atomictrasher · 1 month
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My Wakfu Oc Rose
Didn't draw her for a while so here is her redesign, I love her so much lol
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atomictrasher · 2 months
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Rainbow Dash in that one Rainbow factory creepypasta lol
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atomictrasher · 3 months
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Bby Hazel went a bit too insane 😍
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atomictrasher · 4 months
Akiko Tsunoda (my bnha oc)
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My oc Akiko in her 40s-50s heehee
Buff woman hehe
Bonus AI linework:
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atomictrasher · 6 months
ramona again
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atomictrasher · 6 months
Myrina, MK oc
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A little drawing of my Mortal Kombat oc that I did a while ago ✨
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atomictrasher · 7 months
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had this idea for a long time and what a great way to introduce my ocs ruby (vampire) and austin (police)
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atomictrasher · 8 months
ohhh! can you do sfw/nsfw hcs for syzoth as well ?
tw: for mentions of pregnancy tehe sorry can't help it with syzoth
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His methods of flirting is very different than what you are used to. You come from different cultures after all
Syzoth will present his interest through very low humming when he's around you. It is a very deep yet loud sound that sends vibrations all throughout him. You often do not know the intention behind these bellows and will often compliment on how well he hums
He does not stop there either. He'll serve you drinks and he'll blow small bubbles through a straw, making the liquid practically dance. This would make you laugh and Syzoth confused and frustrated. There's got to be a better way, right?
There is and its his last attempt at courtship through the ways he is familiar with. He'll approach you and encroach into your personal space. You open your mouth to question him but you're stopped. His nose comes to ghost across yours in a feathery dance and soon all of his efforts at wooing you are revealed. You two often laugh about it
He is incredibly sensitive to touch. What may feel like but a trace for you is a whole new world of vibrations for him. He shivers and hums when you lay your hands upon him. He always leans into your touch
Although he is sensitive to touch, he often seeks it out. He is rather cold majority of the time and your natural warmth is a wonderful comfort. There are times were he will fall asleep leaning against you or when you're in his arms. You don't have the heart to wake him
Syzoth has his doubts about his appearance. He knows the skin he wears is not his own but an image he conjures. He worries what you think of his natural form
He does not hide himself from you, you don't let him. He's done enough lingering in the shadows and having to hide. You would do well to let him know he is unjudged by you
When he shows you his natural form, he is nervous and so are you. There is a moment of pause but slowly you put your hands together, yours is so very small compared to his. There need no words to be said, you both understand each other with just that sensation of touch
Syzoth would be lying if he said he didn't think about sex with his partner often
He enjoys masturbation and indulges frequently. His hominid anatomy is rather fun to explore but that is a secret he is not keen on telling
His partner is the drug that he just can't get enough of. Your scent is what riles him up the most. He will often take articles of your clothing but his motivations not entirely innocent
What's been taking is often used to help him get off. He'll stroke himself with it, finishing at the thought of your scents joining and creating something new and intoxicating
It is not often that he verbally requests for intimacy. He does so through gestures. He will start with light touches, seemingly pure. They are anything but as they begin to morph into sensual sensations
Once he gets going, it becomes difficult for him to stop and soon he is rutting himself against his partner panting and wanting
When having sex he wants his partner as close to him as possible. The heat of your skin drives him to a rapturous stupor
His preferred positions are anything that bring your bodies closer together. He does, however, seem to enjoy what some call the mating press or valedictorian. What does he call it? Pure intoxicating bliss
Syzoth is very vocal during sex. He doesn't let a single sound from him go muffled and he doesn't want yours to be either. He sings for you and you sing for him
He prefers to finish inside his partner. Why? because it is very instinctual for him. He so desperately wants to breed his partner, wants them completely filled with the essence he provides.
Once he finished, he keeps himself inside his partner. Not a single drop must spill. It's almost as if he wants his partner pregnant. That's because he does. It is a huge, and I'm talking huge, turn on for him
If pregnancy were to ever happen? You thought there was frequent sex before? Oh man, you haven't seen anything yet
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atomictrasher · 8 months
[MK X READER] New Era - Chapter .001
Note: Will use events from Mk9-11 + Aftermath. I am changing canon for some characters to fit the story. Changing canon in general for MK1, so at some point I will add in scenes not in the main story and probably will diverge from it in the end. Some character personality changes, not major, but enough to add depth. Slight character dynamic changes (Mostly Lin Kuei, so the trio feel slightly closer as a whole)
Also excuse the small exposition dump that happens through the chapter, it was needed to set up plot points in the future, so in the future we can get to those juicy character interactions easier!
LOVE INTERESTS: Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Reptile, Scorpion (Kuai Liang), Sub Zero (Bi-Han), Smoke, Shang Tsung, Mileena, Kitana, Ashrah, Havik
Might add others like Rain if requested, but right now it’s not planned.
Also on AO3: NEW ERA
part two
Memories are fickle things. 
Awakening in the middle of a field, you heard the buzzing of bugs, and the grass beside you moved as a creature scurried past. Your head hurt, and a fog settled in your mind as if it were blocking something. You sat up slowly, noting the moonlight shining down on the area around you.
