atlasoflostislands · 5 years
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On the island of Urbok, goats seem to outnumber halflings.
Herds of pygmy goats roam the southern hills of Urbok feeding on scraggly grass and growing out their soft, luxurious fleece. Every spring, the island’s goatherds gather in the hamlet of Pottsville to shear their flocks and breed their ewes. The bundles of cushiony fleece are carted to Flodwyn, the safest harbor on Urbok. From there, the famous fleece is shipped out to Janusport and further afield.
When Flodwyn isn’t shipping out goat fluff, it hosts a fleet of fishing boats. Tiny, single masted barges, they rarely sail beyond Noisy Bay. The bay was named for the gaggle of sea lions who call the rocky shores home. The occasional boatload of exotic fruit is enough excitement for most of the island’s dwellers.
But there are those few who need more adventure in their lives, and for them there’s always the Hagswood. Spread across the northern highland, the forest is home to foragable flora -- wild mushrooms, truffles, huckleberries -- and interesting fauna -- colonies of stirge, dangerous wild boars, some have even claimed are dragons in the Hagswood, but they are probably lying, or confusing fairies for wyrms. But there are rumors among the fungus fiends and the birdwatchers of an Ivory Tower hidden deep in the forest.
Few have stumbled upon the tower, but the most reliable narrators describe a forty foot tower of white stone topped with a green copper dome set on a rocky hill. No one who’s seen the Ivory Tower once has found it twice. Some say it only appears at dawn after a full moon. Others claim it can only be found on the third day after the equinox. Some swear it moves, never in the same place twice. It seems you can only find when you aren’t looking for it. None of the claimants seem to have entered the tower, or even knocked on the massive door. But on Urbok just glimpling the tower is enough exhilaration to last a lifetime.
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atlasoflostislands · 5 years
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The Rhododendron Island
The island gets its name from the pastures full of rhododendron bushes and sheep. The main road connects the pastures to Fairy Village and the Castle of King Bugbear. The village is home to giants, humans, and fairies. Some roofs in the village are tilted from rocks smashing into them. Giants are known to throw boulders. The River of the King runs along the eastern side of the island, and is stocked with giant fish.
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