audreyscribes · 18 hours
It has been promised and it shall soon be delivered! Look out for Fridays updates!
DISCLAIMER: These headcanons were written before the airing of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians TV show, and are primarily based on the books. To new fans or strictly TV watchers of the PJO series, future spoilers for the entire PJO series books will be referenced. Read at your own risk. The term, Miscellaneous Gods* is used not because the gods listed are not Major or Minor in terms of power, but in order to differentiate which works I have written according to the terms referred in the PJO series.
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{W A V E 1.0}
đŸ§â€â™€ïžMYSTERIOUS NYMPH(?) đŸ§â€â™‚ïž [PART1 | TUMBLR] \ [PART 2 | TUMBLR] \\ [AO3]
🍎ERIS😈 [TUMBLR] \\ [AO3]
{W A V E 2.0} {SOON + TBA}
??? [TUMBLR] \\ [AO3]
??? [TUMBLR] \\ [AO3]
??? [TUMBLR] \\ [AO3]
??? [TUMBLR] \\ [AO3]
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audreyscribes · 3 days
Do you think children of death-related deities (Anubis, Thanatos, Macaria, Hades, etc) see ghosts as what they once were? For example, someone else see a spirit as this translucent being with haunted eyes, but children of death still see them with flesh, proper eyes, actual clothes, all they once had before they passed.
a/n: 'death-related' > chthonic; 1.) of or relating to the underworld; 2.) Pertaining to the earth, earthy 3.) dwelling within or under the earth Disclaimer: mentions death, decomposition, spirits
.and also no
this is pretty complicated since this is a touchy subject, so this’ll be a personal answer.  
It’s not that they can’t, on the other hand, it’s just they just typically don’t? This is because they’re the children of death-related/chthonic deities, so it feels a bit disingenuous to their godly parent realms and their identity. This means they should see spirits of the dead with the marks of decomposition and anything death related because that’s part of death.  On the other hand, they are able to see what they looked like in their prime, because that’s their soul and are able to set an environment. 
Personally, the middle-ground answer is really that the spirits appearance is based on the state of their soul which influences how they appear. Children of Chthnoic deities are able to see and influence their appearance as either more living-like or more death-like because that’s part of their domain.
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audreyscribes · 5 days
Since we’re talking about DC how about demigod children of the New Gods of New Genesis and Apokolips?
Okay, in this case they wouldn’t really be demigods per say; or at the least not the atypical or normal demigod. This is because the New Gods of New Genesis and Apokolips, are, in their very name, New Gods.
The New Gods of New Genesis and Apokolips live outside of normal time and space in the Fourth World realm; evolved due to being close to the Source which is pretty much one of the primal energies of the universe. 
Still not sure how much immortal the New Gods are compared to the actual gods, however, let’s just say they’re pretty close and are pretty much are gods in essence since each New god represents a singular concept. For example, Darkseid is the God of Evil.
I hear some DC-readers going but Scribes! The New Gods can die if they fall in battle! They’re not really immortal! And I hear you; however as a general concept, gods are not necessarily undying either due to perception. IF we were talking strictly about Greek and Roman gods, they can’t die because as long as they are worshiped and remembered, they do not die. However, it’s another case if it’s like Egyptian gods and Norse gods; with former realm with Osiris who became the lord of death after Set killed him and cut him up to pieces which is a form of death; the latter where there have been evidence of the Norse gods dying, with Baldr, the god of Light, who was killed by Mistletoe that was exempt from harming him due its perceived harmlessness and literally every god that ultimately died in Ragnarok. 
Anyways, long story short, the New Gods are practically gods themselves, with the whole actual divinity and faith embedded in their existence. 
So with that, any union between New Gods and actual gods, are only ’demigods’ because they’re half of each, however, they’re still pretty much gods. Depending who their New God parent is, they may inherit a mixture or fusion of powers with their godly parent, but otherwise, they’ll inherit their godly parent’s domain as a minor deity
.so it would be more accurate to say a New God and Earh Gods child would be not a demigod but a demi-deity?