You looked down at your hands. It was odd, it felt like you were familiar with it, yet at the same time it felt all too foreign to you. You wiggled your toes, feeling the grass brush against them to remind you that they existed. 
Where were you?
Swallowing any dread you felt building up, you stood up wearily. Your body swayed as you got up, almost stumbling into the grass once more. The area around felt devoid of humans, undisturbed nature spreading far. It was beautiful and breathtaking, but it only soothed you for a moment before panic began to seep back in again.
Where were you?
In the distance was a soft light. A flame? Perhaps. You dragged your feet as you walked towards it. You’d rather go discover whatever that was then stick around being lost wherever you had woken up. 
Why were you there in the first place? 
Fear was crawling down your back at the inability to answer the nagging questions within your head. Shaking it off, you continued on. The closer you got, the better you could identify where the flame was from. 
A temple of sorts?
It had a dragon motif from what you could see, and it was constructed mainly from wood and stone. Red shingles, or at least you assumed it was…it was hard to see in the moonlight, lined the rooftops of the temple ahead. The tree leaves even seemed to be red. There were multiple buildings, one being a tall tower, and a few smaller buildings. The flame, which was quite large from what you could see, was lit in a pavilion of sorts.
Your mind throbbed as a vague memory of a temple floating in the sky appeared in your mind. But this wasn’t that same temple. Not at all. Why were you thinking of that?
Soon enough, you found yourself at the entrance of the area, marveling at the architecture and the beauty of the area up close. How wonderful. Eventually, you spotted two figures walking towards you. 
The first thing you noticed was their glowing blue eyes.
Not knowing what to do, you stood there. Although you felt a pit of dread build up in your stomach as they approached, you stood unwavering. You grimaced, not at the sight of them, but at how the figures coming closer seemed to intensify a dull throb that had been building up in the back of your head.
Silly as it was, were they the cause of your headache? Of the fog in your head that seemed to block out any memories you tried to pry from your mind? 
You watched as the two figures, that you could now identify as men, approached. You could read a vague sense of concern on one of their faces, and the other held a sense of shock on his. They walked over a bridge, stopping at the top as if to create a sense of height. You looked up at them, your will not wavering despite the dread that was building in your stomach.
Your headache, why was it hurting so much?
You watched as one of them held out his hands, forming one a fist connecting to his palm. He smiled at you. It felt warm. The other nodded his head in acknowledgement, but you could see the small smile he had as well. You stumbled as your headache turned into a sharp pain, as if someone had just stabbed your head. Gasping, you stumbled forward. 
The man who had been presenting his hands grabbed you to steady you, and you noted the strange sense of familiarity as he did so. His wrapped hands were firm as he helped you right yourself. You looked up into his eyes, and without thinking, a name popped into your head.
“Liu Kang?”
The dread you felt in your stomach turned into fear as the man’s eyes widened, and the vague shock that had been on his face before was now on full display. He glanced over to his companion who held the same look of shock before they both looked down at you, almost accusingly.
“How did you know that?”
That was years ago.
Shortly after the shock had worn off, you had been escorted into the fire temple. They gave you a place to rest for the night, but you could hear the whispers of Liu Kang and Geras as they walked away. What they were discussing, you weren’t certain.
You could hear the concerned tone in their voice loud and clear despite that.
The next morning in what was perhaps the politest interrogation ever, it was revealed that you had a lack of memories.
Kind of.
You had memories, or at least you thought so, but they were all jumbled up in your head. They felt wrong, and foreign and they didn’t match up with what you were seeing. After all, your mind was telling you the man who was interrogating you was Liu Kang…but it was not the same mortal man that popped into your mind. 
You also eventually recognized Geras, which seemed to alarm the two even more, even if they were subtle about it. Eventually, after long deliberation with each other, Liu Kang eventually came up to you and offered you a place to stay at the fire temple due to your lack of memory and residence.
You were relieved to have a place to rest and stay, even if you had a nagging feeling that the offer was a disguised excuse to keep a close eye on you.
You supposed that was fair.
Eventually, the memories you had came back slowly over the years, and you confided in Liu Kang about them. This led to an eventual friendship with the god as you unraveled the strange situation that you were in. The man, though cordial, had been wary at first of you. You thought that was reasonable. A random stranger showing up in rags and recognizing you without introduction?
That was suspicious for certain, you could not blame the fire god for his caution. Especially since he proclaimed himself to be the Protector of Earthrealm, you could have easily been a threat.
Thankfully, you were not. Or at least, he seemed to deem that you were not. Although you had a jumbled mess of mismatching memories, the two of you had concluded that the memories you did have were visions of sorts, of other realities, and that the memories you used to have were gone. 
Visions of other worlds traded for the memories of your past. That’s what he told you, anyways. You had a sinking feeling that wasn’t quite true, and that was the biggest secret you held from Liu Kang. After all, the more memories you regained, the less it felt that they were random visions. 
They felt like a past life…and maybe they were. You weren’t certain yet. You had a nagging feeling there were many memories left to unlock.
