ask-suicune · 8 hours
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That seems about right for Zantzu! Going to towns and trying things, not knowing the coffee amounts and all!
(And almost out of my hiatus btw!)
(Ok, fun headcannon thing but for your characters. Put your characters into this: https://perchance.org/character-headcanon-generator-by-outergirlsound
And reblog with the first result. If you draw something with it, bonus points there. I laughed so much at this. Accurate.)
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ask-suicune · 5 days
I may not be an artist at all, but fuck ai. Im saying that simple. If you really want to make art, pick up the pencil. I am horrible at drawing but I can say I put my heart and soul into it. Plain and simple.
Every time I report a bot another one appears and now they’re also posting stolen art fed through an Ai generator, the same one taken right off my deviantart
Fuck AI generating pictures, AI is not art, AI is garbage and theft and anyone who believes it is art can unfollow me right now because I will only speak more unkindly about AI from here on out
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ask-suicune · 11 days
Ok, good new finally for me, things are finally getting back on track from the looks, gotten closer to a new job and all! So maybe I might see my return possibly near the end of this year. See you then possibly!
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ask-suicune · 22 days
simple thing short, im taking an indefinite hiatus atm so i can try and cope with what is going on in life, with the constant pressure of my parents, the need to find another extra job to help on both sides and just the lack of motivation since whatever i do fall on blind eyes. when will i return? idk at this point. see you all ig.
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ask-suicune · 1 month
so...well...im just going to make this quick.
its just with what happened today...
the situation with my parents just gotten...so much worse. my father has been trying so many tactics to get my little sister into his custody, mostly to spite her. hes been spreading lies and trying to get as much dirt on my mom and its just....awful. over the past month, he has been taking me to places to 'catch up' but after what happened today, i just feel like he only did that to get info out of me. i dont know how im feeling...betrayed? anger? confusion? i dont know anymore and i feel like punching a hole in my wall. i dont think my family is ever going to be the same and all, i just dont know how to...respond to such acts....
what am i supposed to do without hurting both sides. i cant spend time with my mom otherwise he will give up on our connection but if i spend time with him, it can really hurt my mom emotionally and mentally with how he tries to make me his camera of sorts.
im just...stuck in this hole....not knowing how to fix it....
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ask-suicune · 1 month
Wait I have a crush? Thought that day wont happen!
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Zantzu seems to have a crush on Shummi!
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ask-suicune · 1 month
This is me. Your probably wondering now it all started....
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Feel free to use, or message me for more banners
yes, I'm self-aware thank you
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ask-suicune · 1 month
"I will charish and protect this little blueberry with my life. I promise that!"
(Munday ask: Zantzu and Mochi. I can feel Zantzu can become great friends with them!)
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(No longer accepting these!) Yours if you’d like her!
Galette is named for a blueberry dessert and is similarly sweet and little bit tart. She definitely has a sarcastic side, but she’s generally pretty reserved and maybe a little anxious. Being a legend hybrid carries a lot of responsibility, and she isn’t quite sure what her destiny will bring.
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ask-suicune · 1 month
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Oh dang. I didnt realized this. Well...umm...I got nothing.
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ask-suicune · 2 months
So...I will have to close the hunger games event due to unfortunate timing on my side of things, needing to pay for dentist bills and full time college started for me. I really wanted to do it since it looked fun but the small amount of submissions along with timing, I had to shut it down. I know not much will read or care but just had to say it. Have a good August.
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ask-suicune · 2 months
Hey Suicune how are you doing? You are my favorite legendary water type pokemon and the one who got me into the pokemon franchise in the first place and I do thank you for being an amazing and aswom pokemon. So my question for you is what do you think of electric type Pokemon? And what is your opinion on Manectric? I've always have wondered that and I would love to hear what you have to say .
"Names Zantzu and Im doing well! Thanks for thinking Suicunes are your favorite legendary! And what do I think about electric types? I think that it all depends on who they are and are they are friendly. Pichus are very friendly but cant control their stored up electicity so still friendly but need to be cautious. And Manectric? Just another dog pokemon who loves to zoom around...but faster! Hehe!"
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ask-suicune · 2 months
"I've gotten word that you are a legendary creature, and yet, you seem to be mediocre compared to the wonders of the universe. Or even this very planet, for that matter."
"Hey! Im not that mediocre! There are those who are...well...don't want to say. Thats too rude."
Zantzu pouted while sitting on top of a pond to relax on this hot day.
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ask-suicune · 2 months
"So...I talked with the orginizers of the event...and they agreed to postpone it to the end of july...so...a-at least the co-host wont get me yet for wasting their time..."
Zantzu chuckled nervously before sitting at a wooden sign up booth, waiting for new sign-ups.
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ask-suicune · 2 months
@asktheisle (thanks for hosting the giveaway and for making such an amazing story)
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Meet Junifer. A Reshiram thats connected to realms of the unknown(space) that watch over the stars.
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ask-suicune · 2 months
Zantzu and a co-host was there to get ready to start the hunger games before checking how many participants will be in it...before seeing only...4.....
"What you mean you only convinced four people?"
"I-I tried to search for others!"
"Who's going to watch this event if it ends within a day or two! It needs to be spectacular, show lots of flare, drama, backstabbing moments! You think it will happen with just four? Ugh. I quit!!" The co-host left the building, leaving the suicune alone
"U-Uh...I..." Zantzu was left speechless before turning to the contestants. "I...dont know if I should postpone or cancel it..."
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ask-suicune · 2 months
Alright. Decided for tomorrow to set up an offical birthday hunger games made by yours truly! So make sure if you want to sign up your ocs for some good fun!*
*Disclamer, OCs might not have fun and might find a bad death in hunger games. They'll will all come back to life after the event is over and will remember what happened.
And might get a special reward from the suicune himself...might be good...might be lazy...who knows!
If you want to enter, please repost with your oc and will be entered. Entries will be cut off at July 15th! So dont be a fool, stay in....wait wrong phrase...but you know what to do.
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ask-suicune · 3 months
Going in for that Zekrom.
Year 5 Anniversary Giveaway!
Design giveaway was the winner for the poll I did a while back, so here we are!
As we all know it's Year of the Dragon too, and as it's necessary for me to lean in on that this whole year-the designs are all legendary dragons heheh
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In order we have an Egyptian Regalia themed Rayquaza, an Aurora Rayquaza, a Supernova Reshiram, a Comet Kyurem, and a Jovian Lightning Zekrom!
The 5 winners will be pulled on July 16th, 3PM EST. I'll contact each one in order of their pull, and from there the next person picks from the remaining designs and so forth.
As for rules!
enter by reblogging, likes will not count
new followers welcomed! just don't follow for the giveaway and then jump out
if you win you're allowed to do a bit of edits on the design, but don't change it too much
do not sell the design for monetary value, trade if you so wish
you can gain up to 2 extra entries if you write in the tags your favorite dragon type and/or your favorite moment from this blog so far, for a total of 3 entries!
Thanks for the support on this blog for all this time, I remember going into this and not expecting much and man has that changed <33 So much has happened both in plot and my life, and we still got a ways to go! Here's to the next adventure, and thanks to all of you for sticking with me and traveling alongside me. It means the world <33
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