mokwkhaltk · 1 year
Y'all idk xhat tiltle should i give this but read it and give it one
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Phone in hand, one eye on the phone the other on the field, stress level at its top. Minute 81 Dortmund is winning the title that minutes ago was there’s and what’s making her angry is that he isn’t playing yet why is he still benched when he is obviously the solution his long legs can score a winning goal, just as she was thinking about him he was warming up getting ready to get on the field.
"Finally" she breathed out
Not even 5 minutes into the game and he scored the winning goal, the crowd started roaring, the stadium went crazy, SHE went crazy jumping up and down and screaming on top of her lungs and that caught his attention, he recognized her, that smile was unforgettably shining from within the thousands of people, it's crazy that he noticed her, he was happy he did, she's the girl he gave his shirt to a while ago and she was wearing it, that made his heart flutter.
It was by far the most stressfull experience she had lived because even tho there game finished dortmunds was still going ans at any second they could score and win the tiltle.
After what felt like eternity, the final whistle came and everyone was celebrating, happiness arose he came runninh her wa, for a sec she thought he was going to emerge through the crowd and get to her. But that's not what happened, but he kept the eye contact, one look on these soulful eyes and he knew there was no coming back, one single lool from her burning straight into his soul, same goes for her his eyes were mesmerising to her a mystery that she wanted to solve.
moments later, after giving the players the medals and holding The Bundesliga Meisterschale he came towards her way again.
"meet me outside" he mouthed
For once she thought she was dreaming but he kept looking at her waiting for an answer.
She nodded"okay" holding a thumbs up and smiling softly at him, a smile that made his heart melt intirely.
He went outside in a rush he didn't even celebrate properly with his team mates.
He found her waiting for him in his shirt, beautiful sight to see.
When she saw him coming her way smiling she felt all fuzzy and warm a feeling of comfort.
For a moment they just sat there in silence looking at each other, until he decided to break the silence.
"Uh... You waited"
She giggled"well you asked me to and i mean if the jamal musiala told you to wait for him wouldn't you"
" i guess i would never know giving he wouldn't ask me"
" oh yeah and why's that"
"because from what I've heard he only asks pretty girls like you" he said while giving her a joyfull smile.
It made her blush
"let's take a walk" he suggested
And they walked side by side there shoulders almost touching both feeling happy and relaxed the sun was on their skin, and they both felt the gentle breeze as it danced around their faces. They exchanged words and had a very lively conversation it was a great moment for them and their emotions were reflected on their eyes.
They both felt their hearts pound against their chests as they made eye contact, and their cheeks felt fluttering as they smiled and giggled at each other.
It was an amazing moment of intimacy for them, and they both felt a strong connection with each other when suddenly she stopped on her track he turned confused.
"can i give you a hug?" she whispered
He was stunned because she caught him off guard
"i mean i understand if you don't want to i just feel the need to hug you, i kinda feel proud of you"
As he opened his arms for her a soft smile found her way to his face his eyes almost watering, never in his life someone said such a thing to him.
As they hugged they felt a deep connection and closeness to each other. Hearts touching.
It was tinder, gentle, but mostly filed with love and affection.
When they pulled apart they knew that surely they belonged to each other.
"you did amazing today, you know i was sure that you were the key" she said
" really" he chuckled " well, thank you for your faith mam, you did amazing aswell"
She laughed a laugh that now was his favorite sound
"me ? How did i do amazing"
" you came all the way to support us and you came wearing my shirt that i gave you" je answered with a smirk.
She was surprised that he still remembers "you remember" - "of course, how come anyone forget you, your lovely face and your cheery smile, you radiate a special kind of energy.
Was he leaning in or was it just the dizziness on her system, that we'll never know because his phone rang.
"there asking for me, more celebrations"
"yes, of course, I understand "
"Can I have your number? "he said, a scared tone in his voice.
She lit up and smiled reassuring him giving her number.
Before each of the gets in their prepared ways he said to her
" Can I please get another hug"
And they hugged each of them taking the other scent to keep a memory.
"Until next time" he said with a wink
" Until next time" she answered
Thanks y'all for reading love you <3
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mokwkhaltk · 1 year
Omg pls write for robertson ily
anything for you my darling. I love you toooooo
First Sight 🥨
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Hiiiii how is YOU doing hope you're actually doing well. So hii il happy you're here so I took this video as inspiration may I say??
