artoffict · 4 days
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“Now then, young man. Forward!”
Quick sketch for Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance
Been really enjoying this new arc so far :3
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artoffict · 1 month
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Quick joker fanart
Been a bit hectic lately and wanted to do something fun :)
Textless ver and timelapse below
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Timelapse 1 min
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artoffict · 3 months
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You won't need the blood when you're dead anyway, might as well promise it to an unholy entity :)
feat. OCs Alséjef Redwing (aka Jef) and Inissi
template from rielzero, thank you!
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artoffict · 5 months
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Quick stress-relief sketch
0 notes
artoffict · 5 months
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Been trying my best to learn blender basics so I can have BG references... Architecture is my achilles heel and hopefully I can find a good process for environments like this as I work on chapter 1-2...
This is some practice featuring the main room of one Mr. Rinari's home. Mr. Rinari is a scholar who specializes in the history of Ellezhia and its connection to the Dungeon Depths.
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artoffict · 5 months
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Guess who's creating a script for the conlang for the story!
This file is kind of a mess atm... I've just sorta been doing whatever trying to make it look pretty and as a result the little rules I put at the bottom keep becoming outdated I'll clean it up eventually...
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artoffict · 5 months
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Chapter 1 is happening!! it's getting drawn!!
0 notes
artoffict · 5 months
Commissions are open! 0/10 slots filled!
Hi y'all!
I have a little less than a year about 3 months!! before I'm moving to start a new job, hoping to save up a bit in preparation. If you'd like to help out (of just think my art is nice) consider sending me a commission! (I also reduced my prices a bit!)
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Terms of Service <- can be intimidating if you're unfamiliar, but this is here for accountability because...well, I am asking for your money, and you're asking for my time, so please make sure to look it over!
P.S. I know I got this template from someone else but I cannot for the life of me remember where. If you know please tell me so I can link them!
10: total (0 filled)
4: PFP (0 filled)
3: Sketch (B&W) (0 filled)
2: Sketch (color) (0 filled)
1: Digital painting (0 filled)
If filled you can ask to be wait-listed, first-come-first serve
The visual pitch:
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The details in text format:
Option 1: Profile Picture
Flat colors only
1 subject only (no multiple characters in one icon please, it is simply too small)
$15 for one, $25 for two
1-2 day turnaround after I begin the commission
You can request no signature on the piece itself for no extra charge, but please credit me where you use it!
P.S. I can also do banners! If you're okay with the same flat colors and shading, the pricing is the same, otherwise, it needs to be negotiated. Depending on what you want, it may fit one of the other categories better.
You will be expected to pay the full amount upfront
Option 2: Black and white sketch
Portrait/bust is $10, full-body is $20, with +$5 per extra character on both
Chibi is $5
Backgrounds are available, but will cost extra. The exact figure depending on complexity, research required, etc., but will be fixed before you're expected to pay
You will be expected to pay the full amount upfront
Option 3: Colored sketch
Flat colors with flat aka cel-shading
Half-body is $30, and full-body is $45, add $8 per extra character
Again, backgrounds are available. A simple background of some nice colors in nice shapes won't cost any extra. A detailed background depicting some kind of room or other "3D" environment will. Again, the exact figure would be up to the scale and complexity.
I will update the examples here at some point, since these are unshaded (and you can request that!). I know I can do this sort of shading well, but I just can't seem to find a recent example, and the examples I try and create specifically for these sorts of things always seem to come out missing something :/
You will be expected to pay at least half upfront
Option 4: Digital painting
The big boys! I know it's a big price jump, but these fellas generally take in the ballpark of 20+ hours over several weeks. The others can usually be done within 1–8 hours over at most few days.
Starting at $200 for one character against a simple background
"Simple background" can range from a single solid color to some fun overlapping colored shapes. A messy scenery is a bit of a grey zone.
A "complex background" is generally a full environment and/or detailed extra objects meant to fill negative space and add to the meaning of the piece. Lighting can also contribute to complexity.
I will keep in touch about progress on the piece, you can also ask to see a WiP anytime
We will talk through the details and agree on a price based on estimated time to completion, research required, and technical difficulty. You will be expected to pay 50% of that price upfront, and the rest on delivery.
Option 5: Design commission
If the character you want has no previous art or other image I can reference, that's a design commission!
I love design comms, they are so much fun! Just be aware that the process can take a while, with several back-and-forths and revisions along the way
Design commissions can overlap with the other categories as well. You may request a new design to use used in a pfp, a sketch, or a painting. Just be aware that the design process will add to the price!
I can also do your basic reference sheet. These are highly malleable, and you can request as many elements as you want.
