ask-makoto-naegi · 5 years
I seen your shower scene in Danganronpa: The Animation. You have a cute butt Makoto~
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“.........w-wait what? Shower... scene?”
“...I know Monokuma wanted to broadcast our crushed hopes but I thought he was at least above... th-that...!”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
How do you handle Christmas & New Year’s parties nowadays?
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“It’s never been quite the same since, well, you know.”
“Not having the family around for it… it hurts, but you’ve just got to pull through.”
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“Even so, this past year’s celebrations were surprisingly in high spirits. We didn’t get the chance to be very festive over the last few years, so it was a pleasant change.”
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“Believe it or not, even Togami decided to stick around for the after party. Sure, it was only for 10 minutes, but we can’t expect too much of a Christmas miracle now can we?…”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
Makoto, what do you think of Kokichi Ôma?
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“Kokichi Ouma?… honestly, I’m not even sure I know myself. He’s certainly… hard to summarise in a few sentences alone, although he’d probably get a kick out of hearing that.”
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“On the exterior Ouma comes off as deceiving and frankly, outright confusing. His keen ability to lie in the face of others is, underhanded for sure but carefully calculated to the point where at times it seems he doesn’t even know if he’s fooling himself or not.”
“Regardless of his methods, at his core Ouma is very crafty and intelligent. Perhaps on the inside, there’s a part of him that’s yearning to reveal how he truly feels… but with his reputation, it would be difficult to convince anyone anyway. 
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“I’ve considered a few theories on this before and I’m definitely leaning more towards him feeling the need to keep up his charade of lying, not necessarily because he wants to, but because at this stage the line he crossed doesn’t exist for him anymore. Almost as if, his perception of truth and lies blend together and the meanings are beyond recognisable…”
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“Of course I don’t have the answers and making up theories like this isn’t exactly a concrete way of going about things… but I figured I’d share my thoughts.”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
"Oh... don't mind him. Ever since he started doing this 'Munatar' schtick, he'd been acting as if he was some kind of god you don't normally meet." --Black Plague "This out of the mouth of the Deadpool wannabe?" --Za Munatar "Ya know, I CAN hear you, asshole!" --Black Plague
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“I’d, uh… like to think that most gods aren’t who you’d typically meet…”
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“…But if you’re telling the truth then it doesn’t sound like he’s harming anyone. Guess I’ll leave him to it…”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
I heard from a little birdie that Kyoko returns your feelings, Naegi. c:
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“…Th-that little birdie sure flaps its wings, huh…”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
*Pop goes the fourth wall* "Wow... not gonna lie, that was... pretty lame. Munatar, what in the actual ass were you doing before we met?" --Black Plague "Black Plague. Here to crash my party?" --Za Munatar "You know it, bitch." *X Gon Give It To You plays* --Black Plague
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“…I guess I’m not quite in on the joke here. Wh-who are you guys exactly?”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
Do you think Junko could of been saved in some way? She's done a lot of unforgivable things but I was wondering your own thoughts on something like that.
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“Everyone has the chance to change at some point, whether it be a small undertaking or a large one.”
“…But in the case of Junko Enoshima, it’s a hard subject to consider.”
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“Supposedly, from a very early age she expressed a genuine dissatisfaction with the world around her. This attitude would only continue to grow as she did. And it was this overbearing feeling that set her despair induced fascination into full swing.”
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“…I can’t begin to tell you just how many times I’ve thought it over and tried to come to understand her and that way of thinking. If it’s true though, then saving someone so far gone would have been… no easy feat.”
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“It was difficult enough trying to talk to the Remnants of Despair, so I could only imagine trying to do the same for the mastermind.”
“A part of me wanted to see Enoshima saved from herself, maybe it was possible… but we’ll never get the chance see for ourselves now.”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
Do not lose dope
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“You know it! We can’t give up the journey. The journey towards a brighter future–”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
Makoto, are you ticklish? Where are you ticklish? 😈😈😈
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“Wh-what makes you think I’d give away information like that so freely?”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
What would you do if you became the tallest and strongest person in school Naegi?
Such awesome power… finally at long last–
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“I… n-nothing really. It would be pretty neat to see things from a new… perspective, literally but I don’t think a whole lot would change.”