I don’t know just deal with me
So the “she” is a member of the crew enjoy your reading
As she was fixing his helmet and the camera and helping him out with it He felt like he couldn’t breathe. He’s been touched before by many people-girls- in shootings fixing his clothes fixing his face but her touch was different she made him feel like he was drowning, the more he looked into the depth of her brown eyes as it pulled him deeper and deeper, and from some reason, he was okay with it he didn’t want to come up for air, it felt right. 
“ Can you speak into the mic so we’ll know if it's working?” she said with the prettiest smile on her face, a smile that felt like a sudden beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of the room he was starstruck 
“ Can you hear me ?” confusion on her face
“What” ? he said
“Perfect” she giggled 
Trent gave him a confused look “You alright mate”- “Yeah..yeah I'm fine”
And action 
They started filming the video 
In the corner of the room, she was sat now, lost in her own thoughts, thinking of how close to him she had been earlier it was hard for her trying not to freak out while she could feel his eyes on her scanning her, how could someone look so effortlessly beautiful with chocolate brown eyes and blond hair, his bread looks cute she thought a loud laugh brought her back to reality well reality isn’t bad after all she was in the same room as him with him laughing louder than she ever heard him his laughter could be heard throughout the building but she could complain no one could he looked happy and that made her happy.
He was so funny and his laugh was contagious, she tried to suppress her giggling, but she couldn’t and ended up bursting into loud laughter that he noticed and turned his head her way their eyes locked they gazed into each other's eyes for a quick sec that felt like an eternity for them he then gave her a soft and gentle smile full of kindness and empathy, maybe after all she had a chance with him. It actually made his heart leap when he’ve seen her laugh 
They went on with the video and kept on with the challenge, he will From time to time spear her a glance his incredible laughter now melody to her ears it was pure vibes it felt nice seeing this fun side of him he seemed free and comfortable 
Now that they have finished it was time to take his helmet off, 
“Alright, now I’ll take this thing off your head”
“Im Andy,” he said while extending his hand.
Chuckling she took his hand and shook it
‘I know’ it's all that she said with a smirk on her face living him hanging in the air in anticipation.
She then proceeded to take his helmet off, he felt hs-is cheeks flush red as her soft little fingers brushed over his face.
Her face was solemn and focused on what she was doing, she didn’t seem to notice when he was studying her rosy lips and how she was biting on them as a sign of concentration, her curled brown hair and the way her eyelashes catch the light she was too close and he was breathing in her scent the smell of her encasing him in a feeling of comfort and tenderness.
Then she does notice, he was looking at her and she was looking back at him and it felt strange, for both of them and he was smiling as he did before as though they were sharing a secret, she was the first to look away as she felt her face grew hot.
She picked her material up and was making her way out of the room. 
Trent nudged his arm “Aren’t you gonna do something about it?”
Do what, what are you even talking about?”
Oh cmon ask her out or something everyone saw the way you looked at each other” 
-what if she says no 
-just GO 
He followed behind her and grabbed her hand but in a gentle way
She felt his warm fingers closing just above her wrist  sending electricity all over her body pulling her back gently 
“I'm sorry about that,” he said quickly as he took his hand back.
She nodded with a smile“It's alright”.
They stood there in silence  and looked into each other's eyes there are so many things unsaid between them until finally, he decided to speak “Would you like to go out sometime for coffee or if you don’t like it we can get teal or a hot chocolate maybe or we-” 
“Okay,” she said chuckling lightly “ we can swap numbers if you’d like to”
He was too shocked to hear her say that he pulled his phone faster than he could ever do and let her type her number in it.
“ gotta go now I guess I’ll see you later ?” she asked 
“Definitely” he responded with a grin on his face 
She waved him and Trent goodbye laughing softly to herself as she left the room.
Trent puts his arms around Robbo’s shoulder “I guess love, at first sight, is a real thing huh?”
hiiii loves thank you for giving me of your precious time and reading this I love each one of you don't forget to press the little heart as an "I was here sign" I actually love you so much and I'm sending you virtual hugs cyaa
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mokwkhaltk · 1 year
When Eyes Meet 🍄
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I don’t even think anyone will see this but yeah let’s just do it IM SO EMBARASSED THO.