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audreyscribes · 7 days
And with that, the Roman Demigods have been finished! At this point, I've written what I could for all the Roman gods and their demigods and legacies, but I know there are other more out there. Maybe I'll write more when I've done more research and have the inspiration, but until then, that's all folks. Thank you for all reading my works and the Likes, Reblogs, and Comments I've gotten along the way! I really appreciated it since the Roman gods are a bit of unusual territory for me so thanks for all the reception! I'll see you all later fellow Romans and visiting Greek demigods!
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Author’s Note: Alright, when I was writing the Greek demigods h/cs, I did keep in mind some of them and their Roman counterparts (i.e. Hera demigod), so when that one anon asked about doing Roman demigods, I got curious and this is my attempt. I do understand why there isn’t a lot but I gave it a shot. It’s not going to be the same for the Greek version and it’s not going to be very detailed since Camp Jupiter and New Rome is more limited than the Greeks, so that’s why. I'll also may update this overtime with more Roman gods, but who knows. Hope you like it and enjoy!
*active links will be highlighted in RED
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Roman Demigoids Ao3 Fic Link: {LINK}
JUNO: [TUMBLR] // [AO3] 
MARS:  [TUMBLR] // [AO3] 
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audreyscribes · 8 days
Author’s Note: Another pure Roman god, let's gooo. Janus is actually rather interesting and I'm shocked we actually didn't see more Janus demigods being shown in the work. Other than the one character in the SON OF NEPTUNE, though. Then again, from my research, Janus demigods are pretty scarce given their power. ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
So being a child of Janus is going to be a wild ride. Being the god of duality, you’ll feel like you’re being pulled to two different sides while also balancing the two. The Greek equivalent of the feeling is like being a child of Nemesis, where they are about balance, but being a child of Janus feels more either or then fairness.
You share more similarities to a child of Apollo with your attributes where you both share the power of precognition and the possibility of detecting lies. Just as Apollo is the god of prophecies and truth, Janus is the god of beginnings & endings and Time, Janus can see the past and future, and Janus being the god of two-faces, are able to detect lies as a consequence. In other words, you have the ability to tell lies and see the past or future. I’d imagine not all children of Janus have all these abilities, with some more stronger. If your ability leans closer to the ability to detect lies, you may be able to tell what is the truth and compel such honesty. If your ability lies closer to either precognition (future) and retrocognition (past), you may be able to do see both. However, this may have its own consequence as you may not be able to stay present and start dissociating in the past and future, but not today. Otherwise, on a general note, children of Janus are able to detect a fib, with minor abilities in seeing either the past OR future, but rarely both.
Speaking of Time, Janus being gifted with the power of Time from his service to Saturn (Greek: Kronos), it is possible to have this power as well; but to have this power, usually means for those who have the ability to see the past and future only. However, this power is very rare and very dangerous, as you can imagine. You can’t completely control time or do anything time-travel like, nor can you truly stop time. You can affect time but it requires a lot of control, power, and who knows what else? This power truly comes into effect at times of choice. You know when you were in school and had those multiple choice exams, and when you tried to decide over the answers, it felt like time was stretching on very slowly yet was over so quick? Yeah it’s like that. This particular power comes forward especially when you’re at a crossroad of choices, allowing you to deliberate what choice you should make and the fate it will lead. You can stay there as long as you want, but there’s an inevitability that you will have to choose because it will happen one way or another; because the threat of the choice will always loom over you. If you have played any multiple choice games or particularly “Life is Strange”, it’s kind of like that.
Just like Janus with his two faces, you have something similar to that. I wouldn’t say it’s Bipolar or multiple personalities, but instead it's more akin to having different personas or masks that you portray forward in front of others. Unlike your godly parent whose both faces are true to him, you have multiple personas that have their own attribute, while your true self within you that you only reveal to close people, is the most vulnerable yet most powerful.  
