audreykov · 4 years
Late April Early May
My favorite aunt; my blue-eyed sister who feels the world; my bus ride crush with the baggy pants; my 9th grade boyfriend with the broken jaw; my 10th grade obessession that “ruined my life;” my takeout makeout partner in crime; my casual mentor with mystical powers; and my mid-western rock.
By Audrey Kovár
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audreykov · 5 years
Birthday Month
Every year I struggle to remember your birthday. I always want to say that it’s Sept 26. I think maybe I just remember when you turned 26 for some reason. I go back and forth between Virgo and Libra. Which one were you? Even though your real birthday and the one I made up would both have you as a Libra - so sensitive. But then again, so are Virgos and none of that stuff is actually real.
I did this before too.I just was always too embarrassed to ask - like when you’ve known a person for so long without actually knowing their name and at some point it’s just too late to ask. I feel like you always remembered mine.
So, every year your actual birthday comes around and between the dates of Sept 20th and Sept 26th I wait. And then on the 23rd, Facebook reminds me via notification and giant banner on my feed that it’s your birthday once again and I should wish you a happy one.
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audreykov · 5 years
A Love Story (condensed)
It was on the tip of my tongue all day. When we bought that crotchless fishnet teddy on Broadway; when the ice-skating rink was closed; when we went and saw the tree instead; when I pouted on a subway bench after walking 30 blocks and you suggested martinis and oysters. And especially when I held that stupid plastic fortune-telling fish in my hand - when you put the words in my mouth, “It means I love you.” But I didn’t say it then. No, it wasn’t until you took my back end of virginity that I finally uttered, “I love you.”
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audreykov · 5 years
Happy Birthday, Beetlejuice
It was during the 18 months or so that I almost made it in Manhattan. I was at that basement bar w/ a model friend of mine who was wearing a Cheap Trick t-shirt. A group of dudes walked in, including a Julian Casablanca look alike and a young Robert Smith Doppelgänger (that was you.) “Julian” (or was it actually Julian?) walked away with my gal pal and I was stuck there talking to this paler-than-me, kinky-black-haired, quiet boy.
When we both realized our friends were canoodling indefinitely and decided it was time to go home, I made it clear I’d be going home with you. I wasn’t expecting anything. There was just something so intriguing about your dismissive laugh and lazy suspenders...and I had nowhere else I needed to be. I was young and drunkenly confident that this thirty-something-year-old stranger would be happy to have me in his bed - a bed that was undoubtedly more comfortable than than my own.
With odd reluctance that only heightened my fascination, you conceded. When we arrived at your west village apartment you tried to make me pay for the cab. I laughed. You weren’t kidding. We ended up splitting it.
After we finally entered your 8th floor walk up, you started arranging your ornate and extremely uncomfortable couch for me to sleep on.
This time, I absolutely protested. Your excuse was that I was “so young.” In retrospect, I was probably kind of annoying. But you were kind of a dick. In the end I won. We snuggled and even made out a little.
That was about as far as it went. There was definitely an unspoken tension, but I can honestly say, we’ve had one of the most barely PG13 rated friendships of anyone I’ve locked lips with as an adult.
Since that night, we’ve discussed steak snatching; attended a premiere or two; created a murderer with a Pez dispenser calling card; plotted the stealing of a famous hotel’s door mat (that may or may not have eventually happened); and held a decent conversation with Matt Damon.
If nothing else, you’ve given me a heck of a lot of writing material.
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audreykov · 6 years
Oscar Night
Oscar Night
I can hear my mom put me on speaker phone as she enters the bathroom and changes while talking to me about a vacuum cleaner...possibly.
“Oh, what movie are you gonna watch?” She interjects.
“The Master.” I instinctively say louder.
“The monster?” She asks, echoed but distant.
“No, mom. The Master. I’m pretty sure it was at least nominated for an award at some point.” I yell into the receiver.
“Yeah, it’s a Paul Thomas Anderso....”
“Jennifer Anniston?!? Jennifer Anniston is in-“
“No, Paul. Thomas. Anderson. The director,” I over articulate as she continues to move what sounds like sand paper over her cell phone.
