ask-aph-mohawk · 1 year
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she would be the captain!
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ask-aph-mohawk · 1 year
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Succubus Mohawk anyone? Hehe i already had this drawn up for....reasons-
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ask-aph-mohawk · 1 year
*points hyperactivily at this* yes
OC Outfit Doodle Asks
Send one of the following symbols and one of my OC’s names and I’ll doodle:
👀 OC in their typical underwear 💤 OC in their sleep attire 🔞 OC in something sexy 🏄 OC in what they would wear to the beach/pool 👔 OC in what they would wear to a formal event (such as a wedding) ☠ OC in what they would wear to a funeral 👖 OC in what they would wear to a casual event (such as a birthday party) 👑 OC dressed as royalty 🚪 OC in what they wear when lounging around at home 💕 OC in what they would wear on a first date ❌ OC in something they would absolutely never wear 🎃 OC in a costume they’d wear for Halloween 🎄 OC in an ugly Christmas sweater 🚓 OC in a prison uniform 🚲 OC in athletic gear  🐰 OC in a kigurumi of their favourite animal ❄ OC in what they’d wear on a very cold day 🔥 OC in what they’d wear on a very hot day 👕 OC in a T-shirt with something stupid printed on it (think Zazzle) 🎭 OC in another OC’s typical attire 📦 OC wearing something that isn’t clothes (such as a fig leaf, a barrel, etc.) 👻 OC in a really bad disguise 📷 OC in a stereotypical tourist getup 🙎 OC in something embarrassing 👗 OC in something from the 50’s 💀 OC in goth/emo/scene attire 💃 OC in some radical 90’s clothes 🌁 OC in a hoodie 🌋 OC in camping or adventuring gear ♠️ OC in their armor (or in some sort of fantasy armor if not applicable to their story) 🎨 OC in a cartoon character’s outfit  🏨 OC in a maid outfit 🏥 OC in a nurse uniform 🐑 OC in farmer wear 👍 OC in a crop top
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ask-aph-mohawk · 1 year
Mah friend drew Ohnekanos!!!
@ask-aph-mohawk :D
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ask-aph-mohawk · 1 year
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Hey kiddo! - River
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ask-aph-mohawk · 1 year
Mohawk ! what do you think of the other haudenosaunee ? (Sorry if it's been asked already aa :[ </3 )
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"but spite all that i do really love my siblings! our relationships have improved a lot since our confederation was founded!"
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ask-aph-mohawk · 1 year
what where you like before the English arrived?
"I Was a fearless Warrior"
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"of course, i have calmed down a lot since then!!!"
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ask-aph-mohawk · 2 years
What did you look like as a child?
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ask-aph-mohawk · 2 years
Hey i just wanted to let you know that the flag in your banner is the Iroquois flag (The Iroquois confederacy being a confederation of six different tribes which the Mohawk were indeed a part of) but the Mohawk do have their own flag
hi- yes i know it's the confederacy flag- look I'm from the mohawk tribe and we are still very much a part of the Iroquois Confederacy. yes, we do have our own flag- 2 of them actually- the warrior flag which is the red one with the head in it, and our st.Regis flag as well, but if you noticed we only really use the warrior and the Iroquois flags. those are the ones you will see most on the reservations, so that's why I put the Iroquois flag as her banner, its also the flag I had hanging in my room or the one we wear on our clothing, all the other tribes in the confederacy also use the Iroquois flag, we may have our own little flags but those normally change from reservation to reservation. so- I know what I'm doing. mun-Jehiro
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the warrior flag
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and my reservations flag
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ask-aph-mohawk · 2 years
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told you all im back!..ive been drawing ohnekanos alot for the past few days actually- along with a tiny redesign- she wears a ribbon skirt and i changed the shape of her cowlick,her hairs a bit longer as well, a discord group im in is actually giving me more motivation to draw her! im also designing her sisters, the other tribes in the Iroquois! anyway thats all for now! reminder the ask box is open as well!!)
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ask-aph-mohawk · 2 years
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Just gonna- its Mohawk
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ask-aph-mohawk · 5 years
so I've heard that Mohawk isn't the tribe's real name, what is it if you dont mind me asking
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Or in the English translation "people of the flint"
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ask-aph-mohawk · 5 years
What did you think of Netherlands when you first met him?
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"He wanted to trade...alot, but I didn't meet him.until the late 1600s?...sorry my memories a bit fuzzy on the year"
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ask-aph-mohawk · 5 years
The Askblog games Night 1
Okay! before we begin, Results of the poll! thes are the top 3, after one day
1. Belarus with 12% of the votes
2. Germany with 10% of the votes 
3. Mother Germania, Nyo Norway and 2p Romano all with 7% of the votes
LAST place in the voting 
Britannia and Coledonia
Can they win over the public at the end? Will the favorite win, we shall see~! 
