Moving Blogs!
Hello all and welcome to the jsegos 2: electric boogaloo, featuring one writer and all the same characters, moved to @ask-the-jsegos leaving all the beloved old plot here for people to enjoy as they wish.
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You’ll never be rod of us, Marv :3
The familiar VHS-quality security camera acting as your eyes displays a crowd of people, surrounding... You aren't quite sure what. It's a familiar purple glow, but you have to get closer to figure it out.
The camera quality shifts. The world becomes clearer. You're on the phone of an observer now, the back camera facing the performer.
It's Marvin.
You try to latch back onto his phone, but it's still powered off. You can hear him, at least. He sounds jovial, but empty. He doesn't enjoy this like he once did, acting a part only to get money, no longer finding pride in his work.
His performance ends soon, and the phone you're latched on to turns off. You manage to linger, latching onto Marvin- onto his magic- and the world turns purple, blurry, like you're underwater.
You notice someone give Marvin a rose, before dissapearing. Then the scene dissolves, magic unable to keep you there any longer, and you're simply left to wonder about the stranger and the gift.
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doot doot
Oh! Chaos? Yes.
What's hapening upstairs? -Chase (Bowtie!)
The familiar ping! of a message is the only acknowledgement you get. You go upstairs anyways, finding your way to Jackie's phone, left face-down on the floor. The screen camera shows the carpet, but switching to the actual camera provides more detail. Henrik is rocking on her heels, bright smile barely visible from the angle, pestering Jackie with questions. Jackie is more muffled, speaking reluctantly, softly. The two lapse into silence, save Henrik's humming, and Jackie picks you up.
"...The fuck kind of question is that?"
Jackie's irrate confusion is on full display, and Henrik's curiosity soon joins, looking over his shoulder so they can see.
"That's... certainly something. We were just talking, if you must know."
Henrik backs away again, and Jackie drops the phone. The camera faces the ceiling. All you can do is listen.
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You hear the pounding of footsteps, the heavy breathing and mumbled curses, trapped in one device. Then you shift, and you can see. The brighly colored figure- Bro Average -is running over rooftops, searching desperately for someone. For Áinle.
You shift somewhere closer, following, camera to camera, as he runs. There's too much noise, but none of it matters, only the chase. You have to know what happens. You always have to know.
BA skids to a stop, sirens blaring, and changes his course. Still, you follow, watching through whatever cameras could be found. Where was he going?
You stop at a building, surrounded by police cars, and then you're inside. Shouting crackles through the shitty security cameras, hostages huddled crying in a corner, several people watching while the others loot the building.
BA sneaks in, going around the building, to reach the innocents. One, two, three guards down- he shushes the hostages and moves on. His gun rings out, maiming one, and the other two tackle him.
A bystanders drags one off, and BA takes care of the second, then everthing is quiet.
Faintly, you hear them talking.
"Who are you?"
"Bro Average! Visting for a bit, thought you needed help."
"Do you know where Jackieboy-man is?"
"Uhm, BA tenses, "not exactly. Anyways, I need to leave- I've got a dumbass to track down."
He flees, running past the entering cops, and as always, you follow.
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Marv wherest the fuck did you go?
The ding! of the message is the only thing heard for a moment. The camera is obscured from being in a pocket.
"The fuck-?"
The world shifts, and Marvin comes into view.
"...I thought I got rid of you."
He holds the power button, selecting the "shut down" option, and then, there's nothing.
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woah woah woah what the fuck, Anti? Guys downstairs, did you hear that? -🟢 Anon
"Loud and clear," Chase mumbles, tensed up as he glances over the message.
Henrik seems irritated, more at being broken from eis concentration than anything else, and BA is... focused?
Chase follows his gaze. They shift as they do so, obscuring the camera on accident, and let out a soft oh of realization.
Footsteps, heavy and hurried, the slamming of a door, and BA calling out for Áinle follow. The door opens again, slams again, and heavy breathing can be heard.
The phone falls, now showing Chase's panic as they begin hyperventilating. Henrik comes into view, trying to calm them. Slowly, they do, catching their breath, and Henrik heads off, noise coming from the kitchen as Chase crumbles once more into themself, distraught.
