aureumregion · 8 months
@lagranianzero so I'm trying to make a fanregion again. this one's based on an older idea, and I actually had family in the irl location it's based off of, so... hopefully it sticks.
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aureumregion · 8 months
all my fanregions: dead
me remembering I made a New England one a while back: okay but what if I brought that back
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aureumregion · 11 months
fuck it, regional variants time for some of my faves
Shinx line: pure dark.
Sewaddle line: either pure fairy or fairy/bug.
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aureumregion · 11 months
"AGIAS!" Sprocket chirps loudly, from right behind Mike. He's got a big goofy grin on his face.
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Mike jumps a bit, but then turns around to greet the strange pokemon.
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"Uh, hi! I don't think I've seen anyone quite like you before!"
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aureumregion · 11 months
She needs a name and faceclaim but cackles in also having an idea for the villain of the region.
Basically? Former champion. She's unhinged as hell, and wants to find one of the Legendaries to get revenge on those who "wronged her", mostly Amber and the League Chair (who I'll come up with later) for replacing her.
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aureumregion · 11 months
Like for a starter! I'll probably randomize if you don't specify, or default to Amber, idk
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aureumregion · 11 months
Legendaries - Grizilly and Grizerious
Grizilly - Fairy - The Comedy Pokemon
Those who have gone into the woods for fun swear they have seen this pokemon at least once. Many professionals dismiss these claims, simply thinking it's an elaborate prank to make people look for a weird-looking Ursaring.
Grizerious - Ghost - The Tragedy Pokemon
Those who have wound up lost in the woods swear they caught a glimpse of this pokemon. Many professionals believe that these claims are due to a sense of paranoia that the Ursaring in the woods are going to attack them.
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aureumregion · 11 months
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"Sorry guys, the party can't start until Kesha gets here."
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aureumregion · 11 months
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"If we're to believe Taylor Swift's Love Story, Romeo Montague is the original himbo."
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aureumregion · 1 year
Aureum's Sableye's gems are golden nuggets instead. Its type goes from dark/ghost to steel/ghost. It's basically the mascot of the Aureum League, as well, due to its association with gold.
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aureumregion · 1 year
okay but now I wanna come up with some dumb convergent species/regional forms
...name a pokemon base form and i'll come up with something for it, ig
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aureumregion · 1 year
Amber's pretty skinny, but has some lean muscle from exploring so much by foot. She's gotten more used to flying taxis since becoming champion, but if she's feeling adventurous, she'll walk to wherever she's planning on going.
...And possibly make a few sight-seeing stops on the way, but she plans accordingly.
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aureumregion · 1 year
"Man, it's been really freaking hot lately."
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"All the more reason to go to the beach!"
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aureumregion · 1 year
me: what if instead of a ghost type eeveelution, we got a ghost type convergent species of eevee named eeree
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aureumregion · 1 year
"I guess when you put it like that, yeah." Amber chuckled, as well. "I gotta give myself more credit."
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"So, the environment is well maintained." She seems pleased with this information. "That's cool! I'll have to check it out, at some point! I'm sure one of my elites would be happy to hear about the music scene, too."
"Ain't that something?" Jesse chuckled, crossing his arms. "This is my fourth year actually."
"If that's the case, I'm definitely going to like it here, now."
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Jesse then hummed at Amber's question. "I think I'm a little biased since I live there but I'd be happy to answer."
He continued, "For one thing, pretty much everyone there is really friendly. I've seen people go out of their way to help others plenty of times. It's diverse, too. You got folks from all over coming here to visit or stay."
"The region itself is pretty big and we take try our best to care of the environment and all the Pokémon that live there. Plenty of sightseeing you can do. The food is delicious, and our culture...we're really big on the arts, especially music."
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aureumregion · 1 year
League members to add:
Finnegan - Water type user, probably gym leader
Clyde - Flying type user, probably elite
Currently unnamed bug gym leader
Currently unnamed ground type elite
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aureumregion · 1 year
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"I just think he's neat."
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