit, so an avian he is.
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applebyss-snakybite · 24 days
Part 5 of Mobianification of Fire Emblem Fates character. Aka: FE fates: Mobian AU
If you don't know the Fire Emblem Fates characters/never played the game(s), you can see them as Sonic ocs HEAVILY inspired by the characters.
Let's go with the older royals so: Queen Mikoto, King Garon, and King Sumeragi,
Mikoto and Sumeragi are queen and king of Hoshido. Therefore, they are both seedrians. Next, there is Garon, which, honestly... he's ganondorf from the legend of zelda. There, I said it. That's fire emblem Ganondorf: Ganon? Garon? They sound so similar. So, he's a boar, just like Ganon.
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The reasoning for their species was tackled in parts 1 and 3 of this series of posts. There's not a lot to add. Sumeragi is a maple, and Mikoto is a type of flower vaguely inspired by the flower she bears on her clothes in the game design.
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applebyss-snakybite · 26 days
Part 4 of Mobianification of Fire Emblem Fates character. Aka: FE fates: Mobian AU
If you don't know the Fire Emblem Fates characters/never played the game(s), you can see them as Sonic ocs HEAVILY inspired by the characters.
Let's go with Corrin's retainers because, why not?
Corrin has a LOT of retainers or people hired to protect and take care of them. So there's Gunter the Dinosaur (he's very old), Jakob (or Joker, his other name) the cat, Felicia and Flora the Husky Sisters, Kaze the Chameleon and Silas the Horse.
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Some explanations: Jakob and Felicia are the two possible retainers that would join you into the early game: Felicia, if it's Male Corrin and Jakob, if it's female Corrin. They are opposite from each other, which is why I went with the dog vs cat them. Jakob is sophisticated, and Felicia is more clumsy.
Furthermore, Felicia and Flora have ice powers. Another little detail I put into why I made them dogs is because of Blaze the cat, who is a cat with fire power. I thought it was funny.
Then, Kaze is a ninja, so I made him (and the rest of his family that will come up later) as if he was some kind of distant relative/ancestor of Espio. Without the Sonic universe in mind, I would have made him a frog.
Poor Silas, he's so smol. There's wasn't enough room on my paper... He's a horse because he's a cavalier in the game and because he has such a noble heart. <3
This batch of characters is a bit more... doodly. Sorry for that, I had trouble with the space on my sheet. This was drawn in 2021.
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applebyss-snakybite · 26 days
Part 3 of Mobianification of Fire Emblem Fates character. Aka: FE fates: Mobian AU
If you don't know the Fire Emblem Fates characters/never played the game(s), you can see them as Sonic ocs HEAVILY inspired by the characters.
Let's go with the Nohrian royal siblings now. The Nohrian are pigs because Nohr is, first of all, a more industrial country, which is the opposite of Hoshido (see part 1 for context). Usually, industrialisation like that is associated with greed: desire for advancement. Furthermore, Nohr is naturally more power driven and violent. So, the royal siblings are all pig themed since pigs are associated with greed. But, also, pigs are not all bad. In some children stories (the three little pigs, for example), they are not the villains, and funny how they managed to beat the wolf is by building a solid house (Nohr is surrounded by a big wall that traps the city in the dark, think it as if they live in a giant brick house). So, pigs they are:
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Leo the pig, Elise the pig, Camilla the vampire bat and Xander the warthog (because of his strenght and imposing figure). Their father had a lot of mistresses, so their biological mothers are somewhat of a mystery. Camilla being a bat was very important because, personality wise, she's basically Rouge and because she is a flying unit in the game. Vampire bats have pig-like noses, so I rolled with it.
Oh! Another reason why they are pigs is because of their father. He will be addressed at a later post.
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applebyss-snakybite · 27 days
Part 2 of Mobianification of Fire Emblem Fates character. Aka: FE fates: Mobian AU
If you don't know the Fire Emblem Fates characters/never played the game(s), you can see them as Sonic ocs HEAVILY inspired by the characters.
Next, we have the, technically, main characters: Corrin the Dragon fruit (because... they can turn into a dragon) and Azura the Rose (Azura likes roses and tends to compare herself to a rose, so here she is!)
