I know I’m not active but I will be soon, so, yeah, I will not except intolerance, and no, religion is not an excuse.
–Not to go on the offensive, just in light of some disappointing news I’d like to ask anyone/everyone to not interact if you’re in any way against LGBTQ+ creators and our content.
It’s impossible to refuse to “condone [our] lifestyle” and still respect us as people at the same time. 
You do not get to pick both– we are not for you to condone. Thank you for your time.
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*the smol vocoloid looks up at Luki* Uwaa! Luki-Kun is pretty ! Hugs ? :3
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“Thank you young lady! You’re very pretty too!”
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"Do you like cats or dogs more..? Or maybe another animal instead?" (Asktheflowerhana)
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“Cats are great and all but I love dogs!”
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do u have a crush
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random quotes from luki
‘‘never have I’ve been more terrified of an ‘uno’ box’‘
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Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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‘‘Meet me there if you’d like!’‘
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You’ve just received a random envelope in the mail!
Open the Envelope to find an invitation.. it says:
“Come one Come all to the most loving event of the year! 
February is fast approaching and in order to bring this family together, a special event is being hosted on Event Hill near the Len, Rin and Luka Family homes! come one come all to chat with long time friends and get along with everyone you meet!
Come one Come All to the Vocatines 2019 celebration of friendship!
Valentines is normally the romantic time of year, so if you have dates, don’t be shy! However Vocatines isn’t about romance, it’s about creating bonds and making friends! The trick however.. is that during this formal masquerade ball, you won’t have a clue who your new friend is until the end of the event! The attire will be formal alongside a mask to hide your muse’s identity. However you are allowed to have muses already know each other’s identities if you want, you can also be more casually formal if your muse doesn’t like to be cramped in a dress or suit, experiment with outfits!
On the final night of Vocatines, one must remove their mask in order to reveal themselves and thus gain new friends and stronger bonds! : )”
Vocatines will begin February 1st and then on until the end of the month. Attendees are allowed to leave anytime they want of course. 
Scheduled events are as follows!
Just like Octoberloid which was a big inspiration for this btw <3 none of these have to be followed in order, you can do whatever you want at anytime. : )
First Week - Dress/Suit and Mask reveals! Remember to hide their identities! that is if you want to. : ) They can also go get snacks if they want ; )
Second Week - Small little party games are brought out and the fun truly begins! Many of these games are pair games/events, such as photobooths, memory games, Karaoke, and with the music starting, everyone can dance to some more relaxed music and chat!
Third Week - The Week Of Valentines, the more romantic week, more friendly and/or younger guests don’t have to participate and can continue the party games and candy munching! However if you do intend to be romantic.. slow dancing has begun and the stars are suddenly stunning.. maybe have a chat on the balcony or take a stroll out back?
Final Week - If you haven’t exchanged gifts with anyone do it now! Treats and small party favors will be on a table by the door as you walk out! However before you do, it’s time to remove your mask and reveal who you are to the people you’ve met! The ultimate goal of Vocatines is to create new friendships! <3
( Thank you Thank you so much if you end up doing this!! I was actually really nervous to post this idea but I was super inspired by how fun Octoberloid was and how awesome it was to see the community come together! I hope everyone enjoys this! I’ve been thinking about this for a while! - ACP )
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places a smol flower with my fornite username attached to it on the table wink wink
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“I can just give you my number if you’d like. though I’d have to check my phone as for some reason I can’t remember it…“
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Like/reblog for an ask from Hana!
Vocaloid only please!
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"May I sit with you? If this seat is open of course~." -ask-yohio-loid
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“You’re always welcome here.”
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luki ur such a handsome lad. whats ur fave coffee wink wonk
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“Favorite coffee, eh?”
“I like mine black, hehe. I’m weird.”
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“Take a seat, let’s chat for a bit.” 
Ask Blog For Luki Megurine! Please leave some asks!
EDIT; here’s a link to my discord server too
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