OMG, I'm so happy you came back!!!yay :3
technically I’m not back. I’m just here to announce that I’m alive but in another blog qwq
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Uhm Hi everyone.
As you all may notice, this blog has been dead for almost a year now. Or isi it already a year? I lost count but, forgive me, the last message that I gave out was I was sick after all.
I’m fine don’t worry. Life happened and it was nothing major but I did in fact got busier, to the point I ignored tumblr altogether and just opt to posting stuffs on ig. I find it easier that way.
I’m back though but, I’m not even sure that I’m going to come back to this blog because I’ve moved fandoms. Don’t worry I still love me some bnha but the community is slowly driving me away. I’m getting annoyed and before I go and get myself involve inside a fight, I’d rather back out. I’m a hot head you see.
I’m more active in instagram and in my main tumblr account, sorumegane13. It’s not bnha but lately I’ve been so obsessed with Final Fantasy XV. The game ruined me and I need my 4 boys and princess to be a happy bunch. So I indulge myself in a lot of FFXV fanfics and fanarts. Polyship Roadtrip is the way to go!
Thank you so much for following this blog and I am so glad that I at least managed to make some of you happy with this ask blog. I’m not confident enough to return to this blog and I think I will never be.
But you all are welcome to visit @sorumegane13 or my instagram: cookieartsy.
Once again, thank you everyone. You guys encouraged me to improve on one of my lacking skills.
patience on drawing. Drawing takes time and I’m usually very fast and messy. But you all helped me become patient because I want to deliver the best I can. (Albeit the Deku drawing seems messy here forgive me for that it’s quite late here.)
I welcome you all to my main. Do drop by inside the ask box there! It’s open! I’ll try to answer if I can!
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BNHA 169
Todoroki: *interested in classical pieces and plays violin, piano, cello*
Todoroki: *grabs mic and screams* WaA a A AaAu!! *epic guitar solo*
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Sorry about the sudden disappearance guys quq! I have been much more active in my ig lately, doodling and getting hype about Devilman Crybaby. I started college again so I'm suffering because we are being shoved straight into practicals and assigments hell qnq! Please please please forgive me for that! Its not like Im abandoning this blog! I just dont know how to return back here as of right now quq.
If you want to visit me you can drop by in my ig: cookieartsy
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((Weee.. uh.. Mun is sick right now so please forgive me quq…))
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M: Bye Yagi-san, mom. We're moving to League of Leg-- v ILLAINS.
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((*muffled screaming and crying* guys guys guys! Look at this! This is adorable and I cannot even handle qwq! This is my buddy's part of the art trade and I have to say shy makes deku cute and creepy at the same time that it's perfect qnq! Thank you so much!!))
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my part of the art trade with my friend @ask-stalkerdeku i really hope you like it! 
here’s their part of the art trade - link
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((Aaaaaye look! It has 69 likes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)))
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Izuku: *is walking, having a great time and smiling*
Katsuki: *sticks leggy out*
Izuku: *falls and crai* Kacchan w A I--
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To the girl with the pictures, I sorta expected the "I'm gay" response
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you forgot the eyebrows
((That was on purpose so that you’d feel uncomfortable))
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((Are You???))
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step on me daddy
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What if a cute new girl got transferred into your class and started to spend more and more time with you, until she admitted to stalking you. And right after she says that, she was shaking so much in fear that the stack of pictures that she had hidden in her pocket dropped out and scattered all on the floor, and every single one was a picture of your facial expressions. And then she confesses to having an extreme crush on you after picking the pictures up off the floor. How would you react?
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M: ….
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M: …. O-Okey..
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A-ar-re yo-ou sure those p-pi-pic-pictures are of me????
M: in a state of severe disbelief right now.
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M: Y-yes! A-another successful s-shot of Kac-Kacchan! He’s bea-beauti-tiful as al-always...
Izubun: Nice pictuwe of Momma!
((HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS!! It’s already 2018 y’all qAq!!))
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BNHA Chap 164
Expectation of Shouto: good dad kid, knows how to handle them despite being awkward, gentle, soft, caring.
Kids: 5 PEEPEEMAN!!!!
Shouto: for god's sake they're bOTTLES FOR MEDICI--
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Did you know that Christmas was a pagan holiday that the Christians kidnapped and forced to become christian?
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((I am speechless…?? Don’t force but choose…?? QAQ))
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