archivistmia · 6 months
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archivistmia · 9 months
Day 2: Bark
Amaurot, Venat, AmaurotOC
The sharp explosive cry of a dog, fox or seal
Most Amaurotines liked to stay busy. Whether that was by picking up a multitude of hobbies, taking part in one of the many offered leisure activities or by filling their calendar with social dates, Amaurotines liked being busy.
If she was feeling generous, Hecate would say that her ‘differing opinion’ was the reason why she didn’t get along with many Amaurotines. Usually she just called it their insatiable need to meddle and left it at that.
Laying in the grass in her favorite meadow, Hecate found herself not caring either way. She had thrown her robes over a low hanging branch. Dangling the white mask from their drawstring leaving her in the Podea and tunic she wore underneath. The sun was warming her laid bare skin, helping darken the already tamed skin even further. The wind was meandering it’s way through the trees boughs, birds were calling and not far away she could hear the gentle crash of waves on the beach.
In moments like these she could understand her fellow Amaurotines even less. Who wanted to keep themselves busy when you could enjoy what the world was already giving you? Who would prefer the stilted aether of creation over the slow pulse of true life?
In the distance a sharp bark sounded. Heralding the end of her alone-with-nature time. The calls of birds rapidly fled as the force of nature better known as Venat’s familiar Argos burst through the trees. In seconds the big dog was slobbering all over Hecates face, causing her to snicker and curl up in an attempt to stop the familiar.
“Venat!” She called. “Save me from this mangy mutt!” Venat’s laughter - barking and content - echoed through the meadow, but the woman made no attempts to help. “Enough!” Hecate called, sitting up and pushing Argos away who barked in her face, always happy to see her. “Yes yes, I missed you too.” Glancing past the golden dog, Hecate found the gaze of her long time friend and saw the same happiness to be in nature she saw on her own face when she looked in the mirror.
“Come to drag me away on another adventure?” Hecates voice was deceptively non-Chalant and Venat gave another bark of laughter in response. “You know me. But I’m sure we have enough time to rest some here, you have a knack for finding the best places.”
With Venat laying next to her and Argos barking at something or other, Hecate was reminded that maybe she didn’t dislike ALL Amaurotines.
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archivistmia · 9 months
Day 1: Envoy
Amaurot, Hyth, AmaurotOC
a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission.
“Theia! Back from your delivery?” Turning around at the call, Theia smiled shyly at her many-times-boss. “Yes, Hythlodaeus, the Speakers office was near empty today.” Despite having only held her position as one of many Envoys to the Bureau of the Architect for a few scant weeks, she had already heard - and seen - many good things about its Chief. Not the least of which was his insistence on knowing all his employees - or those like her who frequently had business at the Bureau - by name and face.
“Wonders do never cease.” The corners of Hythlodaeus’ lips pull up into a kind smile at his words, inviting her to share the joke with him. Snickering slightly she waits for him to join her in the elevator. “It seems so, at least.” She hesitates for only a moment before ploughing on. No matter how nice he was, surely he didn’t hold her back purely to chat? “Did you need something delivered, Chief?”
For a moment Hythlodaeus’ aether Flimmers und that way she had come to interpret as surprise before it settles back into its usual content movements. “Oh no, I don’t intend to jump the queue, I simply thought taking the elevator together is better than taking it alone, no?”
Theia wants to shrug, she has spend as much if not less of her childhood in the company of others as she has alone, and thus being by herself is not the threat to one’s mind it seems to be for everyone else, but the time she has spent with others has taught her such honest observations usually aren’t appreciated. “Of course, of course.” She replies instead, hoping the non answer is what he is acceptable. “Have you had any interesting requests today, Chief?”
She asks, having already found out that he received the weirdest or most complex submissions, or those from highly ranked individuals. And that he loved talking about them with anyone who would listen. “Oh yes, it seems we have another shark season starting. Why just today I found four of the things submitted for my approval!”
Theia clutches the letters she has picked up at the Speakers office to her chest as she listens to him ramble about the latest fad for sharks - multiple heads, apparently. “You know,” he cuts himself of suddenly and she blinks and pulls back in surprise, “you don’t have to listen to me ramble just because I’m a Chief, right?”
Blinking up at him it takes her a second to understand what he’s saying, red rushing to her cheeks as she pulls a letter from her aether inventory she always keeps with her. Taking a deep breath she holds it out for his perusal, the blush on her cheeks only darkening. “I really enjoy your tangents.” She admits quietly. A small, genuine smile has stolen on his lips as he hands her back the letter.
