ask-wiggles · 3 years
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A bunch more My Little LARP characters happened
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ask-wiggles · 3 years
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Hey Wiggles I hope you’ve seen the horse plinko before because otherwise you’re probably very confused right now
i absolutely had NOT seen the horse plinko before what the FUCK this is AMAZING and i will be watching this one bazillion times thank you omfg
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ask-wiggles · 3 years
someone: *makes a pony joke* me: *immediately draws it* someone: haha yeah i also drew mlp fanart in 7th grade me: my bones have disintegrated inside my body
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my larp made a joke about a character being like twilight sparkle and now i’m drawing larp characters as ponies, i can’t be stopped
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ask-wiggles · 3 years
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my larp made a joke about a character being like twilight sparkle and now i’m drawing larp characters as ponies, i can’t be stopped
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ask-wiggles · 3 years
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he fixed it
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i wanted to see if I could draw The Boy from memory even all this time later and YEEEE HE IS BURNED INTO MY BRAIN
except his tail
got a B+ on the tail
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ask-wiggles · 3 years
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i wanted to see if I could draw The Boy from memory even all this time later and YEEEE HE IS BURNED INTO MY BRAIN
except his tail
got a B+ on the tail
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ask-wiggles · 3 years
pages of Ask Sombra Achive are broked. Will ye fix thems?
hooboy, I know a lot of stuff is janky (like, a lot of early gifs I hosted off site got eaten). I’d like to fix them and any broken links! It’ll take a hot second to do a whole-ass audit of it, though.
If there’s anyone who was going to do a re-read anyway (or is doing one) and wants to point out exactly where broken stuff is, that would be hella appreciated!
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ask-wiggles · 3 years
everyone should watch Centaurworld. Might be conceited to say, but it reminds me of my Ask King Sombra days so much- the rollercoaster of silly vs FEELS at neck-breaking speeds. 10/10 recommend
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ask-wiggles · 3 years
Friend Wiggles, how I have missed you! Pray tell, where can one find you among the Instagram and the TikToks?
Verily! Tho can find me on the tiktoks and the instagrams at the same username:
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ask-wiggles · 3 years
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ask and ye shall receive- here’s a bajillion pics of what I’ve been up to in the past year or three! Larp characters and tiktok oc’s. And this isn’t even all of them because you can only upload 10 photos. I continue to be a SHAPESHIFTER
All of these designs made by meee, and most of these kits either made or altered by me as well!
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ask-wiggles · 3 years
Oh my gosh you’re back! Are you okay? You’ve been missed?
EHHH back is subjective. 🎶 here look I made you no content 🎶 because idk I haven’t drawn in a while, all creative energy was ported to tiktok during #thebadtimes and now all creative energy is being redirected back to larp because it’s slowly re-emerging
There was a brief window of hyperfixate where I made another music video animatic buuut it’s about *LARP* (NICHES WITHIN NICHES) so i didn’t post it to the tumblrzzz
But I have had a STRONK desire to draw Kingsley again because *cough* a different Kingsley. Just gotta get my diddly-dang photoshop to work again…
BUT HI HELLO, I think about my horse friends often even though I continue to be an unknowable cryptid 💕
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ask-wiggles · 3 years
“WIGGLES! yeaaaah that makes a lot of sense though... like you did amazing work with AKS but at what cost gdfjkhgjkdfgd. Must have been a confusing time when trying to run the next blog and suddenly brain's like nah can't do that anymore, no more magic comic-making trance bye pffff. Hope you're doing well!” @ask-terracotta-jade
I was like :) cool time for Equestrian Post, I can do that now!!! And my brain was like “haha no no no you don’t get to *choose* what you hyperfocus on you *absolute fool*” and I was like :( hmmmmmmmMMMMM I am a failure, goodbye
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ask-wiggles · 3 years
people always asked me how I managed to update a multi-paneled webcomic 3x a week without fail
and I was like :) make a schedule :) plan things out :) just do it :)
It was
The undiagnosed adhd
Every night I would go into a HYPERFIXATED FUGUE STATE where NO SLEEP, NO EAT, NO THINK, only B L O G
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ask-wiggles · 4 years
My memories are a tad fuzzy, but Drizzle would be some kind of magic-using rogue, I think. Definitely the party member who tries to think three steps ahead of the DM and gets tangled up in their own suspicions. I ought to re-read.
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Rogue tracks, but @charonib suggested she wield a chainsaw...
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ask-wiggles · 4 years
Freckles himbo barbarian
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i trust him
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ask-wiggles · 4 years
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oops look what happened on heroforge
What would be Kingsley and Coffee Talk's D&D characters?
Oh hmmm that’s a good one!
Kingsley definitely starts out as a Warlock with Uber as his patron. Eventually breaks free of that and is like I’M GOING TO BE A PALADIN but like no bro you are for SURE just a basic bitch fighter who is wearing full plate for some reason
Coffee Talk would be a bard (support class with a story to tell!) but have a few levels in monk so that she can fuckin slap your face to shit
please tell me what you think all the other characters would be, this is great
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ask-wiggles · 4 years
What would be Kingsley and Coffee Talk's D&D characters?
Oh hmmm that’s a good one!
Kingsley definitely starts out as a Warlock with Uber as his patron. Eventually breaks free of that and is like I’M GOING TO BE A PALADIN but like no bro you are for SURE just a basic bitch fighter who is wearing full plate for some reason
Coffee Talk would be a bard (support class with a story to tell!) but have a few levels in monk so that she can fuckin slap your face to shit
please tell me what you think all the other characters would be, this is great
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