arturomare · 4 years
Hello! Long time without using this account!
I’m posting this just to say that all the content in this blog was my contribution to the fandom of SVTFOE and my hobby. Therefore, I just want to give permission to anybody to use all posts or content however they’d like to. Of course with the due credits to the blog. You can monetize it as long as you modify them somehow (a voice over for example).
Anyway, thank you to everyone for liking my comics. I deeply appreciate it :D
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arturomare · 6 years
Just in case you missed it! Cause I uploaded it at 3 a.m
SVTFOE In a Nutshell S3 Part 2
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Just humor! No Offense!
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did doing it :D
For those who don’t know the refference of Bill Cipher is because Alex Hirsch is his voice actor, as well as the voice actor of Ben Fontino, the one “Responsible” for the Kiss.
For the one of Finn of Adventure Time is because *SPOILER* at a point of the series he loses an arm and then later on he gets it back in the most ridiculously way possible, thanks to a “thirsty” bee. Yep.
Anyway, always respect the Devs of the Show and take it with humor!
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arturomare · 6 years
SVTFOE In a Nutshell S3 Part 2
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Just humor! No Offense!
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did doing it :D
For those who don’t know the refference of Bill Cipher is because Alex Hirsch is his voice actor, as well as the voice actor of Ben Fontino, the one “Responsible” for the Kiss.
For the one of Finn of Adventure Time is because *SPOILER* at a point of the series he loses an arm and then later on he gets it back in the most ridiculously way possible, thanks to a “thirsty” bee. Yep.
Anyway, always respect the Devs of the Show and take it with humor!
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arturomare · 7 years
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Well...this is melting my soul already...
This is a “crossover” between the Eclipsa and Meteora situation and a song from Adventure Time, called Everything Stays, by Rebecca Sugar (she’s amazing).
The song fits really well the situation between them two, if you’ve heard the song you will notice, and if not, What are you waiting for? go hear it here.
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arturomare · 7 years
Star vs the Forces of Evil S3 in a nutshell (so far)
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Just humor no offence
A preetty accurate summary of the s3 xD
Oh boy this show is gonna kill me
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arturomare · 7 years
Has anyone realized how much is left to be shown in just 2 episodes?
1) Starco-StarTom (pretty selfexplanatory)
2)What’s goona happen with Marco’s Feelings?
3)What’s going on between Kelly and Marco (I mean, the final of Lava Lake Beach wasn’t just coincidence, that has to mean something, IMO)
4)The Markapoo interaction.
5)The dream-portal thing that is happening to Star, and why is so important?(you can tell that for the reactions of River and Moon) It means that if that happens to her is because she’s are evil? She’s too powerful? Can break the balance of the dimension travel?
6)The relation between Mewmans and Monsters.
7)The Trial of Eclipsa.
8)Is Eclipsa good? Evil? None? She’s the cutest Grandma? Atleast the last one is for sure.
9)What happended to Glossaryck? Why is he like that? Is he still conscious but can’t talk?
10)What’s the plan of Miis Heinous with the “Princces spirit sucking-machine” (that sounds bad)?
11)How is Miss Heinous related to Mewni? (Cause of her cheek marks)
12)Who is gonna be the real antagonist?
13)The Blood Moon is gonna appear? (Cause of the Intro)
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AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! So many questions!!!
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arturomare · 7 years
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I don’t know wich one got more hurt, but both broke my heart :(
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arturomare · 7 years
Welp R.I.P fandom
See ya in another life
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arturomare · 7 years
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Well, be disappointed no more!
Not my best, tbh.
Also i had problems with the size of the image, so it may look a little blurr
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arturomare · 7 years
My thoughts on Demoncism / Sophomore Slump
Oh boy here we go
First of all I was really surprised by how Star was the one who was calling Tom instead of Tom calling Star for the “cornshake”, I wasn’t expecting it, but i guess it was a good plot twist to Star the episode
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But in this whole episode I had the same feeling of Club Snubbed but worse. I feel that they made Star to worry too much about Tom so quickly. I get that she didn’t wanted Tom to erase his personality, because she also thought that it was because of her. She went to talk to him, he didn’t listen to her, and Star went on Fury mode to punch a tree. Okay, I can take it; I can understand that she worries about his friend and, because he is also an allied prince and everything.
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But how it comes to Star hugging him to the point that it looked that he was the most important thing in her life?. I can get that it was a sentimental moment that she probably thought that he literally erased what he was, and she just felt like the only thing she could do was giving him emotional support. The context was ok, but that hug, by itself, taking out the context, was the most meaningful and sentimental on the show so far, in my opinion, just look at it, she hasn’t even hugged Marco like that before.
