artemisluna7 · 2 years
There should be more things like this everywhere. This is VERY important
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Tips That Can Save Your Kid’s Life.
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artemisluna7 · 2 years
I have been up since 1am watching people decorate cakes and I can't stop. I think I have a problem.
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artemisluna7 · 2 years
Sooo I just heard about the shit that's going on in America. I hope the supreme court people in America die slow and painful deaths. The poor future rape victums over there will not only have to deal with the trauma of being raped by some psycho but they then have to go through nine horrible months of waiting for a rapists child to develop and then give birth and there is a small chance that they might die while giving birth and then if they do survive they have to figure out what to do with that child. Women should never have to deal with shit like that ni matter where they live or who they are. THE SUPREME COURT MUST BRING BACK ABORTION RIGHTS!!!
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artemisluna7 · 2 years
I just had the most random yet confusing thought: if you hire a hitman to kill you, what is it counted as?
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artemisluna7 · 2 years
Kill it, kill it with fire.
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artemisluna7 · 2 years
I know this is suuuper late, but happy pride month y'all!
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