hello, I read you wanted some lore to relate to Miss Nightingale? I have a theory based on simularities, if you'd like to hear so you can have something to work with (^_^): okay so now that we know that Orpheus's "hunter side" is crow-themed and doesn't look much like him perhaps Miss Nightingale is a "hunter version" too? (a halicunation) of the Little Girl perhaps, (this has hit word limit so I'll send this in multiple asks)
(well, her when older/the real girl) I'd mostly think so because I suspect Little Girl to be the image what Orphy remembers of his sister who he thinks got caught in the fire, the girl dissapears in the recent videos to make clear she isn't real when he becomes Nightmare + Nightingale wears a cage and her shop has dripping clocks and water like she's a trapped in something timeless that protects her from fire, like Orpheus might want to see? it's maybe why it might be called "Illusion Hall" What an interesting theory, and honestly, with the fire that had happened, that would make sense as to why the Illusion Hall looks like it's underwater. I would've written and stated more points as to why this theory could be true along with another potential theory of who Miss Nightingale could be, but after rewriting and losing the data a few times, I gave up and just post this. Can't help but think of some family life/angsty moment, though.
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After about 3 years, they will finally continue the story of the lost girl!!! Can’t wait.
One question is: Will they mention or show something related to Miss Nightingale? That’s all I need and want. If not, we still get more lore at least.
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"It's nice to see you, Lady Nightingale, even if we've never quite met." - Vincent (ask-idv-the-caretaker)
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Same to you too, Mr. Vincent. Although I have some things to catch up on and people to greet, I do hope we see each from time to time.
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I’m Back!!!
Well, somewhat. I just was in the Identity V fandom when I feel like it, but I have been bouncing between fandoms, with my current one in Genshin Impact.
Despite that, I’ve been checking up on IdV news and update, occasionally playing the game, and I still haven’t forgotten about my favorite bird lady, Miss Nightingale. In fact, I’m always thinking many lores and personality for her and constantly changing ideas. Seriously, why isn’t there anything about her? Like come on, give my girl some love and attention.
Anyway, I’ll open the ask box but when I’ll answer them quickly will depend on me. Still, don’t hesitate to send something, even if it isn’t about her. Sometimes, I might include a drawing with the answer.
(Also, any new ask blog I should know? I may not be able to ask or see their latest post, since I follow a whole lot to catch up on, but it’s interesting to know what’s new and follow them. Also, I have a lot of lore update to catch up on.)
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What is your purpose here?
My dear seer, I am of many purposes. I’m the shopkeeper of the Illusion Hall. I’m the owner of the Manor. I’m the recruiter. I do so much for the Manor and the residence. However, my main purpose is to run the game for as long as it takes alongside my fellow friends staff member.
Beside, it’s the price I have to pay for what happened long ago.
(A/N: Sorry for the late response. Update post coming shortly.)
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Just letting you know that the post with the tags “OUTDATED” means they are not relevant to the lore and personality of Miss Nightingale. On that topic, the ask box are now open, so send in some ask.
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A Nightingale’s Song
Not many knows about this, but every week, at midnight, a song can be heard within the manor. The song eludes a feeling of happiness, though they can feel a hint of sorrow in it.
The residents concluded that it was a bird singing, but they can’t find the bird itself, as they only have few pets in the manor and they haven’t seen the Harpy sister sing, so the mystery bird is still up in the air.
However, those that have lived at the manor longer will know the truth of the song. It’s true that they can’t find the mystery bird, but that’s because the bird is Miss Nightingale. Only few knows that the Harpy sister can transform into birds. Because of that, they wouldn’t know that it’s Miss Nightingale singing every week at midnight.
However, what’s confusing is the song she sings. Nightingale are interpreted to sing a song of lament, so why is it that she sings a song of joy?
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Identity V x Coraline Crossover Idea
(Seeing as no one is writing anything about it, I took to liberty to do so)
Takes place about 15 years after the film.
During that time, the “Game” at Oletus Manor was still going on, but had a “different” format before they changed it to the current one.
After 15 years, it’s revealed that the Other Mother is still alive, albeit very weak. Realizing that the souls of children won’t satisfy her, she decided to go for another source and eventually came upon Oletus Manor. Sensing a lot of misery in that manor, she decided to make that her target and created the Other World centered around it.
At first, dolls that resembled the survivors/hunters started to appear in their room. Since they’re used to the abnormality in the manor, they never really thought much of it and think it was a gift from the staff, even bringing it with them to matches.
One day, someone discovered a hidden door in the main room along with the key for it. They found it odd, considering they lived in the manor for a while now, so the whole manor should’ve been explored by now. They reported it to the staff, who was alerted by this. Sensing an unknown energy from it, the staff forbid anyone from entering the door.
Miss Nightingale, having to scout for new survivors/hunters due to her sister being sick, got into an accident along the way, injuring her wings. She came upon a couple who helped her, chatting to pass the time.
When the topic of the door and the key came up, the couple instantly became scared and demanded that she take them with her. Before they left, Miss Nightingale asked for their name. “I’m Coraline Jones. This is my lover, Wybie Lovat.”
(I might sketch this out because this is something I would love to work on.)
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Miss Nightingale Headcanons Part 2
(came up with more headcanons for the bird woman, so I though I post them) (Edit 1: Altered a few things)
She has a section in the manor full of animals. She named all of them after the survivors/hunters. Of course, she takes care of all of them, though some will come to help her.
