ashlerswrld · 27 days
@liyaauhr I hope you like this contribution to Ashlerism
Ok guys I was looking at pics of Canvas Ashlyn with her masquerade mask and this Ashler scenario popped into my head picture this: Ashlyn’s parents work for a spy agenc, Ashlyn accidentally finds out and is now forced into the agency by her parents because “she knows too much” Ashlyn was around 12 when she found out and the three of them would go on family spy missions. But however now that Ashlyn is 16 her parents feel she’s experienced enough to go on missions solo. Ashlyn is sent on a mission and must infiltrate a masquerade ball and track down the host as he stole a precious gem. Everyone has a mask so Ashlyn knows it’s gonna take a lot of searching to find this target but while trying to snoop around the venue someone notices her and drags her back to the party and obviously Ashlyn is upset that she can’t finish her mission and because she hates social interaction. This is where Tyler comes in, Tyler is an assassin that works for an agency. in this AU their parents split up, mom took Tay and Dad took ty, Dad gets really ill and inevitably dies Tyler is now a lost 9 year old boy who can’t pay rent. Someone finds him in an Alley way just sitting there and offers to give him a place to stay but for a cost: he lets them take him under his wing and becomes an assassin . Training untill he was 10 and going on missions that were often sketchy,bloody and full of murder since 11 he was pretty messed up and was often unhappy with himself and didn’t like his job but.. this was survival. Now he’s 16 and is given a target,the host of the masquerade ball to assassinate. Another Assain apart of Tyler’s agency hacks into the security cameras and feeds Tyler info through a hidden ear peice. Receiving the info Tyler finds out that the host is somewhere within the party on the dance floor. Trying to get through the crowd he bumps into a green masked,ginger girl who was looking beautiful tonight. Tyler has no idea who this masked stranger is but Ashlyn is able to recognize him in seconds. Tugging on his tie Ashlyn is glaring daggers at him, “Listen pal I know exactly who you are. And I don’t know what your planning but stay.out.of.my.way” Tyler is obviously put off by this and you can the shock through his mask. Pushing her off him, “Ok Ma’am I don’t know what your problem is but you don’t know me.” Ashlyn says, “Oh really, whispering in his air so as to generously not blow his cover, “Tyler Hernandez. Well known Assasin. You hear a few things while being a spy.” Now flabragasted Tyler whispers back “How do you-Who are you?!” “Ashlyn Banner, international spy.” Tyler says, “Alright, carrot head why don’t we go somewhere more private” Ashlyn says “I’m not looking to talk” Tyler not listening grabs her by her wrist and tries to pull her away until… “WHERE ARE YOU YOUNG LOVERS GOING?” Tyler and Ashlyn stutter “Uhm- Uhm no where no where at all-“ the masked stranger says “well instead of sneaking out to kiss like you young folk do why not dance together instead” Ashlyn says “oh we really shouldn’t” and the next moment there are Ashlyn and Tyler in the center of the ball, Tyler lost in Ashlyn’s gorgeous green eyes astonished by how beautifully and elegantly she dances. As he twirls her around Ashlyn feels butterflies in her stomach and stares right back into Tyler’s eyes. She doesn’t know why and what she’s feeling but what she does know is she hates it. This is nothing but a distraction to her. She has responsibility…
TBC (or maybe not)
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ashlerswrld · 1 month
Im slowly seeing a rise in Ashlerism. I HAVE WAITED FOR TIMES LIKE THIS!
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ashlerswrld · 1 month
Ashler edit
so like I don’t have tiktok :D
jk i have tiktok i just need to find the motivation to upload this (someone hacked my account and posted about of russian vids but I'm too lazy to delete them all bc there's over 30 vids)
they also followed a bunch of people idk
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ashlerswrld · 1 month
hi ry, can you tell us what your fave ashler moment is and why 👀😳
i have a lot anon... like a lot™
so narrowing it down to a single ashler moment is pretty difficult.. but if i had to pick a particular moment that i can't stop thinking about lately, it would have to be this:
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idt anyone ever talks about how much ashlyn actually cares about tyler.
