applecarecale · 1 month
I’ve been in artblock to long so here’s random doodles I did in a sketch book, it’s messy as hell
These were made in like minutes so it’s rushed
Doodles of moth wife and wife
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applecarecale · 1 month
I’ve suffered long enough I need this duck
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applecarecale · 3 months
If I was rich I’d pay for a female omnic character, but I’m not so I drew my own
\ Nylamira/
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Here’s some abbilties I got for her to
Class: Support
Passive stuff:
Flight: This passive ability allows the omnic/moth to fly and move quickly in the air, making her harder to hit. Only for short period of time as it comes in as bursts if they are in crowed spots.
Normal abilities:
Moth swarm: The omnic/moth unleashes a swarm of moths that heal allies in a small area, increasing their healing rate by 50% for a short duration. The healing rate could be around 80 health per second, and the duration of the ability could be around 5 seconds. The cooldown could be around 9 seconds.
Sonic screech: The omnic/moth unleashes a powerful sonic screech that damages and stuns enemies in a small area. The damage could be around 40, and the stun duration could be around 0.5 seconds. The cooldown could be around 10 seconds.
Night's embrace: The omnic/moth creates a large area of dark energy, which heals allies for a large amount and decreases the damage they take by 50%. The healing rate could be around 80 health per second, and the damage reduction could be around 10%. The duration of the ability could be around 8-9 seconds.
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applecarecale · 4 months
Just a redesign of an old OC named Kane
Old and new
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applecarecale · 4 months
Decided to do my own take of the Blade from one of Scythe audios series
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Yes most the details went to the sword
I like swords okay
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applecarecale · 5 months
Welcome to the daily random thoughts, today we have!
What if @scythe-the-problematic-audio, @escapedaudios, @goodboyaudios and @yuurivoice were video game characters?? [moveset edition]
(Also these are just thoughts okay so don’t come after me if these sound inccurate )
\Sycthe audio/
Crack a joke - Probably cracks jokes mid-fight, causing enemies to facepalm in frustration and lose their focus.
Fourth Wall Break - Scythe The Problematic breaks the fourth wall, causing the screen to glitch and distort. Any enemies caught by this ability have their screen obscured, making it difficult for them to see and making them more vulnerable to incoming attacks.
Duel scythes - summons a second scythe, empowering his basic attacks and granting him additional movement speed.
\super moves/ultimate/
"Death's Beckon" - beckons his enemy to come to him, then strikes them with his scythe, doing massive damage.
"Harvester" - The Reaper summons a large horde of undead creatures (idk maybe he gets aroticity to traumatize the fans and escaped), which swarm his enemy, dealing massive damage and weakening their attacks.
Ultimate Ability: "Trapped in the Void" - The Reaper summons a powerful void vortex around the arena, pulling enemies into its center. Once trapped, enemies take massive damage over time and are slowed, making it easy for the Reaper to finish them off.
\Escaped audios/
(Just guns came to mind)
Gun Blast" - He fires a barrage of bullets in a wide arc, dealing damage to enemies caught in the attack. He would be able to move while firing but wouldn't be able to dodge during this ability.
“Smoke Bomb" - He throws a smoke bomb that obscures his foes' vision, making them less likely to land accurate shots. This ability would act as a form of area denial, as well as a way for him to set up his other moves.
"Quickdraw" - He fires a series of quick, precise shots at his opponents, dealing high damage. This ability would require good timing and precision to use effectively, but would be deadly in the hands of a skilled player.
Bullet Hail" - He fires a barrage of bullets into the air, which then rain down on his enemies, dealing heavy damage and knocking them back.
"Tactical Flank" - He uses his guns to slide around enemies, firing at them from different angles, making it hard for them to defend against his attacks.
Ultimate: "Last Stand" - He pulls out his guns and fires a flurry of bullets at everything in his vicinity, dealing massive damage and knocking back enemies.
- He gives a strategic command, causing his enemies to become slowed or stunned, making it easier for him to take them out. This ability would have a cool down time, limiting its overuse.
"Defensive Formation" - He creates a barrier that protects his allies, deflecting incoming attacks and granting them increased defense.
"Ambush" - He sets up a trap that stuns and damages enemies who trigger it, allowing him to take them out with relative ease.