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audreyscribes · 10 days
Author's Note: Alright, here's the first full Roman God and demigod! Bellona was a wild to read. There's a lot about her but also not? Like there wasn't much a lot of backstory weight behind her and Bellona was often conflated with a Greek god, Enyo, and there's a both wild and carnage side to Bellona, but also respect and honour. Hopefully I did it justice though. ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
Apart from Mars, Bellona is the next god to be worshipped at Camp Jupiter; so you’re equally respected alongside Bellona and are expected to embody the aspects of your mother and bring glory to Camp Jupiter with her skills and ferocity.
Just as much as you bring destruction and violence at the end, you bring peace when you end it; because at the end of war, there is peace; regardless of its outcome. Like Mars said, if there is only war, it's only mindlessly killing and there is no glory in that.
Like many other children of warfare, you are adept at fighting, the weapon in your hand an extension of yourself, and it only grows more fluidly and instinctually in your hands with time put into your skill. Your adeption at your weapon doesn’t necessarily have to be a blade, but can be your words and skill as well, because in war there are many methods and strategies in war.
Speaking of warfare, with Bellona being a patron of foreign warfare, you may have ties with other countries and adopt your birth country or home country’s style of warfare, battling, martial art style into your own. If not, you have a particular pull towards a country or style of warfare and become very knowledgeable in it. While in the Legion and Camp Jupiter tells you to conform with their Roman values and fighting style, at the soonest opportunity to being able to break formation and take on an individualistic maneuver, you are more deadly than before. Your limitation is being forced to move with your fellow Roman soldiers in order to maintain unity and harmony as you march towards the battlefield.
On the other hand, being a child of the patron of foreign warfare also extends to languages. You have a better grasp on languages that are outside of your birth language(s) so being multilingual is almost natural to you. The multilingualism is usually a good indication of foreign warfare tactics that I stated above, and vise-versa. 
Bellona was identified with the Greek Goddess Enyo, who is the goddess of and/or personified spirited of war. With Enyo, who followed the lead of Ares, she carried the turmoil of shameless hatred; bringing strife onto the battlefield. You too are like that once you are put on the battlefield. When you are no longer held back or behind the limits of strict values of Roman soldiers, you raze through your enemies, striking fear in your fellow soldiers but also courage to them as you are on their side. This is maybe why the children of Bellona are few and those who do exist, often take upon status of leadership and management. You are an expert in warfare and how to bring total destruction, thus you are in the right place to prevent such occurrences to your fellow Romans.
Bellona was also identified with the Sabine goddess of War, Nerio, who was the personification of Valor. This translates to you as well. Even if you are anxious and maybe shy, you honour Bellona by choosing to fight; whether it’s agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. While Valor is often conflated with courage or bravery in physical battle, being a child of Bellona doesn’t constrain you to this. It can be a mental battle, and Bellona is proud of you regardless. So even having mortal courage to act rightfully in the face of opposition, shame, scandal, discouragement, or personal loss, you still display the virtue of valour.
Being a child of Bellona also allows you to give a rousing and encouraging speech to others, as you can ignite the spark of encouragement in others, building their courage up like a fire.  This is very useful not only in battle, but in everyday life. You also make an excellent ambassador or spokesperson, speaking for profit or other interests. Guess that’s how Reyna became a great praetor.
I feel like when Reyna is made aware of your existence there’s a sense of scrutiny for Bellona’s favour and attention is rare outside of the field of war. Reyna also comes from a long line of those who were favoured by Bellona, so it is her responsibility to know you but also it is a relief she can find another sibling in you; however close or distant your relationship is. 
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audreyscribes · 10 days
Author’s Note: It's the UNDERWORLD KIDS! Not too much of a difference and honestly because since Death is universal, Pluto and Hades don't have that major difference. So you can take bits and pieces from the Hades Demigod work I did and plop it into here. Or not, you do you. ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
Another one of those situations where regardless of whether they are the child of their Greek or Roman version of their godly parent, basically nothing changes.