we've seen them bicker (like an old married couple) so many times in the webtoon, but this is the kind of moment where you stop and realize that ashlyn and tyler are close. and that they actually trust and care about each other. like a lot.
in chapter 57, during their video call, we get a glimpse of their interaction and it's honestly such an eye opener.
bc we see tyler volunteering to be left behind (out of his need to keep everyone safe and to not be a burden), and ashlyn immediately shoots that offer down with a hard "AND I SAID WE AREN'T GOING TO DO THAT" indicating that they have already had this conversation before, and further emphasizing that she has no plans of leaving him behind. (which not only highlights how they literally bicker like an old married couple, but also how unlikely it is to believe that these two could ever hate each other, so anyone who thinks ashler are trying to slit each other's throat definitely need to re read the source material bc ash would rather eat rocks than leave tyler behind)
(and i love how she even goes out of her way to get mad at him for making light of his current situation. like we can really see how seriously ash took his situation to heart and that no amount of tyler making like of his situation to appease her, could ever make her forget what happened-- which honestly goes to show how: 1.) ashlyn cares about him. and 2.) tyler feels the need to elevate that guilt from her in any way he can.)
i also adore her refusal to leave him behind and how her insistence to stick to their plan goes on for the next two panels or so, not to mention the fact that she literally berates him for his recklessness after waking up from the hospital.
Ashlyn: Not to mention, the stroke from shock could've killed you!
Tyler: Fine, fine, whatever. Stop yelling.
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look at his expression from their lil exchange, i love how resigned he is to her nagging LMAO
but going back to my point, the fact that ash goes on to emphasize her point truly highlights the fact that she does not want him to die, making her concern for his well-being quite obvious!
(tw for blood up ahead!!)
in a very dangerous, life-threatening, high stakes situation--where every second counts--where tyler's life is literally hanging on by a thread, ashlyn finds him.
she finds him and immediately eliminates the immediate threat to tyler's life.
and that all happens in the blink of an eye,,, well it's probably more than that, but the way these two scenes are drawn is meant to emphasize two things: ashlyn's ability to find tyler and her ability/efficiency to dispose of a phantom in order to protect those she cares for!
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and i just love how her expression immediately shifts from concern (upon taking care of the immediate threat) to downright terrified (as soon as she realizes the state tyler is in)
she couldn't even bear to finish her question, and it breaks my heart to see such a haunted look on her face. she is literally faced with the sight of tyler impaled to a tree and loosing far too much blood, and it must have been such a juxtapose to the last time she had seen him (in the hospital, whole and unhurt) that it's no wonder ash literally freezes for a moment here, only for tyler's blood to drip on her cheek.
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i would also like to point out that she came rushing to his aid alone.
with the way aiden and the rest of the group seemed to be looking for her, we can all concluded that ashlyn had been the only one to hear tyler's scream and immediately started running to find him, probably at the expense of leaving the rest of the group in her desperation to get to tyler in time.
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and while the rest of the group is obviously taking in the brand new trauma of seeing their friend (brother in tay's case) literally dying in front of them, ash has already recovered enough (or at least has steeled herself enough to find move and focus on the important task at hand)
and it's so important for me to note how she doesn't berate the rest for freezing up.
but she also doesn't coddle them, opting to let them process and handle the situation on their own as she takes in the biggest responsibly (and burden) of climbing up the tree in order to sedate tyler.
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literally cannot get over this moment, the slight tremble of ashlyn's hand, the way her voice remains steady as she promises to get him down, followed by tyler's soft "... okay."
(he's obviously in a lot of pain, and talking was probably the least of the things he should be doing, and yet he still felt compelled to answer her)
and can we just talk about the way she was able to hold herself together up until she was able to get down, but immediately had a full body tremble right after.
my poor girl....