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So Anti, got any secret plans? All the cool kids are sharing their secret plans.
Anti scoffs at the computer upon seeing the message. "Right... Because I'd definitely share my plans with someone I know wants to see me fail." He picks up his phone, dialing a number and shutting the computer down.
"Good fucking GOD, what does he want now?" Jackie mumbles to himself when he hears his phone ring, leaning over to grab it. The note on his bedside table catches his eye, and he almost smiles. Any lightness about him quickly drains when he answers the phone, listening to Anti talk about next steps.
"Okay let me stop you right there. Marvin's gone, how do you plan on getting him back? If you're gonna have a plan at least think the most important part through."
A really long pause, Jackie's reaction barely showing any emotion at first. The longer he listens, the more he starts to... no. He's not worried about anything. He and Anti are the strongest people in this house, by far. Especially when they're on the same team. Right? There's no way anything could go wrong? His face falls, going from stoic to a contorted version of concern within seconds.
"I don't think trying to take Ái-"
This part could probably be heard by everyone, Anti practically shouting through the phone, so loud that there's an echo from where he actually is in the house. "Don't you DARE disagree with me. I'm right and you know it. Did you forget what I told you before? You're worth nothing without me now. You made your choice, and now I'm the only one who wants anything to do with you. Not even your precious magnificent wanted to stay once he came to his senses."
There's a click, and Jackie's left in silence again. He's stuck in his position for a while, sitting cross-legged on his bed with his phone to his ear. It's as if he's waiting for him to call back. When he doesn't, he moves the phone from his ear, dropping it to the floor.
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Chase... You seem so distraught for someone who didn't even try their hardest. It's your fault that Marvin ran off. You could have kept him with you, distracted him. Like everyone else does when you.... Hm. I'll be quiet now, but... think on it. -Cloud Anon
Henrik- Hen? Chase hasn't found a good name for him yet, but it doesn't really matter, because their Henrik is still puppeted. Henrik had finished talking about how parallel universes work- with a lot of side-tracked rambling- and Chase had sat down for a minute to breathe.
This was a lot.
Their phone went off, startling them, and their irritated glare slipped into barely-contained guilt as they scanned the ask.
Right. Yeah, he'd...
He'd let this happen, hadn't he? He watched when they all fell, and now he was watching it happen all over again.
Henrik and BA were deep in conversation, Henrik absorbed in xir phone. Something about the anons being odd, knowing too much, but they couldn't focus into the conversation properly.
"Hey. Hey, Chase?"
"Mh? Oh, hey."
Áinle grabbed the phone, glaring at it, hissing slightly.
"Jesus fuck."
Chase withers into themself, taking back their phone.
"It's nothing, Áinle, just- just leave it."
He frowns at that, but doesn't press. Chase sighs, turning the phone screen off and placing his head in their hands.
This person... however brutal they are... They're right. He could have prevented this. He could have sat with Marvin, kept up conversation...
He could have been useful.
But he wasn't. He did the bare minimum, then stepped back. He shouldn't have let Marvin be alone! Based on the state he was in when they found him, Chase should have done so much more. But he didn't.
He's never been useful in his life, have they? Always the one being helped, never returning the favor.
His thoughts grind to a halt as he looks over at this new Henrik and BA, musing over the phone Hen is holding. He stands up, looking over BAs shoulder.
Seeing the mention of the other person who was with Henrik... He mumbles a name under his breath, then turns away, sitting back down and contemplating again.
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Sorry for the small texts and lots of images fellas, but here’s another canon event from our discord server, this time featuring our newcomer Henrik and a long time follower/friend of admins :D TLDR; Henrik learns about pretty much everything that’s ever happened in this universe, plans to raid Marvin’s room to figure out the inner workings of this specific universe. 
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jfc, another HENRIK too? what the hell is going on? -tomato anon
Áinle grumbles, annoyed, at the message ping.
"The fuck is this going to me for?"
Chase looks over his shoulder, shrugging, just as confused as the asker.
