astitva-iitism · 2 years
I have something to share.
I'm glad that I'm finally out. Not to the world, but to myself. I'm glad that I know who I am, and I love who I am. I've spent way too many years trying to convince myself I like girls in a "straight way". Sounds ridiculous, yeah ik.
I always thought that going to college would mean living in a completely young, hence accepting community. Boy was I wrong. As much as I don't like to admit it, to avoid being called a "snowflake" by my so called "friends", casual homophobia hurts. College was not at all that utopian society of my dreams. That's why I was literally overwhelmed with happiness when I saw that Astitva was happening. Having a support group really makes a difference in a person's life. And I can feel our campus being sensitized slowly, and being more inclusive. We'll figure it out some day.
To my past self,
And To anyone who's confused and questioning,
I know it’s hard to accept yourself, I know you don't want to be different, and you feel alone and scared. But it's okay. Everything has a way of figuring itself out. You just have to be true to yourself, and I know it’s easier said than done, but I promise you you'll be fine, and you'll love yourself for who you are.
It will be okay.
You are not alone.
More power to you! Team Astitva is beaming with PRIDE and welcomes you into this warm and colorful world. It's a crazy ride, but we're here together with you for all the amazing moments.
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astitva-iitism · 2 years
Now the main point is if same sex marriages go on in our society how population will be maintained and how gender balance will be there? In major religious scriptures like Bible, Quran same sex activities (sexual) is prohibited and if you guys say love is love.. person should have right to chose whome they love then would you consider marriage of father and daughter moral ? If not then there must be some boundry which must be set only by our creator.. conveyed through holy books. Be practical!
In a book called "Queer Ducks (and other animals) " it is essentially explored and proven that homosexuality is prevalent in the animal kingdom. Orangutans, our closest relatives after chimpanzees, are but one amongst several species in the animal kingdom that exhibit homosexuality- and guess what? They're still around and part of our natural world!
Well, as far as we know, the population is on an alarming rise. For reasons like inflation and financial instability, heterosexual couples don't want kids either. So not being able to bear a child doesn’t seem like a very big ‘short-coming’. There are millions of children waiting to be adopted into a loving household, and queer couples are up for that. If the "continuation of genes" seems like a problem, ‘surrogacy’ is still an option.
The notion that the population is affected by gay people not being forced to copulate with people they don't want for acceptance is ridiculous because heterosexuals still exist! Also, the LGBTQIA+ population is still a minority so some people (straight or queer) not having children won't significantly affect the population of the world. (Unless, of course, the writer believes everyone is secretly gay- in which case we have some questions)
The Greeks were quite accepting of gay relationships- and the Greeks are still around, aren't they?
Many religions and ancient mythologies actually have elements confirming same-sex relationships were not only existent but very common! And let's be real - if religious scriptures were the moral compass, quite a few liberties we as a modern society enjoy won't exist. (Unless that's what you are implying in which case again, we have some questions)
On the topic of "Love is Love" promoting incest, we'd just like to respectfully say:
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astitva-iitism · 2 years
I'd like to share my story.
I was a straight guy. It was my 9th standard at my school. I was sitting on the last bench with my male best friend. Suddenly, he kissed me. I was a little shocked about what just happened. I knew that I was straight, and that I should have felt weird about it. But, it seriously didn't. I actually liked it. I started doubting myself, as to if I'm gay. I tried talking to him, but as it's a heteronormative society, he simply told me that it was merely a mistake and wouldn't indulge again in anything like that..... I had to leave my sexuality on a cliff hanger, and started my JEE preparation, as I was just 14 and couldn't figure out my sexuality yet. And focusing on my sexuality wouldn't have done any good at that time. But, as soon as I got into the college, I started dating and finally found out whom I really am into.....
.....I didn't feel safe and had to keep this as a secret. I didn't have that much courage to come out to the world. I wanted to, but just couldn't. But, I'm sure that societies like Astitva, will bring out a change in scenarios like these. And people from our community would feel safer in the near future. The world is becoming better, slowly but it sure is. And people have already begun to accept us. One might say "we don't give a damn about what others feel and say about our community", but it sure does impact us. Afterall, we all are a social animal.....
Happy Pride Month, everyone. ❤️🏳️‍🌈
The Pride Month sure did end today, but our pride must never end! ❤️
- Anonymous
Astitva applauds you, dear fellow, for showing courage, in not just sharing your story with others but to find acceptance within yourself. We hope your story inspires and empowers others who face similar dilemmas. We're grateful that we were able to create a safe space where you felt comfortable enough to share your story.
Astitva's work has only begun, and all we hope for is to help and empower more and more members of the community to accept and love themselves.
Happy Everlasting PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈
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astitva-iitism · 2 years
Happy Pride Month 🌈
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Event is live now!
Join us for an AMA.
Feel free to share your story, completely anonymously. Not even the Astitva team knows who you are 🤫
If you want to share your story with our audience, mention it in your confession 🗣️
Feel free to ask us any questions you have! We'd love to answer them ✨
We're super excited to talk to you! So head to the link, and feel free to confess, express and ask! 💛
Check us out on our Instagram 📸: @astitva.iitism
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astitva-iitism · 2 years
Greetings creatures of Tumblr!
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"Astitva" is an LGBTQIA+ support group on the IIT (ISM) Dhanbad campus, working to sensitize the public regarding gender diversity and acceptance of the spectrum, also spreading the word of PRIDE!
We are pseudo-adults still waiting for that owl to deliver our enrollment letter, lovers of lemon iced tea, dogs, cats, both or maybe neither (really depends on who you ask).
We celebrate the spectrum and we want to create a safe space for all identities on campus.
Even Potter hated the closet.
We'd love to get to know you! So reach out and become a part of Astitva.
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