*recites the digits of pi I've memorized* 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460 *grins, slightly out of breath* looks like I left a sweet pi in your ask box.
...I bet you just copy pasted that 
Don’t Ctrl V your puns randomly 
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please God tell me lucius has a crush on daddy
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{It’s pretty obvious}
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calling luciano a weakling is probably not a good idea.
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To be fair, I didn’t even come close to insulting him compared to what he said
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'' You know what is my favorite thing? Putting men as haughty, big, and strong as yourself into submission .That is quite the view. Because only then they realize who they really are and what are they really good at.''
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Тебе лучше знать свое место, слабак
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would you be up for role play in fursuits???
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{ no }
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~very smol anon~ *rolls onto lap* daddyyyy I want attentionnnn! >~
You have my attention deary, what do you want? Cuddles? Kisses? Candy?
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Hey!!! I was wondering if you roleplay? I mean if you want to
{ Yes I do! Message me and tell me what you have in mind and we’ll see how it goes! }
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But daddy! Babygirl has been good! *hides sex toys* See? I've been a good little kitten!
Liar liar, hips on fire
Touching yourself and lying in my face?
How does that make you a good kitten hrm?
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New anon here~ Mind explaining what's been going on Mr. Ivan?
I need more income and I have an angsty teen nephew who hates me, I enjoy being a model but this little boy keeps cock blocking my career
That’s what’s been going on
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daddy, would you want lucius to be one of your littles?
Imaging a cat hissing at a spray bottle
that cat would be me
and Lucius the god damned spray bottle
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Lucius is cute, but Russian daddy is the best ;) Right daddy? ♡
Oh thank you sweetheart, finally someone who have some sense!
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I love Lucius!!! He looks like such a sweetheart. Don't you think, Daddy?
Yeah, a sweetheart that takes every job opportunity away from you
He has talent, sure, but he doesn’t have to come and gloat in my face
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Daddy do you have any rivals? Or someone you compete against to?
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Sunshine boy, no.1 model of the Hetalia modeling company -Lucius
God someone give me a pair of sun glasses I’m going blinded by his brightness
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*Puckers lips for Daddy, has a chocolate kiss there too*
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Oh I’m intrigued baby, let me kiss and bite those pretty lips of yours?
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i cant tell if youre straight or not please help im confused
Im a pan :D!
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