"Henrik! Some fuck wants an explanation."
Henrik- previously absorbed in the phone he stole from BA -looks up and glares.
"On what?"
Chase makes a vague gesture, answering before Áinle gets the chance, "Everything?"
"Ah. Fair enough then. I'm Henrik, any pronouns. Áinle, Chase- not you, mine- and I are from a different universe."
BA nods along, staring happily at Henrik, despite already knowing all this.
"Okay, I caught that, but, uh, how? Why?"
Chase laughs, threading his hand through his hair, and Áinle gives him a look of concern.
"Bastard stranded us here in the middle of a fight," he answered.
"Marvin had the upper hand, it was a jusified retreat!"
Henrik crosses vaer arms, and BA pats her shoulder.
"Oh fuck, Marvin!"
Chase groans, inturrupting the developing argument.
"Oh, right!" BA whacks his forehead, finishing his counterpart's thought, half directing it at Henrik, "This Marvin ran off, Jackie's corrupt, and nobody has a fucking clue where the other three are off to."
He yelps, a newspaper hitting his face as he finishes the exclamation. Hen looks from him to Áinle, who has inched away from the fallen newspaper. Henrik picks it up again.
"Are you two incapable of staying out of trouble?"
Chase snickers. This Henrik is familiar, but different. They just hope to get their Henrik back.
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Falling from the ceiling wasn't on Henrik's plans, but Hen couldn't really complain. Not when Chase was there, helping them up with a bright grin. After a few seconds of mumbling- her way of gathering her thoughts -Hen had the presence of mind to ask about Anti.
"Upstairs moping with, uh, other Chase. And, he's going by Áinle right now."
Hen hums in acknowledgement, looking around curiously. The century was close to their own, so that was a relief. Having its friends stuck in feudal times would've been disastrous.
"That nemisis of yours is causing too many problems for us to keep up with, Chase."
"Oh-" he winced, scratching his neck "-shit. Right. Sorry, its a mess over here, the bitch witch kinda slipped my mind."
She shrugs, back to mumbling to herself, but only for a moment.
"...what the fuck?"
"Chase, I presume?"
Hen looked over the stranger, frozen at the stairs, and then over to his Chase. This might get confusing.
"Uh- yeah. Yeah, that's. That's me."
Hen's Chase (what an odd thought, for Chase to be theirs- but it was nice, somehow) laughed nervously, looking between the two. There was too much tension, and quite clearly, none of them knew how to fix that.
"So the fucker came back for us!"
Áinle poked his head in, then came down the stairs as Hen replied.
"I wasn't about to leave you idiots stranded."
"Uh-huh, sure thing, universe boy. Chase, you good?"
Áinle stopped by them, shaking their shoulder.
"Fair enough."
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"I'm workin' on it, get off my dick about it." Jackie grumbles, sitting up on the side of his bed, taking a bite out of the apple and letting his thoughts wander.
They wander to Marvin almost immediately, and he thinks about how he broke from Anti's grasp. He's glad to see Marvin out of this, there's no way anyone would have been able to see him like that for much longer. He.... He's a bit jealous. The second he picks up on the fact that he's jealous, his powers go a little haywire for a second, accidentally shocking him. He brushes it off as a coincidence, but thinks some more, ending up fixated on what Anti said when he told him Marvin escaped. He's thinking about it a lot.
If it's true, why can't he let it go? He usually accepts truth pretty easily...
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Jackie! How are you now?
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Jackie wakes to the light of his phone on his bedside table- wait... why is he here in the first place? Shit... He must have passed out...
He mumbles to himself, complaining about how he "can't get rid of these fuckin people askin questions all the time." Picking up his phone, he reads the notifications. They're all worried about him. Why?
.....He doesn't deserve it anymore.
"Jesus... I'm fine, okay? I haven't really gotten a chance to eat much, and it must have caught up to me!"
He puts his phone down and picks up the apple and note left on the table. He chuckles at the note, and the rat doodle, a strange mixture between genuine and annoyed. He sits there for a bit, thinking about why anyone would help him out, other than Anti, who definitely didn't write that note.