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chapter 58 truly is one of the darkest moments between ashler (aside from the season finale and the fourth episode following it, which i'll explain in a bit)
i say 'darkest' in the sense that tyler's near death is the manifestation of ashlyn's biggest fear: failing the people she cares about.
her breakdown during episode 52 had been a culmination of having to not only survive but lead her friends to safety from monsters actively trying to kill them every night.
but the tipping point had been failing to stop tyler's fall, followed by having to make the difficult decision of leaving him behind in order to save the rest of her friends, immediately followed by having to see tyler convulsing as soon as they wake up from their trip to the phantom dimension.
could you imagine how horrific the scene is in ashlyn's pov, having to see tyler (someone who normally has a large presence, and easily towers over most of their group) literally looking so helpless in mike's arms?
the realization of ty's fragility, at the fact that all of them are just kids who were thrown into a world fulls of horrific creatures trying to kill them, and having no one else to rely on.. and being shouldered with the responsibility of being the leader...
ashlyn took tyler's hospitalizations (his fall) as a personal blow. a failure that practically leads her to breaking down.
and she had carried that guilt with her, and even when ty had reassured her later on (which is honestly such a good ashler moment btw, feel free to read my thoughts abt it here) it's not something she can easily let go of...
i honestly think that ashlyn still carries the guilt with her--a part of herself still remains haunted by tyler's fall, and she took it as a personal blow.
which leads us back to episode 57-58! where we get to see her practically coddle tyler in episode 57 in her own way (ie scolding him for his self-sacrificing nature and for his recklessness despite the extent of his injury)
and in episode 58, how she had been the first one to find him and was the one to save him (from the phantom) as well as lead the team from extracting him out of the tree.
now that ashlyn has experienced the grief and guilt of failing tyler once, she took it upon herself to make sure it never happens again.
and that's why this particular sequence of events haunts my narrative to this very day, and why ashler has such a chokehold on me.
the idea that ashlyn's protectiveness of tyler stems from her own guilt of failure, along with her growing bond and friendship with him, paired with tyler's trust and growing fondness of her.
(which i've already pointed out before here and here)
all of this to say that ashler is a very compelling ship, with depths and moments that aren't as glaringly obvious, and yet the way in which their relationship has grown and developed throughout the webtoon is irrefutable and becoming increasingly obvious through each episode, especially when you actually take the time to read and check the source material.
anyway, that's the end of my very long ashler meta regarding ep 57-58 (crazy how this isn't even tackling the entirety of the webtoon, but i'll get to that when i have the time to compile each and every moment of theirs and analyze it)
i had a lot of fun talking about them, and i appreciate all the asks y'all are sending me (it's the perfect excuse for me to keep yapping LMAO)
ending this meta with: live, laugh, love ashler ❤️❤️
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ashlerswrld · 3 months
idea by @cryoverlife 's ashler soulmate au
@shuutingstar (i see that minamoto pfp 👀)
"I love you to the moon and back."
Those eight words meant more than just syllables. People said it all the time, from elderly couples who's been through it all, to a newly married couple, to best friends that have known each other since they were five.
"I love you to the moon and back."
There were about 238,900 miles from the moon to the earth. From the moon and back, that was about 477,800 miles.
Even though that phrase existed, love couldn't be measured by miles, or feet, or inches. It couldn't be measured by how large or small your heart was. Love was immeasurable.
A Jeep drove slowly through the street, it's windows cranked halfway open. The family inside was driving downtown, to buy some groceries. There were two adults in the front, one with short brown hair, the other with rusty red-orange hair. Their child, a girl about seven, sat in the back. Her hair was shorter at the time, almost chin length, and some black headphones perched on her head. They looked huge, since she was so tiny.
Her name was Ashlyn.
The car stopped at a red light. Ashlyn's dad drummed his fingers on the edge of the steering wheel, his mouth crooked in a smile, chatting with her mother about useless things. Adult things that Ashlyn wouldn't have to care about for another, what, eleven to thirteen years.
She leaned against the seat, her back slouched, opposite of how her parents taught her. Back straight. Her back hurt already from doing nothing. Keep still. Her foot tapped restlessly against the floor.
It wasn't her fault she was like this.
Her eyes roamed over the buildings that surrounded them. There was the grocery store, a few more blocks down, and the laundromat, and a couple of other stores and small restaurants. Cars were lined up against the sidewalks. The most depressing thing was that there was a funeral home in the middle of it all.
