arroixssword-blog · 6 years
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Sanctuary of the moon Tainted by the crimson light Naught save the night shall know our sorrow, We give unto it our all…
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
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Throne // Bring Me The Horizon
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
🚑 + 🐜 ? ^^
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🚑 - If your muse was the only person around and someone was injured, would they help? Would they have the experience needed?
“Certainly, if someone is injured, they must have made a grave mistake somewhere that led them to such a foolish experience. I would certainly not assist them, there would be no interest for me to do so!”
Arroix has a much softer heart than he admits, acting rather cold when it comes to confronting the idea of it, but if he would actually see someone injured near him, he would rush to aid them regardless of how simple or difficult their injury looks to treat. He does not have any extensive experience of it, but he knows how to patch someone up or stop some other minor injuries from getting worse. All in all, he would do his best.
🐜 - How does your muse feel about animal lives? Do they treat them the same way they’d treat a person, or do they feel they’re inferior?
“Animals are quite useful and can add many benefits to a various series of operations. Beyond that, I find them to be favorable to have at home as pets for the company they bring. I have a cat at home that I tend to, and I appreciate her company as much as she appreciates mine.”
Arroix loves animals, regardless of who it is that asks him about them. He could not hide that love for the innocent creatures; and some not so innocent. Regardless of their disposition, though, he will always care for and tend to animals as best he can, as well as treat them well. Certainly better than he would treat most people he meet. Some people, in Arroix’s eyes, deserve a cruel and mean treatment. Animals never do.
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
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⛔️ - How does your muse react to others breaking the law? If they would do it themselves, what is their reasoning? 
“I can assure you, breaking the law is not something I tend to do. My business practices are fully legal and I have no intention of breaking the law, nor do I ever see a reason to do so. As for others, I would promptly inform the guards of their wrongdoings to maintain order.”
Arroix is no stranger at all to breaking the law. Despite how he may choose to present himself, he often finds himself doing what he can to get an edge over whatever opposition he might have. In his mind, he does not need a reason beyond ‘doing what he must’. When it comes to others breaking the law, he tends to turn his cheek most of the time unless he feels he has something to gain from reporting the crime. He centers all his choices around himself, being rather selfish in many respects.
⏰ - Does your muse feel like they need to do things quickly or do they take their time?
“Whatever action I must take, I would prefer that it gets done properly as opposed to rushed and flawed. That being said, the quicker something is done, the better. But I would certainly prefer to have something done correctly, though.”
Arroix has no issues being honest about his ethics when it comes to work or other actions. He is often frustrated at how brashly and on impulse others act, when thinking something through before doing it may yield an easier time and possibly even a greater reward.
🔗 - What are your muse’s standards for meaningful relationships? How quickly do they form relationships like these?
“A... relationship must be providing in order for it to be meaningful to me. The person I speak or interact with must be able to provide something for me that makes me wasting my time on them worth it. I see relationships more like... businesses. Why waste my time with someone if I am to gain nothing from it? What would be the point, then?”
Despite his best efforts to act otherwise, Arroix is incredibly lonely. He is, for all intents and purposes, without a truly meaningful relationship in the world. Most of this is by his own choice, of course, as he believes himself to genuinely be better off alone. In more recent times, he has managed to make some ‘friends’. His main reason for this has been to save his increasingly depleting sanity, but also for the brief warmth a friend can offer. Sadly the friends he found were not once eager to provide what he was searching for, as although he cares about them they only seem hateful or annoyed by him. He feels alone sometimes, even in their presence, and though he blows off all the small insults and blows that come his way from his friends, they leave great emotional scars on him, as well as real ones, every single time. Arroix is not a man who forms these relationships quickly. They take time. And if he makes a mistake, he pays for it for a long, long time.
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
Thought-Provoking Headcanon Meme
Thought-Provoking Headcanon Meme
Send a symbol and I’ll answer the question about my muse. (Or answer in character. Whatever works for you!)