More likely than not, you’re one of the displaced out of time children of Hades/Pluto and you're guided by Nico, and later Hazel. If you don’t belong to the displaced group, you’ll still feel displaced. People revere and respect Hades/Pluto, but also fear. One of the few consolations is that between Hades and Pluto there is little difference to their persona so you don’t have to deal with the split personas that the other gods and demigods have to deal with, for death is universal.
Because death and respect of the underworld is universal, I already mentioned a lot of Pluto’s demigods and headcanons with the Hades, demigods. This also means this is one of those exceptions to the demigods, where the greeks and romans demigods of Hades and Pluto all come together and gather in solidarity with each other because of it. Honestly, it’s hard to tell if one is a child of Pluto or Hades and the only reason you can tell is if you go to be claimed; but even then, Roman claims don’t seem to happen as often as people think unlike their Greek counterparts.
I mentioned this in my Hades Demigod Headcanons, where if Nico found you, he introduces you to Hazel. If you stick with the Roman camp, Hazel shows the ropes around Camp Jupiter and New Rome, letting you choose to stay, go in and out, or not associate with the Roman camp like Nico does. Hazel tells you about her affinity with the Riches of the underworld while Nico is more adept with the Dead. It might be the same for you, where your powers and abilities suit one or the other. Regardless which is which, both Nico and Hazel offer you their support, however it may come to be, while also letting you find your own footing and independence.
In the Roman camp and New Rome, you have the duty as the child of the Underworld to oversee and manage any funeral rites. You work with the children of Ceres alongside, helping them adorn the dead with flowers and offerings. Unlike the children of specifically Hades, you have a better compatibility with plants because of this.
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audreyscribes · 12 days
Martian demigod? Where the mortal parent is Martian Manhunter?
> [gets this ask not long after the Kryptonian demigod ask] > [Sips morning tea and starts cracking fingers to begin furiously typing and then takes a nap]
Alright let's go, another sort of long one!
There are still limitations to speak of and yet Martian can be very OP as well, just like Kryptonians, but there’s one major downside where they’re weak to Fire. Depends on which lore you want to go with where they’re just weak to fire but there’s also a bit of Martian Lore that despite how flexible and vast the capabilities of Martian, they’re were made to be weak to Fire, not as a physical weakness but as a psychological weakness. For those who don’t know there’s a piece of lore where the Guardians of Oa, placed a powerful psychic block within the Martians to inhibit and prevent the Martians from using their genetic talents for conquest. This happened when the Martians were they were known as the Burning Maritans, where they were constantly ablaze and inflicted suffering and torment into others; relying on the heat of an inferno and the psychic suffering of others in order to reproduce. There’s more to this lore but that’s the gist of their weakness. Otherwise, I can see them adapting more into the aspect of the gods and oh boy, this can be very dangerous and powerful. Out of all the gods that Martian demigods would benefit from the most are: Apollo, Ares, Athena, Dionysus, and Hephaestus With the rest from being mid to low power.  
Apollo-Martian demigods benefiting from producing light, especially when the Martians live underground, and a healing factor
Athena-Martian demigods adopting strongly from Athena and their Martian parent where their telepathic and psychic powers are immense, with even stronger intellect, and able to form telepathic bonds that are like Satyrs. There’s also the possibility of Athena-Martian demigods inheriting Athena’s quirk of how she can have children- Anyways, Athena-Maritan demigods would be cracked at creating inventions and crafting with Martian society being so technologically advanced and with their intellect allowing them to just create things. 
Ares-Martian demigods would probably be most at home and adapt into their power prowess with Ares being technically connected to Mars. Dionysus-Martian demigods being more adept at the psychic and mental realm.
And Hephaestus- Martian Demigod would be rare since Hephaestus is a God of Fire, but if Hephaestus and a Martian had a demigod, their child would no longer have or be able to bypass the Fire Psychic Block and come into their true nature and power much more easily. Now there’s the possibility of that demigod being too powerful and dangerous and being evil, so there’s that. Otherwise, they too are at the risk of having an asexual birth, like Athena does with her own children, but with fire. Putting that aside, the engineering and creation of a Hephaestus-Martian demigod would be HUGE since Martians are very technologically advanced and can make a lot of stuff. 