The guilt of hiding this doubt, this secret, was immense at first. Ignoring the fact that you were lying to a god, you were concealing doubts from a man who had offered you shelter and food.
Eventually the guilt died down into near nothingness, but there was still a twinge of guilt every time you lied about it.
Aside from that, you rediscovered abilities that you had not realized you had. 
Shapeshifting into animals. You could transform your whole body into creatures, or parts of them. It was a helpful power, you found. You also seemed to have some sort of muscle memory of fighting skills. Lord Liu Kang had once offered to train you, and to both of your surprise, you were quite skilled.
Rusty at first, but it was obvious your body knew how to fight. It was nothing that years, or in all honesty, months could not fix.
Another ability you realized after a few years was how your body did not seem to age. Or at least, not in the same way humans did. At first, the monks seemed to chalk it up to good genetics, complimenting on how you seemed to keep your youth. However, as more years passed, whispers of magic arose.
Concerned with the strange state of your body, you confided in the fire god. Liu Kang suggested that your body was one that lived longer, perhaps of one that was not native to Earth, or Earthrealm as he called it…an edenian, perhaps? He explained the realm of Outworld, and the existence of the realms in general. He had once explained it much before, along with some monks, but not to the historical extent he had given you at that time.
Through these explanations, you remembered Outworld much more clearly, but the memories of Outworld were once again inconsistent with the world he described.
The Outworld you knew had been run by a tyrant before it was passed to an heir that had been overthrown. It was war hungry, and not at all pretty as he described. Liu Kang offered that, perhaps, when the Mortal Kombat tournament rolled around in a few years, you could join him and the champions he would bring to Outworld.
You agreed, of course. Maybe that realm was key to unlocking more memories, and more explanations. Even though you cherished the Fire Temple, a place you had learned to call home, you now had a purpose going forward.
Go to Outworld to seek the rest of your memories.
And now, you were here, enjoying another peaceful morning in the Fire Temple.
Staring out from the pavilion, you inhaled deeply as you took in the sunrise. You could never tire of the beautiful view. Your ears picked up the soft sound of someone walking towards you, and you turned around, already familiar with who it was. 
“Hello, Liu Kang.” You greeted, a smile on your face as you nodded towards the fire god. The fire god sent you a soft smile in return as he walked up to be by your side. Due to your memories of a younger, mortal Liu Kang that had popped up so often at first, you had taken up a nasty habit of addressing him casually. You tried to fix this, but he had permitted you to address him casually in private.
It felt like a strange honor.
He greeted you, your name rolling off his tongue in a familiar way as his hands settled on the railing much like yours were. It was common for the two of you to meet up here at sunrise, to indulge in the simple yet breathtaking view. It was a tradition from years ago.
“Beautiful morning, isn’t it?” Liu Kang inquired, much like he did nearly every morning. He gazed at the horizon with a sense of serenity and peace before his glowing eyes landed on you. With a chuckle you turned your gaze to the horizon he had been staring at previously.
“It is, just like it is every morning.” You mused, watching as the sky lightened, the darkness making way for the pretty light blue hues as a pink and orange color settled over the horizon. Your fingers tapped the wood as you hummed, remembering that something special was happening today. “Today we’re going to the village of Fengjian, correct?” You inquired, a surge of excitement buzzing through you.
You had been around the world here and there over the years to accompany Liu Kang and sometimes even the Lin Kuei, but it had been a while since your last venture. 
“Correct, Madam Bo said two of her trainees were ready for the exam scenario, and today we're going to observe.” Liu Kang said, nodding as he confirmed the plans he had told you about two weeks ago. You noted how he kept his gaze intent on you, as if analyzing your reaction. You could not hold back the smile on your lips.
“Excellent, it’s been forever since I’ve had Madam Bo’s cooking.” You commented, remembering just how delicious the older woman’s cooking was. You were nearly drooling at the thought of it. Not only that, but Madam Bo was someone you valued as well.
Whenever you saw her, you were reminded of a fatherly figure who you hazily remembered who drunk a lot of alcohol. It was odd, but she too must have sensed the connection, as she took you in as if you were a child of her own ever since she met you. You wished you could go out to see her more.
You opened your mouth to speak, but you heard the faintest of footsteps. Reflexively, you transformed your ears into those of bats and craned them around to hone in on the sound. You tilted your head as you focused before you turned to look at Liu Kang, ears turning back to normal.
“I thought the Lin Kuei were to come later?” You inquired, revealing that you were now aware of their presence. You heard some muttering before the three assassins revealed themselves. Sub Zero, Scorpion, and Smoke. Three of the Lin Kuei you had grown closest to during your association with Liu Kang.
“That was the plan, but we decided to meet up earlier to discuss the plan as we shall leave earlier to get in position to observe.” Liu Kang explained. The two of you turned around to face the three. You smiled at the three. Smoke and Scorpion both bowed to the two of you. Sub Zero, notably, did not, but you did notice the slight nod of acknowledgement sent your way.
“Perceptive as always, and I thought we could finally sneak up on you.” Smoke greeted, addressing you as he spoke your name, a light playful tone to his voice. Smoke was always the friendliest of the three, it was a delight to talk to him. He was the most casual. You noted the slightly irritated glare from Sub Zero sent his way.