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“Oh! Of course other than the fact that Oogami would most likely want to test my strength on a regular basis… yeah, probably for the best that this remain a pipe dream…”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
What was the most embarrassing thing happened to you?
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“Have you got a spare few hours? There’s a list…”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
Hey, Naegi-san. What do you think of Mukuro-san?
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“Mukuro Ikusaba… one half of the ‘Super Highschool Level Despair’…“
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“Despite the… position she was basically forced into, I always believed that she had a pure goodness to her that wasn’t allowed to surface very often.”
“When we were classmates, I remember trying to come to understand her better. Ikusaba was pretty quiet and didn’t draw too much attention to herself, whether that was under her sister’s influence or not, it’s hard to say.”
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“The few times we had the opportunity to talk, I would always take the time to do so. She was a timid girl, but even back then I sensed a will inside her that was bursting with strength… Ikusaba was by no means weak. Outside of this though, when we started chatting, she would loosen up. If we discussed what we were knowledgeable or passionate about, she really was like a different person.”
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“Looking back I truly wish I’d had more of a chance to get to know her, the real her, without the disguises and boundaries. There always seemed like there was way more she wanted to talk to me about… it’s a shame I won’t ever find out. But with what little time we spent together, I cherished those moments with everything I had.”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
Dangan my Ronpa
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“Dangan… Ronpa…? That sounds kinda like an exotic recipe…”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
Have you ever had thoughts on being a dad?
…Th-that’s taking the phrase ‘Spreading the seed of hope’ to a whole new level…
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“W-well maybe it has crossed my mind before… but that’s only normal, right?“
“No, uhh… plans in the meantime though…”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
i don't think i can survive another school year...i'm trying to stay hopeful, but people like me are harshly treated in my area...i don't know how much more i can take, and at this point, death seems much more appealing than trying to fight an uphill battle when all i have is a stick, and everyone else has maces that are on fire, and the hill is also on fire, and also the hill is a fucking mountain. i'm getting tired of it, and i can't take much more...
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“I’m not going to stand here and tell you what you should do, after all what works for some won’t work for everyone and I don’t know the entire situation…”
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“But having said that, the fact that you decided to speak up about it proves how strong you really are. A lot of people will write these problems off and ignore them, but you seem to understand when enough is enough and for that I think you’re very inspiring.”
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“School is never easy and I can assure you that many others have had similar experiences… you’re forced into this position where you feel pressured into making something of yourself, proving your worth to others. Feeling the need to give up when faced with such adversities… it makes sense, you don’t deserve that unnecessary stress.”
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“Despite these critical desires to escape it all though, I honestly, truly believe you have so much more to live for than you could possibly imagine. You might not see it yet, but given time I know you’ll see yourself shine in all the areas you want to. And beyond that there are always things you will overlook… family and support, people who would do anything to see you happy. If you don’t feel you have that, know that I’m always here and willing to offer you the care you need.”
You haven’t given in, regardless of all the struggles you’ve dealt with so far, this is no easy feat… I’m proud of what you’ve accomplished. The only thing left is to keep pushing, even if it’s a bit at a time… but always remember that you’re human and that if the going gets too tough, you can take a break. That’s okay.”
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“Your future really comes down to you. I can offer advice and give you the boost you need but it’s your life, and you should be in control of what awaits. School is a hard period of most people’s lives, some get through it easier than others but what’s important is that in the end, it’s just one chapter of your story… beyond that it could lead anywhere you want. I want you to pursue whatever makes you happy afterwards… so please don’t let school stop you from embracing that.”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
What's the most awkward situation you've ever been in? (BTW I applaud you for being so selfless in willing to sacrifice yourself to let everybody escape.)
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“…Does Fukawa accidentally overwriting our video presentation to the Future Foundation higher-ups during a boardroom meeting count as one?”
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“It doesn’t sound too bad until you realise that what she overwrote it with was titled ‘Deep Allure ~ Young Men’s Passion Hidden Beneath the Duvet’… you could say that it was perhaps a little inappropriate…”
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ask-makoto-naegi · 6 years
Makoto...I want to say I am sorry for your loss I know you cared for Kirigiri, but if know she cared for you too which is why she kept her code secret and she will want you to keep going and overcome this Despair
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“I appreciate the sentiment, I really do. But thankfully things turned out quite different in the end… I’m just glad to be able to continue this fight for hope with her by my side.”
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