ask-aquarium-ponies · 8 years
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Getting some old memories from HERE
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 8 years
Soooo do you suck at getting a new...
If you do reboot it, will they still keep the same personalities? 
Absolutely, I actually can safely say you guys have barely seen the surface of each of the gal’s character. I have written a lot of things based of their personalities and how they play off each other/need each other/have needed each other and it is pretty much key. So no worries m8
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 8 years
Soooo do you suck at getting a new computer/whatever or has god simply abandoned us and killed off all the good blogs?
I never did get a new computer, but I would be lying if I said I haven’t been drawing. Thing is, I LOVE the AQponies and will always do... but this whole askblog thing... I was thinking of MAYBE rebooting this whole thing as a comic and with a very simplistic style(no shading/lighting unless for special effects) be able to work on it at my own pace(the stories I STILL have written for these 3 are actually rly good I swear on me mum) Of course this is only an idea wich I have no idea if it will happen and I understand if people got upset I just kinda left this (and that last post seems like a really backhanded joke now that I look at it, sorry haha) But you can rest assured that I think about my characters a lot and man did they left all too soon and ave so much they could still share, I’ll do my best to try and do what I said. (thanks for remembering the blog tho)
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 9 years
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Astera: ‘’Wait a moment...’’
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
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Finally got around making references for the AQponies! There's very minor differences here:
Tender Tide is a bit taller, curvier, has a thin stomach and a bigger butt.
Astera is your standard, she's the shortest tho.
Sea Garden is a bit edgier when it comes to the lines.
Added a button for it on the siderbar!
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
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Berni pone: *wet fart noises*
Astera: "UGH"
Tender Tide: "but..."
Unlike last time, this time it was't tender's fault.
(I know this is a dumb update, but I dont have a pc of my own so I cant do much while using other people's computers! D: )
Note: Tender Tide is now a bit more slender, taller but with more pronunciated curves than Astera or Sea Garden. I will do references for them and make really small differences.
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
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Astera: "Are they SERIOUS? didn't they just see what... but... bleh"
Tender Tide: "Is okay Astera! let them be, let them be..."
((Correction, Maud pie is like Sea Garden, I made my Oc a long time ago! :l ))
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
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Burn Garden
People just keep on asking for them as Sea ponies I just can't believe how many questions I got about it, too lazy to even round them up for the post.
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
PARTY TIME BITCHES! Congratz bro! you are probably the only brony from tumblr I know in real life and is nice to see you have da SUCCESS. Thanks for the inclusion and hope you get moar.
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THANKS! Holy crap, I’ve never thought I could’ve reach this amount of followers so fast! Thanks alot everypony! You won’t believe how much it means each and everyone of you following me, sadly I coulnd’t make a drawing of every single one of you so I’ve drawn just my favorites horses who are...
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
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Tender tide: My mom and my sis are both earth ponies like me but my dad is a pegasi! My sis is really extroverted and mom and dad are really chill and calm! Maybe one day you will know them better!
Tender Tide's cutiemark post
((Dad's appareance and name totally not based on a certain someone :o ))
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
last one!
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Based on this fanart (thanks for letting me use those clothes! I have my own design as well :3)
Tender Tide
Astera Mari Teema
I did it a bit Panty and stocking looking since that’s kinda what her style reminded me of, although this looks a bit unique. All three done!
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
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Based on this fanart (thanks for letting me use those clothes! I have my own design as well :3)
Here's Astera
I did it a bit Panty and stocking looking since that’s kinda what her style reminded me of, although this looks a bit unique. Only Sea Garden left.
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
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Based on this fanart (thanks for letting me use those clothes! I have my own design as well :3)
I did it a bit Panty and stocking looking since that’s kinda what her style reminded me of, although this looks a bit unique. I will do the other 2 as well.
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
Sorry about lack of updates(and a little message)
IT has been 2 weeks and I am not gonna come in with some excuse guys! Imma be honest: I'm just not in the mood to draw the AQponies or any answers and thus I will not. This blog is something I do for fun and I don't want it to turn into a chore.
I will take this chance to say to all artists, If you are doing something for fun and free, keep it that way! as soon as your art becomes an unpaid chore for you, you are not going to be able to do your best :c You might be afraid of letting your fans down... but a half assed piece that you did not put your best into(or did as a self imposed obligation) is something they will be able to tell apart! Art is an expression of ourselves and requires you to be connected with your feelings and set them loose! is not something you should be forcing! take a rest instead and go around doing some new stuff to clear your mind, it will help you gain new focus, skills and it will maybe renew that eagerness to come back and work on your ask blog or whatever, and at that moment you will realize that is so much easier to work this way! Have fun and don't force the muse, man! 
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
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I drew the crew in human form~
Haha, thanks so much! this is adorable, hope you don-t mind me doig these outfits next time I do them as humans, is really nice looking.
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
Guise! I won a prize from this gal! Is a pretty Double T :3 She has neato art, you should go check her ^^
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1st : http://ask-aquarium-ponies.tumblr.com/
2nd : http://ask-killingfantasy8.tumblr.com/
I wanted to do ask too but I didn’t have any time, promise, I’ll do it tomorrow. ^^
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ask-aquarium-ponies · 10 years
Some familiar ponies are in there! Go check Surgeon Rarity's blog! the art improves all the time and is a very fun and interesting blog! Go check! and thank you so much for the feature! ^^
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Ask-Surgeon-Rarity - Espeonmod’s 350 Follower Thing
PART 2 of 3! 
There are (6 story + 6 follower pic) 12 images total! 
Story (Part 1)| Part 2 | Part 3 
For a list of everyone featured, CLICK HERE
Click the pictures for names in the captions! 
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