He thinks about what Anti said. I'm the only one you have left. Nobody else would want you.
If that's right... Who wrote the note?
He pushes his mask up off of his face for a moment, rubbing his eyes, then puts it back down to pick up the apple and make an attempt at eating.
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Jamie! Oh-
(from chase (bowtie))
"Did you think you'd get him back? Really?"
Anti laughs, his precious p̴̂͘ȗ̷͋p̷̃͝p̴̋͝e̷͒̈́t̵͆̆s̵͛̐ emotionless in the background,
"He might be alive, but he'll always be m̷̂̓i̶̫̚n̵͆̒e̵͆̈́."
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hey, what the fucks up with the wrist thing? i sure fuckin hope im wrong in my suspicions. -knife anon,
"It's nothing-!"
He snaps, cutting off his sentence with a sharp intake of breath, closing his eyes as if to ward something off. After a second of silence, he opens his eyes again, speaking low and deliberately. His voice shakes just a moment, clearly upset by the entire situation.
"Given what just happened with Jackie, I think you can fucking guess."
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Chase, Bro Average, and Áinle are in the middle of discussing Jameson's situation. Chase and Bro Average are, at least. Áinle is still... distracted. They're getting nowhere, really, when they're interrupted by a loud thump from somewhere upstairs.
Áinle is the first to notice, and based on what he just found out about Jackie, he takes a guess on what just happened. It doesn't take anything else for him to get up and check on him, and find that he was right.
Jackie's passed out on the floor of what can only be described as a junk room. An eclection of computers, boxes, some exercise equipment- recently used, Áinle presumes- and just... stuff.
"Jesus..." Áinle mumbles to himself. He goes to move Jackie, expecting to need some help. But he's light. Disturbingly light, especially for someone with powers... Áinle has a jealous moment, but tries to shrug it off. He's not sure if it works. He pulls Jackie up and ends up carrying him firefighter-style to his room, which is, thankfully, just across the hall. He gently throws him off of his back and onto the bed, making sure he's in a semi-comfortable position.
He thinks for a bit, wishing someone cared for him like this. Hell, he just met Jackie and cares for him more than his own partner cares about him...
Shut your fuck, Anti. Jackie's more important. You can wallow later, asshole.
He shakes himself, then heads downstairs to talk to Chase.
"Hey! You know your Jackie has an eating disorder, right?" Chase's eyes widen a bit. Not out of confusion, but fear and concern.
"God, you're kidding me... He was doing so well- but, with..." They sigh. "Is... Is he okay, at least?"
"Highly fucking doubt it, considering I found him unconscious in your goddamned junk room!" Áinle snaps, emotional for no reason Chase can see, "Does he have any safe foods? Things he'll eat no matter what?"
"Uh... Yeah, yeah one second, there's- there's a list somewhere." Chase gets up and rummages through the kitchen drawers, eventually finding a piece of paper.
"Here-! Uh, the higher up on the list it is, the more likely it is that he'll actually, y'know, eat it."
Áinle nods, looking the list over for a second then grabbing the first thing: an apple. It's not much, but it's better than nothing and it's hard enough to manage that some days. He knows the feeling.
He grabs a sticky note out of the same drawer, puts the list back, and nods at Chase as a thank-you. BA is giving him a suspicious look, but that's a problem for another time. When he gets back to Jackie, he quickly scribbles a note on the sticky, and a stupid doodle of a rat, out of habit.
"Eat, dimwit. Something is better than nothing at all."
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Chase comes out of his room, met with a completely empty downstairs. Only a small, crumpled note on the table. He picks it up, noticing that the wrinkles are perfectly in line with how he's holding the page. He isn't the first person to read this. 
The handwriting is sloppy cursive, very clearly Marvin's handwriting. But it's different, like he was scared, or in a rush... Finally getting around to reading, Chase mouths the words on the page to themself. 
 "To anyone who may care, I'm leaving. And I don't know if I'll come back. Everything that's happened... With Anti, with Jackie... It's all my fault. And I can't carry this guilt surrounded by those I hurt. 
 I'm sorry."
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