\super move/ ultimate/
Space Pirates" - He summons a fleet of space pirates that fly towards his opponents, attacking them and dealing additional damage. These pirates would have to be killed before they can attack again.
Ultimate: Zombie Rush" - He summons a horde of undead zombies to rush his enemies, dealing damage and distracting them. The zombies can only be vanquished with fire-based attacks.
[robot avatar? 🤷‍♀️]
Rocket Boost" - Yuuriovice's rocket-powered legs allows him to perform quick, powerful kicks at enemies. Charging the ability allows him to dash further and deal more damage.
"Repair Pulse" - Yuuriovice sends out a pulse of energy that heals him and damages any enemies nearby. The pulse can be charged to increase its healing and damage.
“Laser Beam" - Yuuriovice fires a concentrated laser beam from his eye, dealing high damage and piercing through multiple enemies. This ability has a limited duration, but can be charged for additional power.
\super moves/ultimate/
Rocket Barrage" - Yuuriovice flies into the air and unleashes a flurry of rockets onto the battlefield. Each rocket has a massive blast radius and deals high damage.
"Gravity Pulse" - Yuuriovice unleashes a powerful pulse that sends all enemies in the area flying upwards, leaving them vulnerable in the air. Then, he sends out another pulse that pulls all enemies back down, dealing additional damage upon landing.
Ultimate: "Singularity" - Yuuriovice creates a gravitational singularity that sucks all enemies into its center. The singularity grows in size and damage over time, creating a devastatingly powerful attack that can easily wipe out multiple enemies.
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applecarecale · 5 months
Ps I don’t know if the video is working for others and I don’t know how to fix it 0-0 also forgot to say credits to the creator of the audio scythe
@scythe-the-problematic-audio well I tried but hopefully do better enough to finish the animation practice when I can. Also fanart of the dark elf =]
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applecarecale · 5 months
@scythe-the-problematic-audio well I tried but hopefully do better enough to finish the animation practice when I can. Also fanart of the dark elf =]
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applecarecale · 7 months
✨✨✨✨Bittersweet book of life au ✨✨✨
Part 1 Seth and Alphonse
(Short ik)
Upon careful consideration and multiple viewings of "Bittersweet," I have developed a new concept for this alternate universe. In terms of the parental situation, Alphonse will have tragically lost both parents, leaving him with only his grandparent to care for him and guide him in the ways of bullfighting, following in his father's footsteps. Alphonse's character remains relatively unchanged, with the addition of his grandparent playing a significant role in his upbringing and imparting important wisdom to him during the Day of the Dead festivities where Rook and Auron select champions.
The grandparent will be the ones who tell Alphonse this line, "Just be still, and you can feel it. Your mother is here, along with all our ancestors. As long as we remember them, they are with us. The moment we forget them, they are truly gone." Despite these alterations, Alphonse's essence as a character remains consistent in this alternate universe. However I’ll let you guys decide if we have him take Maria’s role instead as it fits Sugarboo and Seth fighting for Alphonse love instead of them fighting for boo as we look back onto chapter one first parts.
Seth here is a slight change in this au and its orginal story, mixing it a bit with the bittersweet one . After having his mother who unlike his father in the small town was a the hero of the village who landed with a drunken old fool, before she left the place for who knows what reason. And Seth not wanting to deal with his fathers shit probably avoided home a lot and just made it seem he had no one there for him other then Alphonse and Sugarboo , doing crazy stuff a lot would have been encouraged by him if I’m honest.
Oh and another thing is that the ex boyfriend thing we see in chapter one will mostly be more shown in this au. Like for example, while Sugarboo is gone ( as Maria) the same thing happens like what happens in the real series the only difference is how they break up and that they didn’t end up working for Derek either how they broke up is up to you crazy angst people to come up with.
That is all for now until I have another dumb thought come to my head.
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applecarecale · 7 months
It’s becoming increasingly obvious and can’t hold it in any longer!