In general Martian demigods will still be vulnerable to physical earthly dangers but I would say their major weakness is to magic; much like the reasons for Kryptonians but because it’s Magic then anything else.
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audreyscribes · 13 days
i love your roman demigods hcs so much! they’re amazing! i wish ppl talked more about the roman demigods and camp jupiter (and not just in i hate all the romans way). im happy someone thinks about them as much as i do
I'm very glad you are enjoying the Roman demigods hcs! I was worried that it may be a bit lack-luster in terms of quality and quantity, so thank you for your comment! They are certainly interesting in their own right once I've sat down and done the research, so hopefully the rest of the Roman demigod hcs will continue to entertain you and many other Romans demgiods out there! (Whilst also help jump start more Roman demigod hcs to be written by others!)
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audreyscribes · 15 days
Author’s Note: For some reason despite Mars being such a big name among the Romans, it's not a whole lot different then Ares. There are some differences but like...it's wild? Apparently, there's like a story where Mars was just born from Juno alone without the help of Zeus, with the help of a flower? ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
Oh boi, if you think being a child of Ares has its stereotypes, just imagine being a child of Mars. Like being the child of Jupiter and Venus, once it comes out that you’re a child of Mars, you’re tacked on the same expectations, respect, and envy that comes with being your godly father’s kid.
After Jupiter, the Romans saw Mars as one of the greatest gods and as a guardian, who brought honour and strength in battle; so you’re going to have a lot of eyes on you where they expect you to be the most honourable and best Roman soldier. And because Mars is the father of Romulus, that only adds to the pressure of being the embodiment of Rome and its values. 
Ironically, not only the people of Rome expect you to be the best honourable and best Roman soldier, they want you to be able to end a battle and fight as swift as possible. Not because to end battles sooner, but to ensure peace faster; as Mars represents military power as a way to secure peace. Now what that peace means is up to interpretation to the Senate, your superiors, and people in general but peace nonetheless.
Unlike Ares, Mars represents the strategy and skill based of warfare, taken away from Athena/Minerva. You’re adept at all kinds of battle but its accepted that each child of Mars and their descendents to have specialised skills of warfare; whether it's spearmanship, battle planning, etc.
However, for all your skills and dexterity, you’re not very good at crafts and the arts. Even if you want to learn how to maintain your weapons, you have to pass those along to more adept hands because Mars is a direct opposite to Minerva, who is known solely as the goddess of crafts and art, which war always tramples upon. Unless it's the Art of War, your hands in the arts are few and far in between. You’re just going to have to appreciate the arts as an audience.
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audreyscribes · 15 days
Author’s Note: 🖖Again, another shorter work due to how abysmally little Romans had for Vulcan compared to other Roman gods so I'll have to pair the Vulcan imagine with his brother Mars. ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
Vulcan’s role is a bit different from Hephaestus where the Romans saw the god as more of a god of Fire and Volcanoes, someone to be fearfully respected like Neptune, rather than the Greeks perceiving Hephaestus as a god of craftsmen and blacksmithing, and being clever. So as a child of Vulcan, you’re seen as someone like you’re a powder keg ready to explode at any time rather than someone who is capable of crafting something beautiful or useful.
As a child/descendent of Vulcan, you’re automatically placed in roles that are anything that has to do with fire and fire safety; believing that you would be just like your godly father where the destruction of fire could happen. Whether or not you have inherited his power of fire or not, it doesn’t matter to the Legion, you’re still assigned to fiery situations because you are a child of Vulcan, so you’re the next best thing. This includes being the one to load and managing the trebuchets, specifically loading fiery boulders to be launched for sieges.