You surmised that Smoke had managed to convince the two others to also sneak in. You could not tell whether the irritation was from having to partake in such a silly endeavor, or if it was due to the fact that he blamed Smoke for giving the three of them away.
“Maybe another time, Tomas.” You chuckled, covering your mouth as you did so. Despite your words, you were competitive, and you weren’t planning on giving up in the ongoing game that you had both been playing for a while now. “Regardless, it is good to see you all, it’s been a while.” With that, you nodded towards Liu Kang, letting him go over the plan with the trio.
You observed silently as excitement coursed through your veins.
You had a feeling that tonight was going to be something special.
part two
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atomictrasher · 8 months
I was just wondering if you could do some hcs of what the mk1 men's ideal types would be.
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Reiko is interested in a partner who is strong and capable. Someone who can handle themselves and continue to grow in personal and physical strength
He wants someone who knows their way around the battlefield and loyal to their personal goals
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Kenshi is attracted to his partner's wit and intelligence. He wants someone who he can have long and deep conversations with
Prefers someone who can be playful but not overly so. He needs a calming influence but not one so compliant. He is a man who carries a lot of weight so someone to take that weigh off with small jokes can make a big difference for him
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Syzoth is drawn towards someone who is patient, calm and understanding. Someone who can not just hear him but truly listen to him
He a man full of emotion so someone who tends to have a calmer demeanor helps soothe him when he becomes anxious. Of course, he also loves a partner who enjoys frequent physical contact
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Prefers someone wild and brazen. Someone who cannot be completely contained even though he so desperately wants to
Enjoys a partner that seeks thrills and chills. Don't worry though, he will mold his partner into the perfect chaos if they seem restrained
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Rain needs someone who acknowledges his ambitions and desires. A partner that encourages him and supports his efforts goes a long way for him
Though he does find himself seeking competition so, naturally, he seeks out a partner who can handle and enjoy these rivalries
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Shang Tsung is drawn to people who interest him. Someone that catches his eye because of their abilities, wit and/or appearance
Prefers a partner who can be clever but also softer than the average person. He will enjoy matching their wit while also taking comfort in their kindness
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Quan Chi appreciates loyalty and acknowledgment. He wants a partner to stay by his side while also seeing all the wonders he can do
Prefers someone who can handle themselves and not completely rely on him. Not to say he isn't a comforting partner, he is, but he values mental fortitude as well
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Tomas prefers someone he can have fun with. He wants to go out with his partner, take them places and have adventures with him
His partner needn't be shy nor outgoing, just someone who is open to his ideas and plans. Over everything, he needs someone who is unconditionally supportive but not blindly so
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Raiden enjoys a partner who values kindness and the treatment of others. He himself a very caring individual so he is drawn to those who show similar characteristics
Also enjoys someone with a sense of humor. Raiden wants to laugh with his partner, truly and loudly laugh to the silly things they talk about
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Kung Lao really likes when his partner can match his sass and swagger. He likes the little playful rivalry that he and his partner create
While he has fun with his partner's attitude, he does need a partner that knows when to humble him
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Bi-Han has an intense temper so a partner who is calm, collected and sweet really helps level him out. Someone who is kind yet witty to bring him down from those raging highs
He needs a partner who completes him and compliments him. Too be too brash around him will frustrate him and isolate him. A partner to love him completely and truly, to hold him and tell him it will be alright, means the world to him
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Johnny craves someone who loves to live life and live it fast. He is exceptionally extraverted and wants to go out and see the world with his partner
Someone who believes in his ambitions is a big deal for him. Johnny may appear exceptionally confident but he is deeply insecure. He needs a partner that can recognize that and provide him comfort
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General Shao prefers a partner who is smaller than he is. He wants to impress his partner and show them his prowess
It is not that he wants someone weak, Shao enjoys a partner that welcomes him when he returns from battle with excitement and pride. He wants to scoop his partner up and parade them on his shoulder as he marches through the city
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Geras is a simple man but incredibly busy and needs a partner who understands this. There will be much time spent apart from each other so he requires a partner with great patience
He prefers someone who is level-headed and logical, someone who can analyze a situation with him and offer a new perspective
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Liu Kang fancies someone who can be witty and playful just as he is. A partner who can make him smile and laugh will capture his heart quickly
He does not have preferences in terms of their physical strength but their mental fortitude. Not to say he will not comfort his partner, he will, but Liu Kang needs that comfort too.
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Kaui Liang has no preference for appearances. His desire in a partner is all related to who they are. He prefers a partner who shows kindness and restraint in moments of frustrations
Additionally, he wants a partner who is family oriented. Family is huge for him and so he seeks out a partner who also values the concept of family and loyalty to them
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Baraka needs a partner who is understanding of his worries and someone willing to listen to him. He's lost everything and someone to validate that will help soothe him
He is touch starved, desperately so. Baraka would love a partner who can touch him softly, unafraid of his deformed skin and bones
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atomictrasher · 8 months
MK1 Fans Favourite Characters Pin-Up
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Created by CarlosGzz003
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atomictrasher · 8 months
TW: afab anatomy, no pronouns used other than 'you', smut, nsfw, rough sex, pet names, degradation.