I must draw book of life Au of bittersweet 😔😔 (credits to the creator of bittersweet web series Yuurivoice)
believe Finn would excel as the candle man, although I cannot pinpoint the exact reason for this choice. Alphonse would be a perfect fit for Manolo, not because of personal reasons, but due to his suitability for the role. Seth would portray Joaquin, with adjustments made to the Book of Life AU to accommodate family dynamics. Lastly, Maria would be played by our dear listener Boo, although I am considering swapping roles with Alphonse to introduce an interesting dynamic reminiscent of Jolyne in the first four episodes of chapter 1 between Seth and Boo, which I find intriguing.
Then we have Seth’s mum along with Charlie and Derek, Derek is our main bad guy who you know monologue nearly lost his life by an explosion with. But yeah, secondly as for Seth’s mum she will be some what present nit sure as to I can’t put her as La Muerte I might give that role up to one of the other listener maybe the one from Auron part and have him as Xibalba. Charlie will be well one of the side characters of anyone’s choices, or maybe in this book of life Au he was one of the goons of Derek’s still before well Seth ma found him and so on I don’t know, he like a little rat hard to figure out what goes inside his brain. Then we got many other side characters, might use some ocs ive made cause of these series but who knows.
(Random thoughts that don’t make sense )
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applecarecale · 7 months
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The Origins of Aemmiorant: (pre)
A long time ago, in the early days of Creation, there existed a group of extraordinary beings known as the Celestials. These beings were tasked with shaping the world of Aemmiorant, a realm of magic, mystery, and wonder.
The Celestials were a group of eight beings whose power was unmatched. Each Celestial was charged with shaping a different aspect of the world, and together, they worked to create the foundations of the realm. However, despite their immense power, the Celestials were not infallible. They were prone to conflict and disagreements, and over time, their unity began to crumble.
Eventually, six of the Celestials grew weary of their constant bickering and splintered their magic, each creating their own territory within Aemmiorant. These territories were each named after the Celestial who created them and were each endowed with a powerful orb that granted the people of that territory magic.
As time went on, the Celestials' magic continued to diminish, and eventually, only two remained: Luna, the Celestial of the Moon, and Lux, the Celestial of the Sun. The two continued to rule over the realm of Aemmiorant, but their magic was nowhere near as powerful as it once was.
\Stuff on The Orginal sentinel /
Luna aka Lunastasia - The Celestial of the Moon, Luna is the most mysterious and enigmatic of the Original Sentinels. Her role is to guide souls to the afterlife and protect the Night Realm, but she rarely interacts with the mortals she watches over. She has a deep understanding of the cycles of life and death and is known for her wisdom and compassion, but can also display a fierce and protective side when she needs to. Despite her desire to help the mortals, she tends to keep her distance from them, viewing them as naive and immature.
Lux aka Luxaeros - The Celestial of the Sun, Lux is the most arrogant and egotistical of the Original Sentinels. His role is to grant life and energy to the realm of Aemmiorant, but he rarely interacts with the mortals he watches over. He has a fiery temper and is known for his bravery and adventurous spirit, but can also be prone to impulsiveness. He tends to keep his distance from the mortals because he views them as inferior and worthless.
Terra aka Terraza - The Celestial of the Earth, Terra is the most stubborn and bull-headed of the Original Sentinels. Her role is to provide the stability and foundation upon which Aemmiorant is built, but she rarely interacts with the mortals she watches over. She is known for her strength and resilience, but can also display a stubborn and forceful side when she needs to. She tends to keep her distance from the mortals because she views them as a nuisance, constantly meddling and causing problems.
Vento aka Ventum - The Celestial of the Wind, Vento is the most unpredictable and unstable of the Original Sentinels. His role is to grant the Orignals' magical powers and keep them in balance, but he rarely interacts with the mortals he watches over. He is known for his fluidity and grace, but can also display an unpredictable and moody side. He tends to keep his distance from the mortals because he views them as a hindrance to his freedom and individuality.
Aqua aka Aquatris - The Celestial of the Water, Aqua is the most distant and aloof of the Original Sentinels. Her role is to provide life and nourishment to the Orignals, but she rarely interacts with the mortals she watches over.
Nova - The Celestial of Fire and Heat, Nova is the most fiery and intense of the Original Sentinals. His role is to provide the Orignals' fire and heat magic, and he is the protector of the Realm of Embers, where the Orignals' fire magic originates from. He is known for his fiery temper and aggressive nature, but can also display a compassionate and caring side. He tends to keep his distance from the mortals because he views them as weak and vulnerable to his fiery nature.