⛔️ - How does your muse react to others breaking the law? If they would do it themselves, what is their reasoning? 🚑 - If your muse was the only person around and someone was injured, would they help? Would they have the experience needed? 💸 - What does your muse think of wealthy people? Do they resent them, or do they believe they earned what they have? 🆘 - What does your muse think of poor people? Do they think they’re a waste of space, or do they want to help them? 📩 - Does your muse prefer to physically write letters or send them online? What is their reasoning? 📢 - Does your muse have a loud personality or a quiet one? Do they enjoy being the center of attention, or would they rather watch and listen? 📊 - How does your muse feel about the state of the world? Could it be better? Could it be worse? 👨 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their father? Is it good, bad, or complicated? 👩 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their mother? Is it good, bad, or complicated? 👧 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their siblings? Who do they get along with best? 👶 - If they have any, what is your muse’s relationship like with their children? Do they feel like they’re a good parent? 👻 - Does your muse believe in an afterlife? What do they think it’s like? ⏰ - Does your muse feel like they need to do things quickly or do they take their time? ⌛️ - How often does your muse think about death? Do they think about it at all? 🔗 - What are your muse’s standards for meaningful relationships? How quickly do they form relationships like these? 🚹 - How would your muse react to losing their father? How would they cope? 🚺 - How would your muse react to losing their mother? How would they cope? 🚼 - How would your muse react to losing a child? How would they cope? 💧 - How would your muse react to losing a best friend? How would they cope? 💔 - How would your muse react to losing a romantic partner? How would they cope? 🐜 - How does your muse feel about animal lives? Do they treat them the same way they’d treat a person, or do they feel they’re inferior? 🌎 - Does your muse want to change the world? How would they go about it? 🎭 - How does your muse handle their emotions? Do they bottle them up or pour them out as soon as they start to feel? 💋 - How does your muse feel about people who cheat? Do they see a reason for it, or is it completely immoral? 🌠 - Would your muse make a wish on a star? If so, what would they wish for? 🎁 - Does your muse celebrate their birthday? If yes, how do they celebrate? If no, why not? 🍟 - How does your muse feel about their body? Would they change it if they could? 💅 - How does your muse feel about gender roles? Do they conform to them, or do they play by their own rules? 🌺 - Does your muse have a favorite flower? Why do they like it?
stolen from @assortedrpmemes
https://arroixssword.tumblr.com/ask Send away!
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
Character Habits - Arroix Gleaumont
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bold all of your character’s regular truths & italicize occasional / uncommon actions!
1. Smoking: the action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug. 2. Binge drinking: the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time. 3. Drug abuse: the habitual taking of illegal drugs. 4. Nail biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension. 5. Lip biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension. 6. Night Owl: a person who is habitually active or wakeful at night. 7. Early bird: a person who rises, arrives, or acts before the usual or expected time. 8. Negative attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with criticism and pessimism. 9. Positive attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with optimism and confidence. 10. Swearing: the use of offensive language. 11. Superstitious: an irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome. 12. Inspecting fingernails: a common body language sign of boredom. 13. Scratching your neck: a common body language sign of uncertainty. 14. Foot and finger tapping: a common body language sign of stress/impatience. 15. Nose touch: a subtle body language sign of deceit. 16. Flipping hair: a common body language sign of craving attention. 17. Twirling hair: a common body language sign of flirtation. 18. Cracking knuckles: a common body language sign of readiness. 19. Hands behind back: a common body language sign of confidence. 20. Finger pointing: a common body language sign of authority. 21. Hands on hips: a common body language sign of readiness. 22: Hands in pockets: a common body language sign of mistrust/reluctance. 23. Frequent touch: a common body language sign of warmth/familiarity. 24. Throat-clearing: a common body language sign of rejection/doubt. 25: Jaw-clenching: a common body language sign of hostility. 26: Eye-rolling: a common body language sign of irritation. 27: Head-tilt: a common body language sign of interest. 28. Whistling: to emit high-pitched sound by forcing breath through a small hole between one’s lips or teeth; usually to a tune. 29. Humming: make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee; usually to a tune. 30. Perfectionism: refusal to accept any standard short of perfection. 31. Photographic memory: the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail. 32. Paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system. 33. Exaggeration: a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is. 34: Intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive. 35: Quick-witted: showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly and effectively. 36: Interrupting: breaking the continuity of a conversation with one’s own statements. 37: Doodling: to scribble or make rough drawings, absent-mindedly. 38: Irritable: having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed. 39: Gambling: to play games of chance for money; bet. 40: Travel-sick: suffering from nausea caused by the motion of a moving vehicle, boat, or aircraft. 41: Sensitive: having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others’ feelings. 42: Melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. 43: Chewing gum: the exercise of chewing flavoured gum which is not intended for swallowing. 44: Fidgeting: to make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience. 45: Skeptical: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations. 46: Neat-freak: compulsively obsessed with cleanliness. 47: Gossiping: divulging personal information about others. 48: Prim: feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct. 49: Abbreviating: Giving others nicknames/shortening names/giving pet names. 50: Having a catchphrase: having a sentence or phrase typically associated with a specific person.
