au-eldritchfell · 2 years
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I have no excuses. 
Next two episodes are complete, but expect no sort of schedule afterwards. 
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au-eldritchfell · 2 years
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I have no excuses. 
Next two episodes are complete, but expect no sort of schedule afterwards. 
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As the human stares into the empty room in disbelief, Toriel catches up with em.
“*Ah-- was it candy you wanted?” she asks, placing a hand on eir shoulder and steering them into the room, towards the candy bowl. “*Well, do not ruin your appetite before dinner, but you may take some for our walk, if you so desire!”
The Human now stands before the pedestal with the bowl of candy, awkwardly clutching eir stick. Across from em is the Narrator, who states, *It says ‘take one.’
Zoom in on the faces of the Human and the Narrator. The Narrator’s eyes flash red, causing the Human to sweat. *Take one? the Narrator asks, emphasizing the ‘one’ in red.
The Human does indeed take only one, holding it up for us to see before shoving it into eir pocket, as Toriel steers them away from the candy bowl.
“*Now, before we continue--”
Toriel places both hands firmly on the Human’s shoulders, glaring down at them with a concerned expression.
“*I would like to make myself very clear. I am not mad at you. Children should be allowed to run and play as they please.”
She continues speaking, as the panels show a montage of her and the Human walking the rest of the way through the Ruins. The Human points at a blue ghost, Napstablook, presumably flirting, as Toriel watches and makes encouraging gestures in that background.
“*But the Ruins are very dangerous, so please stay close to me.”
Next in the montage is Frisk walking across a precarious bridge over a hole in the floor, stick positioned like a tightrope walker would use a pole to balance. We watch over Toriel’s shoulder.
Then the Human poking a blue button with their stick, as the Narrator watches from behind a pillar.
Close in on the Human’s face, a little awed, as Toriel speaks.
“*Finally, my child…”
Toriel gestures at a large purple door behind her, emblazoned with a more fanciful variant of the Delta Rune symbol. She is smiling big. “*Here we are! Your new home!”
Next is within the house. The interior is painted in warm colors, with decor like embroidery, books, and flowers. Toriel hangs up her cloak on a hook by the door, her back turned to the Human. Ey have removed their shoes, and drifts further into the house to explore.
“*Please feel free to-- ah--!”
A shot of the Human’s foot, covered by a blue and purple sock, set down onto a stair step, leading into the basement. Before they can descend the stairs, however, Toriel grabs em by the hood. Eir eyes widen, before Toriel gently steers them away from the stairs, and down a hall.
“*I’m sorry, but the basement is off-limits. But the rest of the house is yours to explore!” she explains. “*Beginning with--
*Your own room!”
Toriel looks extremely pleased with herself as she shows the Human eir room. The Human looks a little impressed.
The room is in shades of red and brown, with yellow stars across the walls. A bed in the corner has small plushies that look similar to Toriel herself, by a lamp is a crayon drawing of a golden flower taped to the wall, and a dresser is cluttered with things like old handheld game consoles, pencils, earbuds…
“*Please make yourself comfortable while I go make us dinner!” Toriel says, and departs.
The Human stands for a moment, then reaches up. He undoes his ponytail, causing eir long brown hair to go cascading over his shoulders.
Ey then look around the room, the things they find are remarked upon by the Narrator.
The Human goes digging through a chest at the foot of the bed. The starry-eyed narrator remarks *Look at all these cool toys!
Then to the Human’s less-enthused reaction, the now-disappointed Narrator says *They don’t interest you at all.
*An empty photo frame. It’s really dusty…
The Human holds a purple and pink shoe. It is tiny in her hands.
*A box of kid’s shoes in a disparity of sizes.
The human exits the room, and points at a plant in the hallway. We can see the Narrator reflected in a mirror.
*You don’t know what kind of plant this is.
The Human enters Toriel’s room. They take out a hefty volume with a green cover.
*It’s an encyclopedia on subterranean plants.
The Human opens a door. They look surprised and awed, while the Narrator looks affronted, a hand over their mouth.
*It’s Toriel’s sock drawer. How scandalous!