Solis - The Celestial of Energy and Light, Solis is the most radiant and charismatic of the Original Sentinals. His role is to provide the Orignals' energy and light magic, and he is the protector of the Realm of Radiance, where the Orignals' energy and light magic originates from. He is known for his warmth and charm, but can also display an arrogant and self-absorbed side. He tends to keep his distance from the mortals because he views them as a distraction from his beauty and glory.
\What's their territories like and named/
[names of places]
Nova: The Realm of Embers
Solis: The Realm of Radiance
Terra: The Realm of Harmony
Vento: The Realm of Freedom
Aqua: The Realm of Nourishment
Luna: The Night Realm
Lux: The Realm of Rebirth
[animals they are part of]
* Luna - Owl, Bat
* Lux - Hawk, Eagle, Phoenix
* Terra - Bull, Bear, Rhino
* Vento - Eagle, Hawk, Falcon
* Aqua - Shark, Octopus, Seal
* Nova - Panther, Tiger, Lion
* Solis - Peacock, Bird of Paradise, Hummingbird
[What their like]
Nova - The Celestial of Fire and Heat, Nova's territory is the Realm of Embers. It is a fiery and intense place, filled with molten rock and lava flows. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be fiery and passionate, just like Nova, but they also have a caring and compassionate side.
Solis - The Celestial of Energy and Light, Solis' territory is the Realm of Radiance. It is a beautiful and illuminated place, filled with dazzling lights and shimmering colors. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be warm and charming, just like Solis, but they can also display an arrogant and self-absorbed side. The Realm of Radiance is known for being a hub of magic and energy, and many Orignals and mortals alike are drawn to it for its beauty and power.
Terra - The Celestial of the Earth, Terra's territory is the Realm of Harmony. It is a peaceful and stable place, filled with verdant forests and sprawling fields. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be strong and resilient, just like Terra, but they can also be stubborn and bull-headed. They value stability and nature above all else.
Vento - The Celestial of the Wind, Vento's territory is the Realm of Freedom. It is an unpredictable and wild place, filled with raging storms and powerful gusts. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be resourceful and adaptable, just like Vento, but they can also display an unpredictable and moody side. The Realm of Freedom is known for being a place of boundless adventure and possibilities, and many Orignals and mortals alike are drawn to it for its excitement and freedom.
Aqua - The Celestial of Water, Aqua's territory is the Realm of Nourishment. It is a calm and serene place, filled with rushing rivers and peaceful ponds. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be nurturing and caring, just like Aqua, but they can also be distant and aloof. They value growth and self-care above all else.
Luna - The Celestial of the Moon, Luna's territory is the Night Realm. It is a mysterious and enigmatic place, filled with the spirits of the dead and other otherworldly beings. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be intuitive and wise, just
Lux - The Celestial of the Sun, Lux's territory is the Realm of Rebirth. It is a vibrant and flourishing place, filled with golden fields and radiant sunlight. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be ambitious and driven, just like Lux, but they can also be rash and impulsive. They value growth and progress above all else, always striving for more. Despite their arrogance and ego, they are known to be generous and helpful to those in need, and will go to great lengths to protect and nourish the life within their realm.
\how you get their powers/
Nova's Realm of Embers: In this fiery realm, mortals gain the power to wield fire and heat magic. They earn this power by performing deeds of courage and bravery, and by demonstrating their passion for protecting their loved ones. Additionally, the Sentinel of Fire and Heat, Nova, tests the mortals' bravery and spirit with trials and challenges, and bestows the gift of fire magic to those who prove themselves worthy.
Solis' Realm of Radiance: In this illuminated realm, mortals gain the power to wield energy and light magic. They earn this power by showcasing their creativity and imagination, and by demonstrating their capacity for innovation and growth. Additionally, the Sentinel of Energy and Light, Solis, tests the mortals' potential with tasks and challenges, and bestows the gift of energy magic to those who demonstrate their excellence and potential.
Terra's Realm of Harmony: In this peaceful realm, mortals gain the power to wield earth and plant magic. They earn this power by displaying their commitment to stability and balance, and by demonstrating their patience and perseverance. Additionally, the Sentinel of Earth and Plants, Terra, tests the mortals' resolve and determination with trials and challenges, and bestows the gift of plant magic to those who prove themselves worthy.