The elevator stops on the floor she needs and she skirts around him, cheeks still aflame. “Have a nice afternoon, Chief.” She says as the doors close behind her. “I stand by what I said, you know?” He calls as the doors close fully. For a moment she stands there and caresses the decade old letter. ‘… I’m sure you can achieve whatever you have put your mind to.’ He had written in answer to a little girl asking him if she really had to make concepts or if she could turn her love for moving into something to give back to Amaurot.
Lips still curled up into a smile, Theia ticks away the letter addressed to her younger self and moves. The work of an Envoy is never done.
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archivistmia · 10 months
Reasons why I will read a fanfic:
-„non-standard“ formatting
-a „new spin“ on a trope
-first person pov
Reasons why I will not read a fanfic:
-„non-standard“ formatting
-a „new spin“ on a trope
-first person pov
I really haven’t figured out this whole preferences thing…
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archivistmia · 1 year
Zenos, having stolen Krile’s linkpearl: I shall follow you to the end of the world to finish my hunt.
Other person: Zenos.
Zenos: I shall test your strength again and again until one of us gets the sweet release we’re searching for!
Other person: Zenos!
Zenos: I have waited my entire life for you, my prey, I will be patient!
Other person: ZENOS!
Zenos: what?
Other person actually being a random Scion or Student if Baldesion: this is really awkward lemme get the Warrior before you continue
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archivistmia · 1 year
Hythlodaeus, showing around a new employee: And this is our Staff-lounge.
Azem&Emet conked out on the couch:…
Hythlodaeus: Yeah just ignore those two, they’re basically furniture at this point.
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archivistmia · 1 year
Thancred: *being crass and talking about his conquests in the Seventh Heaven*
Urianger: *trying to talk with WoL and Y’Shtola about something*
Thancred: *getting progressively louder*
Urianger: *forgetting his pritheeing* one moment.
Urianger going over to Thancred and kissing him right then and there in front of everyone*
Thancred, flustered but smug: knew I could get you to kiss me in front of everyone.
WoL, in the background: *inappropriate whsitling*
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archivistmia · 1 year
Elidibus: I am the First Seat of the Convocation.
Elidibus: I am serious, deliberate, balanced.
Elidibus: I am the Emissary.
Elidibus: Despite being young, I. Am. Elidibus. I can do anything I put my mind to.
Azem: *casually walking by and plucking the box Elidibus had been trying to reach from a high shelf and plopping it into Themis’ hands* Great motivational speech, but next time just ask for help before you’re late for a meeting.
Elidibus: *yeeting the box onto his desk and sprinting out * I’M LATE FOR A MEETING???
Azem, the one who he was supposed to meet with: *starts making tea* you’ll be back *hums a la hamilton*
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archivistmia · 1 year
Modern!au; implied hyth/hades/someone
Hythlodaeus: I’m dying! *dramatically pretend-swoons*
Emet: just because your OTHER S/O is out of the city for a convention, doesn’t mean you’re dying.
Hythlodaeus: *ignores Emet* I have never been so alone!
Emet: I’m literally right here? *annoyed but confused frowny face*
Hythlodaeus: however shall I continue to exist?!?
Emet’s phone: *plings*
Hythlodaeus: *jumping up* is that her? Is my love finally coming back to me after having abandoned me???
Emet: really feeling the love here.
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archivistmia · 1 year
there are many things tumblr as a whole has to learn but one of them is “someone can reblog a post without them endorsing every action the op has ever taken, we are not beholden to do background checks on the producers of every shitpost on the internet”
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archivistmia · 1 year
Emet: *complaining to himself in ween woon*
Wol: *replying in weenwoon, not knowing they are speaking ween woon and it’s not just the echo translating*
Emet: 0-0
Wol: ?-?
Emet: 0-0
Wol: ;-; sorry?
Emet: *kidnaps wol*
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archivistmia · 1 year
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archivistmia · 1 year
Asexual labels explained using cereal
You are in a kitchen, opening a pantry door. It contains every brand of cereal in existence.
Libido- How hungry you are
Sexual Attraction- How appealing each cereal is to you
Sex-Repulsed- The mere act of eating cereal disturbs you. You flee the kitchen to watch Netflix instead.
