athena-donovan · 5 years
She felt a pang of empathy for Athena in her chest. “I’m not either, I understand.” Zelda said softly, leading the way down the street. She knew what it was like to have reasons to be skittish. “If you ever change your mind, don’t hesitate to give me a call or shoot me a text.” She smiled gently. “Did you find out what it was?”
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Giving a small nod to the woman, she smiled. “A car backfired, from what I understand. It was my neighbor’s and she apologized, but it scared me and I had a hard time sleeping after it. It’s just rough,” Athena gave a small shrug.
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athena-donovan · 5 years
Most and least gullible?
Most gullible: Hodaya. @hodaya-shapiro-91
Least gullible: Athena. @athena-donovan
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athena-donovan · 5 years
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Saying Goodbye Is Death By A Thousand Cuts - TS
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athena-donovan · 5 years
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“yeah, asking strangers to do things isn’t my forte. however, when someones in the wrong, i jump in if i need to.” myra said with a shrug. or at least she did now. she added in thought. “yeah, sure. so far you don’t seem like a serial killer, but if anything goes wrong, i’m out.” granted, she didn’t seem like a serial killer, but looks can be deceiving.
“I’m not a serial killer. That takes time that I would never be able to have. You never realize how much time serial killers have in order to actually kill until it randomly comes to you. But no. You’re good. Promise,” she smiled at the brunette with a nod. “I just want a friend right now.”
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athena-donovan · 5 years
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athena-donovan · 5 years
“yeah, pretty much. i try to come here as much as i can, even if it’s for a small workout. i’m just around the corner so it’s not like it’s a hassle to get here.” angus said with a smile. “sorry you’ve had that experience, love. it’s no fun having people oggle at you. i’m lucky, nobodys bothered me yet.” the redhead’s demeaner was refreshing. upon hearing her name, a smile beamed across his face in amusement and admiration. “athena? like the greek goddess?”
“I work nearby. So I come here, then go to work, unless there’s a game. Then I work nights,” she nodded softly, taking another drink of water. “I don’t think they believe I can do what I do, which is why they stare. I mean, the guy I just fought is at least six feet and fifty pounds heavier than me.” Athena gave a small laugh, nodding her head. “Yepp. Goddess of wisdom and war. My parents are into Greek mythology. Massively, if you can’t tell.”
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athena-donovan · 5 years
it wasn’t like her to take a stranger up on their offer, but the redhead seemed to mean well enough and myra was dying for a latte. her daily dose of caffeine hadn’t been met yet today, and it was all really too convenient. “you don’t have to. i’ll be fine with a coffee. i’m not usually one to accept things from people i don’t know.”
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“I normally don’t either, so I kind of get it, but I’m the one asking you and I feel like I should pay. Don’t worry about it, really. We’ll just say you owe me next time,” she smiled softly, giving a gentle shrug.
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athena-donovan · 5 years
the girl seeped strength and confidence, and frankly, it was refreshing. it was rare that he saw a girl at the gym who was actually there to train and not to oggle at men lifting weights. not that they were the only ones, guys did it too. a way of boosting their ego when girls came and asked to feel their biceps or the likes. “i didn’t mean any offence, love. you obviously can handle yourself. i’ve seen you around. thought it was about time i said hey.” gus reassured, shortening the steps between them before offering a hand. “the names angus, and you are?”
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Green eyes raised to meet his, Athena stared, tilting her head. She normally kept to herself at the gym, so when people spoke to her there, she was a little offput. “Ah. You must be a regular, then, too. I’m here pretty much every day. Most guys usually come once or twice, watch me then leave. A little creepy, to be honest,” she shrugged. Giving a smile as he introduced himself, Athena nodded. “Athena. It’s nice to meet you, Angus.”
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athena-donovan · 5 years
“You talking to me?” Myra wasn’t certain the red head was speaking to her, but upon the realisation that she was, a shrug found itself moving her shoulders. “Yeah, sure. Why not?” Because that was exactly right. Why not? Myra had to take a few more risks, even the smallest ones like going out to coffee with a complete stranger. In her defense, she knew that look. Obviously this girl had gone through some kind of trauma. “Where’s your go to shop?”
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“I-If you want free coffee?” The redhead tilted her head at the woman, giving a small shrug. “I’ll get you food too?” She relaxed a little when the younger woman agreed, taking a deep breath. “Um, there’s a small one not far from here. It’s strong coffee and good pastries.” Athena sighed as she rubbed her temples, just wanting the thoughts to go away.
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athena-donovan · 5 years
Zelda’s eyebrows furrowed in concern for the other woman, but Zelda smiled quickly. “Of course! I know the perfect place - just around the corner.” She answered breezily, before pausing for a moment. “But…are you alright? If you feel unsafe, or even if it’s just annoying, you’re welcome to stay with me whenever you need to. I have an open guest room, just say the word.” 
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“Awesome. I’ll pay,” she forced a smile. Hearing the question, the redhead shook her head, setting the fire hair behind her ear. “I’ll be fine. There were loud bangs outside my apartment and it just kept me awake. Not a fan of loud noises. They freak me out.”
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athena-donovan · 5 years
A daily routine was somewhat important to Angus, but a flexible schedule never hurt a fly. The irishman tried to make it to the gym at least three times a week, more often than not four, to keep himself at his best shape. He wasn’t a junkie, but he knew that he didn’t always eat the best (being a chef and having to try various different dishes), and this was the perfect way to counteract that. Putting down the dumbells, he flexed his back in a stretch before catching someone staring nearby. “You alright there?”
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The one main constant in Athena’s life besides her job is her mornings at the gym. It was one way for her to release stress or anger that builds up. Doing MMA with one of her other trainer’s clients, she got him on the ground, giving a smirk as she ungripped her hand to help the guy back up. Climbing down to the floor, Athena took a drink, her eyes just wandering around the empty spot till she heard a voice, “You should really be asking my friend that. He’s the one that got his ass whooped in the ring,” she smirked, pushing stray hair out of her face.
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athena-donovan · 5 years
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Penguins and Paws
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athena-donovan · 5 years
Favorite part of Disneyland?
All of it. Disney is my escape from real life and I just love every part of it.
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athena-donovan · 5 years
Do you consider yourself to be popular? Have you ever been?
Nope. I never was popular, never wanted to be popular and I don’t think I am popular. I didn’t go to school for the social aspect. I preferred sticking to my books and learning.
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athena-donovan · 5 years
@anastasiyaviktoriya-k @viennablair-l @emmykiania-a
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athena-donovan · 5 years
“I had the worst night last night with these random bangs. I don’t even know what they were, but they were so loud,” the redhead sighed as she rubbed her temples. The last thing she wanted to deal with right now is flashbacks from what happened because of the loud noises. “Do you want to get coffee? I’ll buy. I just need something to wake me up before I even think about looking at my workload.”
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athena-donovan · 5 years
What is your New Years resolution?
To be in and win my first ever MMA match.
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