CONTEXT: You two were at a yacht party
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⋆༶⋆ SYZOTH ⋆༶⋆
You would call him into the cabin, as he would be outside at the door waiting for you, then he would come in and see the size of your bikini, your breasts jutting out to the sides and your pussy practically showing, he would smile a little, but then he would think that It wasn't just you who were there but your friends too, he would ask if you had done it on purpose with a serious face but Syzoth would soon see that you were also surprised, you would soon say that you bought the set online and didn't pay attention to the size, the man would already be hard there, however he would try to find a way, taking one of his shirts and giving it to you, but don't worry, he would fuck you as soon as everyone was too busy to notice the disappearance of you two and he would soon finish with you with your panties aside and riding on Syzoth's face while the big boy used his tongue and fingers on you and with the other hand he grabbed your breasts outside of your bikini, jumping while you sat on his tongue looking at the sea scenery on yours front.
He would enter the room between you two quickly taking off his shirt and seeing you in front of the mirror, Johnny's eyes would soon go to your breasts bouncing out of the small bikini and as the flesh of your pussy was pressed against the fabric of the panties, he would drool at the vision coming towards you while kissing you, the man would praise you a lot saying how lucky he is to have a boyfriend/girlfriend like you, while kissing your neck, but he would soon remember where you would be, he would still look at the two of you in the mirror smiling and seeing your desperate face, Johnny would say that you looked beautiful but it was very uncomfortable to be practically naked in the middle of strangers, you would soon say that you didn't do it on purpose and try to justify yourself, but he would cut you off saying that he felt very good and that everything was fine, he would help you look for shorts that would cover your bottoms and give you one of his white shirts so you and him could stay together in the yacht lobby while you were on his lap, laughing and drinking. Johnny Cage would end the perfect night by fucking you wearing the tiny bikini, watching the moonlight reflect on your dripping pussy, putting the fabric aside and fucking you with all his might.
⋆༶⋆ BI HAN ⋆༶⋆
He would still be in the room and you would be in the bathroom, Bi Han didn't even want to be there, but at Kuai and Tomas' insistence - and at your insistence too, he can't say no to you - he went. The grand master watched on the TV built into the two of you's bedroom, but soon he would hear your voice, a little different than usual and he knew something was wrong, he quickly went to the bathroom, seeing you look at your breasts popping out of your bikini and your pussy tight in your panties, the big man would look at you with all the desire in the world but he would soon remember why you were dressed like that, changing to possession and jealousy, he would ask a little authoritatively if you were trying to show yourself to someone there and then he would grab your ass squeezing the flesh tightly between your fingers, you would tell him why, immediately making the man silence you with a kiss, pressing the erection of his pants on your belly, he knew you were telling the truth, but he couldn't miss the opportunity of punishing you with all his might by bending you over the bathroom sink, while hitting his dick against your ass, rubbing his dick on your smooth folds, then pushing his dick with all his strength inside you, holding your chin, forcing you to look at your reflection in the mirror, calling you a "hot, tight little slut." or "good boy/girl with delicious pussy."
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atomictrasher · 8 months
hello !! could u please write some gen. relationship hcs for erron black and reptile ? tysm <3
of course babes < ♡
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He’s treating you like a lady with endless flirting
He’s a gentleman and we’ll do anything for his lady
You’re the one thing in his life I’d say he won’t trade for money
He won’t switch for you
You’re his everything bc of what you represent for him
His humanity, and the light of his world
He’ll steal or trade anything to make sure you’re happy
Will gun down anyone who posses a threat to you
If anyone even comes close to you he’ll act like a rabid animal
Because for him; you are the very thing he’s obsessive over and something he’ll never let go of
Since losing his family he’s found a new lover to rebuild that past life
Hopefully where it’s better and no pain
You’re the light in the tunnel for him
A true gentleman who will make sure you are safe from harm
He can’t handle the thought of you becoming like his past wife
You remind him he’s the best thing in you’re life
No reason to be ashamed of what he is or what he was born into
He’ll protect you and give anything to make sure you’re safe and okay
He’ll always show you that he loves you
Just in case he will perhaps lose you
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atomictrasher · 8 months
What are your favorite kinks for Subzero and for Reptile?
Whew boy nonny this was a journey! Please note both of these boys have more than just the kinks listed below, these are just some of their stand outs! As always likes, comments, reblogs highly encourages and appreciated! This is explicit just FYI and involves an AFAB reader, I wrote lots of little drabbles for each kink. One of these days I will get my ass together and make my posts pretty but today is not that day. :<
Kinks Bi-Han:
Choking: Bi-Han is very much into controlling his partner’s every action, which includes their ability to breathe when they’re being intimate.
You gurgle and choke as the cryomancer’s fingers close around your next, his thick cock pounding into your tight hole. You trusted him implicitly, you’d never let him do this if you didn’t and he would never do it if you didn’t agree to it, it was more about trust than anything else. You can feel your toes curling as you struggle to breathe getting closer and closer to completion, your body shakes with exertion as the cryomancer continues to plow into you. You get to the point where each breath is a struggle and as you fight to fill your lungs, the pressure on your artery becomes more than you can handle as your breath dies in your throat and the cryomancer forces you to your peak, stars burst before your eyes and your body feels electrified.
