asktheyogponies · 11 years
wow hello guys!! sorry i've been pretty inactive recently! ive been unmotivated with this blog, but im working on updates as we speak so look out for those!
have a great day uwu
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Rythian: I do not know how to feel about this
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Ridgedog: 1000000000
Sjin: -1000000000
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Zoeya: Just as mute-y, sharpshoot-y, and dinosaur-y as ever!
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Sips: Implying I make dirt, or that I'm MADE OF dirt?
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Lomadia: ........Sometimes
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Sjin: Still no cutie mark
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Honeydew: It's complicated.
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Toby: Just swell.
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Ridgedog: 1
Sjin: 0
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
MOD: I'm thinking about streaming the next update today. Should I?
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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I drew this a while ago and thought that you might like to see it (sorry that they have no cutie marks yet, still working on those)
MOD: Aw, this is really cute! It reminds me a lot of a drawing I saw a while back (I'll put a link if I can find it again) Thanks for this, it was cool to see!
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Martyn: A sword AND a wrench. Just a jack of all trades, I guess!
Toby: You know you could help me with this, right?
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
Assuming mod that that post involving Minty meant that you ship a certain two ponies then come here and let me hug you *hugs*
i dont know what you’re talking about
but i accept hugs always
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Martyn: Toby! Could you come here for a sec? And bring the water bucket with you!
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Sjin: Thanks, but I'll be as cute as I want.
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asktheyogponies · 11 years
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Lomadia: The bugger's not making it easy to get an owl comfortable...
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