While there is a need for craftsmanship and artisans in Camp Jupiter and New Rome, those spots are usually occupied already and are managed by the Senate, and by legacies of Vulcan and other people as well; thus being very limited and hard to get in. In true fashion, like in Camp, you’re either have to test yourselves to the forges and craftsmen to get in, or hope you have a letter of endorsement. There’s not many chances to show off your craftsmanship and even then unless you have a clear skill for it, you’re not going to be able to have much opportunities as you are still in service to the legion.   People always wonder why the children and legacies of Vulcan are hidden away but like a mountain eruption, it all starts to bubble up and you all show that you can’t keep the people of Vulcan away from creating; showing that all underneath the rock and lava, there are hidden beauties to be unearthed.
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audreyscribes · 16 days
What if a Child of Thanatos and a Child of Hera fell in love? What do you think would happen?
I can't really see anything going wrong with this since aside from their godly parents possibly interfering with their love, it's honestly up to the two. This is regardless which child of who falling in love with another child of who. People fall in love regardless of what they are so to put any constraints of them because they are the child of whom is a mental thing rather than an actual barrier. It's something they have to figure out if its going to be problem or not. All usual relationship things. This is also assuming there's no real actual danger being in love like the child of Thanatos having the touch of death or the Child of Hera unable to get close to anyone. Then again, that's what Aphrodite eats up and hasn't stopped anyone before. May Death Do Them Part I guess
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audreyscribes · 17 days
Author’s Note: Spoilers for the Book SON OF NEPTUNE for those who have not read it yet. I don't know people who haven't read the HEROES OF OLYMPUS are reading this but this work has some references from the book itself so you have been forewarned. ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
Alright, we’ve seen in the book “Son of Neptune” about how the Romans see Neptune very well. So being a child of Neptune or a legacy of Neptune is not going to do any favours; in fact you’re literally better off being off on your own, living by the sea-side, or even just going to Camp Halfblood. Inside and Outside of camp, you can feel eyes following you with intent and disdain for being a blood of Neptune, for different yet similar reasons.
While we know Poseidon is the god of the Sea, Neptune is not only the god of the Sea, but also the God of Fresh Water (with Servius explicitly naming Neptune as the god of rivers, springs,a dn waters); so whether they like it or not, pushing aside the Romans’ downside in seafaring, they still treat Neptune with fearful respect as the God of Fresh Water and horses; both things that are kind of really important to the Romans with the whole need for growing crops and warfare.
So while you’re at Camp Jupiter and New Roman, people still treat you with respect but fearful respect because they don’t want to give you an explicit reason to blow up and cause another earthquake; even though while Neptune, being conflated with Poseidon, children of Neptune have an even lower chance of causing an Earthquake, compared to the children of Poseidon.
With the children of Poseidon who have more broader range with their powers (i.e. the sea, storms, earthquakes), your powers are limited but are more technical. Considering Neptune is only known as the God of the Sea and Fresh Water, your abilities in water are much more powerful and intune. I can imagine you have the chance of being able to turn yourself into water and mist, where if you concentrate hard enough, if a sword is about to slice you in half, it’ll just go through a body of water.
You might get some pushback and some Roman demigods trying to hold back on your status and rank to become a horseback rider and fighter. They know once you have access to a horse, you’re going to be impossible. The Chariot races the Roman hold will be absolutely nothing to you and you’ll be a force to reckon with on the battlefields; regardless of who your cohort is.
Keep your head held up high. You’re a child of Neptune and you’re just as important as everyone. Hold fast and make waves; even the rocks and land will be worn down with the waves hitting them. Do it for all the gods that have been treated fearfully and disrespectfully, do it for the children of those gods and show them why they shouldn’t try and mess with forces they know they can’t wield.
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audreyscribes · 19 days
What powers would you give to a child of Rhea?
Oooof, I’ve been thinking about this for a while so here we go!
Let’s just start off who Rhea is. Her name means “Flow; Ease” and she’s the Titan mother of the gods, goddess of female fertility, motherhood, and generation. Being Kronos’ wife and with her name, she represents the flow of time and generations, alongside with the flow of menstrual blood, birth waters, and milk. She was also the goddess of comfort and ease, and is considered also the Titaness of Protection and Blessing. 