Breeding: this one is kind of a no-brainer for Bi-Han, he’s the Grandmaster, he needs an heir to continue his bloodline so wanting to put a baby in you is high on his list of things that get him off.
The cryomancer held you down as he continued to pump his cock in and out of your tight wetness, the obscene squelching echoing in his vast stone chambers. “Mm qīn you’re going to look so good swollen with my heir, I can just imagine it, your cute little belly all round and full, your breasts heaving with milk for our son, it’ll will be perfect.” Bi-Han groans as he keeps fucking you. “You’re going to be good for me a drink up every drop I give you aren’t you, that’s it that’s my good little qīn, your pretty little womb is just begging me to fill it up with my cum,” he cajoles sweetly, brushing your hair back from your face.
You thrash wildly in his cold grasp as his words shoot straight to your core and you find yourself desperate to please the cryomancer any way you can, “oh please Bi-Han, please let me have your baby,” you whimper incoherently.
“You better not waste a single drop,” he whispers, biting his lower lip and you can tell he’s as close as you are to cumming. He pounds into you over and over again, causing you to throw your head back and cry out his name with every thrust.
You find yourself falling over the edge quickly and what finally sends you over is the feeling of Bi-Han’s icy cum splashing against your plush walls. You practically squeal as your orgasm washes over you and you grab at the cryomancer’s well-muscled back trying to ground yourself as your body thrashes and spasms with pleasure. You sigh happily in your hazy, lust-drunk pleasure as Bi-Han’s icy load finishes emptying into your waiting womb.
Temperature Play: this one is kind of a given for Bi-Han considering he’s a cryomancer and can’t exactly turn his cold off, he can make himself colder, but he can’t make himself warm. He likes pushing you to your limits though and seeing how much of him you can handle.
Bi-Han’s icy fingers push in and out of your tight pussy, making you moan low in the back of your throat, it’s cold, so cold but it feels exhilarating at the same time. Your body shivers and shakes under the cryomancer’s actions as he pushes his fingers in deeply teasing the bundle of nerves in your pussy. He makes a come hither motion as his icy fingers dance over the spongey nub as he applies steady pressure causing you to cry out.
“That feel good qīn? It’s not too cold?” Bi-Han asks, his cold lips ghosting over your neck as he speaks.
“S’cold,” you slur as you start to feel drunk from pleasure as the cryomancer’s fingers slide in and out of your sticky hole. “I-I can manage it though, it feels kind of good like this,” you stutter as another shiver rolls through your body.
“You look so cute when you try not to shiver qīn,” Bi-Han groans as he pushes a third icy finger into your hot, tight pussy earning another cry from you. He lowers his mouth to your sticky, sweet mouth as his icy-cold tongue laps at your clit.
“Ahh Bi-Han,” you whine and rock your hips against his handsome face as his fingers quest deeper inside you. It doesn’t take you long to come undone, soaking Bi-Han’s cold tongue with your juices, he groans as your want coats his face encouraging him to lick you harder as if he was desperate not to let a drop spill. You call his name in a breathy little whine as he reluctantly pulls his icy fingers out of your abused hole, he brings them to his mouth as he presses the sticky digit in his mouth licking each digit clean, the ice still glittering on his long fingers.
“Mmm, you taste so sweet qīn I could do this all day,” Bi-Han groans licking the last of the moisture off his fingers, he stays between your legs though as if he’d make good on his promise.
“L-let me warm up just a little bit first,” you chuckle a bit, your teeth chattering slightly as you reach your hand down to thread through his silky shoulder-length hair.
Oral (receiving): Bi-Han is very fond of blow jobs, that’s not to say he won’t go down on his partner in return, but the quickest way to get him out of a bad mood is a blow job.
You drop your lips around his tantalizing cock, standing hard and proud against Bi-Han’s perfectly chiseled abs, tip leaking with silky pearlescent fluid. You suck softly applying gentle pressure before pulling away slowly to lave at the slit gathering up the cold, salty fluid. You run your tongue along the vein that ran the length of Bi-Han’s impressive length before finally pulling it in your mouth again. You can’t help but let out a low moan as you hear Bi-Han suck in his breath as your warm mouth engulfs his cold length, he bucks his hips up slightly seeking more of your warmth. You deny him for now though, your lips hovering around the tip of his cold cock, licking and sucking at the velvety head as your spit-soaked hand teases the shaft.
“Qīn, stop teasing me or you’re going to be in big trouble later,” Bi-Han orders knowing he’s really in no position to be giving orders in his current state.