Anfield was always loud, but today it was something else. it was roaring, the ground vibrating with everyone's voices, people cheering as loud as they could for their favorite team. Today was the game against Arsenal top of the league it was a game about keeping hopes for the Champions League next year so the plan was to cheer as loud as they can because they were player number 12 and they could change the path of the game.
She was there too, buried in the middle of the crowd wearing her Liverpool jersey with his name on the back it was covered with a jacked because it was chilly but she mostly covered it because she thought it was embarrassing, people will think of her just as a fangirl while football was what she adored since she was a little girl.
The game started and Liverpool was doing so well until van Dijk made a wrong pass and Martinelli scored 20 minutes later and the other Gabriel scored second it was disappointing to see her team lose at home it was more disappointing for her because it was his fault he wasn’t okay, he was bothered by something it was obvious because this isn’t how he plays, he picked a  small fight with Martinelli, ‘he looked hot when angry’ she thought but she pushed that thought away as fast as it came.
Half-time whistle echoed in the air and swiftly merged with the riot of the mass.
2-1 for the gunners.
He perked his head up, not sure what caught his attention.
She was already looking.
Their eyes caught each other 
He slowed his pace down so as to gain more time to look at her eyes, large and luminous somehow full the comfort and courage. she smiled at him a sweet sweet smile a hopeful one a ‘Don’t worry you got’ this smile. 
He felt foolish as his heart started hammering against his chest, hers already stopped.
Time seemed to tick beyond count and ages blurred into each other. The entire cosmos collapsed and were reborn. Stars died and scattered into the void. Nothing else held any significance but his eyes, but her eyes, but then it was broken, Time resumed and life carried on. someone pushed him and called him inside and he hated him because he has not had enough of her.
He quickly memorized her place so he would look at her once they were back on the field again. 
While he disappeared into the changing room she was left there she looked around to see if anyone other than her has noticed but no one seemed to have paid attention to that small moment, she just had a moment with him it can’t be or can it. she was all confused head over the clouds she was in sock it was hard to comprehend such a thing she was more shocked of her self because she smiled at him he must’ve thought that she looked stupid but god oh god if she just knew what his thoughts were how with just one look she made him relook into his entire life. 
Back on the pitch again he turned his head to where she was sitting she greeted him with a big smile and a thumbs up he smiled back an innocent boy smile a smile coming from the roots of his heart. Was he stupidly blushing? Yes, yes he was.
The game started and he was so energetic running down the pitch in his mind he was trying to show off he tried his best and pushed himself to be at his finest and that was so apparent because now they were closer to equalizing.
Salah missed a penalty and it pissed him off but when he looked at her she was still happy still cheering and clapping. It made him cool down.
 From time to time he would look at her because it gave him courage and made him more willing to score 
A few moments later he made an amazing assist to Bobby she was jumping from her seat screaming at top of her lungs and it made his heart warm.
She was proud of him.
He was on fire now shooting here and there his passion was unmatched. 
The final whistle came, and what a match it was. Liverpool deserved the win but a draw 
is better than a loss.
On his way out he couldn’t take his eyes off her nor could she. He wished he could swim through the crowd and hug her, hold her in his embrace, and share this special moment with her in his mind he wondered if his shirt is the one that she was wearing. 
It was and will be a memorable night for both of them. A first meeting, a silent but also loud one a meeting of eyes that said more than it was allowed. 
He winked at her to insist to her that she was who has his attention and she smiled and waved he waved back but quickly so as not to make a scene.
For one last time, he took a long glimpse at her looking deeply at her dazzling brown eyes to memorize them because he knew that he may never see her again so he mentally took a picture of her to look at it and revise it on his dreams. 
He was glad that out of the whole crowd, it was her eyes that he caught out of all the players that are the team it was him that she looked at. It might be faith but it may also be just a coincidental moment for both of them but for him, that didn’t quite matter because from now on she’s his lucky charm 
Y’all I'm so embarrassed by what I just wrote I’ve always wanted to do such a thing but never had the courage also this is my first try probably most likely my last one, I don’t know how many people will see this but if you do just click the heart leave your mark “I was here” it will make me smile I also love you so yeah…there is that. Bye <3
PS: also this sound good as a start of a series so.....👀
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