So first and foremost, a child of Rhea would have her ability to induce serenity; as the Titaness of Comfort and Ease, her demigod child would be able to emit feelings of tranquility. This can happen by either an actual power or be inherent personality, seen in Hestia, where they just exude comfort and ease, giving an aura of warmth, comfort, safety, and so forth. Regardless, just because its comfort and ease, personality-wise it doesn’t have to come off as something quiet and composed (though it can very much be). Their personality can be something gruff and tough, but  there is comfort and ease behind a strong persona, like a heavy weighed blanket. 
Though being a demigod, the caveat is that as a power, it can only be attuned if they practice the act of comfort and ease. Something like achieving Inner Peace but with Comfort and Ease. The best way I can put into perspective is like the child of Rhea already exudes comfort and ease but their aura leaks out much like a leaky tap. Only when they come into their power can they let the power of Comfort and Ease flow out of them like getting the stuck tap to flow. Once that’s achieved, I can also imagine their power being used to force their opponents to not fight, in a sense where a child of Hypnos just makes their enemy fall asleep kind of deal, getting their opponents or target to lose their desire to fight. In a better situation, it can be used to keep the peace and ensure communication is exchanged with words and not fists; which if they were at Camp, this would be used so many ways. In most situations, people are drawn to them to just feel at peace.
However, this power is not necessary a good thing to have on all the time. While Comfort and Ease are good things, it is a passive thing and things cannot always be passive. They will have to learn or be forced to allow things to happen and it is inevitable that people will fight one way or another because it is required and there are reasons to fight and be active in. 
Other than that, I can see the child of Rhea picking up the skills to invoke protection and blessings, stuff like having a safe journey, to be healthy, and etc. It’s not powerful and permanent as a god+ blessing, but being a demi-titan?demigod? Of Rhea has some power. Another power they would have is to heal, possibly their speciality in “Curing”; especially harder to heal afflictions, reflecting how Rhea cured Dionysus of madness casted by Hera. I can see the child of Rhea spending most of their time at the Apollo cabin.  There is also the minor perk of being able to befriend felines because Rhea and her lions. Obviously if the child of Rhea has contact with lions, they have their own pride of Lions by their side.
Y’know what their ultimate power is though? Being able to talk back to the First Major 6 Gods and direct children of Rhea, with no consequences (except Hestia, she is their favourite half-sister and reminds them the most of Rhea). Not because they have this power of immunity, but its solely because they’re their half-sibling, and by sibling rite, they are the youngest and able to annoy them and call them out. Of course they shouldn’t nor wouldn’t insult them to their face and blatantly disrespect them, because Rhea raised them better than this but when Zeus is trying to leverage his power as King, you’re allowed to call him out on his pettiness of power.
The direct children of Rhea can’t really do anything because that’s their half-sibling and Rhea would give them the ultimate “I’m not angry, I’m disappointed” which is far more effective than anything. It’s also a bonus they act very much like Rhea so it's really hard to justify doing anything to them; even by Demigod standards. And in turn the child of Rhea treats them like family, albeit with the whole being a demigod and whatnot.  Thus a revolving door of gods asking for them to join them and gaining little favours and payment. Hermes, Apollo, Athena, Ares, Hephaestus, etc. Heck even Zeus has asked politely to come to appeal Hera, and vise-versa.  
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audreyscribes · 22 days
Author’s Note: This was one of the ones I thought of first technically cause Venus is so easily to write for in the Roman sense so it's going to be probably longer cause this was a warm up to get a groove on. ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
Oh gods, you know how many children of Aphrodite can  be conceited with their vanity inflated? and like they act like a celebrity? Yeah, the people of New Rome and Camp Jupiter only feed into that.  
Everyone respects you off the bat or treats you better because of how Venus (well technically Aphrodite) is the ancestor of the Roman people and the foundation of Rome, through her son Aeneas after the fall of Troy, who would eventually lead to the birth of Romulus, and so forth. So being a child of Venus gives you immediate brownie points just like being a child of Jupiter is.