The most basic comes with:
-> Colored sketch of the subject (front and back)
-> The color palette, either within the piece or as a separate file
-> Closeups of 1–3 details
-> The rights to the design
Optional elements include, but aren't limited to: extra closeups on details/items/tattoos/scars/etc.; side and 3/4s views; expression sketches; dynamic sketches; size reference; etc.
As far as pricing goes, if you're requesting a reference sheet, we will discuss what elements you want and the relative difficulty of the design. We will agree on an initial estimate, of which you will be expected to pay 50% upfront. After completion, we will tally time worked, and discuss elements added or subtracted from the original order, and agree on a final payment.
If you're requesting a design to be rendered in one of the other options I have, the price of the design and the price of the finished piece will be considered separately.
-> I will not hold you to working with me to create a full reference sheet, but for any design commission, I will require feedback on the design before I begin sketching on the actual piece.
-> We'll agree on a price for the design, and it will be added to the price at the end. It won't be considered in the 50% you would be required to pay upfront (unless requested).
-> We'll work together to make sure the design is reasonably priced. The reason I ask for anything extra at all is because design work involves additional research and planning.
General points:
My style can be very malleable! It doesn't have to be strictly painterly. If you want something in a style from my other works, feel free to ask! (And I'll be sure to update more on here so you can actually see what I've done!) Basically...Don't want to order off the menu? Don't worry, just talk to the chef and we can find you something you'll like!
I specialize in humanoid characters, but I can do animals and hybrids/furries as well, just be aware that rendering fur or scales in the painterly style will count as "asking for a lot of detail."
I struggle with complex machinery—my strengths are in the organic world.
On that note, mechs are inherently high-detail, and I may not be the best person for the job. I'd be more than willing to take a look at a design to see if it's within my abilities, just know that there's a bit of a skill gap between Baymax and Gundam. I'm willing to challenge myself, though!
Lastly, please no NSFW, much like with mechs, that's simply not my area of expertise, but unlike with mechs, I have even less experience! I would need some practice before I wanted to accept.
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artoffict · 5 months
for my male audience
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artoffict · 5 months
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Will you sit upon the Throne of Creation?
What sort of world shall you make?
Will you look upon it with love?
And...will you do it all again and again, just for a glimpse at where you started?
Do you think it's that easy to escape the Cycle 曼荼羅?
Purification requires calamity.
Purification requires calamity.
Fanart for Shin Megami Tensei V! Absolutely adored this game. Finished all the endings. Poured like 200 hours into it. Now, you might say "But Fict, this game really doesn't have 200 hours worth of content...you can pretty much explore all the options in just two runs" and to that I say "Valid but I really like the mechanics and setting and aesthetic and everything and I found the repetition relaxing instead of tedious and I also really really really wanted to fight Satan for real and the final boss music was WORTH IT"
Also I hear there's a sequel coming out soon? Oh boy, can't wait to go demon-collecting to some sick beats while contemplating the nature of time and responsibility and everything again
Additional info + timelapse
I originally wanted to have the beads be a mitama reference, but there's only 4 and I wanted six beads so I ended up going with something else.
Now, they're arranged as rough opposites. The white one reads as 直(す) (nao[su]) "to repair/mend" or "to cure." It's also the kanji seen in 直毘神 (Naobi no Kami), the name of a god of purification who quells calamities. They (together with Izunome) were born to oppose—guess who—禍津日神 (Magatsuhi no Kami)!
The red orb is 禍 (maga). Magatsuhi no Kami is a god of calamity who causes disaster to fall upon the realm, born when Izanagi "exorcised the impurity of hell" from his body after a trip to the underworld. However, some believe that appeasing Magatsuhi no Kami can prevent disaster. In such cases, Magatsuhi no Kami is usually enshrined alongside Naobi no Kami (see above link).
As you may have guessed, the "Nahobino" of the game is inspired by Naobi no Kami. Fascinating how they have the Nahobino use the power of the Magatsuhi, isn't it? Purification and calamity...
Anyway! The last two. The green orb is 神 (kami), which can be plainly translated as "god" or "deity." Taken a bit further, it refers to "the divine" and opposed to "the profane" or "the mundane." The blue is 産(み) (u[mi]), "birth." 神産み (kamiumi) as a word refers to the birth of the Shinto deities following the creation of the islands. Taken more broadly, it can refer to the idea of "the birth of a new god."
You can only just barely see it, but opposite of the 産 is 滅(び) (horo[bi]), which can be summed up as "to fall to ruin" or "to be destroyed."
