tj-illustrates · 2 years
Hello Travis, could you create more angel art? I'm eager to see your work, love the seraphim art
Man I am so bad at this site. Someday I may do more angel art, but unfortunately I have a few other ideas I need to get out of my sketchbook first :)
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tj-illustrates · 7 years
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I just got back a couple of days ago from the Illustration Master Class and my brain is still processing all the information and feelings from that week long workshop. 
One of the assignments given was a hypothetical magic card. This guy is an elf  druid/summoner with connections to all the animals of the forest. I learned so much trying to push this to this level and feel like I did a little bit of leveling up in the process. The mentors at the studio were always so helpful and I missed being in that creative environment with my classmates so much.
Hopefully I can make it another year or at the very least begin consistently signing up for classes. I want to keep pushing forward. I went in feeling really lost about where I stand with my art and came out with some encouragement and a new direction! 
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tj-illustrates · 8 years
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Trinkets and travel, tools of the trade. Walking his weary bones back to his grave. 
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tj-illustrates · 8 years
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Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;   the whole earth is full of his glory.”
At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke.
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tj-illustrates · 8 years
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Yep, still doing monster girls occasionally. I would be lying if I said the MtG Innistrad set did not partially inspire this painting. Absolutely my favorite plane by far. 
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tj-illustrates · 8 years
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Feels good getting to work on my own stuff again. Though it feels a little weird jumping halfway into an older painting.
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tj-illustrates · 9 years
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Monster Girl Monday! Insect
Yes I'm still working on these, I will see this through to the end! I tried a bit of new process stuff adding in textures and new brushes and definitely enjoyed it. I'll be working like this a lot more often.
Click here for more monster girls
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tj-illustrates · 9 years
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I finally got time to go back an old design from in school that I still really like. She initially had a partner, but he didn’t quite make the cut. 
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tj-illustrates · 9 years
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It’s my friend’s birthday today and I wanted to do something nice for her. She’d always talked about going to this costume ball they did around here and how her costume might look, so I sketched out some stuff.
Unfortunately the actual costume hasn’t gone much further (life got in the way) but now she’ll have it in some form at least. This was also a huge jump back into what I liked most about making art. It felt good.
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tj-illustrates · 10 years
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Monster Girl Monday! Zombie
I'll be honest, I'm kind of glad that zombies have sort of stopped being a fad now and people are moving on. All that oversaturation when there are so many other good monsters to use! I tried my best to give this one a bit of a story and make it more fun for myself and hopefully for you all too. Drive safe and make sure you have plenty of snacks.
Click here for more monster girls
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tj-illustrates · 10 years
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Hey everyone, long time no see.
It's been a busy last couple of months. I've graduated from CCA finally, moved back home, even got a few freelance jobs! Here's to a new year and a (hopefully) busy 2015!
So last we saw this lady she was just a collection of polygons in Sculptris Alpha. I'm happy to say that her print came through and she's finally real. Behold her in all of her plastic glory. She stands just a hair over 6 inches tall and has become a regular fixture on my work table.
I can happily say that I will be making more prints like her. Perhaps as I get better, I can even make some copies to sell of future projects! I've got some plans for tiny figurines for a tabletop game that a friend has been developing.
Thanks for reading! I'll have the next monster girl, the zombie, ready for you guys next monday. 
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tj-illustrates · 10 years
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Monster Girl Monday! Sort of. I recently discovered how easy it is to get a 3D print here on campus, so I decided to give it a go and jumped headfirst into Sculptris Alpha. It's a free modeling program that feels really natural once you get to know the tools.
So I'm going to get this gal printed and maybe attempt another resin experiment. If that works out, I may have these available to buy! I'll post more info on that later though.
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tj-illustrates · 10 years
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Monster Girl Monday! True Monster
Have you ever seen The Thing? Not the bad 2011 prequel, the older 1982 version with the disgusting practical effects. That's what I imagine a true monster to be. Something that can blend in with humanity, but at the same time evolve and change into something that barely resembles a human at all. I'll admit, all that body horror squicked me out real bad as a youngin, but you just have to recognize good nightmare fuel when it's there.
Click here for more monster girls
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tj-illustrates · 10 years
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Monster Girl Monday! This one is a double hitter, the Succubus AND Demon.
These two ladies are demonic sisters with a bit of a mixed parentage. Aife, a succubus, took after mom while Bunny, the oni, took after dad. Using her size to her advantage, Bunny works as a bouncer to Aife's club offering the best that Hell's ladies have to offer. If you make her break a nail throwing you out though, you can be sure she'll break you.
Click here for more monster girls
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tj-illustrates · 10 years
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Monster Girl Monday! Summer's been busy, I've recently moved, I'm sorting out things for my final semester at school, and catching up on games (damn those steam sales). Here's monster girl #8, the Octomaid. 
I always thought it'd be adorable if some monster girls were the size of their animal halves than their human sides. So, we have this tiny one making a new home in her bottle.
Click here for more monster girls
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tj-illustrates · 10 years
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Hello! Popping back in to show off my final thesis work. I wish I had some photos of the whole show, we had a great class this year. 
Just a quick rundown: I tried some visual development/concept art for one of the Grimm Fairytales, The Four Skillful Brothers.
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tj-illustrates · 10 years
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Hello hello, I wanted to show off this painting I've been working on the last couple weeks. This was essentially one big exercise in making an interesting environment, something that I don't make myself do enough. The statue heads in the back are based on some masks I saw on my trip to the Met, which I believe came from a culture in the Pacific? Unfortunately I breezed through the museum taking photos so I can't quite remember. 
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