ask-toto-and-co · 12 days
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ask-toto-and-co · 12 days
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"I just... can't. It needs to change and it needs to change now. Iv tried for months to work something together- to craft some kind of reason, some event to take place so things would flow more naturally. But..." the Jirachi sighs "everything I think of ether doesn't work or would take too long. All my other options would require continuing things the way they are currently or starting over completely, nether of which im very keen on doing" "I know its... way to early for something like this, but I fear my hands are rather tied in this situation. The Eevee and Gengar will return, but only after time and space as been altered. in the meantime..." "im sure you wouldn't mind talking with me a little bit, would you my dearest audience~?" [Beginning of Intermission] [Toto and Spooky are temporarily unavailable for asks] [??? is now available for asks]
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ask-toto-and-co · 4 months
new blog jumpcare, oops
remember when I said I was gonna make a blog for all my ocs? this is that blog
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Out in a quiet field an Umbreon sits on her knees in silent prayer. The soft, slowly pulsating glow admitting off her rings push back at the night's darkness. One ear twitches slightly as if listening out for something, or perhaps someone?
Elsewhere, in a similar time but different space
in an alleyway just out of sight from the street a stickman appears to be in the middle of some artistic vandalism. The graffiti artist has a few paints in various colors sitting by his feet along with a couple cans of an energy drink. He uses his tail to both pick up and place down the desired can's when needed so he's not required to bend over
neither figure appear to have taken notice of your presence just yet... will you approach?
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ask-toto-and-co · 5 months
sorry to get depressing out of nowhere but, here's for anybody who's wondering why I suddenly vanished
i'll try and get back to this blog soon, one of my goals is to finally fulfil a goal I had years ago and start updating at least once a week, so uh
as an "im sorry I suddenly vanished for months on end and being kinda depressing when I come back" apology gift, here's a little something that- ideally will be here sooner then later but we still have plot that needs to be gone through to get to that point
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explanation on my disappearance
hey so uh... iv been gone for awhile, huh... i'll get to messages and whatever's in my inbox in a bit, first I feel the need to type this out
for the past few months i'v been unable to open this tumblr account for mental health reasons. it started out as social anxiety but slowly evolved into a much greater issue that im not going to go into detail about. during this time iv also suffered physical injuries (one of which im still recovering from) and had other mental health issues that have really just, taken priority so I wasn't able to get a moment to muster up the balls to come back here
I promise im trying my best and I promise im trying to take care of myself. this isn't the first time iv talked about getting sick, injured or mentally unwell, and I know iv had a plethora of incidents happen that I haven't talked about
but im trying. genuinely and truly. im not a perfect person im a disabled fae-woman with way to many mental health issues due to a case of bad genetics breeding with bad genetics and fuck loads of trauma that have me mentally behind were im supposed to be
I don't wanna sound like a victim or anything, im not
but the cards aren't exactly stacked in my favor, and I feel I have the right to admit that fact
I know im weak for running from my issues, but I diden't choose to be born or raised into this weakness. it's one I picked up on in order to survive
im doing my fucking best
even if that's barley anything
even if im behind everyone else, I still make it to the finish line eventuallty
sorry I just- needed to get that off my chest.
take care everybody, hopefully I can deliver the content iv promised you all soon
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ask-toto-and-co · 9 months
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ask-toto-and-co · 9 months
We still on hiatus but like--
been having plans for another blog cooking up for- ima be honest like a year or two now. Originally it was gonna just center around a certain group of characters but the more I thought about it iv decided that it can be a place to dump any of my pokemon oc's I wanna do asks with so I don't have to keep making new blogs lmao
though with some recent thinking iv realized that, I actually have a bunch of non-pokemon characters i'd also love to do ask-blog type shit with, both from other fandoms and also my own characters (stickman brain rot is real,,, send help)
so now im debating if I should make this new blog an only pokemon one, or a multi-fandom/whatever the fuck I feel like blog with a heavy focus on pokemon cuz- 90% of my oc's are pokemon
the reason im hesitating to do so is becuase I know a lot of people in the pokeask community have no interest in interacting with non-pokemon blogs, which is fair lmao
so iv decided to leave it up to y'all, should I just make one blog for all my oc's or keep my pokemon and everybody else separate?
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ask-toto-and-co · 10 months
so uh
I may or may not have re-designed the eevee
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ask-toto-and-co · 10 months
you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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ask-toto-and-co · 10 months
WE'RE GONNA ACT LIKE I DIDN'T TOTALLY GET BUSY THEN FORGET TO DO THIS- but also im gonna give you two of them becuase of me forgor'ing jsflkdas;fdk
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(both designed and drawn by my bestie @str4wb3rrycr3p3c00k13) This is Demon (They/He) and Angel (She/They/Fae), their two friends who adopted each other as siblings they go
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this. Their both Beholder's, with Angel being half FairyTale Espeon Angel's birth name isn't the one she has now, she didn't identify with the old one so changed it to "Angel" to match Demon's
both of them have an... interesting/complicated relationship with this universes Giratina
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ask-toto-and-co · 11 months
Munday: Glimpse + More
(Original by fern/@/book-of-legends I couldnt find the dice version after I remembered it existed so i added it myself)
Send one of these and which character you'd like to get a sketch of a situation from the past or future (You can ask for specific events).
⏪- Glimpse into the past. ⏩- Glimpse into the future.
Send this and which character you'd like and I'll give you a random fact for them + I'll throw in their birthday for shits and giggles because I'm never going to use this info for anything.
✨ - Random fact about the character. 🎁 - More Info about the character (Only if they're unrevealed)
Send the first alone to get random lore OR send the second one with anything you're curious about and I'll go into greater detail about it (character or worldbuilding).
📜 - Random world lore blurb. 🔍 - This plus anything you are curious about.
Send this one to get a random character that hasnt been revealed yet and i might also include their reference(+Maybe small info but depends you can also send anything above with the dice!)
🎲-For random character hasnt been revealed yet
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ask-toto-and-co · 11 months
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The sylveon watches as the eevee gently places band aids on all of the mews cuts, standing off to the side awkwardly Dysnomia: …Well… It’s better than nothing.. I appreciate the help… Cuz I certainly don’t have anything to use.. The sylveon observes the bandaid pattern Dysnomia: …..hah… hello kitty… on a … kitty…. The sylveon looks away awkwardly, realizing this isn’t the time to make a joke [ Eden’s cuts have been covered ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ @ask-toto-and-co ]
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ask-toto-and-co · 11 months
if its alright with you, can you do Spooky from @ask-toto-and-co and Flicker?
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very wispy! as always feel free to keep the design ^^
transparent under cut:
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ask-toto-and-co · 11 months
@sharded-umbreon) [NOCTE] "You certainly look fascinating, eevee, Toto was it?, what's your favorite mineral?"
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"Oh, thank you! You also look pretty cool! And yeah, its Toto" The eevee ponders the question for a moment before replying
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"Favorite mineral... Usually my first thought is gold, but... I guess I really like anything that's smooth or shiny! Gemstones are always really pretty" (@sharded-umbreon)
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ask-toto-and-co · 1 year
cheese slices
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ask-toto-and-co · 1 year
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ask-toto-and-co · 1 year
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Pulling strings, pulling hearts With a smile so sweet, fae’ll pull in your trust
doodle go BRRRRRRThis is probs spoilers but I don’t care, I NEED to post something to this blog or else i’ll explode
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ask-toto-and-co · 2 years
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two more days till I can work on this blog again till then, uh devil has boobs now your welcome
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