Her green eyes--peppered with darker green--were drawn to the door of the home. Three figures were leaving, approaching a car parked parallel to hers. There was one adult, a tall woman with light brown skin and dark brown hair that was wound into a bun. Stray hairs fell on her face.
She held two children who looked similar to her--and exactly the same as each other, despite their different hair lengths--by the hands. They stood on either side of her.
All three of the figures wore black.
Ashlyn could hear their voices from here.
"Mama, Mama," the girl kept saying. Both she and the boy--who Ashlyn thought was her brother--looked to be about the same age as her.
"Taylor stop," the boy exclaimed. Loudly.
Ashlyn's parents' attention was also drawn to the three.
"Oh, those poor kids..." Ashlyn's mom murmured. "The poor mother looks so tired, too..."
Why did her mom sound so sad? Nothing was happening.
Suddenly the boy looked up, as if sensing Ashlyn's eyes on him. They watched each other for a few seconds, maybe minutes, maybe a bit more or less. Ashlyn's heart thumped. His gaze was so...not intense, but definitely way too serious for somebody so young.
The light turned green, and she looked away.
The boy's fingers released the baseball, throwing it up into the air, above his face, then caught it again. He threw it up back into the air, then caught it again. Again, and again, and again.
He felt the bus shift and creaked as somebody stepped inside. He could smell that familiar scent. Leather and soap. He didn't have to turn his head to see who it was.
"Hey," the voice said.
"...Hmph." Tyler rolled over, facing the back of the bus seat. He curled up, gripping the baseball. The material of the seat was dark blue.
He heard a sigh. He could hear her boots scuffling against the floor as she moved. She was picking up the small towel she had left inside earlier. Finally, Tyler rolled over.
"What're you doing here?" he asked, voice gruff.
Sweat beaded Ashlyn's forehead. Her orangey bangs were held back by a thin headband, and her hair was done in it's usual braids. He hated to admit it, but he studied her hair, just a student studied for an exam. He wondered what other hairstyles Ashlyn could pull off.
He could still hear the sounds of the others huffing outside, tired from the self-defense practice Ashlyn's parents offered to teach.
Ashlyn watched him carefully. She grabbed one of the water bottles from the cooler, water droplets shining on the bottle's side. Sunlight streamed through the windows, cranked halfway open.
"I need water," she replied bluntly. She looked back outside wearily, where the others were. She patted the towel against her forehead. "It's your turn, by the way. My parents were asking for you."
Tyler sighed, rolling back over. "Tell them I'm sleeping." He seemed lazy, but truth was he was still sore from baseball practice yesterday.
"...That's what I did."
Tyler couldn't see her, but he could still hear.
Ashlyn seemed to move closer to him. He heard her plop down on the floor, sighing.
"It's so tiring," she mumbled. Maybe she was talking to herself. Tyler decided not to say anything, instead just facing the backrest. "My parents are being way too excessive today...maybe it's because of Aiden."
Tyler couldn't stop himself from laughing. He rolled over again. Ashlyn sat against the seat in front of him, the back of the seat gone for whatever reason.
Ashlyn cracked a smile. One of the rare ones she barely used. Tyler's heart skipped a beat.
"Maybe it is because of Aiden," he said.
They were in the bus for a while, watching each other. They watched each other for a few seconds, maybe minutes, maybe a bit more or less. Tyler's heart thumped. Her gaze was so...not relaxed, but definitely less tense than before.
"Ash!" a voice called from outside.
Ashlyn sighed. She broke eye contact. "Dad's calling. I'll tell him you're still sleeping." She seemed to hesitate before standing up. "See you later?"
Tyler sat up, too. His hair was messy, but he didn't care. "Oh. Okay. Yeah. See you."
Ashlyn stood, tossing the towel and water bottle into the used-items basket.
"Ashlyn?" Her name left his mouth before he could stop.
Ashlyn turned slowly. Was it his imagination, or were her eyes sparkling?