The Human leaves Toriel’s room, and passes by the unknown plant again. The Narrator stops to point it out.
*Oh! It is a ‘water sausage!’
The Human pauses by the mirror, staring into it.
*It’s you!, the Narrator says.
The Human rests a hand upon the mirror briefly, then traces a question mark with their hand. They point at the Narrator, poking the mirror, with a cheeky grin.
“So how long are you going to keep narrating everything I say?” the Human signs. “Yes, you! Hello!”
End ID
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au-eldritchfell · 2 years
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True Reset - Load - Continue
We’ll see, but it may be a little while before I can update again, as I want to complete the next three pages before releasing any, and two are rather long. Finishing up the redo of my other comic’s prologue, and doing some more sketching, would also be ideal. 
In the meantime, enjoy and happy theorizing. Perhaps I’ll do a Q&A event if people are interested. I’m interested in hearing people’s thoughts. And thank you kindly for all the support. ^^ 
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au-eldritchfell · 2 years
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As you can see, some of the cuts in this page weren’t really made in the best of places. Full transcript can be found below the cut, but for easier references the divided words are ‘*A war broke out between the two races’ and ‘*Toriel smiles reassuringly.’ 
Mirrors at Deviantart, Comicfury, Tapas, and Webtoons, which don’t cut in the same way as Tumblr, will be linked to in the reblogs. Thank you for your patience. 
Also from here on out, I do not have much buffer prepared, and these episodes can get quite long– not to mention, this is not my only comic. I intend to update on every 1st and 15th assuming I do have a page, tho. 
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au-eldritchfell · 2 years
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I was extremely, and pleasantly, surprised by how much attention the prologue got! Now we move into the first chapter of the main Eldritchfell story, and meet our first main character! 
(In this specific AU, Frisk uses any pronouns and switches them constantly for Maximum Gender Confusion.) 
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Ways to support me and comic mirrors can be found in reblogs!  Next chapter: October 15th. 
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au-eldritchfell · 2 years
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Happy 6th Undertale anniversary… and welcome back to Eldritchfell.
In all honesty, when I stopped updating this project, I didn’t think I’d return to it. It was still something close to my heart, but I couldn’t make myself work on pages– maybe because my art style had radically changed, maybe because I was no longer satisfied with some decisions I’d made. For that reason, several things have changed in this new third version. In some ways it’s a little closer to classic Undertale, though of course still different enough to call it an AU. 
At any rate. It feels a little strange to, but I thank everyone from former Eldritchfell attempts still reading for their patience, or for giving this one more shot with me. I also thank everyone new who’s reading Eldritchfell for the first time, and decides they want to read this AU, even 6 years after the fandom began. Some of my projects will stick in my head and just refuse to die, this being one of them. Updates to this will not be as fast as past EF versions or my original webcomic, due to both much longer pages and working on several projects. I can’t promise I’ll finish this version either, but I hope to have fun with it, experiment, and push my limits. And I hope you enjoy it too. 
The characters? The characters may enjoy it less. 
With that out of the way, considering that all versions of Eldritchfell have had some connection with other AUs planned, I felt it fitting to cameo a great number of them in the prologue, even moreso with this debuting on Undertale’s anniversary, the start of this crazy fandom. Some of these AUs I chose to cameo because they’re very popular in the fandom, some because they’re ones I like a great deal personally, and some because they fit with the narration in the story. Image description and AU credits both below the cut. 
If you enjoy my work and my stories, please also consider checking out my dark fantasy webcomic. 
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au-eldritchfell · 3 years
Besides chara, frisk and Toriel, who else have you worked on like for example the snowdin shopkeeper or Asgore ?
I've worked on Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Asgore, Asriel, and the Holidays in detail. Might change around details for any of them, but I've got a pretty solid idea of what I want for all of them.
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au-eldritchfell · 3 years
Does coutures exist in this au ?
Uncertain what you mean by 'coutures'.
If you mean 'fashionable made-to-measure clothes', then I would assume so, but it won't be terribly relevant to the comic, seeing as it's called Eldritchfell and not Fashiontale.
If you mean something else, then I apologize but I don't understand the question.
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au-eldritchfell · 3 years
What year did the fallen humans fall down ?
