askaquali · 6 years
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Pirate King
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askaquali · 9 years
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YOW! What the hell’s your problem, pal? Sneaking up on me all zappy like. I should be asking who YOU are, you little rat!
Owowow....I have met your friend, yeah. Not sure if we can get along if you zap me like that again. The name’s Sullivan though. So who might you be? Sparky? Zippy?
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askaquali · 9 years
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FLAAFFY! What’s the deal? If you take a a picture it’ll last longer.
You lost or something?
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“I’m sad I didn’t get to that cave first… but maybe I can make a new friend…” … “A very… handsome friend…”
feat. askaquali
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askaquali · 9 years
Sullivan@Kristine: Hey...! I got a question for you....I've heard something about you and "time looping". So does that mean you can manipulate time? Are you looking for something in particular when you make loops?
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Kristine: Looping time is exhausting, but the means of saving their lives and this world call for it. Also, I must as you a question: did you truly come out into space just to ask me a question? Welcome to Hyperion, by the way.
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askaquali · 9 years
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askaquali · 9 years
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trying to get back in the groove with a sullivan mispi for the draw event!
mispis are coolio sorry if i butchered his design OTL;;;
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askaquali · 9 years
Mispi Art Event?
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- What are Mispi?
Pronounced MISS-pee, they are an odd little alien species I created. The key feature of these creatures are the symbols on the ends of their tails, called tail tips. Each tail tip can give abilities, traits, and sometimes body shape to a Mispi. A link to a full species sheet can be found here.
- What is this event about? Well, I wouldn’t call it an event. More of an art challenge thing? All you have to do is draw one or more of your muses as a Mispi, then put it in the ‘pokeaskmispi’ tag. I’ll reblog all the ones I see in the tag/on my dash, and maybe even doodle a few.
- Are there any rules to transferring Pokemon traits to Mispi ones? Er, kind of! Mispi only have two tails, unless they are mutants (in which case they have three, but I’m not allowing mutants for this event just to keep things simple.) So you can either give your muse tails tips that fit their species’ traits and abilities (Like a Mispi!Swirlix might be double Fluff-tailed, or a Mispi!Goldeen would be Bubble/Dart) or give your muse tails that fit who they are. (Example: While double Clover might be good for my Oliver, I would actually give him Clover/Smile since he is good to pick up others’ feelings)
The only rule I would have for color/fur is they can’t be completely white or black, even if albino or melanistic. Mispi don’t have those concepts. They can be mostly white/black with some other markings, though!
- Are there any tail tips we can’t use? While I would normally restrict certain tails from being used if somebody were making an ACTUAL Mispi, no, for this event, you can use any of the tail tips. In fact, you can see a whole list of what tail tips give what abilities over here if you wanna look for something specific.
- Don’t you think it’s rather (insert various adjectives here) to have an event where people draw a species YOU made up? 1. I am not forcing them to draw. 2. They are drawing their OWN muses as Mispi. It’s supposed to be a fun art event to take a break from the anon magic/giant group events we’ve had lately. 3. If you don’t wanna do it, you don’t have to. But when I did this the first time, lots of people joined in and had fun. I didn’t expect it to get as big as it did. We have new members in the community and new muses since then, so who knows?
- Is this an anon magic event? Nope! Please, this is not an event where your muse changes into a Mispi for a certain amount of time. All you have to do is draw your muse as a Mispi, and you can do that as many times as you want. The event has no official deadline so yeah!!
I think that’s everything, but if you have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask any! The official tag will be pokeaskmispi! Just reblog/like this post to enter!
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askaquali · 9 years
manaphy: greetings my sea friend! i bet you have travelled all around the sea but i wonder which kind of challenges have you faced during these journeys?
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Everything is always working against you. From the biggest to the smallest things.
Sometimes I wonder what life we would be like if we stopped doing what we do.
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askaquali · 9 years
(Bai@Sulli) "HEEeeey fish dude! So you're like a pirate or something? You do a lot of ocean swimming then, huh? Doesn't it hurt to get salt water in your eyes though? Or do you have like, some sort of weird salt tolerance because you're a fish? Man that's some crazy biology stuff yo."
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I actually have third eyelids. They tend to freak people out. It’s kinda funny.
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askaquali · 9 years
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If you have to rock out hard its done well with the right outfit! Certainly is a comfortable fit too! Pikachu Rock Star is now unlocked! [ft. askaquali ]
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askaquali · 9 years
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It’s quite lovely and peaceful! The colors are very relaxing and there is plenty of plant and animal life.
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askaquali · 9 years
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Here is a beautifull sullivan for you -u-
ahhh thanks! i really love the shading too its so soft and pretty! ahhh this looks so peaceful i love it so much thank you! <3 and congrats again on the followers! 
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askaquali · 9 years
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I drew Sullivan for askaquali / shinymiltanks HE’S SO COOL
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askaquali · 9 years
Lapras!Shania@Sullivan: So, a pirate, eh? Do you have cannons and weapons on board, or is your captain one of those pirates that uses their Pokemon to do the plundering? Also, don't you ever just sail for fun, without worrying about finding treasure or whatever?
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I mean I guess in a sense I’m a pirate. But I don’t dress in big frilly puffy outfits and yar har all the time. We like using modern technology to do our work for us. Using that my captain and I work to together to take what we want.
Sailing and floating the day away is fun but I would rather be hunting down treasure.
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askaquali · 9 years
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How rude. They’re little barnacles. And I have tried taking them off, but I don’t really fancy having my skin scraped off.
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askaquali · 9 years
SHES SO ADORABLE DANNY PHANTOM ZOROARKKS YES AHHHH DOC thank you so much i love it !!! This was such a cool idea and its so awesome ILY THANK AND CONGRATS <3
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Like… this, right Sullivan?
3rd place giveaway prize for askaquali, of Falyn!
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askaquali · 9 years
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long overdue fanart for heartsnhooves who is also the mod of adventurerflaaffy!! lana is seriously the cutest omg please go follow this blog
 and you are a really great friend! you are awesome to talk to and we need to play smash omg ily <3
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