You just press a finger to his lips to silence his demands as you return to his weeping cock, pulling as much of the length into your mouth as you're capable of in one go. This action earns a rare, choked-off moan from the cryomancer as you force his cock down your throat. You suck and bob your head up and down along his length moaning as you go, the vibrations from your enthusiastic moaning pulling soft hisses and grunts from the cryomancer. You force his huge cock all the way down your throat until his dark hair tickles your nose, the stretch and burn impossible to ignore, but well worth it to look up and see Bi-Han’s beautiful brown eyes squeezed close, his mouth slightly agape and his cheeks flushed pink. His hands move to grip your head, but he’s careful not to force your head lower, letting you control your pace in a rare display of equality in the bedroom.
“I’m close,” he whispers, as his hips buck up to meet your luscious mouth, careful not to hurt you with his massive cock.
You moan as more pre-cum oozes in your mouth, you didn’t need him to tell you he was close, you could read his body, but you appreciate the heads up. You pull back slightly to suck fervently on the tip as your hand glides along his slippery shaft, you whimper and moan as you try and ignore your intense desire. With a delicious, deep moan Bi-Han cums in your mouth, the cold liquid splashing against your tongue as you lick and suck at his velveteen cockhead. You hum happily as you try your best to swallow all of the cryomancer’s load, you pull off his cock with a satisfying smack as a string of the white fluid connects you to his cock, languidly you lick your lips severing the string and earning another satisfied groan from the cryomancer. He lies there stroking your hair while he recovers from his orgasm waiting to return the favor.
Cock-warming/Soaking: being cold-blooded means Syzoth loves your body heat, and he’s obsessed with holding his cock inside your warmth as much as he can, hard or soft it doesn’t matter, he loves holding you close and being inside you.
“This is perfect sunshine,” the Saurian chirps happily as he slides his cock back inside you after the two of you had made love earlier.
You moan softly at the slight intrusion, but couldn’t complain about the pleasant full sensation the Zaterran was providing for you, even if you were spent already. “Is this something Zaterran’s don’t do?” You ask, letting him hold you close.
“Mm, not really, sex is usually for procreation purposes, most Zaterran’s don’t have sex outside of mating season, and it’s usually over once the male has achieved their orgasm,” Syzoth explains.
“Do you find it weird having sex with me when you aren’t in a rut? Would you prefer not to?” You’re worried at what his answer may be but at the same time, you’d never want to force Syzoth to do anything he didn’t want to do.
“What? No! Of course not! I love sex with you, I love being close to you, I love feeling my cock inside your perfect wet warmth,” Syzoth reassures pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I’m not exactly human, but I’m not exactly just a Zaterran either, I’m somewhere in between and I enjoy human customs, like post coitus cuddling, especially when you let me stay inside you,” he chirps happily, resting his head on top of yours.
“I just want to make sure I’m not asking you to do anything out of your comfort zone,” you smile against his chest, snuggling against his warm body.
He wraps his arms around you, cock twitching happily in the confines of your warmth, “I’d let you know sunshine, but I don’t think you ever would.”
Cock Worship: Syzoth is very into cock worship, or body worship in general, he can be very insecure at times so having a partner very in tune with his body is key
Syzoth whines as your tongue laves the underside of his thick cock, licking lazy stripes against it like it was a lollipop. “Mmm Sy I love your cock so much, it’s so velvety and hard,” you drop a kiss on his head whilst licking up some pre-cum, “so tasty and delicious.” You take a small break from his pretty cock to press kisses to his inner thighs, “every inch of you is so pretty, I’m so lucky to have you,” you praise softly, leaving kisses in your wake.
“You sure sunshine, everything is really to your liking?” He asks softly, emerald green eyes lidded with pleasure as you kiss and lick his well-defined abs.
“Oh yes, everything is perfect Sy,” you pull yourself away from his toned stomach to return your attention back to his leaking cock, closing your plush lips around it and sucking in earnest, earning a delicious moan from the Zaterran. Your hands dance along his muscular thighs as you suck his cock, focusing your attention on the sensitive tip, more pre-cum oozes into your mouth as you stroke his thighs lovingly.
Little chirps and whimpers fall from the Zaterran’s parted lips as he slowly bucks his hips up in search of more of your delicious warmth. “Oh fuck sunshine, you’re going to make me cum.” He warns as his fingers thread through your hair and pulls you down slightly.
You moan in response, the vibrations coursing through his sensitive cock was all that was required to push him over the edge, with a breathy hiss of a cry Syzoth cums, thick ropes of cum shooting down your throat causing you to moan in satisfaction. Zaterran cum was definitely different than human cum, it was thicker, almost syrupy and sweet, not unpleasant like humans could be, it was a taste you couldn’t get enough of. When he finishes you pull away with a satisfied smirk and lick your lips in appreciation, “let me show you how much I appreciate you pretty cock,” you whisper before covering it in kisses.
The Zaterran hisses at the overstimulation but lets you do as you please, happy you truly enjoy him as much as he enjoys you.
Primal Play (Predator): Syzoth is big on this, being a reptiloid it's in his nature to be a predator and while he’s a reasonably soft top he can occasionally be more dominant when the situation calls for it.
Syzoth has been hunting you around your apartment for the better part of 10 minutes, of course, he knows exactly where you are, he can smell your excited pussy from a mile away, but the hunt and anticipation was something you both enjoyed, so he drug it out for a little while longer. Syzoth is a natural-born predator, a hunter, it’s not something that’s been bred out of him for generations like a domesticated dog either, it’s something natural and innate to him, so the longer he gets to chase you the more turned on he got.
