arowriter · 3 years
all alone (part I)
my happiness is an alien.
i found them when i first unlocked a door to a different universe.
the key is a secret that laid heavy in my mind for years—
that laid heavier on my tongue
as i, all alone, whispered it into the quiet for the first time.
i did not like them at first.
i could not understand them,
but they taught me their language the more i visited their world,
which slowly became mine too.
and we, all alone, are the only inhabitants of this place,
and the only ones who can speak this language.
and i, all alone, am the only one who can understand them.
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arowriter · 4 years
you’re having an identity crisis? i’m a virgo intp-t 4w5 in the house of gryffindor
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arowriter · 4 years
When Voltaire said "I have wanted to kill myself a hundred times, but somehow I am still in love with life. This ridiculous weakness is perhaps one of our more stupid melancholy propensities, for is there anything more stupid than to be eager to go on carrying a burden which one would gladly throw away, to loathe one’s very being and yet to hold it fast, to fondle the snake that devours us until it has eaten our hearts away?"
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arowriter · 4 years
both sound fun tho
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I mean option A) isn’t that far off from the truth….
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arowriter · 4 years
xNxP Problems
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arowriter · 4 years
MBTI Statistics
Have you ever been bored on a Tuesday evening just sitting around and thinking to yourself, “Boy, I sure wish I had a shit ton of random MBTI-related charts, statistics, and surveys to look at”? SAY NO MORE, FAM. I have compiled here for you today the world’s finest assortment of completely useless MBTI-related data, all for your viewing (and procrastinating) pleasure. Enjoy!
1. MBTI by gender distribution 
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2. MBTI by sexual orientation
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3. MBTI by political affiliation
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4. MBTI by Hogwarts House
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5. MBTI by zodiac sign
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6. MBTI by household income
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7. MBTI by percentage of males per type
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8. A random assortment of MBTI statistics
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9. MBTI by enneagram correlation
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10. MBTI by alignment
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11.  MBTI by intellectual giftedness
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12. MBTI and whatever this is
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13. MBTI by type compatibility
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14. MBTI by type of abuse survivors
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15. MBTI types of stay-at-home parents
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16. MBTI type of polled therapists
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17. MBTI type of librarians
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18. MBTI type by unemployment status
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19. MBTI type by instinctual variant
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20. MBTI type by correlation to psychopathy
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21. MBTI by happiness level
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22. MBTI by temperament
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23. MBTI by philosophical alignment
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Enjoy, data hogs!
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arowriter · 4 years
how do i make friends on tumblr
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arowriter · 4 years
you are the moon surrounded by stars. you will never twinkle, but you will shine from the light of the empyrean nearest you—a celestial form you will never undertake. or touch. lest you want to destroy yourself.
you are the moon—craters, dust, and plain white. there is a whole part of you that will stay hidden for however long you will remain.
you are the moon, whose reflection will sparkle better on a lake than the ocean.
you are the moon, who creeps in the night because eyes will only ever appreciate you in the dark.
sometimes you are not even there, and people don’t even notice.
you will always be the moon.
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arowriter · 4 years
magenta boots
i detested any color that cackled at my face. most of all, i hated magenta. you see, i have associative synesthesia, and god... magenta? magenta was the worst color of all. i associate it with the letter m. m: a flashflood of the loud and pungent pink with swirls of blinding neon green. m: the first and last letter of “mom” of which i mumble morosely as the title of my manipulator, whose high-pitched mania was specifically made to haunt my nightmares.
magenta seemed to mock me.
at least, until you wore your boots to school one day. you see, we studied in a school that was blanketed by fugues of hushed snickers. people there side-eyed like hawks zeroed in on their prey, and they mauled gossip and sharp words like it was their gasoline. more often than not, outliers were ostracized. you didn’t care though, did you? you walked with those obnoxious boots clad to your feet. no, you didn’t strut or stomp or skip, you just... you walked. not even a single indication of any breeze, twig, or pebble in your path. like nothing was out of the ordinary. and to you, nothing probably was—if the way your boots were scuffed was anything to go by.
suddenly, magenta no longer looked so bad. at least, not on you.
we weren’t close at all. we never even hung out during breaks together. i had the wind and my thoughts; you had your friends, so i can really only recall a handful of conversations that we had. the clearest one of all was when i had my eyes cast downwards, spellbound by the sight of a color so personally vapid casually snug and tapping listlessly on the floor.
a voice was lured past my lips:
“is that fuchsia?”
your eyes flitted towards your feet for a fraction of a second, then—
“yeah,” you said. nothing more, nothing less.
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arowriter · 4 years
aro culture is multishipping because any two characters that have a connection are Just As Eligible For A Romantic Relationship As Anyone Else and you have No Preference Because What Is Romance
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