So after the canon shots for the day have fired, the contestants begin their uneasy night
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The night starts sadly witth another dead, this time by ones own hand, 
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What is happening here, a snuggle fest, maybe England needed, it, because they split up with Mohawk, just a few hours ago, And Italy dolce who had done the same with Belarus, worries as wel. So they snuggle for warmth probably, and to make these games see a little less scary.
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A...an unlikely group, to suddenly start singing, espeasily cheerfully, 
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Setting up camp to stay safe, seems he abonded the group he was with, did he figure out what they were really setting out to do? 
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I Imagen, holding hands and telling each other stories, such a beautiful sight, how long will it last tho
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now there is a group I associate more with singing, But i wonder, is it smart, will the others not hear?
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Are second, dead, and again by ones own hands. One of our 3rd place spots died, in such an unfortunate way. Probably got to confident with her favorite weapon
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Lucky you, some people seem to really like you, use that water good, and don’t let others get to it, water is often scarce in these games 
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Seems that Russia got, help after he was scared off by 2p Austria, 4 against one...he never stood a chance
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Lutz...if you had picked up wood, instead of flowers, maybe...just maybe it would have been successful 
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Going high up to rest, smart maybe other contestants won’t find you there, keeping the viewers happy i see
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and two do nothing, but sleep, gather their strength, i hope they picked a good spot 
concludes night 1, surely an eventful night, we got 3 more deaths. i will tell what their last words where after the gunshots to announce their death are made. 
The poll for the surviving characters, who you want to win will be posted at the end of the next post! 
also, keep replying, reblogging, and talking in tags of reblogs, i love reading what you all think would happen. Well...gonna be edditing the next one for tomorrow morning~ 
Participant list: 
@mmd-ask-italy @huggiebird  @ask-the-amazing-greenland   @ask-badly-drawn-hongkong  @ask-belarus-the-useless  @ask-mother-germania  @askfemboyfeli  @the-rebellious-musician  @ask-useless-german  @ask-mr-germany @romemustbestopped @grandparomeaskblog @ask-the-icelandic-little @askme-dolce-italia @ask-medieval-nyo-morway @askglamorousitalian  @matt-j-williams @ask-his-flower-and-her-bear @ask-aph-mohawk @ask-avatar-alfred​ @ask-bonnefoy @ask-kirkland @hungry-for-tulips @askthedanishdork 
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ask-aph-mohawk · 5 years
The Askblog games:
So from here onward, are the askblog games!, So how am igonna do this? depends on how it goes. I will make a post, for every day that goes by in the game? depending on how much is happening on that day i might combine some
i see how i am going to do the tags? for now.. here is the reaping
Edit: If participants leave a reply/reblog on what their charaters did, i see if i can use it in the next post
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and now follows..the first few minutes of the games, will the players go to the Cornucopia, and get weapons and supplies, but risk getting killed early, or will they flee, they call these first few minutes in most games The bloodbath, because a lot of people often get killed
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3 people begin with running away, are they the smart ones...or will they starve to death because they don’t have supplies.
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The first kill, so early, and by Germany to, poor little Iceland never had a chance, Hongkong better runs away far! I wonder what they fought about. WAIT...they didn’t have weapons yet...how did you kill him germany… 0.0
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2 people have weapons now, watch your backs everyone
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nothing surprising here
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What was I trying to do? at least I am not dead
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Another weapon, and he got in and out unscaved  impressive, watch out everyone this one might be dangerous.
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more people run away, 
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you sure that is smart with germany, and people with weapons around? okay your choice
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even more running, tho i must say, i am surprised that america and denmark ran away.
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okay, Mother Germania is the smart one, get supplies to survive 
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a weapon? or digging his own grave?
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and even more running, 
AND THAT Concludes the bloodbath...it was not really a bloodbath in this case...just 1 dead...Sorry iceland. Keep comming back to see what happens next 
participants list:
@mmd-ask-italy @huggiebird  @ask-the-amazing-greenland   @ask-badly-drawn-hongkong  @ask-belarus-the-useless  @ask-mother-germania  @askfemboyfeli  @the-rebellious-musician  @ask-useless-german  @ask-mr-germany @romemustbestopped @grandparomeaskblog @ask-the-icelandic-little @askme-dolce-italia @ask-medieval-nyo-morway @askglamorousitalian  @matt-j-williams @ask-his-flower-and-her-bear @ask-aph-mohawk @ask-avatar-alfred @ask-bonnefoy @ask-kirkland @hungry-for-tulips @askthedanishdork 
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ask-aph-mohawk · 5 years
Were you welcoming to France and his Jesuits? Were they show you and your people respect?
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"Did they show me and my people respect?....for a little while but..."
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"They all did..."
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ask-aph-mohawk · 5 years
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Eeeyyy....don't know what to say but, moki pretty much raised ohnekanos and me and @ask-the-americanfamily mun where talking and this happen, so moki had to leave ohnekanos for a year to check the other tribes, and when he comes back bam! She's a adult, no longer this tiny child, so yea,
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