I was originally going to have 神 arranged so you could see its opposite but I couldn't come up with a good enough "opposite." I thought maybe 魔 (ma) which is like, "demon/evil spirit," but one of the kanji for けがれ (kegare) ("impure" "dirty" "blaspheme") would also work really well...but it also might be too similar to 禍? Idk. Anyway it ended up not mattering 'cause you can't see it.
Timelapse! 1 minute, though I may upload the full 11 minute one separately if ya want
Plus the two very very rough starting sketches
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artoffict · 5 months
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Well...I mean...i have them labeled here...but...y'know...
2nd draft designs are done!! I think I'll do one more draft before posting them all (since I've cleaned up the timeline a bit by now so I need pre- and post-time skip designs) but I don't think the silhouettes will change much
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artoffict · 6 months
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Digital, 2023–2024
please look at them i spent so much blood sweat and tears on these asghjkl
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artoffict · 7 months
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Background practice! Interiors by beloathed...
Been following the tips from that Thomas Romain guy someone else already made a post about, and it feels like I'm learning so much...
0 notes
artoffict · 7 months
Commissions are open!
Hi y'all!
I have a little less than a year before I'm moving to start a new job, hoping to save up a bit in preparation. If you'd like to help out (of just think my art is nice) consider sending me a commission! (I also reduced my prices a bit!)
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Terms of Service <- can be intimidating if you're unfamiliar, but this is here for accountability because...well, I am asking for your money, and you're asking for my time, so please make sure to look it over!
P.S. I know I got this template from someone else but I cannot for the life of me remember where. If you know please tell me so I can link them!
10: total (0 filled)
4: PFP (0 filled)
3: Sketch (B&W) (0 filled)
2: Sketch (color) (0 filled)
1: Digital painting (0 filled)
If filled you can ask to be wait-listed, first-come-first serve
The visual pitch:
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The details in text format:
Option 1: Profile Picture
Flat colors only
1 subject only (no multiple characters in one icon please, it is simply too small)
$15 for one, $25 for two
1-2 day turnaround after I begin the commission (you may be waiting in line before then)
You can request no signature on the piece itself for no extra charge, but please credit me on whatever profile you use it for!
P.S. I can also do banners! If you're okay with the same flat colors and shading, the pricing is the same, otherwise, it needs to be negotiated. Depending on what you want, it may fit one of the other categories better.
You will be expected to pay the full amount upfront
Option 2: Black and white sketch
Portrait/bust is $10, full-body is $20, with +$5 per extra character on both
Chibi is $5
Backgrounds are available, but will cost extra. The exact figure depending on complexity, research required, etc., but will be fixed before you're expected to pay
You will be expected to pay the full amount upfront
Option 3: Colored sketch
Flat colors with flat aka cel-shading
Half-body is $30, and full-body is $45, add $8 per extra character
Again, backgrounds are available. A simple background of some nice colors in nice shapes won't cost any extra. A detailed background depicting some kind of room or other "3D" environment will. Again, the exact figure would be up to the scale and complexity.
I will update the examples here soon, since these are unshaded (and you can request that!). I know I can do this sort of shading well, but I just can't seem to find a recent example, and the examples I try and create specifically for these sorts of things always seem to come out missing something :/
You will be expected to pay at least half upfront
Option 4: Digital painting
The big boys! I know it's a big price jump, but these fellas generally take in the ballpark of 20+ hours over several weeks. The others can usually be done within 1–8 hours over at most few days.
Starting at $200 for one character against a simple background
"Simple background" can range from a single solid color to some fun overlapping colored shapes. A messy scenery is a bit of a grey zone.
A "complex background" is generally a full environment and/or detailed extra objects meant to fill negative space and add to the meaning of the piece. Lighting can also contribute to complexity.
I will keep in touch about progress on the piece, you can also ask to see a WiP anytime
We will talk through the details and agree on a price based on estimated time to completion, research required, and technical difficulty. You will be expected to pay 50% of that price upfront, and the rest on delivery.
Option 5: Design commission
If the character you want has no previous art or other image I can reference, that's a design commission!
I love design comms, they are so much fun! Just be aware that the process can take a while, with several back-and-forths and revisions along the way
Design commissions can overlap with the other categories as well. You may request a new design to use used in a pfp, a sketch, or a painting. Just be aware that the design process will add to the price!
I can also do your basic reference sheet. These are highly malleable, and you can request as many elements as you want.
The most basic comes with:
-> Sketch of the subject (front and back)
-> The color palette, either within the piece or as a separate file
-> Closeups of 1–3 details
-> The rights to the design
Optional elements include, but aren't limited to: extra closeups on details/items/tattoos/scars/etc.; side and 3/4s views; expression sketches; dynamic sketches; size reference; etc.