Vento's Realm of Freedom: In this unpredictable realm, mortals gain the power to wield wind and air magic. They earn this power by embracing their inner adventurous spirit, and by demonstrating their adaptability and resourcefulness. Additionally, the Sentinel of Wind and Air, Vento, tests the mortals' courage and resilience with trials and challenges, and bestows the gift of air magic to those who prove themselves worthy.
Aqua's Realm of Nourishment: In this serene realm, mortals gain the power to wield water and healing magic. They earn this power by displaying their compassion and empathy, and by demonstrating their capacity for nurturing and growth. Additionally, the Sentinel of Water and Healing, Aqua, tests the mortals' kindness and patience with trials and challenges, and bestows the gift of healing magic to those who prove themselves
Luna's Night Realm: In this mysterious realm, mortals gain the power to communicate with the spirits of the dead and engage in divination. They earn this power by displaying their intuition and wisdom, and by demonstrating their capacity for empathy and compassion. Additionally, the Sentinel of the Night Realm, Luna, tests the mortals' ability to connect with the unseen world through a series of trials and challenges, and bestows the gift of divination to those who prove themselves worthy. The mortals who inhabit this realm are known for their mystical and otherworldly abilities, but they are also often shunned and feared by those outside their realm.
[Traditional ways they get these powers from these guys]
Nova's Realm of Embers: For mortals in the Realm of Embers, there is a festival that takes place once a year called the "Fire Festival". During this festival, individuals compete in a series of challenges and tasks that test their strength, endurance, and bravery. The winners of these challenges are bestowed with the power to wield fire, making them some of the most fierce warriors in the realm.
Solis' Realm of Radiance: For mortals in the Realm of Radiance, there is a yearly festival called the "Festival of Lights". During this festival, individuals compete in a series of creative tasks that test their imagination, innovation, and sense of beauty. The winners of these tasks are bestowed with the power to wield energy and light, making them some of the most creative and imaginative individuals in the realm.
Terra's Realm of Harmony: For mortals in the Realm of Harmony, there is a yearly festival called the "Festival of Stability". During this festival, individuals compete in a series of trials and tasks that test their patience, perseverance, and sense of balance. The winners of these trials are bestowed with the power to wield earth and plant, making them some of the most patient and strong-minded individuals in the realm.
Vento's Realm of Freedom: For mortals in the Realm of Freedom, there is a yearly festival called the "Festival of Flight". During this festival, individuals compete in a series of challenges that test their adaptability, resourcefulness, and sense of adventure. The winners of these challenges are bestowed with the power to wield wind and air, making them some of the most adaptable and free-spirited individuals in the realm.
Aqua's Realm of Nourishment: For mortals in the Realm of Nourishment, there is a yearly festival called the "Festival of Giving". During this festival, individuals participate in a series of trials and tasks that test their generosity, compassion, and sense of love. The winners of these tasks are bestowed with the power to wield water and healing, making them some of the most compassionate and nurturing individuals in the realm.
Luna's Night Realm
The Night Realm is ruled by the Sentinel of the Night, Luna. Luna's powers are very much tied to the night and darkness—she possesses the ability to manipulate dark energy and use it to create illusions or even summon shadow creatures to do her bidding. To gain these powers, individuals must undergo a test called the "Nightwalk". During this test, they are tasked with navigating through a dark, twisted maze filled with traps and creatures, all while being hunted by Luna herself. Only those who can make it through the maze and escape Luna's grasp without succumbing to fear or madness can be said to have passed the Nightwalk and be granted the power of illusion and dark energy manipulation. However, those who fail the Nightwalk are either killed by Luna or driven mad by her powers. As such, the Nightwalk is a extremely dangerous and risky test, but the reward of dark energy manipulation and illusion-casting is worth the risk for many.