"I--nothing." Tyler laid back down, facing the backrest. "It's nothing. Nevermind. See you."
"Oh. See you."
The bus creaked as she left. He could hear her telling her parents that he was asleep, like she promised.
But he wasn't asleep. He was wide awake, heart thumping. His face was warm.
He felt like he experienced these feelings before.
But from where?
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ashlerswrld · 3 months
Ashler but in a soulmate au would be hilarious.
I feel like they would officially meet (or however soulmates are represented as in the au) like at 8 or 9.
They would awkwardly stare at each other for a minute. During the minute they would come to the conclusion to completely ignore this happened at all cause neither of them want a soulmate.
like Tyler is really worried about his sister and mom and honestly just doesn’t want to have to open up to (deal with/care about) another person.
and Ashlyn just hates the idea of soulmates since forever.
Cue ignoring and avoiding each other for seven years.
and then the trip to Savannah happens and they’re like “darn it” and are now forced to deal with the whole soulmate thing.
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ashlerswrld · 4 months
I hate when people talk about Ashler like it’s inconceivable to ship them.
They’ll be like “Oh, they had so much beef, they’re barely even friends.” Genuinely asking here, have you even read the webtoon if you think that?
Tyler had issues with practically everyone at the beginning, hell, most of the kids didn’t even like each other. Ben, Aiden, Ashlyn, and Logan all thought he was a jerk and he was acting like one because he was trying to protect himself and Taylor and the whole situation was stressful as hell. That’s why his character development is so good. Even Ashlyn remarks that he’s being less of a jerk in one chapter and Taylor says that he's begun to see the others as real friends, maybe even family.
They all eventually became allies and then friends, including Ashlyn and Tyler. Sure, they like to throw some sarcastic remarks at each other but that’s just their sense of humour and part of the appeal of their friendship. Same with Aiden and Tyler, they insult each other all the time but the insults that were originally meant to hurt are now used affectionately.
He gave Ashlyn a nickname guys. He gave a jokey nickname to cheer her up because she felt terrible about the fact that she had to leave him behind while he got terribly hurt, while he died. She literally started crying out of guilt and being overwhelmed by the whole situation. She cares about him and he cares about her and the whole gang cares about each other, which is why there are so many ships in the fandom to begin with.
So stop acting like anyone who ships Ashler is stupid and stop saying ‘they’re like siblings’ on every post about them. We know it’s probably not gonna be canon, hell, Red herself said romance isn’t the focus of the webtoon at all.
I don’t even like shipping in general but the TikTok fandom keeps pissing me off. Stop acting like everyone has to ship the same things as you and stop commenting shit like ‘cute edit but I wish it was Aidlyn’ or ‘They’re just friends, they act like siblings’. Like yeah, they’re not canon but you’d have to be blind if you couldn’t see why some people ship it. Stop shitting on people’s ships and let them have their fun, we all know they’re not canon.
Anyway, that’s the end of my rant. Sorry, I keep getting Ashler hate every time I search it up on TikTok. It’s so stupid and annoying, let people ship who they want in peace and stop undermining Ashlyn and Tyler's canon friendship and character development to shit on people’s ships. It’s an insult to the characters and your ability to read between the lines.
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Live, Laugh, Love Ashler.
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ashlerswrld · 4 months
Girls don’t want a kiss goodnight. They want coins for school bus graveyard.
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ashlerswrld · 4 months
Ashlyn is dating Taylor, and also dating Aiden and Tyler who are dating each other. Meanwhile Taylors dating Ben. Hope this helps
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ashlerswrld · 4 months
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ashlerswrld · 4 months
Anyone who's made an Ashler edit on tiktok, I worship you and hate you at the same time. BRO I THOUGHT "Hmm cute, frenemies to lovers slowburn kinda beat for them tbh" AND NOW I AM LOSING MY MIND CAUSE THEYRE ALL IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT FOR THE PAST WEEK
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ashlerswrld · 4 months
Okay Ashler fans.
I just finished my “Oxytocin” Fic (AO3: DogsAndBones_CatsAndClaws) and now I’m starting another fic! Lol
This time it’s Ashler one shots! And you are free to request anything regarding the ships that you’ll like!
