asa-ius · 5 years
First ASA promo video (2020).
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asa-ius · 5 years
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Join us on Thursday at 4 p.m.
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asa-ius · 5 years
5 Elements of Architecture Workshop
After months of preparation and organisation, our guest lecturer prof. Thanos N. Stasinopoulos arrived to Sarajevo and the workshop officially started on Monday 22nd of April in the main amphitheater at IUS campus. The official opening ceremony was consisted of a few short introductory lectures which would set the context of our workshop and prepare students for the following days spent on the mountain Bjelašnica. Professor Stasinopoulos gave an inspiring lecture on how 4 basic elements since Plato’s times have been contextualized within the narrative of the formation of architecture and left us thinking what could be the fifth one, the magic one. Professor Zoranić, on the other hand, delivered us a very interesting presentation on vernacular architecture comparing and contrasting urban and rural developments that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Following the lectures we agreed on details for the upcoming trip to Umoljani. On Tuesday, we met early in the morning and set off on to Bjelašnica. Upon our arrival, we were welcomed by our host with a breakfast and an opening word about Umoljani and its local traditions and history. After a short rest we all gathered in front of „Čardak“, where we were about to spend 2 nights, and went to explore the local architecture. After our field trip where we already started to look for the indicators of 5 elements, we returned to our accommodation where we used the opportunity to rest, work, socialise or perhaps trek outside. The following day we had more work and walking planned, and we had a sunny weather to back us up with. We went to analyse built structures all over Umoljani differentiating them in accrodance to their geographical position. Whilst walking we used the opportunity to discuss architecture with our professors and gain more insight into their understanding of it. With lots of jokes and covered kilometers we returned to our accommodation and made ourselves a well deserved barbecue. We spent the rest of our afternoon working on our findings and categorising them for our final presentation, with the help of prof. Stasinopoulos and Malec. During our breaks we would sneak out and explore the rest of Bjelašnica which had a lot to offer. On the final day on Bjelašnica we set off early in the morning to the water mills near the village. We enjoyed the fresh spring water which ran through the mills and took opportunity to take notes and sketches of the architecture that mostly related to the element of water. In the evening we packed our stuff and were ready to return back to Sarajevo. On the 26th of April, the final day of our workshop, we had a task to put together our posters with the supervision of our professors. The posters were a showcase of our explorations and findings, but more importantly they represent our wish to return back to nature and more consciously work on nature driven and oriented architecture.
On the 10th of May the exhibition of our works was opened on the 3rd floor of A building. The exhibition was attended by our rector, the dean of FENS, and vice-dean of FENS and many professor from the architecture department. The workshop ended with all the participants receiving a certificate for attending the workshop. Make sure to stop by and check out the posters on the third floor. In order to stay informed on our activities you can follow us on our social media accounts. 
Your ASA team.
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asa-ius · 5 years
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IUS architecture department in collaboration with the Izmir University of Economics is organizing workshop “5 elements of architecture: Vernacular heritage of Lukomir”. We are pleased to announce that the workshop is going to be led by our guest professor Dr. Thanos N. Stasinopoulos, and our full-time professors Dr. Adnan Zoranić and Dr. Tomasz Malec.
Registrations have started! First call: 28.03.-05.04./2019.
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asa-ius · 6 years
3. Tea Party
On 15th of March, our club organized the 1st tea party in spring semester of 2019. Our guest professor was professor Adnan Zoranić. Professor spoke about his career and his journey in the architecture field. We heard about his life in Zagreb and Barcelona, how he decided to opt for architecture and what it was like to study in a war zone. Professor also talked about his career as a professor and compared his experiences from practice and academia. At the end of the tea party we had a chance to ask the professor interesting questions such as: did professor have a chance to learn something from students, his views on modernist architecture, and does he wish to return to practice. We would like to invite you to our next tea party session which will be soon anounced on our social media accounts. You can also write to us which guest you would like to see next. We hope to see you in 3.11. Your ASA team
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asa-ius · 6 years
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Stay tuned. We are preparing something exciting!