Lux's Realm of Rebirth
Lux's powers are tied to the realm of death and rebirth. He possesses the ability to manipulate life energy and use it to heal wounds, revive the recently deceased, or even extend the lifespan of those around him. To gain these powers, individuals must undergo a test called the "Reincarnation". During this test, they are tasked with proving themselves worthy of a new lease on life by undergoing different trials and challenges that test their bravery, willpower, and sense of purpose. Only those who can prove themselves to Lux can be said to have passed the Reincarnation and gain the power of life energy manipulation and healing. However, those who fail the Reincarnation are cursed with bad luck and misfortune for the rest of their short lives. As such, the Reincarnation is a dangerous and perilous test, but the reward of life energy manipulation and healing is worth the risk for many. The Origins of Aemmiorant: (pre)
A long time ago, in the early days of Creation, there existed a group of extraordinary beings known as the Celestials. These beings were tasked with shaping the world of Aemmiorant, a realm of magic, mystery, and wonder.
The Celestials were a group of eight beings whose power was unmatched. Each Celestial was charged with shaping a different aspect of the world, and together, they worked to create the foundations of the realm. However, despite their immense power, the Celestials were not infallible. They were prone to conflict and disagreements, and over time, their unity began to crumble.
Eventually, six of the Celestials grew weary of their constant bickering and splintered their magic, each creating their own territory within Aemmiorant. These territories were each named after the Celestial who created them and were each endowed with a powerful orb that granted the people of that territory magic.
As time went on, the Celestials' magic continued to diminish, and eventually, only two remained: Luna, the Celestial of the Moon, and Lux, the Celestial of the Sun. The two continued to rule over the realm of Aemmiorant, but their magic was nowhere near as powerful as it once was.
\Stuff on The Orginal sentinel /
Luna aka Lunastasia - The Celestial of the Moon, Luna is the most mysterious and enigmatic of the Original Sentinels. Her role is to guide souls to the afterlife and protect the Night Realm, but she rarely interacts with the mortals she watches over. She has a deep understanding of the cycles of life and death and is known for her wisdom and compassion, but can also display a fierce and protective side when she needs to. Despite her desire to help the mortals, she tends to keep her distance from them, viewing them as naive and immature.
Lux aka Luxaeros - The Celestial of the Sun, Lux is the most arrogant and egotistical of the Original Sentinels. His role is to grant life and energy to the realm of Aemmiorant, but he rarely interacts with the mortals he watches over. He has a fiery temper and is known for his bravery and adventurous spirit, but can also be prone to impulsiveness. He tends to keep his distance from the mortals because he views them as inferior and worthless.
Terra aka Terraza - The Celestial of the Earth, Terra is the most stubborn and bull-headed of the Original Sentinels. Her role is to provide the stability and foundation upon which Aemmiorant is built, but she rarely interacts with the mortals she watches over. She is known for her strength and resilience, but can also display a stubborn and forceful side when she needs to. She tends to keep her distance from the mortals because she views them as a nuisance, constantly meddling and causing problems.
Vento aka Ventum - The Celestial of the Wind, Vento is the most unpredictable and unstable of the Original Sentinels. His role is to grant the Orignals' magical powers and keep them in balance, but he rarely interacts with the mortals he watches over. He is known for his fluidity and grace, but can also display an unpredictable and moody side. He tends to keep his distance from the mortals because he views them as a hindrance to his freedom and individuality.
Aqua aka Aquatris - The Celestial of the Water, Aqua is the most distant and aloof of the Original Sentinels. Her role is to provide life and nourishment to the Orignals, but she rarely interacts with the mortals she watches over.
Nova - The Celestial of Fire and Heat, Nova is the most fiery and intense of the Original Sentinals. His role is to provide the Orignals' fire and heat magic, and he is the protector of the Realm of Embers, where the Orignals' fire magic originates from. He is known for his fiery temper and aggressive nature, but can also display a compassionate and caring side. He tends to keep his distance from the mortals because he views them as weak and vulnerable to his fiery nature.
Solis - The Celestial of Energy and Light, Solis is the most radiant and charismatic of the Original Sentinals. His role is to provide the Orignals' energy and light magic, and he is the protector of the Realm of Radiance, where the Orignals' energy and light magic originates from. He is known for his warmth and charm, but can also display an arrogant and self-absorbed side. He tends to keep his distance from the mortals because he views them as a distraction from his beauty and glory.