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They are a seedrian like species because of their shared ancestry and their family tree. Azura is (spoiler alert for a 3ds game you can't buy anymore) Corrin's cousin, so I thought the two of them should be seedrians.
Corrin is one of the very few who can go into a mover mode (go see part 1 if you need context). Also, in FE fates, the player can choose Corrin's gender and personalize them... I based my concept art on their standard design, but I still made one for each gender. Or... more like sexes in this case. I did that mostly because of the male and female differences of the seedrian species. However, in mover mode, they are identical. In the end, they are both Corrin, no matter of sex.
The orb they have over their chests is the dragonstone, which allows them to keep themselves in control when turning into mover mode/dragon form. Since it's a rare ancestral ability, it's something tough to control without the dragonstone.
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applebyss-snakybite · 28 days
Part 1 of Mobianification of Fire Emblem Fates character. Aka: FE fates: Mobian AU
If you don't know the Fire Emblem Fates characters / never played the game, you can see them as Sonic ocs HEAVILY inspired by the characters.
Let's starts things off with the 4 Hoshidian royal siblings. Hoshido is like Asia and there's a lot of symbolism with plants sprinkle around in the designs of their clothing. Hoshido is much more closer to nature than Nohr which is based on Europe and is more modernized than Hoshido. So, it's a traditional and closer to nature environment VS a more industrial one, enclosed by walls, even.
So, the Hoshidian family is a species close to the seedrians from Sonic X. However, they aren't aliens. Instead, the seedrians are an ancient species in this AU. Only a few can go into mover mode (some kind of werewolf/dragon form) and is an ancestral power. Both males and females can go mover mode if they have the ability. The difference between the females and the males has somewhat mixed with the generations.
So, now that the backstory is out of the way, here they are: Ryoma the Maple, Hinoka the Maple, Sakura the... sakura and Takumi the Pineapple.
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I chose the Maple for the two first siblings because their main colour is red and the amount of use of the maple tree into the game and how they are popular trees in Japan. Sakura is, well, her name says it all. Takumi is mostly just a meme, but it's also a way to show how out of place he seems in this family, with the only sibling having cold colour hair (gray) compared of his siblings who all have warm colours (brown, red and pink.) No, Ryoma is not a lobster because it wouldn't have made any once of sense since he wouldn't even be plant-related, differenting him too much from his other siblings
Drew in 2021
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applebyss-snakybite · 28 days
For the next days, I'll post some concept art of Fire Emblem Fates characters as Sonic Characters. They could be seen as Sonic ocs HEAVILY inspired by Fire Emblem Fates characters. Buckle up, 'cause this is going to be a long ride.
So, here's a little introduction first: they were all drawn in between 2020 and 2022. This concept is a weirdly specific thing, but it was a good drawing excercise. I like to draw characters and wanted to do some designs/redisign and came up with the idea.
It also all started when I was reading Niles' and Azura's support Rank A (if my memory is right) where Niles compared himself to a porcupine and Azura compared herself to a rose. So then, I drew those:
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It started at drawing literally just the things they were comparing themselves to, then evolved into Sonic character designs. Then, I thought of the popular FE: Fates meme of people calling Takumi a pineapple. Drew that, then decided that, since I started, why not do some of the other characters and make an AU out of this?
So, this is what I call: FE Fates, Mobian AU. 'Mobian' refering to the sonic-like character redisigns... or designs. They're so different that they're almost not the same characters anymore except for their personalities and that they share the same name as their conterpart. So, as I said, this could almost be considered ocs. But, eh, I'll let the world judge for themself.
Also, here's some doodles of messing around with Takumi The Pineapple:
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The fact that I mispelled the word "pineapple" in those doodles show how drunk by fatigue I was when drawing this. (I re-written some stuff a little bit for preservation purposes: it had became horrible because of smears. Man, I know, I take this thing too seriously. Don't go at me, I put a lot of time into this thing so might as well put it out there for, at least, some kind of personal archive.)
