Friendly Reminder That:
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-This is not my main roleplay blog. I am also juggling college so replies might be more than a little bit slow.
-I have no idea what I'll ship yet, if anything. I've been gone for a while, yeah? Give me some time to get my feet wet again and feel out Sheil's likes and dislikes. Boy needs some work.
-This blog is probably going to be heavily headcanon based when it comes to Sheil. I'm probably going to give him a mum, dad, and two little sisters among other things. Because reasons.
-Also mun is a huge dork so don't be afraid to pop an rp idea, even if I can't get to it right away.
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Huh. Darren was doing that thing again. What was he upset at this time? Notice the 'this time'. The brunet always seemed to be down about some thing or another, always irritable. Not that Sheil minded to terribly much (he had gotten used to the mutterings and insults by now), but it did make him worry sometimes. Couldn't help but be concerned about his best friend, right?
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Maybe he was over thinking things. Surely if Dare was upset he'd tell him.
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"Oh, nothing in particular! I just thought I'd come and see what you were up to. Anything interesting going on? More plots or plans to get rid of the witch or her son?"
{ +1 }
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Darren put his head in his hands before muttering something that was hardly audible — perhaps an insult directed at the blonde — and stayed like that for a few moments before lifting his head once more.
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”..Never mind. Just—” He sounded annoyed, and at what, the world may never know. After all, this was Darren. Everything and anything set him off if we’re being honest here. ”..What did you want, anyway?” 
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Cool Kids - Echosmith
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{I don't ship Sheil with anyone. Because he needs to be forever alone.}
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{ Number One Fuckboy. Amazing.}
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{I remember I used to secretly hc Sheil as having two little sisters, only they were sent to another kingdom to be raised with his aunt. They were cute, I miss them.}
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Urk. That tone of voice was one he knew well, and the taller boy jumped a little upon hearing it. He turned to the brunet squire, brows furrowing in concentration as he tried to think of what exactly he had done to make Darren fuss at him this time. 
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"...I what?"
{ +1 }
"You what?!”
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{Screw it I'm keeping it as Sheil |D}
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{Really? That's fantastic to hear! Yeah, I've actually kind of missed this blond dork. He was my first truly canon and male rp character here on tumblr so it'd be nice to get back in touch with him.}
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(I totally understand tbh. I just…got really happy because hell yes, more blogs are popping UP. And I think a few more people are starting to read Warrior-U too.)
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Are we ever gonna be able to see your hair down, Sheil? I bet it looks even prettier!
"Oh, well, gosh!" 
And here the big blond dork is going to blush and rub the back of his neck for a moment before untying his signature ponytail.
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"There’s really nothing too different to how it looks, but thanks for the compliment!"
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{Don't get too excited friend. I have no idea what's been going on aha.}
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{I have been summoned by tomboyemet.}
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❤ - Any tumblr senpais❣ - An unpopular opinion I have⋆ - A ship I have with my character❧ - A ship I have with your character
❤ - Any tumblr senpais
//In this fandom? Geeze I have so many. The ones who got me to make this Sheil blog were Yaz and Nix. They’re pretty cool people, specially since they interacted with my OC Linkette. And you. You’re cool too, both as Hevvin and Emet
❣ - An unpopular opinion I have
//Errrr…I can’t think of any that might be too unpopular now that I’m put on the spot! Maybe about the having to be legal age to smut. I’m not against under-aged smutters but I feel that they need to be careful;;//
⋆ - A ship I have with my character
//SheilxEmet obviously. Brotp of Darren and Sheil. He hasn’t really interacted with any one else enough for me to properly ship him though, haha.//
 ❧ - A ship I have with your character
//Darmet, I think it’s called? It’s adorbs, even if it breaks my baby’s heart~// 
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Munday Symbols
❤ - Any tumblr senpais ❣ - An unpopular opinion I have ⋆ - A ship I have with my character ❧ - A ship I have with your character ✗ - A ship I can’t stand ☒ - A fact about the mun ☑ - A fact about the character ✾ - Why I chose my character ◎ - Relationship status ❂ - Post a picture of myself ☄ - My opinion of you
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Upon hearing her confirmation, the squire let out the breath that he had been holding. The squire let out a soft whispered "Thanks..." and moved even closer to the girl. His hand that was on her cheek moved up to stroke at her hair, his eyes soft and comforting before he leaned forward to press a soft kiss to her lips.
Only he couldn't. Sheil stopped a hair's breath away, so close that he could almost feel the shuddering of her lips on his own. But even now, even with permission, he couldn't find it in his heart to kiss what was someone else's. He couldn't betray Darren. A soft sigh escaped him before he went to her forehead and brushed away her hair, planting a chaste kiss to her skin.
Then, true to the promise he had made, the blond straightened up and backed away. "Good bye, Emet." He attempted a smile that was still a little wobbly in the corner of his mouth before turning to head back to the castle. There were things he had to work out.
"S-Sheil, w-wait!"
The blond just cast one look back at the girl behind him before turning away and quickening his pace. He couldn’t face her anymore. Not now. Not while he was blubbering like a baby.
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apparently in the RP world emet is dating darren and shiel just found out or something!!! INTENSE
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