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asa-ius · 6 years
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You are cordially invited to join us on Friday at 11 a.m. It will be an interesting one!
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asa-ius · 6 years
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We will have our first get together of the Spring semester of 2019 for all architecture students on Friday 8.3.2019. at 1 p.m. We hope to see you all!
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asa-ius · 6 years
Grand Opening of the Room
On the 9th of January, the architecture students room officially opened its doors to the public. Previously ASA had sent invitations to the architecture academic staff and administration of the university and had promoted the opening on our social media. The room was open for everyone to come from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., with the official part at 12 o'clock. We were happy to see that many professors and students showed up on the opening regardless of the fact that it was the exam period. 
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President of ASA made a brief overview of all activities we have previously done during the semester and invited all students to join the future activities we plan to continue with. Following the presentation, our guests had a chance to get a drink and snacks, look around, and ask questions. We used the opportunity to have a casual chat with our professors and discuss ways in which they could contribute to the work of our club.
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We were extremely pleased to welcome our special guest, the rector of IUS, professor Yıldırım, to whom we showed what students are capable of doing with joint forces. Our work was appreciated both by our rector and academics and we were motivated to continue with our work in the following months.
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We would like to sincerely thank everyone who made this project possible both in volunteering and renovating and in the donations that have been made. We are truly lucky to be surrounded by hard-working students who are diligently working on all the projects. In case you want to follow up with our activities make sure to follow us all over social media platforms! Your ASA team
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asa-ius · 6 years
Studio ZEC lecture
It was our extreme pleasure to host world renown Bosnian architect Amir Vuk Zec on 25th of December of 2018. The lecture was held at 12 p.m. in the main amphitheater with an audience showing up in a great number and interest. Amir Vuk started his presentation with an interesting historical overview through a new lense of treatment of glass, transparency, and privacy. He then continued on various themes in architecture and shared his opinions and concerns with us. The official part of the presentation was ended with his own work and the way he manages to deliver real architecture in time when it is most difficult to do so. The audience had a chance to get new insights and understand the thought process behind the most successful works of this architect. After the presentation, Amir Vuk introduced us to his methods of sketching, for which he is most famous, and the way he has adjusted to the digital media transferring his sketching process to an iPad and a stylus. The audience was delighted to see this master on duty while he was sharing his 10 commandments of architecture. In the end, Amir Vuk was kind enough to receive a few questions from the audience and thanked us for organizing the event.
Firstly, we would like to use this opportunity to once again thank the architect Vuk for finding time in his overloaded schedule to talk with us and share pieces of knowledge and wisdom.
Secondly, we sincerely hope that the biggest event yet organized by our club has benefited you personally and professionally and that a spark of interest was born in all of our attendees.
We want to hear your suggestions about who should be our next guest, so feel free to get in touch with us. We hope to see you soon. Stay tuned! 
Your ASA team
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asa-ius · 6 years
Club Promotion Day
On the 19th of December, IUS organized club promotion day which was held on the ground floor of A building. ASA members held shifts during the day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Previously the members had met to discuss the way they are going to present their club and promote their activities. Volunteers were collecting donations from our sponsors and in turn giving treats in form of colorful origami objects. During the day visitors came to the ASA stand and got introduced to our ongoing and past projects from our representatives as well as from the promotional material being presented on a laptop. Students had an opportunity to sign up for our membership. Our stand was quite busy the whole day as students (beyond our department) from all years of study and academics were occupying it. We hope that everyone enjoyed our promotional activities and that we will receive new membership requests in the future. Stay current with upcoming activities on our social media platforms! 
Your ASA team
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asa-ius · 6 years
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You are all welcome to the newly refurbished room of architecture students. The doors will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. See you in 3.11!