Anyway, sorry for the novel, I'm too used to writing fanfics that I don't know how to keep myself from writing so many words anymore. The next posts about this AU won't have this much text.
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applebyss-snakybite · 28 days
I'm sorry in advance if this is odd.
This is an old thing I thought about when I was a pre-teen or something like that. I was trying hard to find an equivalent sonic character for the Mane 6. I saw videos back then of other people thinking of that concept, so...
This is what I came up with. It's mostly just giving Wave, Sonic, Amy, Cream, Knuckles and Rouge outfits that somewhat represent the main six.
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I think if we had to make that an AU, the element of magic would be replaced chaos or wisdom. This was drawn way after I got the initial idea. It was drawn in 2021, but it's pure 2013 nostalgia.
Knuckles and Sonic are the least noticeable in their redisign, I guess you could call. Sonic have rainbow gloves (I need to mention this cause... this is the 1800s now or something) and Knuckles is just Knuckles with a whip...
Pretty much all of them were the characters the fandom (or fandoms) back then would associate to each mane six, except for Twilight, who was often associated with Tails. I chose Wave instead 'cause she's smart, she isn't friendly with the others, which makes her a better candidate to learn about friendship than Tails, and she's purple (that's a bonus). Blaze would have fitted too.
Well, I wanted to make an additional joke now that I showed how I am a fan of mlp and Sonic simultaneously, but I'll hold my tongue.
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applebyss-snakybite · 29 days
Hey! I think I'll mostly use this place as some kind of archive for my pencil drawings that I don't want to lose to decay. So, here's the first batch.
This is an Ace Attorney AU where they are animals instead of humans. I call it "Pet Attorney!". If this concept has already been done before, here's my take on it. All their names or nicknames are written next to them. If you have trouble seeing or reading my writing, have fun figuring out which is who.
I apologize for the luminosity. That was the best I could do.
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This was first drawn in 2021. This was posted in may 12 2024. Unfortunately, it's been a while, so I can't accurately my reasoning as to why I chose that animal for that character.
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applebyss-snakybite · 2 months
This is, I personally think, one of my most clean artworks, so this is the first thing I post on here. This is my take on Athena Cykes from Ace Attorney as a Sonic character. This was first drawn in 2021 or 2022, so I unfortunately don't remember what I was going for exactly with her animal species and choice in design tweaks.
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I like it when there's a posting date (and I'm a bit new to tumblr), so I'm going to write a date: first posted on April 13th 2024. Privated for some reason, reposted on may 12.
PS: Another little something to know about me: Do you know those artists who draw non-human characters as humans? Yeah, I'm basically the opposite of that.
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applebyss-snakybite · 2 months
Presentation post ahead:
Hello! This is a Tumblr account made for relaxation purposes only. I'm more of a fanfiction writer, but I like to draw when I'm too unfocused to write, so here it is. I post my fanfics on Ao3 and my fanart will go, here, on Tumblr (for the most part). It's just so I can stay organized. I will not promote my Ao3 account there. If you're curious about my fanfictions and my Ao3 account, you'll have to ask or do some digging.
Anyway, drawing is just a hobby for me, and I'm someone thrifty. What I mean is that I draw pencil on paper and, the rare times I decide to make digital art or put colours, I use my big greasy fingers to draw and colour on my phone. The program I use on my phone is Ibis Paint (did I need to specify?). You have my full approbation to repost or use my art whatever way you want as long as you say you didn't make it. However, credit would be very nice.
I will also use this Tumblr as a way to archive my old drawings. I want to preserve them in a way, and I don't like when things are too clambered. All art on there will be sfw. I am a very chaotic person, and I'd like to keep the chaos separated from the less chaotic. Think of it as like a professional account, while my other Tumblr is more of a personal account. I don't mind sharing my other Tumblr if you ask for it, but, just like my Ao3, I don't want to promote it here.
Now that the probably useless nitty-gritty is out of the way, more about my interests. I'm a furry who's a gamer and who likes animated shows (anime or cartoon). Pretty typical stuff, I dare say.
Ok, sorry for the brick wall of text. Thanks for passing by, strangers, and let's all be friendly over there. Peace!
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