Is a very good singer, but only sings for her siblings.
Won’t hesitate to become ruthless if something was to happen to her sister and brothers.
Still keeps her old hunter uniform, but only wears them if the time comes.
Does take off her mask from time to time.
Despite the fact she’s part bird, she doesn’t mind eating bird meat, just not too often.
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Miss Nightingale Headcanons
(because why the hell not and I’m bored as heck) (will be a combination of both my own and based from the game) (Edit 1: Altered a few things)
Part 2
Always call the hunter/survivor with bird-based nickname or Mr/Miss (first/last name).
Whenever a new hunter/survivor is arriving, she always create the next set of costumes, with each of them having a theme.
Will occasionally give advice, whether it be about the game or just life advice, to others.
Can transform into a bird, but only does this to scare others.
Won’t hesitate to tell the price of the item just to see their reaction.
Always the first person the newcomer will greet.
Occasionally pulls harmless pranks on others.
Will become doubtful and distrusting at first if someone says to her that they love her.
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What would you prefer to be a hunter or survivor?
Believe it or not, I would prefer to be a Hunter because me and the staff have already been Hunter before, so I know from experience. I just... don’t want hurt the survivors too badly. Not like last time.
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Where did you come from? And why do you stay at the manor?
I... don’t want to talk about where I come from, yet. I’ll probably answer that when the rest of the staff is introduced.
However, I can tell you why I stay at the manor. And just know, the answers I’m giving also applies to the rest of the staff, so I’ll speak in their behalf.
We stayed here because of two reasons:
1. The owner of the manor, our master, needed us for his previous “Game”, and we were the perfect candidate. At that time, all of us were just... still reeling in from our past, with so many emotions stirring inside us, we needed an outlet. We accepted, and we played the game for a long time, letting loose our emotions. It was fine... until one day, something happened that ties with the second reason.
2. We wanted to atone for the most terrible sins that we have committed, even if it was an accident. Even if the master has forgiven us for it and stated that it was inevitable to begin with, we still feel guilty and decided to dedicate our life to him by serving him and helping him out with the current game, hoping that one day, we will free ourselves from the guilt that lingers in us.
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Why is everything so expensive ;-;
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(I’m presuming you’re talking about the Illusion Hall, so that’s what I will be answering.)
Well, the reason that most of the items are expensive is two things: 
1. To use the currencies all of you use to pay to buy stuff.
2. As a way of “payment”.
I’ll explain this more in detailed steps below:
Step 1: Unless with permission from the Master and with supervision from one of the staff, none of the survivors and hunters are to leave the manor, only the staff can. Because of that, I opened up the Illusion Hall as a type of mini-market. After all, I do also sell other stuff besides costumes and accessories, like daily necessities, snacks that is only available here, etc. However, since the manor is in a barren place, I have to go outside to get more items, so I sort it out into two categories: Special Request and Restock. Special Request is for the items that the hunters, survivors, and staff specifically want that I don’t sell at the Illusion Hall. Restock is, well, basically what it means. I have to go restock up on inventory that is almost empty and for the manor.
Step 2: Once I figured out the items, I then reorganize it into a list form that is easy for me to follow and knows which item to get first. Since I have to travel around the world to get all of the items on the list, I also organized it based on the location and the estimated time I should get there, due to time difference.
Step 3: Before I leave, I go to a special place where I can exchange the currencies we use into actual money. I know that the currencies we use is literally a light bulb, a purple crystal, a seal wax, and a golden puzzle pieces, but these currencies kinda has a special value, so they have a high price when exchanging them. Not to mention, the place loves these things, so it’s all good.
Step 4: Once the weekends starts is when I start to travel to buy the items. I do this early in the morning since I’m the only one doing this, so I have to carry a LOT of items. Don’t worry, I take breaks during my flight to restore back energy and I’m stronger then you think. The only time I will need help is if one or more of the items is SUPER F**KING heavy. That’s when I will ask my sister for help. She’s more stronger then me, but the problem is that she doesn’t have high stamina, so I don’t want to ask her too often, only if I have no choice.
Step 5: Once I get all the items, I then restock up on the inventory and give the special requested items to the people that asked for them. After that, the Illusion Hall is open for business!
In summary, the currencies we use is to help me buy the items so that you can get them and to also buy them. Not to mention, I have to travel a lot to get these items, so this is also a way of paying me back.
I know you guys aren’t a bit happy with the price, but the items aren’t cheap, so that’s why I have to do it. I mean, our Master gives us weekly paycheck, but that’s not enough most of the time, so this is the only way. The only time I’ll lower the price is if I have some money leftover after buying all those items and won’t have to worry about running out of inventory.
Hope that answer’s your question!
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Hello there! I am Miss Nightingale! After seeing the survivors and hunters have blogs, I decided to create one as well. With Master’s approval, of course. I wanted this to be a blog for the staff of Oletus Manor, but unfortunately, they will have to join at a later time, so it’s just me for now. Hope I can answer your curiosity!
Mod’s note below: If you’re wondering about her arm sleeves, I decided to make those her actual wings because I wanted to make Miss Nightingale half-harpy (since she has legs of a bird).
As you read, there will be more characters coming soon and they will be part of the Oletus Manor staff. Almost all of them are my OCs, with some of them coming from the game, but a bit vague.
I will alternate between traditional and digital art when answering ask.
I won’t update very often, but I’ll try my best to answer them as fast as I can.
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