Chara- 201x, as in the game.
Azure- Roughly four and a half years after Chara fell.
I'm not sure about the rest, I haven't worked out a hard timeline and I don't know how necessary it is, seeing how ambiguous Undertale's timeline is. I think they fell over the course of a few decades-- say 80 years maximum. There was about a 10-20 year gap between the last Fallen and Frisk.
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au-eldritchfell · 3 years
What are your fallen human names besides chara and frisk ?
The Patience Soul was named Azure.
The other Souls I might change a bit, including their names, because I haven't quite decided how big a role they'll play in the AU. But Bravery was named Valencia, Justice was named Dandelion, Kindness was named Forrest, Integrity was named Sapphire, and Perseverance was named Violet.
Azure is the one I have the most solid ideas about, and the most plot-relevant, and I'd be willing to answer further questions about her. The other kids are less solid but I'm still down for receiving questions about them.
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au-eldritchfell · 3 years
Now that I’ve gotten my Toriel believes the world is kill or be killed pet theory out of the way, I’d love to share my personal headcanon for Asgore and Toriel’s backstories! 
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au-eldritchfell · 3 years
Happy Holidays. Here’s some news about my comics.
I have been hard at work at both of them! 
Eldritchfell has about five episodes scripted, one episode fully completed, one episode half-completed, and one episode sketched. I’d like to have the script done up to the end of the Ruins, and at least three episodes fully finished before I start updating again, at minimum. I don’t like setting hard deadlines, so I can’t say when it will come back, but I’m pretty excited about this art! 
Renegade’s Redemption… I HAVE been hard at work on it. But I’ve also been frustrated with how much progress I’ve made and how long it is, and how much worldbuilding I can or cannot fit into it. I’ve been experimenting with ways to get it out faster, so while it will resume, and probably a lot sooner than Eldritchfell, it may not resume in a comic format. I am very happy with the work I’ve done and been doing, no matter the format, I just have so many scenes and characters so far off that I want to get to even faster. 
At any rate, tho I sometimes feel conflicted or frustrated, I’m really happy with both my projects. I just feel really good about them. 2021 was not a great year, but I did a lot that seems mundane that I’m proud of, both in my personal life and my comics. I’m starting to actually feel like an adult. I hope next year, I can take some of this energy and provide you all with something beautiful, entertaining, and thought-provoking. 
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au-eldritchfell · 3 years
Aiming to return January 2022. Thank you for your patience. 
In the meantime, character asks open for Frisk, Chara, and Toriel. 
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au-eldritchfell · 3 years
If I had to pick a song to draw an anime/tv-show-style opening to for Eldritchfell, it’d probably be I Don’t Know from Ghost Quartet. (Regrettably it’s a weird song and, even if I did learn animation, I can’t really imagine how I’d animate it. But it’s fitting, a kinda weird song for a kinda weird AU.) 
I’ve gone through a couple different songs I thought really fit Eldritchfell in the past. But this is the one I think fits really well at present moment. 
It’s a pretty fun musical. Confusing, but delightful to analyze, and I do love to analyze stories and characters. 
As for how the song is fitting... well, if anyone in my audience enjoys theorizing and analysis, I’ll leave that for you to determine. 
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au-eldritchfell · 3 years
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True Reset - Load - Continue
We’ll see, but it may be a little while before I can update again, as I want to complete the next three pages before releasing any, and two are rather long. Finishing up the redo of my other comic’s prologue, and doing some more sketching, would also be ideal. 
In the meantime, enjoy and happy theorizing. Perhaps I’ll do a Q&A event if people are interested. I’m interested in hearing people’s thoughts. And thank you kindly for all the support. ^^ 
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Image Description: The art style becomes predominantly black, with white outlines, and pink-to-violet lighting.
Violet fireballs whip past the human, blowing his hair back. Their expression is difficult to read, even as the Narrator looks at em from the side.
The human darts closer and closer to Toriel on the other end of the room, dodging around her fireballs, until the two are nearly face to face. Ey look stoically into her eyes… then wink, giving off fingerguns, and sign “Hey hot stuff. You’re on fire right now, but do you think you can cool it?”