As far as pricing goes, if you're requesting a reference sheet, we will discuss what elements you want and the relative difficulty of the design. We will agree on an initial estimate, of which you will be expected to pay 50% upfront. After completion, we will tally time worked, and discuss elements added or subtracted from the original order, and agree on a final payment.
If you're requesting a design to be rendered in one of the other options I have, the price of the design and the price of the finished piece will be considered separately.
-> I will not hold you to working with me to create a full reference sheet, and it won't cost that much, but I will require feedback on the design before I begin sketching on the actual piece.
-> We'll agree on a price for the design, and it will be added to the price at the end. It won't be considered in the 50% you would be required to pay upfront (unless you ask).
General points:
My style can be very malleable! It doesn't have to be strictly painterly. If you want something in a style from my other works, feel free to ask! (And I'll be sure to update more on here so you can actually see what I've done!) Basically...Don't want to order off the menu? Don't worry, just talk to the chef and we can find you something you'll like!
I specialize in humanoid characters, but I can do animals and hybrids/furries as well, just be aware that rendering fur or scales in the painterly style will count as "asking for a lot of detail."
I struggle with complex machinery—my strengths are in the organic world.
On that note, please no mechs. I'd be more than willing to take a look at a design to see if it's within my abilities, just know that there's a bit of a skill gap between Baymax and Gundam.
Please no NSFW, much like with mechs, that's simply not my area of expertise!
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artoffict · 7 months
Gershwé's Project: Aisha
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The special little boy of the story I'm working on, Aisha! (pronounced like "eye-sha")
The text here is already a little outdated lol, but it's still pretty accurate. I love this guy so much and I won't be able to go over everything here, but I can give ya a bit under the cut, and there'll be more in the 3rd draft post~
Aisha is a homunculus, a creature created by the great alchemist Gershwé at the behest of the King of Ellesia. Before it was an empire, Ellesia was a small city founded on fishing and trade, and when it came under siege, the king was desperate enough to bow before Gershwé and ask if the alchemist could possibly create something that could save them. Gershwé replied that he would craft them a weapon, one that would be forever sharp, forever loyal.
This would be Aisha.
Aisha wasn't Gershwé's first homunculus, but he was the only one crafted to look like Gershwé himself. At first quiet and unassuming (and not nearly as tall as he currently is), people couldn't help but doubt if this..."child" truly had the strength to save them.
However, like Gershwé's other creations, he had a unique magical talent. Some can manipulate living bodies (at close distance). Some can manipulate gravity (at limited masses and energies). Aisha can stop time.
Er, uh, I mean, he can [checks notes] "remove himself from the normal flow of time via manipulation of minor chaotic disruptions of mana flow, essentially creating a...temporal 'eddy' which allows him and what he manipulates to interact with the world as if time had been stopped"...whatever that means.
Oh wait there's more, uhh, "this takes advantage of the unique properties of chaotic mana flow (without creating a persistent and uncontrollable disturbance) to circumvent the expected loss of functionality that would come with a complete and total halt to all motion and associated forces, a stroke of genius on my part," yeah, thanks Gershwé, very helpful.
Anyway, he can stop time.
And if you can stop time, that means that now matter how small and slow you are, you can still stab people to death and they won't kill you while you do that. Fun times!
And with the invading forces handily defeated in what looks, from the outside, a fraction of a second, Aisha and their creator are hailed as heroes, beloved protectors of the city and its people.
I'm sure that will last forever.
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artoffict · 7 months
Gershwé's Project
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1st draft design of the titular "project," Aisha! at this point his name was still Iasenth and I hadn't even decided he was a homunculus yet lol
The blue stitching, the eyes, the white robe, and the armored hand have stayed, but unfortunately the hair has become more symmetrical. Not because I dislike this style, but because this is my first long-form visual project and I made the decision to try and simplify some things. Don't bother with the pattern on his head, cover the others with clothes for most scenes, I'll have to figure out a process for the hand, but at least that's just one recurring complexity.
I'll have some more details about his character in the second draft design post~<3
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artoffict · 7 months
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Style planning for the story I am actually writing this time (real and happening) featuring Alsejef (everyone calls him Jef) and his sword, which used to belong to his mother. His family were sword-dancers who performed in local festivals before...the incident (brother got caught doing necromancy)
I've been messing around with line weight and shading, trying to find a process that won't take me 14 billion years while still Looking Nice
So far it's been "save me stabilization 40. stabilization 50 save me. save me stabilization 45"
(also the queue may slow down a bit as I run out of stuff this is both a. somewhat finished and b. relatively recent)
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