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What I want to say with all this is, that I really love how Star and Tom are getting along, I think it was about time to see them interacting, and we always knew that this “ship” could be awaken at any moment. But the same as club snubbed, I feel like it was rushed so much, probably even more than before. Starting with Star suddenly being so affected by Tom’s decisions (she didn’t even wanted to see him 2 episodes ago) then that meaningful hug, and then her being so worried about him after that, but still, I could accept that it was for the sake of the episodes, for the moment, and that you can’t expect more explanations in an 11 minutes episode. But then comes this
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I’m sorry, but that literally last frame killed everything, I think it is just out of place, like you slaughtered all the slow development between them two in the last 2 seasons, and in an episode was magically fixed, like: “hey you almost literally made me kill a mermaid in the past, but I’ll forget all of that because you almost die and I feel bad for you”. I feel that the TomStar was thrown at us so fast, that you couldn’t even enjoy the build up for it.
But well, I trust the writers, they have been doing it so amazing, that I can’t but feel that this is part of something bigger and better. Btw, this season has had 6 writers per episode, that’s sick!
-Sophomore Slump
Well I’m Gonna be very straight, Marco is probably in my top 3 of favorite character, but In the fisrt half of this episode, is a complete jerk, I literally wanted to smash a microwave in Marco’s face, jeez. But at the end, it was a good face slap for Marco, cause he realized that he was doing wrong, and he realized his mistake, kinda. So i think it was just melancholy for what he lived at mewni. So, even if he did wrong, we can not hate him, for acting like that one time, when he's been such a nice person all the rest of the series.
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But, the real thing is, Jackie. After sophomore Slump, I felt like Jackie is the most mature character for her age, in the entire series, like wow. She just literally realized that Marco’s mind wasn’t really on her, and she accepted and put and end to it, because she knew it was the right thing, and all that without dropping a single tear, and without losing her cool personality nor her self steem.
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She’s amazing guys, whatever your ship is you gotta accept, that she managed to be part of the story, and be an important character, with less screen time than other secondary characters, always being chill and positive about everything, she believed in Marco and gave him an opportunity so many times, but she knew, that nothing lasts forever, and man, it’s probably the last thing we see her having a big role, that’s heartbreaking. Gotta love her. <3
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On the other hand, I was surprised when Marco said “Jackie, you are my best friend”, but then I realized that it was like a “last resource” thing. What really shocked me was when she replies “we both know that’s not true”. Dang Jackie again with the matureness, and also in that moment Marco realized how he really felt, about everything, probably. I saw this breakup coming, so, I think the real thing to highlight is Marco’s trip to Mewni, and the Jackie attitude about everything. And after all I think we can all agree with Mr. Diaz:
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I don’t know man, if I knew I would tell you..
Anyway, if you have questions or opinions feel free to ask :D
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arturomare · 7 years
Thoughts on Club Snubbed / Stranger Danger
-Club Snubbed:
This episode was weird, because aside the Tom and Star thing, nothing else really important happened, but it still managed to be a tense and super catchy/intriguing episode. First of all I’m glad we got to see more kings, queens, and princesses from other Kingdoms, because it gives more depth to Mewni’s Atmosphere and ambience, and also to see that the Kingdoms are getting along with each other, cause before this episode we knew so little about Mewni and the other Kingdoms.
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Also look at this cutie...
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But let’s get to the real thing, first, the dance was awesome, I really like it. Apart from it, i have mixed thoughts about Tom’s behavior and Star’s reactions, because, Tom, again started being a jerk in the dance, calling for the attention of Star, and Star felt for it so easily.
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So, I kinda liked that you know, Tom being a confident character again, I even thought “he may even is just having fun of it, maybe he doesn’t even want anything with her”, but then suddenly and out of nowhere, Tom seems disappointed and super sad, about Star dancing with Manfred instead of him, like, what?. And to kill the mood even more he says
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Like c’mon you just don’t say that after giving such salty looks like these before 
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So i felt like it was really out of place, and feel that it didn’t fit, because even if he gave explanations after it, as I said before it kills the mood, and I can understand that it was probably for the sake of the episode but, still, it felt like a rushed change for Tom. On the other hand Star interactions and feelings for Tom felt kinda rushed too, she passed from not caring about him, to being mad at him, to have a competition of who is the best jerk of the dance, to almost have a fight with him, to dance like a couple, to laugh like they were friends since forever.
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And I know there are in depth reasons for this to happen, but I’m going to talk about it in another post probably. Also, don’t get me wrong, I’m not against TomStar, in fact I think interactions between them were needed In the show, but again, i don’t know if it’s just me, but it felt rushed, like it was just smashed in my face out of nowhere. But anyway, it was a good episode with a lot of feelings.
-Stranger Danger:
I have not much to say about this episode actually, Great presentation for Eclipsa, I really like that she and Star get along so well (even if that could be a bad thing in the future).  But what I am wondering, Is Eclipsa misunderstood? Or is she manipulating people. I can’t really tell, but we have to take in consideration something, if Eclipsa is not the antagonist, then who is? Because we don’t have any other character that could be a danger to the protagonists so far.