Just behind xem, the Narrator reacts with borderline cartoonish horror.
Toriel, too, freezes, the flames crackling in her hands. Then color returns as she snorts, and bursts out in loud and ugly laughter. The unseen Narrator turns to its partner, accusing “*Have you satisfied your perverted soul now!? You have flirted with a woman thousands of years your senior! Is your perversity sated!?”
Toriel finally calms down enough to speak, bringing her hands together with a pleased smile.
“*Oh, my child,” she says, “*You have done excellently! Certainly, you will befriend every monster in these Ruins. Now come, follow me! Home is not far at all!”
She gestures to the Human with a fond look, as ey progress onwards, the Narrator following a little ways behind. Together, they come to a corridor with a long row of spikes barring the way, water at either side of the path. The Human seems to perk up as she sees something at the very end of the corridor, between rows of needle-like spikes-- seemingly a skull-like creature, that also sees her.
He makes a break, and starts to run after it. Both the Narrator and Toriel react with shock, as Toriel calls out “*My child!? Where are you going!?”
The Narrator can only stare dumbfounded at the Human’s flagrant disobedience.
Fortunately, the Humans isn’t hurt by the spike rows, and sees the skull-creature dart into another room. But as they round the corner and peer inside…
It’s gone. It’s nothing but an empty room. The only thing of note, a small bowl of candy atop a lone pedestal.
A dead end. End ID
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au-eldritchfell · 3 years
Idea I’d like a little feedback on. 
So I probably won’t be able to make updates for the 1st and 15th of each month, but I don’t want this blog to be entirely dead in the time between updates. Would people like it if, for each update day I don’t have an update prepared, I accept in-character asks for that day? That is, asks which characters will answer in-character. 
I think until we leave the Ruins, it’d just be Frisk, Chara, and Toriel answering questions. 
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au-eldritchfell · 3 years
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As you can see, some of the cuts in this page weren’t really made in the best of places. Full transcript can be found below the cut, but for easier references the divided words are ‘*A war broke out between the two races’ and ‘*Toriel smiles reassuringly.’ 
Mirrors at Deviantart, Comicfury, Tapas, and Webtoons, which don’t cut in the same way as Tumblr, will be linked to in the reblogs. Thank you for your patience. 
Also from here on out, I do not have much buffer prepared, and these episodes can get quite long-- not to mention, this is not my only comic. I intend to update on every 1st and 15th assuming I do have a page, tho. 
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Toriel places a hand wreathed in violet flame upon the human’s head. Surprisingly, it does not burn em, it only feels warm.
“*Most magic is not equipped to heal physical wounds, but mine should ease the pain,” Toriel explains. When the human does not respond, she only gives a patient smile, and says “*Aha, I see you are not one for talking…”
She takes his hand, leading em down their hallway.
Despite their name and emptiness, these Ruins halls seem brighter and friendlier. Especially in contrast to those first few rooms. The human’s heartrate is still elevated from eir encounter with those horrible vines… but with this woman’s company, as she rambles on about puzzles and history, she begins to relax.
And silently, the narrator follows and observes.
The medium switches to a series of simple chalk drawings, to illustrate Toriel’s narration.
“*A long time ago, two races ruled over earth, humans and monsters. A war broke out between the two races, ending in the monsters being sealed Underground. Though saddened we could not see the stars again, we still found ways to live good lives… Until strange creatures from an unknown place entered the Underground and attacked. We call these creatures ‘eldritch’.”
Pan out from the last chalkboard, revealing Toriel is standing in front of it, gesturing with a piece of chalk.
“*Between the evil intentions of the eldritch, and the new distress of the monsters, you may come to be harmed,” she states, “but never fear.”
A violet fireball appears, cupped in her palm.
“*Learning to dodge will grant me time to come to your aid and help defuse the situation. Now then…”
She smiles, as flames leak from her hands.
“*What would you say to a review?”
The human grips her stick tightly. Lit by the purple flames, ey appear a little nervous.
*Toriel smiles reassuringly.
A red heart appears at the very bottom, surrounded by four options-- Fight, Act, Item, and Mercy.
End ID
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