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asa-ius · 6 years
2. Tea Party
On 24th of November of 2018, our club organized the second tea party with our first architecture guest: professor Lamila Simišić-Pašić, who is at the moment the program coordinator of our department. We mainly focused on the topics regarding professor’s Ph.D. thesis and her research field interest. 
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It was a great opportunity for us to get to know more about the contemporary issues in architecture such as parametric design, its application and the way the parametric design is informed. We found a link between nature and parametricism, as well as societies and beauty. Once we opened the discussion of form and function professor pointed out something we rarely hear nowadays: a functional building does not necessarily mean that it is a cost efficient one. She continued to elaborate on her argument by asking whether buildings more often change their form or function? It was concluded that if a building changes its function more frequently than its form then more attention should be paid to the form of the building since that component will remain longer. To support the argument professor mentioned that it is more costly to change the form than the function of a building nowadays. We heard about the old generations of architects and the new ones, the circumstances in which they were working and the way there were and are perceived by communities. When explaining how computer-aided design is changing our practice professor mentioned that the paper architects used to design what they could draw, and they would draw what they could imagine, whereas digital architects design what they can draw and what they draw could be imagined by the support of computers and algorithms. We have more opportunities to explore. The new softwares are shortening our design phase day by day thus architects are left with more time to spend exploring options. The consequence is that before architects used to know the outcome of their design and in contemporary times we do not know the outcome of the architectural design. 
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When asked how to persuade investors to opt for not the cheapest option professor advised us to take some psychology courses, we should all be good psychologists with persuasive skills. She did not lose hope in investors and told us that even them are trying to stay up to date, it is upon us to offer them contemporary solutions. Where is Bosnia leading in terms of parametric design, how to shape the future, where to look for inputs, and many more topics were discussed in an hour that flew by while drinking mint sage black tea. We would like to cordially thank our professor for allocating one hour for us in her busy schedule and we would like to invite all students to the next session. Stay updated on our social media handles. Your ASA team
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asa-ius · 6 years
Semmelrock event
Since we have initiated the project of collecting material samples from companies which will be used for educational purposes, ASA was invited to attend the 10 year anniversary of Semmelrock business in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Semmelrock is part of the Wienerberger company, which is the worlds largest brick producer and Semmelrock dominates the concrete pavement market in Central and Eastern Europe. The event was situated in Hotel Hills sky bar on December 6th, 2018. ASA representatives arrived at 7 p.m. where we were greeted by their welcoming staff. We listened to the presentation about their successful work in Bosnia and Herzegovina and about their patented products. After the presentation, we got a chance to talk to the director of Semmelrock where we agreed to further collaborate with the company. ASA is soon expecting to receive their samples and host a presentation about their products at IUS. The presentation will be held in the following semester. We will timely inform you about the details of the event via our social media platforms. Stay tuned! Your ASA team
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asa-ius · 6 years
Art of Islamic Pattern Workshop
On Tuesday, fourth of December, a workshop on the Art of Islamic Pattern was organized by ASA. After an introductory lecture which explained how they emerged, where they emerged and their historical development as well as their philosophical understanding, we proceeded to construct our own first pattern. In a pleasant atmosphere, we decided to prolong our workshop in order to finish drawing our patterns by coloring them. At the end of the workshop, we were all proud to say that we are able to draw such a complex geometrical pattern with just two simple tools: a compass and a ruler. A special remark was made with regards to their application in contemporary times and the potential they have in upgrading our own designs. Due to the breadth of the topic, we hope to organize more sessions concerning this centuries-old artistic tradition. Stay up to date with our following workshops via our social media platforms! Your ASA team
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asa-ius · 6 years
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We are pleased to invite you to a lecture that is going to be delivered by Amir Vuk Zec, multiple awarded Bosnian architect with a world-renowned reputation. The lecture is going to be held at IUS campus in the main amphitheater in A building on Tuesday 25.12. starting at 12:00. ASA is looking forward to your presence!
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asa-ius · 6 years
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You are invited to join us at our next tea session. 
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