“Oh, yeah I was gonna say. That doesn’t sound like a movie she’d be in.”
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audreykov · 6 years
Coming Down at 30
Coming down, half asleep/half awake and I kept murmuring, “Shuttup, Bailey. Shuttup,” thinking that my friend’s demon chihuahua was in the room licking itself. Then I remembered that there was two other people in bed with me. It was a pretty alright birthday.
by Audrey Kovár
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audreykov · 6 years
Cool Girl
I’m so over being the cool girl. I’m sick of being chill. I’m sick of saying, “all good, no worries.”
I’m tired of giving you the benefit of the doubt.
I don’t want to pretend like there were never any feelings when you were the one that said it first.
I don’t wanna be the cool girl anymore.
By Audrey Kovár
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audreykov · 6 years
As sat sobbing over a homeless man on the subway, not even bothering to put my sunglasses on, it suddenly occurred to me: I had been a huge cunt the day before.
PMS, combined w/ the sweltering New York heat and humidity and my least favorite bar in Brooklyn, had been an absolute horrible combination. I shouldn’t have even left the house let alone attempted to socialize with someone I was trying to fuck.
By Audrey Kovár
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audreykov · 6 years
A healthy relationship
Valerie, the “Eastern European” dancer asks w/ what’s probably her best Eastern European accent, “Are you two best friends?” I tilt my head back and over giving him a side-eye before responding with a smirk. “Kind of.”
“Aw, it’s so nice to have best friends.” She says with sickening sweetness.
“Well, we don’t really have any other friends and as it is, we have to bribe each other w/ sex, showers, and strip clubs to get the other one to visit.”
I smile, returning her saccharine.
She turns around.
He doesn’t hear a lot of what I say except when she leaves and I comment, “Well, she was annoying.”
Later, we run into each other in the bathroom and I tip her $5.
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audreykov · 7 years
Chris Carrabba
One time I told you I loved you.
But you were sleeping so it doesn’t count.
By Audrey Kovár
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audreykov · 7 years
His teeth bite down on his lower lip just a little longer than he normally might, so that when he finally releases the puffy, slightly chapped lip, it flips out. Despite the force behind it, that first soft consonant is almost inaudible compared to the compact harshness of the last two, as the back of his tongue hits the roof of his mouth and a burst of pressure is released. His lips remain parted. He stares downward, lost in thoughts about four-paneled hats and tote bags.
By Audrey Kovár
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audreykov · 7 years
shower buddy
Kirk left yesterday. 
I have a hard time lying lately. I wanted to say today. I wanted to write this yesterday. 
I didn’t.
So, my shower buddy left yesterday. And not as in, “we showered together.” No, he just used my shower and then would spend the night.
I was worried one time when he got a gym membership that he wouldn’t come back. But a week later he did.”If you want any company later….” But he still showered first. Because I imagine my shower’s still better than the gym’s.
Anyway, he left yesterday. Moved back to Ohio. I wish I could say he promised to come back but he just said he would. No promise.
I’m gonna take a shower and try to do something with my life.