Sex-Indifferent- Someone brings you a bowl of cereal. Even though you don’t crave cereal, you decide to eat some anyway. Maybe because you want the person to feel happy you’re eating something they provided you. Maybe you’re just that hungry. Regardless, you’re fine with eating it since it’s already there. If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t care either.
Sex-favorable- Though you don’t particularly crave cereal, the act of eating cereal is enjoyable. So enjoyable, you go through the trouble of picking a brand to eat.
Asexual with low/no libido- You are rarely hungry, and none of the cereal appeals to you.
Asexual with average/high libido- You are often hungry, but none of the cereal appeals to you.
Aegosexual-  Eating cereal sounds fun in theory but not in practice. You certainly have no interest in eating cereal yourself. You’d rather fantasize about other people eating cereal, thankyouverymuch. 
Gray Asexual- You only like Lucky Charms and Apple Jacks. And maybe Fruity Pebbles but you’re not quite sure.
Demisexual- You see a box of Trix. You are familiar with the rabbit on the box, due to the commercials you’ve seen. You always sympathized with the rabbit for never getting any Trix. There are things in life you’ve wanted but have never gotten. You feel a bond with the rabbit. Suddenly that box of Trix looks tasty.
Fraysexual- You see a box of Cocoa Puffs. You have never heard of Cocoa Puffs in your life. But something about it is oh-so-appealing. You pour yourself a bowl. As you start to eat, you catch a commercial for Cocoa Puffs on TV. You now know what the mascot on the box is like. You lose interest in Cocoa Puffs for reasons you cannot explain.
Lithosexual- You notice a box of Fruit Loops. You feel an urge to eat it. Toucan Sam comes to life and asks you to eat them. This makes you uncomfortable, so you leave to watch Netflix with the sex-repulsed ace.
Reciprosexual- You have no interest in any of the cereal. Not even that box of Frosted Flakes. But Tony the Tiger shows up wanting you to eat the Frosted Flakes. Now that he wants you to eat Frosted Flakes, you want to eat Frosted Flakes. 
Cupiosexual- You want to eat cereal, but none of the cereal looks appealing. Maybe if you grab that box of Corn Flakes, it’ll become appealing to you later? It’s happened to other people. You consider grabbing that box of Corn Flakes, just in case.
Orchidsexual- Some of the cereal looks appealing, but you have no interest in eating cereal.
Aceflux- None of the cereal looks good, so you close the pantry. A few days later, you decide to open the pantry again. Now, some of those brands look appetizing. You check the pantry again the next day. None of the cereal looks good anymore.
Quoisexual- You have no idea if you like a cereal because you want to eat it, or if you just think the box art is pretty. Does liking the box art count as wanting to eat it? Do you just like the mascot? Does liking the mascot count as wanting to eat the cereal? After reading everything I’ve written, you are still confused. You bang your head against the pantry in frustration.
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archivistmia · 1 year
Venat: Azem.
Azem: *gushing over how smart Hythlodaeus is*
Venat: Azem.
Azem: *now gushing over how strong Hades is*
Venat, facepalming: Azem please, can we finish this fight?
Hers of Buffalos (or whatever they would be called): *stampeding towards a city*
Azem, blushing: oops, yep, sure, I got this.
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archivistmia · 1 year
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Hyth & Hades meeting the solus minion.
I will now add random memes I make to the list of shitposty content available on this page xD
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archivistmia · 1 year
Nero: *complaining to Cid in Garlean how boring all of the Scions are.*
Cid: *studiously ignoring him and keeping his head down.*
Nero: *annoyed and turning to Gaius to complain to him about the boring Warrior of light instead.*
Gaius: *pretending to be very busy with his paperwork.*
Nero: *throws hands up, speaking in Garlean still.* you two are more boring than the Warrior!
Said Warrior of Light standing behind him, whispering in his ear: Aww Nero I knew you loved me.
Nero: *squeaking, flailing, screaming ensues.* WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THE WARRIOR SPEAKS GARLEAN???
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archivistmia · 1 year
The Ancients the WoL knows have asked for a demonstration of their abilities.
WoL: *casting Fire IV*
Hythlodaeus: oooh, look Emet, she has fire spells! *nudge nudge wink wink*
WoL: *casting Blizzard*
Venat: Ooh, look Emet-Selch, she has ice spells! *giggle giggle*
WoL: *summoning Demi-Phoenix*
Everyone: …
Emet-Selch: oooh, look Lahabrea, it’s another one of your stolen your concept!
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