art-and-dialectic · 4 years
Political economy, this science of wealth, is therefore simultaneously the science of renunciation, of want, of saving and it actually reaches the point where it spares man the need of either fresh air or physical exercise. This science of marvellous industry is simultaneously the science of asceticism, and its true ideal is the ascetic but extortionate miser and the ascetic but productive slave. Its moral ideal is the worker who takes part of his wages to the savings-bank, and it has even found ready-made a servile art which embodies this pet idea: it has been presented, bathed in sentimentality, on the stage. Thus political economy – despite its worldly and voluptuous appearance – is a true moral science, the most moral of all the sciences. Self-renunciation, the renunciation of life and of all human needs, is its principal thesis. The less you eat, drink and buy books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorise, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save – the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor rust will devour – your capital. The less you are, the less you express your own life, the more you have, i.e., the greater is your alienated life, the greater is the store of your estranged being.
Marx, K ‘ Human Requirements and Division of Labour Under the Rule of Private Property’ from Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
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art-and-dialectic · 4 years
putting “-indistrial complex” after a modern institution is the post-modern solution to recognizing that modern institutions still exist while also contending that the boundaries separating economy / industry from those supposedly independent entities are fading fast in the post-industrial west and that, subsequently, the former divisions that separated a subjects life into or from various institutions are gone and thus the subjects life is no longer constituted by recognizably distinct relationships with social institutions
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art-and-dialectic · 4 years
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art-and-dialectic · 4 years
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art-and-dialectic · 4 years
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Stand with Banned Anarchist Publishers
Facebook has banned crimethinc.com, itsgoingdown.org, and other anarchist publishers solely on the basis of the roles that they play in covering protest movements. 
If there is no response, this will set a precedent for more bans, and embolden the state and fascists to engage in other forms of repression.
—Use the hashtag #NoAnarchistBan
—Spread the word: cwc.im/BannedonFacebook
—Use the support avatar: cwc.im/avatar
—Subscribe to crimethinc.com on RSS: cwc.im/feed
—Follow us on Twitter: @crimethinc
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art-and-dialectic · 4 years
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art-and-dialectic · 4 years
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art-and-dialectic · 4 years
The fact that Trump wants to criminalise anti fascism shows anti fascism is working
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art-and-dialectic · 4 years
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Monty Kaplan aka Javier Kaplan aka Javier Federico Kaplan (Argentinian, b. 1986, Buenos Aires, Argentina, based Miami, FL, USA, and NY, USA), Photography
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art-and-dialectic · 4 years
Comrades in Minneapolis—this video from Chile shows how to extinguish tear gas canisters quickly, safely, and easily. To deal with tear gas canisters, take a water jug with a wide mouth, put a little baking soda, dish soap, and/or vegetable oil in the jug of water—3 tablespoons of each to 1 liter of water. Pick up the canister with protective gloves (it’s hot and can burn you!), drop it in the jug, and shake the jug while covering the top with your gloved hand just enough that the gas doesn’t get out. Don’t cover the top too tightly—you don’t want to make the jug explode. Don’t let the police or #COVID19 cut off your air supply. Fight back! #icantbreathe #GeorgeFloyd #Minneapolis
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art-and-dialectic · 5 years
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Olve Sande
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art-and-dialectic · 5 years
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U-Boot Bunker Valentin, Rekum (Bremen), 1943-45 (unfinished). Photography by Silke Schmidt
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art-and-dialectic · 5 years
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Awesome peyote graft onto a San Pedro.
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art-and-dialectic · 5 years
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“Inner Core” Psychedelic deliciousness served by Colin Prahl
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art-and-dialectic · 5 years
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art-and-dialectic · 5 years
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current aesthetic: cute english teacher who’s high key banging the history professor
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art-and-dialectic · 5 years
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God this is heartbreaking. Why hasn’t there been a single post on tumblr about what happened to Zakaria? Criticizing this shit isn’t “islamophobic” for fuck’s sake. Grow a fucking pair, SJWs. Call this shit out. More people need to stand up to the insane religious intolerance promoted by Saudi Arabia.
Rest In Peace, little guy.
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