\What's their territories like and named/
[names of places]
Nova: The Realm of Embers
Solis: The Realm of Radiance
Terra: The Realm of Harmony
Vento: The Realm of Freedom
Aqua: The Realm of Nourishment
Luna: The Night Realm
Lux: The Realm of Rebirth
[animals they are part of]
* Luna - Owl, Bat
* Lux - Hawk, Eagle, Phoenix
* Terra - Bull, Bear, Rhino
* Vento - Eagle, Hawk, Falcon
* Aqua - Shark, Octopus, Seal
* Nova - Panther, Tiger, Lion
* Solis - Peacock, Bird of Paradise, Hummingbird
[What their like]
Nova - The Celestial of Fire and Heat, Nova's territory is the Realm of Embers. It is a fiery and intense place, filled with molten rock and lava flows. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be fiery and passionate, just like Nova, but they also have a caring and compassionate side.
Solis - The Celestial of Energy and Light, Solis' territory is the Realm of Radiance. It is a beautiful and illuminated place, filled with dazzling lights and shimmering colors. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be warm and charming, just like Solis, but they can also display an arrogant and self-absorbed side. The Realm of Radiance is known for being a hub of magic and energy, and many Orignals and mortals alike are drawn to it for its beauty and power.
Terra - The Celestial of the Earth, Terra's territory is the Realm of Harmony. It is a peaceful and stable place, filled with verdant forests and sprawling fields. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be strong and resilient, just like Terra, but they can also be stubborn and bull-headed. They value stability and nature above all else.
Vento - The Celestial of the Wind, Vento's territory is the Realm of Freedom. It is an unpredictable and wild place, filled with raging storms and powerful gusts. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be resourceful and adaptable, just like Vento, but they can also display an unpredictable and moody side. The Realm of Freedom is known for being a place of boundless adventure and possibilities, and many Orignals and mortals alike are drawn to it for its excitement and freedom.
Aqua - The Celestial of Water, Aqua's territory is the Realm of Nourishment. It is a calm and serene place, filled with rushing rivers and peaceful ponds. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be nurturing and caring, just like Aqua, but they can also be distant and aloof. They value growth and self-care above all else.
Luna - The Celestial of the Moon, Luna's territory is the Night Realm. It is a mysterious and enigmatic place, filled with the spirits of the dead and other otherworldly beings. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be intuitive and wise, just
Lux - The Celestial of the Sun, Lux's territory is the Realm of Rebirth. It is a vibrant and flourishing place, filled with golden fields and radiant sunlight. The mortals who inhabit this territory tend to be ambitious and driven, just like Lux, but they can also be rash and impulsive. They value growth and progress above all else, always striving for more. Despite their arrogance and ego, they are known to be generous and helpful to those in need, and will go to great lengths to protect and nourish the life within their realm.
\how you get their powers/
Nova's Realm of Embers: In this fiery realm, mortals gain the power to wield fire and heat magic. They earn this power by performing deeds of courage and bravery, and by demonstrating their passion for protecting their loved ones. Additionally, the Sentinel of Fire and Heat, Nova, tests the mortals' bravery and spirit with trials and challenges, and bestows the gift of fire magic to those who prove themselves worthy.
Solis' Realm of Radiance: In this illuminated realm, mortals gain the power to wield energy and light magic. They earn this power by showcasing their creativity and imagination, and by demonstrating their capacity for innovation and growth. Additionally, the Sentinel of Energy and Light, Solis, tests the mortals' potential with tasks and challenges, and bestows the gift of energy magic to those who demonstrate their excellence and potential.
Terra's Realm of Harmony: In this peaceful realm, mortals gain the power to wield earth and plant magic. They earn this power by displaying their commitment to stability and balance, and by demonstrating their patience and perseverance. Additionally, the Sentinel of Earth and Plants, Terra, tests the mortals' resolve and determination with trials and challenges, and bestows the gift of plant magic to those who prove themselves worthy.
Vento's Realm of Freedom: In this unpredictable realm, mortals gain the power to wield wind and air magic. They earn this power by embracing their inner adventurous spirit, and by demonstrating their adaptability and resourcefulness. Additionally, the Sentinel of Wind and Air, Vento, tests the mortals' courage and resilience with trials and challenges, and bestows the gift of air magic to those who prove themselves worthy.
