I Broke My Oath I'm so sorry guys
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"I'm a piece of shit for abandoning you guys again FUCK I am so sorry, life has just constantly been barging into my time and I forgot for the longest time about this account, I am so so so sorry.... I understand if you guys hate me, but I'm here, I am still here"
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I'd like to say this before I go
I'm not perfect, I'm just as human as the rest of you
I would love to help each and every one of you but sometimes things like sleep get in the way of that and I'm sorry
Yes this is a help blog and I do my best to have my ask open for you to come to me and for me to help you but unfortunately in the end you are the only ones who can change your mind to not cut or hurt yourself or kill yourself....
I feel guilty when I have to get off and someone is struggling and I try to help but sometimes I can't be the only thing to stop you guys, I love you all, you're all beautiful and I am here to help but please understand I can only do so much
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Here's the dealio I've gotta get some Zzzzs
If you need my cell number shoot me a message off of anon, I would normally stick it up for the world to see but I'm a bit too paranoid for that atm
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Nothing make me happy anymore and that's what really scares me. I just sit around miserable and it's scary. I'm so scared. I wish I could get in a car crash or be murdered or get cancer so that other people wouldn't blame themselves. I just want to disappear quietly.
is there anything I can do to help? I really honestly am running out of answers to help you, but I really don't want you to kill yourself
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I can't fucking breathe. I just had a panic attack. I am so fucked up and I fuck everything up and Jesus fucking Christ, why is it so difficult to feel happy. Every night after 11, it just hits me. I can't function. Now it's after six in the morning and I still can't sleep and I'm ready to die.
Its difficult to be happy because the world and society outline a expectation of what happiness is when happiness is whatever a person makes it out to be, its truly a matter of perspective, I want you to do me a favor, think of something small that makes you happy and if you can manage to do that thing or find that thing right now do it, look at it or listen to it or imagine it, the smallest bit of happiness is important, it doesn't take the world and to be happy love, and I'm sorry if I just got all philosophical on you but its true and in my defense its half past 5 in the morning and I've yet to sleep too so I'm sounding crazy, Insomnia is a bitch I know I suffer from it too....but can I tell you something? you've made it this far I know you can keep going
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You know something, I'm willing to give out my cell number to anyone who needs it
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I would rather someone just tell me that it's okay if I need to take my life. I'm way too fucking miserable to go on like this.
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"Sweetheart its not ok though, its really not...I know I'm a stranger and I don't know what you're going through but please don't do it, I am certain that if you relax and you breathe and you rethink it a bit and distract yourself and even just talk about it, things will get better"
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I'm going to kill myself if someone doesn't pretend to care right fucking now. I have what I need, I'm gonna do it.
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"I'm not pretending, I actually do care so please don't do it, whatever you need to talk about please vent to me, talk to me, I'm here"
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"I don't work well with others on blogs, I'm too selfish with things I've done the work on and I can't trust someone to come in here and answer the questions the right way or not to make someone cry or something, that may make me sound like a bitch but its just...this blog is one of my babies and out of the many many blogs ive made and deleted this one is still kicking so I can't have an admin on here cus this is my baby"
Here's my Oath to you guys
Have you ever thought about getting an admin?
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Here's my Oath to you guys
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"I know I have been a shit help blog with my absences for such long periods of time so here is my oath to you guys from now on, I will check this blog and answer all questions at least once a week, that is what I can guarantee, I will try to check things once daily but I cannot guarantee that so much as I can the once a week part, please forgive me for my past absences and know I love you all, you are all beautiful and perfect and I will be here"~Sylvia Mun
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How do I overcome self harming
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"I can't cure you of it but I can give you a list of helpful things to distract yourself if thats alright, if you feel the urge to do it, draw on yourself instead ORRR my favorite method, I'm childish I color in colorbooks and blare music in my headphones, drown out the world and focus on coloring, I know it sounds stupid but it may help you, if not I'd say try to go out with friends as much as you can, try new things, start a hobbie, just Distraction is key"
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I dont self harm or have ever attempted suicide.But everyday i have no spirit in living. Like whenever i cross the road in my head it's like "Ooh cars i wonder will i die if one of em hit me i dont mind at all." What the hell is wrong with me, sylvia
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"You do that too? I do that all the time, its normal actually, its normal to wonder what it would be like to die, I honestly think that everyone has the curiosity of death...has for the no spirit thing, I suggest you find little things daily that you like to do, just try and do something for yourself every day to make yourself feel better"
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