by Audrey Kovár
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audreykov · 7 years
Things I did in Europe in No Particular Order (Except the First One)
Helped save a dog from a pond
Saw Imelda Staunton, Imogen Poots and Lord Varys in “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”
Explained to my date why it was called “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”
Looked up why it’s called “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”
Met the finnish Michael Pitt
Bummed a rolly from some gothy Germans who DID NOT let me sit with them
Ate part of a cookie
Ate veal for the second time in my life
Smoked weed
Drank beer
Took a nap in a hammock
Got lost in a club
Gave a really quick hand job
Left someone speechless
Was told I was irresistable
Heard the same stories twice
Was gifted socks
Ripped my new fur coat
Bought a fur coat from the hottest guy I saw in London
Saw some drag queens
Watched RuPaul’s drag race
Watched cats
Did not let cats out
Got locked out of my apartment
Chain smoked cigarettes with Stoya in her room at the Regent Hotel
Saw Ilynn’s gallery opening
Gave my number and instragram to a bartender
Apologized to the same bartender
Saw Olive the dog
Did coke, speed, Molly, and the Macarena
Cried in a bar
Cried in a cab
Cried in a house
Cried in a club
Cried in a car
Cried in a bed
Cried in a park
Danced to dub step
Put eyeliner on a dude
Put mascara on the same dude
Ate a popsicle in the shape of a dick and then threw it into the bushes
Got yelled at for throwing a dick-shaped popsicle into the bushes
Peed on a church
Saw Anton Newcombe
Pole danced and didn’t get payed
Made out and slow danced with a guy I put mascara on
Got caught in the rain
Fell asleep on a hasidic woman
Took some xanax
Watched some english dating shows
Drank capt morgan
Drank red wine
Drank real champagne
Cried in front of a Monet
Played trivia
Sat in a treehouse
Snuggled with a guy with a stutter
Talked to an irish guy named Mark at the airport
Made friends with a guy called Bananas at Wild At Heart
Drank absinthe
Asked too many people to roll me cigarettes
Met a young model named Lily
Met an incredible artist/collector from Italy
Saw the sunset
Saw the sunrise
Met a guy that reminded me of Ramsay from GoT
Saw him eat sausage
Saw a guy peeing that looked like Sam from GoT
Saw lots of guys and one girl peeing
Saw a girl passed out on May 1st but someone said he was a doctor
Made out in an old bus
Had drinks paid for
Paid for my own drinks
Tried to get into a brothel (it was closed)
Tried to get into the Kit Kat Club (it was closed)
Texted my roommate and told her I missed her
Rolled my eyes
Rolled my eyes
Yelled at someone with red hair
Yelled at someone with grey hair
threatened to leave for the airport 12 hours before my flight
Looked into flights to Barcelona
Looked into flights back to London
Bought a Latex bra
Ate chocolate and Prosecco for breakfast
Ate bread for breakfast
Ate nothing for breakfast
Forgot kids aren’t supposed to talk to strangers
Scared away a little kid 
Drank more Prosecco
Smoked more cigarettes
Rolled my eyes
Ate fish and chips
Someone made me dinner
Cried on a plane watching Nocturnal Animals
Cried on a plane watching Nocturnal Animals
Said I’m sorry
Said thank you 
Learned how to say “danke schoen”
Felt happy
Felt guilty
Felt at home
Felt lonely
Saved a soccer ball from going into the street
Was told I looked tired
Was asked if I had a gag reflex
Had dinner with over 1000 people in an abandoned radio station warehouse
Laughed out loud
Saw some deer, camels, ponies, baby goats and llamas
Felt uncomfortable
Snuggled in anger
Talked about threesomes
Tried to buy condoms
Ate popcorn
Dreamt about foxes but never saw one.
By Audrey Kovár
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audreykov · 8 years
I've Never Been More Terrified
To be in the same state as you. I would almost rather you not come. Just to prolong the likely, inevitable end of this 7 year long, nearly perfect...... I don't even know what it is. by Audrey Kovár
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audreykov · 8 years
Things Your Dangly Cross Earring Says to Me:
-"I really love Lost Boys."
-"I'm in a punk band that one or two of your friends has heard of."
-"I like boys. Lots of em."
-"I like girls. Lots of em."
-"I like lots of girls and boys."
-"I don't really like anyone."
-"I'm queer."
-"I'm straight."
-"I'm whatever you want me to be."
-"Sleep with me."
-"I'm an 80s vampire."
-"I'm friends with 80s vampires."
-"I'm billy idol."
-"Sleep with me."
-"I'm unique."
-"I'm bringing it back."
-"I lost my other earring."
-"Fuck you."
-"Fuck me."
-"We already fucked."
-"I'm vegan." By Audrey Kovár
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audreykov · 8 years
“My Birthday is Earthday,”
he said. More to himself than anyone else. As if he’d repeated it a hundred times throughout his life. Almost involuntarily repeating the mnemonic that he was told 30 something years ago.
I’ve repeated it a hundred times since. No mnemonic necessary.
by Audrey Kovar
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audreykov · 8 years
Adderal and Camel Crushes
by Audrey Kovar
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