You sneak along the upper hallway trying to remain as quiet as possible as you make it to your bedroom, you knew Syzoth would find you quickly, he always did, but you were more than happy to engage in this little game of cat and mouse with him.
“Sunshine, I can smell your delicious, dripping pussy from here,” he calls from downstairs as his heavy footfalls make their way up the stairs and toward the bedroom.
You flush at his words, embarrassed you were such an easy target, he wasn’t wrong though, your pussy was dripping in anticipation of the Zaterran’s cock or maybe cocks depending on his mood.
Within moments he opens the door and he’s on you quick as can be, his sensitive nose buried in your clothed pussy as he snuffles and inhales your scent deeply, “fuck you smell so good sunshine, I can’t wait to taste you.” He doesn’t even bother with his hands, he just wraps his long forked tongue around your underwear, and with a sharp tug, they rip at the seam giving him access to your soaking folds.
You cry out when his hot tongue makes contact with your exposed pussy, he glides his tongue over your holes, over your folds, all the way to your sensitive little nub before pressing a light kiss to it. “Tell me what you want,” he demands, his eyes glittering with desire.
“Please Sy, don’t tease, my sweet little pussy is just waiting to be devoured by you,” you whine and flush deeper at the words spilling from your lips as you press your enticing little mound towards his long, forked tongue.
The Saurian rumbles low in his throat as he leans forward to taste you again, loving your sweet nectar coating his tongue as he laves it through your folds, he dips his long tongue inside your tight hole and wriggles it around wildly. Syzoth curls it around your sweet spot as he sucks on your clit making your brain short-circuit.
“Ah! Ah! Sy! I’m going to, oh fuck, I can’t oh, oh,” you babble incoherently as he keeps the pressure up and you’re forced to come undone. With a loud shriek of his name your orgasm wells up inside of you until it bursts with such force it knocks the wind from your lungs, your whole body twists and trembles in his grasp, coating his talented tongue with your want spilling from your spent pussy.
“Mm, sunshine you taste so good,” Syzoth praises lazily against your pussy as he licks and soaks in all your post-orgasmic bliss. “Now I’m going to fuck you so good,” he whispers, eyeing you like a trapped animal before pouncing on you.
Double Penetration: DP is something well really only Syzoth can achieve without a toy or secondary partner so of course he’s going to be crazy about it, he was reluctant to fuck you in his natural form at first, but over the course of your relationship he’s realized you enjoy it as much as he does.
Your mouth falls open in a silent cry as you feel both the Zaterran’s huge cocks opening you up, the little spines tickling and massaging your sticky walls as they push inside rearranging you for his needs. “Oh fuck, Sy,” you whimper and moan as he pushes more and more until he’s fully seated. You feel so overfull that you might burst, but it’s such a wonderful sensation, one you couldn’t get enough of, one you often times had to beg your lizard boyfriend for since he was so gentle and concerned he might hurt you.
A low, pleasured hiss escapes Syzoth as he stuffs you full of his cocks, he waits patiently until you give him the green light to start fucking you and fuck you he does. He’s not in a gentle mood today, not to say he was mean or overly aggressive, he was just the right amount of worked up to fuck you good.
Your arms wrap around his well-muscled shoulders as he pulls out slightly only to drive back inside your waiting warmth, your whole body shudders at the action as you cry out softly, it feels so good. He sets a harsh, fast rhythm and you cling to him, crying out with every thrust, each movement creating delicious friction inside your tight canals massaged by the tiny spines adoring the reptiloid’s cocks. Soon you’re seeing stars as each thrust hits your sweet spot head-on, the action causing you to shake uncontrollably, you cling tighter to Reptile as you coo his name in a sweet voice, practically begging him to fuck you harder.
“I can’t hold back anymore sunshine,” he groans and starts pounding into you, his cocks stretching both of your holes to their limit as the Zaterran’s huge cocks slip in and out of you over and over again.
You squeal his name as you clench around the invading cocks, your toes curl with pleasure and you thrash wildly under him, your orgasm washes over you in blissful waves of pleasure as you fall harder and deeper into your ecstasy.
“Oh fuck sunshine you look so pretty when you cum, gonna fill you up so good,” Syzoth slurs in his pussy and ass drunk state as jets of hot, white fluid race to fill both your holes fully.
You whimper pitifully at the feeling as your greedy cunt milks his pretty cock to swallow up his entire load, not wanting to waste a drop.
Syzoth lays flat on top of you, soaking in your body warmth as he makes no effort to pull out, waiting until the two of you are ready for round two.
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atomictrasher · 8 months
Shang Tsung the type of guy to say a corny comeback, say “toodles”, snap his fingers, then walk away laughing like a school girl.
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atomictrasher · 8 months
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I loved her when I was a small pebble lol
Also, the version where she went absolute batshit insane lol
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atomictrasher · 8 months
I have a horrible illness called “can’t stop pretending I’m in a late 90’s early 2000’s horror movie syndrome”
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