archivessys · 25 days
‘ur exactly like your source’ die die die die die die die die die
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archivessys · 25 days
Really been debating on if I’m actually aroace who just wants a life partner considering I’ve looked at my past relationships and realized I was doing stuff that was romantic or sexual just so the person could like me. Which doing those acts really morphed my mind a lot of what my romantic or sexual attractions are. Though, finally not being in a relationship for a while now gave me the space to actually understand myself more.
Not 100% sure still, but I’m becoming more comfortable with the realization that I’m aroace.
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archivessys · 2 months
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Reminder: learning isn’t supposed to make you feel bad. Sometimes the """right""" way doesn’t work and it’s alright. There is beauty to be found in chaos.
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archivessys · 2 months
Sorry for the rant
Plural culture is feeling fake because you have alters that are/do what fake claimed say is impossible. Like alters who are related (we have siblings and parent/child and grandparent/grandchild relationships), or alters who are trans the opposite way of the body (we identify cohesively as trans masculine, but have trans feminine parts), or alters who are fictives from recent or popular media, or you split really easy despite being an adult and away from the thing that caused your system to form, or having a high alter count (600+), or or or... but also knowing that if your trauma specialist thought you were faking, she wouldn't have diagnosed you in the first place. It wouldn't be on your records. You have all the symptoms of DID, but your brain is just fucked enough to make you doubt your trauma specialist's expertise
Fakeclaimers do our community so much harm man
We have alters who are trans in the opposite way of the body, we have alters who are from recent medias, we still split fairly easy (though we've stopped splitting as much since moving out)
You are perfectly valid as you are
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archivessys · 2 months
”I want to know your headcount” “I want to know who’s fronting” so do I, get in line
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archivessys · 2 months
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this image is sooo system coded
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archivessys · 2 months
“One of your alters doesn’t like me!”
My dude some of my alters don’t like ME. You ain’t special.
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archivessys · 2 months
Sometimes we want to talk about our system more online and meet other systems too. Then I think about the bad stuff people have faced when expressing about their system and we just keep our mouth shut. Forever never being able to express ourselves truthfully and keep our guard up. We’re happy with the systems we have become friends with, but sometimes we wish we could branch out more.
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archivessys · 2 months
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archivessys · 3 months
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Unfollow me with that shit - 🧷
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archivessys · 3 months
The only exception to not writing alters as murderous and homicidal to me was the manga series, Deadman Wonderland. This series is a massive comfort and special interest to us that we have multiple introjects from the series.
The only reason I consider this an exception is because of how well it was written and the fact that Shiro was conditioned into murdering animals and people at an extremely young age and throughout her life was conditioned into believing she was in the right for doing it to anyone and anything. She even wanted to stop, but her abuser convinced her that the world deserved it and she was in the right for it.
The creator also obviously did research on Dissociative Identity Disorder before writing it, as they understand that it happens at a very young age due to trauma, understood amnesia and how protectors/persecutors can work, and even understood integration and final fusion and had Shiro and Wretched Egg integrate and final fuse near the end of the series. Their final fusion also created someone who was not like Shiro OR Wretched Egg, meaning the two fusing created another identity that was the two of them fused, as is usually the case in fusing. Wretched Egg was even an introject of Ace Man, a super hero that Shiro and Ganta were obsessed with on TV.
Anyway, check that series out if you want a good story for a character with DID.
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archivessys · 3 months
I do not care what alignment you have with syscourse right now.
Harassment isn’t something that should be encouraged. If someone does not align with your views, block them and move on. If they’re harassing people, no matter what alignment you have, keep other people safe.
Don’t go spilling trauma to people either, it can trigger people.
Just block and move on. It does better for everyone.
We are anti-endo, but if someone comments that there is a blog that is harassing people even if they’re also anti-endo, I’m not for it. I’ll tell everyone no matter what. They’re harassing people, they don’t need to interact with anyone if they’re doing that.
Please stay safe.
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archivessys · 3 months
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archivessys · 3 months
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cttos <33 pinterest
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archivessys · 3 months
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archivessys · 3 months
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archivessys · 3 months
The saddest part is that you've made them your first priority, but to them, you are just an option.
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