Aqua's Realm of Nourishment: In this serene realm, mortals gain the power to wield water and healing magic. They earn this power by displaying their compassion and empathy, and by demonstrating their capacity for nurturing and growth. Additionally, the Sentinel of Water and Healing, Aqua, tests the mortals' kindness and patience with trials and challenges, and bestows the gift of healing magic to those who prove themselves
Luna's Night Realm: In this mysterious realm, mortals gain the power to communicate with the spirits of the dead and engage in divination. They earn this power by displaying their intuition and wisdom, and by demonstrating their capacity for empathy and compassion. Additionally, the Sentinel of the Night Realm, Luna, tests the mortals' ability to connect with the unseen world through a series of trials and challenges, and bestows the gift of divination to those who prove themselves worthy. The mortals who inhabit this realm are known for their mystical and otherworldly abilities, but they are also often shunned and feared by those outside their realm.
[Traditional ways they get these powers from these guys]
Nova's Realm of Embers: For mortals in the Realm of Embers, there is a festival that takes place once a year called the "Fire Festival". During this festival, individuals compete in a series of challenges and tasks that test their strength, endurance, and bravery. The winners of these challenges are bestowed with the power to wield fire, making them some of the most fierce warriors in the realm.
Solis' Realm of Radiance: For mortals in the Realm of Radiance, there is a yearly festival called the "Festival of Lights". During this festival, individuals compete in a series of creative tasks that test their imagination, innovation, and sense of beauty. The winners of these tasks are bestowed with the power to wield energy and light, making them some of the most creative and imaginative individuals in the realm.
Terra's Realm of Harmony: For mortals in the Realm of Harmony, there is a yearly festival called the "Festival of Stability". During this festival, individuals compete in a series of trials and tasks that test their patience, perseverance, and sense of balance. The winners of these trials are bestowed with the power to wield earth and plant, making them some of the most patient and strong-minded individuals in the realm.
Vento's Realm of Freedom: For mortals in the Realm of Freedom, there is a yearly festival called the "Festival of Flight". During this festival, individuals compete in a series of challenges that test their adaptability, resourcefulness, and sense of adventure. The winners of these challenges are bestowed with the power to wield wind and air, making them some of the most adaptable and free-spirited individuals in the realm.
Aqua's Realm of Nourishment: For mortals in the Realm of Nourishment, there is a yearly festival called the "Festival of Giving". During this festival, individuals participate in a series of trials and tasks that test their generosity, compassion, and sense of love. The winners of these tasks are bestowed with the power to wield water and healing, making them some of the most compassionate and nurturing individuals in the realm.
Luna's Night Realm
The Night Realm is ruled by the Sentinel of the Night, Luna. Luna's powers are very much tied to the night and darkness—she possesses the ability to manipulate dark energy and use it to create illusions or even summon shadow creatures to do her bidding. To gain these powers, individuals must undergo a test called the "Nightwalk". During this test, they are tasked with navigating through a dark, twisted maze filled with traps and creatures, all while being hunted by Luna herself. Only those who can make it through the maze and escape Luna's grasp without succumbing to fear or madness can be said to have passed the Nightwalk and be granted the power of illusion and dark energy manipulation. However, those who fail the Nightwalk are either killed by Luna or driven mad by her powers. As such, the Nightwalk is a extremely dangerous and risky test, but the reward of dark energy manipulation and illusion-casting is worth the risk for many.
Lux's Realm of Rebirth
Lux's powers are tied to the realm of death and rebirth. He possesses the ability to manipulate life energy and use it to heal wounds, revive the recently deceased, or even extend the lifespan of those around him. To gain these powers, individuals must undergo a test called the "Reincarnation". During this test, they are tasked with proving themselves worthy of a new lease on life by undergoing different trials and challenges that test their bravery, willpower, and sense of purpose. Only those who can prove themselves to Lux can be said to have passed the Reincarnation and gain the power of life energy manipulation and healing. However, those who fail the Reincarnation are cursed with bad luck and misfortune for the rest of their short lives. As such, the Reincarnation is a dangerous and perilous test, but the reward of life energy manipulation and healing is worth the risk for many.
[you can find this also on wattpad for those interested with ocs they wanna rp in this project]
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