Never has being a child of Venus been such a blessing or curse. On one hand, you’re given a ton of advantages starting in Camp Jupiter, but at the same time, you’re going to have to use your appearance as your armour, using your charms to protect yourself and fight back in the world of politics, and so forth. Like being a child of Jupiter, the Romans have a ton of expectations on you for enforcing and maintaining Roman values, and you being a child of Venus, the ancestress of Rome itself? Yeah, you have a lot on your plate. It doesn’t help once there’s word of a child of Venus and basically all the cohorts will do what is required to get you in, even if it means lying on your reference letter and who is your sponsor. With the first and second cohort being the common perpetrators to maintain their hierarchy and having a child of Venus within their ranks only boosts it. 
While the children of Aphrodite are less compelled to fight, as a child of Venus, you’re more pushed to fight. While both can fight, you have to fight alongside your other legionnaires to maintain morale and more often then not, you’re told to lead. If you’re a good actor, you’re going to be using that your advantage however you want. Be careful in the senate though, Julius Caesar claimed Venus as his mother as well, and we all know how he died on the Ides of March.
However, love is universal so there's not too much of a difference in comparison and it's general less restricting.
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audreyscribes · 22 days
Author’s Note: Out of everyone, writing the Mercury kids was so hard. Not because of what to do but literally Mercury's aspects are so restricted in the sense of how New Rome and Camp Jupiter is run. ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
So unlike Hermes, where the Greeks saw him as crafty, cunning, and resourceful hence the whole trickster aspect, the Romans saw Mercury more of a god of commerce and trade. So as a legacy of Mercury and a child of Mercury himself, there’s more pressure for them to be good with finances and trades, then being a trickster. Especially in a Roman camp where they value discipline, they see tricksters as pranksters and aloof then cunning, therefore believing it is harmful to the integrity and structure of the Roman military and see it as a nonsense; which they will immediately double down anything trickster and doll out punishments to cut off any thought of joking around. If you have a joking personality and whatnot, you have to suppress that part of yourself because once your superiors know you have the blood of Mercury in you, they will be harder on you and the punishments will be unfair.
So don’t be surprised if you see a lot of children of Mercury being the opposite personalities then the children of Hermes. It’s not because it’s inherent, but their environment making them sour and serious. However, like Larry who was sceptical and judgemental and stern in the beginnings of the books, once given the opportunity to be free, he is goofy and lighthearted like their Greek counterparts. Don’t let yourself be squashed by others so you can fit the mould; you’re just as quick footed and free like Hermes and Mercury should be.
Otherwise, everything else seems pretty much the same with Mercury with Hermes. In terms of Roman use though, there’s more emphasis on Mercury children being communicators and on the battlefield, you’re either shouting orders to the legion or you’re running communication lines. If there’s ever a time to see a child of Hermes/Mercury running on the battlefield, it’s this. You’ll be zooming across the battlefield, bopping and weaving through your obstacles with letters and messages in hand. 
And in the senate, the trickster side of Mercury still shines through as your silver tongue allows you to have sway in the meetings, and you remember every meeting because after all, Mercury is still the god of Merchants, Thieves, and Messengers; you remember every transaction regardless its form and you know its value better than anyone.
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audreyscribes · 22 days
What would happen if the child of juno and Jupiter were both the same gender?
*in reference to my Roman Demigod Headcanons for the child of Jupiter [TUMBLR] and Juno [TUMBLR]
Nothing really. Sure there's going to be some push-back, but it's like a small percentage and at the same time like, it's not really a whole big, immense deal as a collective? Like considering, if you look back in Ancient Rome, evidence of homosexuality* or same gender/sex partners relationships* was present. So jumping to the timeline of camp Jupiter and New Rome, in the 2010s and forward especially? Absolutely not a problem. So basically if the child of Juno and Jupiter were both the same gender, and were in a relationship together, it's fine.
I did write the imagines in a gender neutral format and this also applies to relationships; and I did write the match-ups in mind for all kind of relationships including the LGBTQ+. So no need to feel panic or restrained in reading my works.
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