(There is though a chance I might not write your idea, don’t ever take that personally!)
I will also be writing my own ideas and all, and the requests will always be open. You are free to request as many ideas as you please. The more the merrier.
BUT, I will not be writing Smut/NSFW - as that is not my style and I’m not comfortable writing anything of the sort for these characters. Sorry. I don’t judge but I won’t do it. I’m also a little icky on drugs or any bad habits mentioned too - they don’t really seem like smokers to me😭 (I smoke 😔)
I’m fine with making out or kissing though, dw.
Please share your ideas! Credit WILL be given, I promise ❤️😊
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ashlerswrld · 4 months
Ashler hairstylist au...... Biting biting biting
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ashlerswrld · 5 months
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I’m not in the shipping scene of the fandom, but when I read those lines and dialogues, these were the ones I thought of immediately.
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ashlerswrld · 5 months
You know it’s bad when you are searching through old comments just to get some ashler crumbs. THIS HIATUS IS DRIVING ME INSANE!
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ashlerswrld · 5 months
ok that's it. i'm gonna kms. who has a tree or a ceiling to loan?
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ashlerswrld · 5 months
I gotta say it.. yell at me all you want but truth hurts…
If Aiden and Ashlyn didn’t have as much chemistry with each other.. yall would’ve shipped Ashler/Tylyn..
For some odd reason a lot of sbg fans absolutely hate taylyn and I have no clue why.. I think people are just afraid of sapphics /j
But anyways, if Aiden wasn’t in the equation yall would ship Tyler and Ashlyn because 1. they’re a mlw ship and most people prefer hetero ships and 2. enemies/rivals to lovers.
People eat this trope up. And anyone who says they don’t is a liar.
Tyler and Ashlyn have SO much tension that you can’t help but ship them. People are always saying “they fight all the time and hate each other! They’re so toxic!” Mf you ship bakudeku you cannot be talking. (for the record your honor, that’s a joke.)
But in all seriousness..
Have you SEEN the shift in their relationship from the start to present? They go from bickering and hesitant with each other, to being close friends that care for each other.
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LIKE HELLO?? Do you see how worried Ashlyn is? (Granted anyone would be worried to see their friend bleeding) But Tyler replies to Ashlyn saying he would want some words of encouragement FROM HER. You know.. LIKE THE TIME SHE WAS SAVING HIM FROM THE TREE??
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Ashler is a CLASSIC enemies/rivals to lovers. Plus who doesn’t bicker with their partner from time to time over silly things?
One of the sole reasons Tyler freaked out at Ashlyn is because of anxiety and their whole situation. Who wouldn’t go crazy in a situation like that? But instead of expressing it in a healthy way, he took it out on Ashlyn because he couldn’t think of anything else. And yeah that’s shitty, but he learns his lesson.
Tyler has made so much progress and his character redemption was BEAUTIFUL. You have to remember, he’s just a 14 year old kid in his freshman year of high school, who wouldn’t be scared shitless? He wanted to make sure his sister was safe and didn’t know what to do.
Ashlyn puts him in his place though, and I think that’s where he starts to change for the better.
But you can see the gradual changes in their relationship as the comic progresses, going from tense to comfortable being near each other. FP SPOILERS: i mean hello they literally cuddle with each other in ep 75.
And don’t get me wrong, I can see why some people would be a little iffy, but the same people who are iffy are the same people who ship the most WILD ships..
So if you’re gonna hate on me for shipping something other than your main ship.. PACK IT UP 🗣️
But fr though, if Red didn’t unintentionally write so much chemistry with Aiden and Ashlyn, and you didn’t prefer taylyn, you would 100% ship Ashler. There’s this one blog on here that gives perfect reasons as to why you should ship Ashler as well and they say it PERFECTLY.
It’s insanity it took some of yall this long to finally start shipping them, as a person who’s been shipping them since the beginning of 2023 😭😭
anyways i’m super happy people are shipping ashler and YOU SHOULD TOO!!! /nf
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