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But I’ll say that eclipsa will be the antagonist, and she won’t be as easy to deal with. And I say it because one thing: Eclipsa, according to “Baby” was probably the most powerful Queen, so, put yourself in the position of eclipsa, you are in a dungeon, just about to get crystallized again for eternity, and would you just stay in there doing nothing being that powerful? Like, she was sustained by just a pair of shackles.
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So I think she is up to something, but we’ll have to wait. On the other hand, Eclipsa is such a cutie, is close to become my favorite character, I mean for a “villain” she’s just not what you would expect, but in the good way. I mean, look at her.
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So resuming Eclipsa is just hidding her potential, and probably has bigger plans in mind, but, how big are we really talking about, how far can she go with all this? Kinda worries me, kinda hypes me.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions or opinions :D
Sorry for the quality and the cuts on the photos, it’s the best i could got
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arturomare · 7 years
Thougths on Scent of a hoodie / rest in pudding.
So, i have some thougths about the episodes of the star bomb, so i said, why not sharing them?
.-Scent of a hoodie
One of the first things a notice is how much Mewni likes Marco, including River and Moon, and how much Marco likes Mewni, to the point that he goes back to Earth just because he has to, and not because he wants to, and I think that is the aperture to the plot of the upcoming episodes. So is an important detail to take in count.
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We see one of the better Starco moments, just being overmatched by The Blood Moon Ball, IMO, showing how Star doesn’t want Marco to leave and how Marco doesn’t want to leave Mewni nor Star. So we got a shot of how they really feel for each other, more than ever, and that gives us hints of how their relation could develop in the future.
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About Star obsession for Marco’s hoodie, idk, I feel like it was part of a gag, part of a real plot thing by itself, I can support that with the fact that in the episode other characters smells the hoodie like creeps aswell. And I say this because in the upcoming episodes we see how this “obsession” seems to vanish, so i wonder if that “smelling” thing was really that important or not.
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It also ended up in Star maturing and realizing how messed up she really was on Marco, so I can say that it was a clever way to give importance to a silly/funny/creepy gag.
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It’s also glad to see such a different new character, it gives dynamic and fresh air to the show, even more taking in count this was the first episode, I really liked the way they designed Lavabo, in every way, idk, it’s just a great secondary character. So, overall, this was a great Start to the Star Bomb, giving us emotional moments, character development, and an aperture for how the rest of the episodes could be. And please Marco, never do this again
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-Rest in pudding
Well In this episode we started getting hit in the guts in the first second with the Lekmet’s funeral, because if it wasn’t really that sentimental atleast for me, it killed the little hope we could have to get him back, we saw the High Commission “Alive” again, and it also was a great aperture for the plot of the episode.
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I really liked how they made the comeback of Glossaryck, with the haunting stuff; it was a clever way to take him back on action, and combines with how Glossaryck has always been, “mysterious”. And also, if Star cameback from “death”, why the most powerful being in universe wouldn’t.
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I also loved how they included Janna in the plot, even with her being literally in another dimension, cause ya know, you gotta love Janna.
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Sneaky sneaky…
The last thing I got to talk about this episode is also the most important, and it is the words Star says to Glossaryck in the end of the episode, I think that scene pretty much resumes this two episodes, in wich the plot of the episodes aren’t directly related to Stars personality, but they end up really developing her character a lot, in the first one, she realizes how messed up she is about Marco, and decides to get rid of the hoodie, and the feeling attached to it, and sents it back to Marco on Earth. And in this episode she lets her feelings about Glossaryck out, and how we get the first real hint about how she really wants to improve as a Princess, and to make Mewni a better Kingdom.
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So overall, this two episodes in my opinion, aside of the bunch of other things they showed, were mainly about Star’s character development, and I love that, cause the crew manages to show so many things in the short period of 11 minutes, and that’s awesome, cause that means that you gotta pay real attention to the episode to catch everything it show. And something that really surprised me was this words:
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So, this was the first two, if you have questions feel free to ask :D
Btw, sorry for the cuts, and the quality of the photos, but i couldn’t do any better.
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arturomare · 7 years
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Oh Marco what have you done.
Making this cured my “post club-snubbed depression”, it was so fun to do :D
Hope you like it :3
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arturomare · 7 years
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Just a quick edit i did.
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arturomare · 7 years
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Like for the unexpected end xD
This was originally supposed to be a sad/serius comic, but the fandom has been through a lot these last days due to hype, so i decided to make it funny, and i’m happy with the result, but, this took forever to get finished.
Anyways, i hope you like it :D
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arturomare · 7 years
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Im sorry, i had to do it.
*It’s always a little weird around Star*
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arturomare · 7 years
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This was so fun to make!
Badass Adult Marco
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