aras14hd · 11 hours
I'm aroace, more specifically aego in both, my message:
Don't feel pressured to label yourself, you owe nobody an explanation of your identity. Labels should be more a nice community to find comfort in. So take your time, feel free to switch if you realize that something else fits better, we will still be there for you.
Hey everyone in the LGBTQ+ community!!! I would like to ask you for s favour. I am an artist and my next project is are pride flags with messages from people from everywhere around the world.
It is going to be a kind of motivation for anybody who is in the closet or doesn't have the chance to come out to know that there are people with amazing stories etc.
For this project to take place, I need people's messages. They can be encouragement regarding our community or very short stories (Max 1 paragraph).
Requirements for the message (send it to me anywhere,I will find it)
1 Paragraph
+ what part of the LGBTQ+ community you are from
+ (optional) font I should use for your message
(also, the messages are going to be put on paper by me, so if you want me to personalise the font I write in for your message, feel free to tell me what font / style of writing you would like.)
The more people participate the better so please she so I can make this project reality!!!
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aras14hd · 5 days
horser gang. its like a biker gang. but with horses.
black mare with flame decal on the fur.
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aras14hd · 5 days
I’m tempted to tell my IRL friends about the gimmickverse.
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aras14hd · 5 days
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aras14hd · 8 days
We'll miss you, and will be awaiting your return
sorry peeps deleting Tumblr cause my phone storage is crying 🥹👍
maybe I'll be back eventually
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aras14hd · 8 days
since mrs, ms, and mr are all descended from the latin word magister, i propose the gender neutral version should be mg, short for "mage"
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aras14hd · 8 days
Wearing them right now, bought them only recently, and found out about them through youtube and reddit (mostly ot and click)
Guys does anyone remember the "black ring on your middle finger on your right hand means you’re ace, white ring on your middle finger on your left hand means you’re aro" thing or have I hallucinated abt it and now falsely believe it to be real
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aras14hd · 8 days
Alien: Human Avery I have noticed that you have repeatedly put off tasks today but never get back to them.
Human: I'm not sure if it's the exact reason but i have ADHD
A: I assume that is an acronym, what does it mean?
H: Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder
A: so you are saying you are very easily distracted.
H: yup!
A: Well surely humanity has come up with ways to help deal with it yes?
H: there are various medicines and drugs that supposedly help but none of them really worked.
A: Well surely removing any potential distractions helps right?
H: … 
A: Right?
H: ………..
A: your silence does not instill hope.
H: you know how some people experience vivid hallucinations when they sleep right?
A: yes?
H: Well some people can do that when they are awake whenever they are bored or lack stimulation, such as whenever they don't have any distractions. 
A: Don't tell me. it's common in people with ADHD isn't it.
H: as far as I know that is spot on.
Edit: This post is doing numbers. Neat.
Edit 2: yo imagine if pm sees this. I know he recently went back to doing voice overs of the humans are space orks stuff
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aras14hd · 8 days
“our teeth and ambitions are bared” is a zeugma
and it’s a zeugma where one of the words is literal and one is metaphorical which is the BEST KIND
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aras14hd · 8 days
@staff @support
Tumblr, please stop putting suggested posts, based on likes, on my "following" dash.
I only follow queer people or queer supportive people because I want to be able to flip through one dashboard tab and know I can reblog posts without being bullied for reblogging a post from someone homophobic. (Yes, this has happened.)
Just because I like posts with books in them, doesn't mean I follow all blogs that mention books. Just because they like books too, doesn't mean they aren't homophobic.
I know you are trying to give us all the best experience, and guidelines are very clear against bullying, but this is still very possible.
Just please leave the suggested posts on the "for you" dashboard and the posts of blogs we follow in the "following" dashboard. (With adds, ofcorse, if we don't have the add-on... but whatever, you get what I'm saying.)
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aras14hd · 8 days
tired: mermaids are all women
wired: much like elves, merfolk are mistaken by sailors for being all women because they have long hair and are very pretty
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aras14hd · 9 days
Dr. Eggman is literally richer than elon musk
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aras14hd · 9 days
Do i swing that way? No i don't swing at all
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aras14hd · 9 days
Did you know that almost all amtrak services are run at a loss
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aras14hd · 10 days
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literally me
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aras14hd · 10 days
With The Season™ inching ever so closer, I'd like to remind all my fellow queer people that
July is disability pride month.
-Someone who gets two pride months, neither of which they can so much as talk about irl due to family being cunts
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aras14hd · 11 days
When you understand that kids and teenagers being salty about literary symbolic analysis comes from a very real place of annoyance and frustration at some teachers for being over-bearing and pretentious in their projecting of symbolism onto every facet of a story but you also understand that literary analysis and critical thinking in regards to symbolism is extremely important and deserves to be not only taught in schools, but actively used by writers when examining their own work to see if they might have used symbolism unintentionally and to make sure that they are using symbolism effectively:
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