tagged by: @verjolt
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
Character Traits: Arroix Gleaumont
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Physical Traits: Female ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Male Scrawny ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Bulky Short ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Tall Weak ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Strong Clumsy ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Agile Slow ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Fast
Personality Traits: Lawful ⦾⦿⦾⦾⦾ Chaotic Good ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Evil
Feminine ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Masculine Chaste ⦿⦾⦾⦾⦾ Lustful Heterosexual ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Homosexual Romantic ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Aromantic
Oblivious ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Perceptive Ignorant  ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Knowledgeable Pious ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Worldly
Forgiving ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾  Vengeful Honest ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Deceitful Generous ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Selfish Just ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Arbitrary Temperate ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Indulgent Merciful ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Cruel
Introverted ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Extroverted Kind ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Stern Modest ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Proud Pushover ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾Stubborn
Coward ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Valorous Prudent ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾  Reckless Opportunistic ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾  Loyal Optimistic ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Pessimistic
stolen from @verjolt
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
Character Traits: Vachiq Dotharl
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Physical Traits: Female ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Male Scrawny ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Bulky Short ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Tall Weak ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Strong Clumsy ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Agile Slow ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Fast
Personality Traits: Lawful ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Chaotic Good ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Evil
Feminine ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Masculine Chaste ⦿⦾⦾⦾⦾ Lustful Heterosexual ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Homosexual Romantic ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Aromantic
Oblivious ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Perceptive Ignorant  ⦾⦿⦾⦾⦾ Knowledgeable Pious ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Worldly
Forgiving ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿  Vengeful Honest ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Deceitful Generous ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Selfish Just ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Arbitrary Temperate ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Indulgent Merciful ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Cruel
Introverted ⦾⦿⦾⦾⦾ Extroverted Kind ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Stern Modest ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Proud Pushover ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿Stubborn
Coward ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Valorous Prudent ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿  Reckless Opportunistic ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿  Loyal Optimistic ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Pessimistic
tagged by nobody i stole it for fun and for personal references feel free to use me as your excuse to do this though!
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
Shoutout to @Verjolt for their persistent ability as a writer to make me sob. Always a blast to RP with, even if it hurts. The best person I know.
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
your tumblr avatar is who you are on the outside, and your discord avatar is your true self
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
me: *wailing dramatically while wandering the halls of my dark mansion in a long black chiffon dressing gown with a black feather trim that trails behind me about a foot over a simple and elegant black silk slip dress, holding a fully lit candelabra and leaving a trail of wax drippings on my hardwood floors*
my spouse: *turns on the hall light* we fucking talked about this
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
it’s not depression, it’s
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
@verjolt is a gem. A great friend & amazing person - always battling their own anxieties with RP and growing their character into something beautiful!
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
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Sometimes, you just don’t know where to go or what to do with yourself. Things change and you feel stupid for letting it hit you so hard. You start hating the person you were, the person you are, the person that made you become this. It’s a pointless, empty struggle that you wish would just end but it can’t. It has no foundation beyond inside you, but still you can’t seem to stop it. So your days blend together and everything hurts. And every day you wake up you have a nagging thought in the back of your head that wishes that you didn’t. So you fight. It’s a slow, passive process. But you fight. Who knows how it all will end?
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arroixssword-blog · 6 years
sorry i missed your call i was dual wielding 
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